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Everything posted by JimiWiggy11
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Times New Roman]Mitsurugi was not exactly skilled at reading and writing the language of English yet, so when it cam to solving the riddle he was no help. Sure, he could speak the language just fine, but he would rather have been kicking someone's ass instead. [COLOR=DarkGreen]" Ahh .. my head hurts moogle. I thank you Mr. Johnson for solving that riddle, you must truly be a genious " said Mitsurugi, who was being absolutely serious.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]" No problem dawg, it's all cool. I wouldn't call myself head smart, but I damn well know the streets. I's been to Liberty City before, part of a lil' thang me and my bruthas was kookin up."[/COLOR] Mitsurugi smiled at Carl, not having a damn clue what he just said. Mitsurugi looked around at the rest of the team. There was who he assumed to be a [I]man[/I] in some kind of orange and red space suit, he had heard that this persons name was Samus. This Samus person had a very large gun where his/her hand should have been, and the thing that Mitsurugi hated most in the world were people who used unholy weapons such as guns. He would have to get used to it though, because there was another guy wearing a red coat who did use a sword, but also had two guns in his possession. Mitsurugi had heard that his name was Dante. Mitsurugi was intrigued by the woman in the red dress, probably because she was the only grown women on the team. She also had a gun holstered next to her thigh, and Mitsurgi began to wonder if everyone on his team besides him used one. He then looked towards little Xiaoyu, who was bouncing up and down while she was standing still. She was the only one on the team besides Carl who was not showing a weapon in plain sight, and this led Mitsurugi to think about what she used. One by one they started to enter the transporter that would take them to their new home, Liberty Towers. Carl had told Mitsurugi that he had been there before, and would be able to show the rest of the team the way around town. All of his teamates had already entered the teleporter, so Mitsurugi patiently took a few steps and said, " The war begins ", and then stepped inside.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Navy]Mitsurugi looked around his temporary hotel room. It was not the greatest place in the world to be living, but it was all he could afford. He had sent an application for that new Survivor show, but he doubted they would need a washed-up samurai. At just about that time Mitsurugi received a package with the label " OtakuBoards Survivor: Game On!" on it, and this made Mitsurugi very happy. He wondered why the parcel was so large, so he proceeded to tear it open, samurai-style. "What the hell? Another sword? My sword can cut through metal .. why would I want this piece of garbage?" Mitsurugi then read the letter, and he understood why a [COLOR=DarkRed]Red Sword[/COLOR] had been sent to him. The letter told him that he had been accpeted as one of the participants of the show, and that this [COLOR=DarkRed]Red Sword[/COLOR] was very important and that he needed to bring it with him to their meeting place, the CPU. Mitsurugi was very excited to have been excepted into the contest. He put on his best clothes (the ones he currently wears during his 1p costume in Soul Calibur III) and washed himself thouroughly, not wanting to offend any of the other contestants. He gathered his sword and some of his other belongings and placed them in a bag, and then left his hotel room and forgot to pay due to his own excitement. He headed off to the CPU and made it their several days later, considering he had trouble finding it because he was not much of a tech head. Mitsurugi finally found the CPU place and entered it, and was greeted by an overly-happy Mog. [COLOR=DarkGreen]"Welcome Mitsurugi, glad you could join us * kupo*. The other contestants currently here are Carl Johnson, Pacman, Lara Croft, Krystal, Samus Aran, Yuna, Kuja, Ada Wong, Mario, and Ling Xaioyu. I could tell you about them, but you should really meet them all for yourself. We are still awaiting seven other contestants, so no need to rush."[/COLOR] "I thank you bunny-man, you have truly reinvigorated the spirit of Mitsurugi. May I ask what this means?" Mitsurugi held out the [COLOR=DarkRed]Red Sword[/COLOR]. "[COLOR=DarkGreen]You'll find out *kupo*. Mingle."[/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Seems that Eddie Guerrero died this morning; the cause of death is either still unknown or is not being told by his family or the WWE. He was found dead in his hotel room in Minneapolis this morning, and all that I can say is .. damn. This was something I never expected to happen .. pay your respects for the man known as Latino Heat here. Eddie, you were a great competitor. I don't know how you died, or why you died, but I do know that Latino Heat will live on in the heart's or millions of people; all around the world. " I lie, I cheat, I steal." Here are some more details coming out in regards to Eddie Guerrero's premature passing. Eddie had breakfast this morning with his brother Chavo Guerrero and at least one more wrestler. Afterwards, Eddie returned to his hotel room. When Eddie hadn't come out of his hotel room in the expected amount of time, friends went looking for him and they found him dead in his hotel room. The police were quickly called at around 7:30 a.m. local time. Attempts were made to revive him, but they couldn't summon Eddie back to life. Eddie Guerrero's sudden death has blindsided everyone in World Wrestling Entertainment. Numerous wrestlers are shocked and numb from this dramatic turn of events. Tonight is a WWE Supershow where they do combined tapings for Raw and Smackdown because WWE is set to go overseas immediately afterwards for a long two week trip. WWE has decided to make both the Raw and Smackdown shows, tribute shows to Eddie. The usual format for the shows has been changed to incorporate tributes to Eddie. These shows will probably be similar to the Owen Hart Raw tribute shows in May 1999. Also, WWE.com immediately edited some things on the website due to his death. There was a big banner on the WWE.com television shows page earlier this morning featuring a collage of Smackdown wrestlers teaming up at Survivor Series in the interpromotional match. It has since edited off for a simple banner of the Raw logo. Also, the little arrows thing on the front page of WWE.com where you flip through previews of all the the top stories suddenly doesn't work. Eddie Guerrero's profile is still up on WWE.com, although, it's been modified a bit. Now it features a big R.I.P. banner.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Sign Up OtakuBoards Survivor: Game On! <rated PG with fantasy violence>
JimiWiggy11 replied to Sandy's topic in Theater
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=Olive][B]Mog:[/B] So, * kupo * what is your name sir? * kupo *[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]???:[/B] My name is Mitsurugi. Remember it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Olive][B]Mog:[/B] Don't worry, I will. * kupo * Do you happen to have a picture with you Mr. Mitsurugi?? * kupo *[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Mitsurugi:[/B] Of course, I am always prepared for battle. [URL=http://img431.imageshack.us/img431/5541/mitsurugi6em.jpg]This is one of my favorite pictures of myself.[/URL][/COLOR] [COLOR=Olive][B]Mog:[/B] That's a great picture * kupo * Can you you tell em some of the other companies you've been affiliated with?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Mitsurugi:[/B] I've been in all three Soul Calibur games, and that's pretty much it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Olive][B]Mog:[/B] What type of game is this Soul Calibur you speak of? * kupo *[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Mitsurugi:[/B] It's a fighting game Moogle!! That's what Mitsurugi is best at. Hey .. Stop crying!![/COLOR] [COLOR=Olive][B]Mog:[/B] Sorry Mr. Mitsurugi, you scared me .. * kupo kupo * Can you tell me a little about yourself?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Mitsurugi:[/B] Well of course I can, little one. I hail from feudal Japan, and how I made it here is even a mystery to me. I spend most of my time searching for the heavenly sword Soul Calibur, which will help me finally destroy the evil sword Soul Edge once and for all.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Olive][B]Mog:[/B] Well ... that's just wonderful. * kupo * I don't see why anyone would * kupo * would want an evil sword hanging around .. is that something your good at? *kupo*[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Mitsurugi:[/B] I am Mitsurugi! I am a master swordsman, who is triumphed by no man. The king of hell is not even a match for my blade. I can defeat a man who uses the dishonest ways of the rifle, and leave them crying for their mothers.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Olive][B]Mog:[/B] Wow .. you sound like quite a team player. * kupo * Why do you wanna join this show anyway Mr. M?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Mitsurugi:[/B] I need a good fight. I haven't been satisfied in a noble battle in many years, and I hope that this ocntest is finally my chance to hone my skills as a swordsman.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Olive][B]Mog:[/B] Now, that's just wonderful * kupo *. Sorry folks, but that's all the time we have for today's * kupo * interview. Tune in again soon.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Times New Roman]OOC: Sorry guys, my computer has been screwing up, but now it's all good. By the way Starwind, Royce is a man, not a woman. Honest mistake. I'm gonig to have to do a little backtracking in my post .. [I]Royce smirked when that big goof Mordock finally went down. He had to admit that he had gotten a little banged up from the aftershock of the fight, but he was able to walk. He wasn't suprised that when the dust settled he, Gavin, and Kimi weren't standing in the cave anymore. Royce's trench coat fluttered in the sandstorm caused by the desert now surrounding them; which was a pretty frikin big desert. He slowly came to and looked over to Kimi, who had already woken up. He grabbed his head and scratched it, not really knowing what to do next. That's when they met Matt and the others .. and one thing led to another and Royce was suddenly walking through the portal to get to the demon Sachiel; who had killed his own brother and taken the girl Suki captive.[/I] [COLOR=Navy]"This should be fun .. guess now's a better time than any."[/COLOR] [I]Royce looked around after he had walked through the portal, unfamiliar with his surroundings. He stayed silent and started to walk towards Sachiel's lair, and then wasn't suprised when he found the man called Gavin fighting Sachiel. He had just gotten there when Gavin's attack was sent back hurling towards him, and because Royce did not know what was going on so he sprinted and pushed Gavin out of the way of the attack. He pushed Gavin pretty hard and accidently knocked him down, and then when Gavin realized what the hell had happened he started to yell at Royce.[/I] [COLOR=Gray]"What are you doing? Your ruining our plan you fool!! Maybe if you showed up on time you would know what was going on!!" said Gavin, with a scowl on his face.[/COLOR] [I]Royce didn't have time to answer, because Matt was already attacking Sachiel.[/I][/FONT]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Times New Roman]The greatest wrestler in Smackdown today, Jay Reso, has quit. As Outlaw already pointed out; our buddy Christian has quit the WWE. Is there a reason to live anymore? Maybe he'll move over to TNA. TNA shoots most of their shows in Florida, the current home state of Christian. He could wrestle a few matches a week, but mostly spend time with his family. [U]RIP Christian[/U] - 1999-2005[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Times New Roman][I]Royce looked at Gavin and then to Kimi .. and smiled. He then looked over to Mordock and started to laugh like a mad man.[/I] "Executioner huh? I was hoping you were our flight attendant" said Royce, but no one else seemed to laugh. Royce assumed it was a stupid joke to them .. but he chuckled anyway. [I]At that moment, Royce whipped his shotgun from its holster and slowly pointed it at Mordock, the barrel gleaming in the light of the sun. He had to admit that this Mordock fella was one big lizard, but it did not affect him mentally. Royce began to charge spirit energy into the gun, and while he did this his eyes began to glow a dark purple. This was not demonic energy that was pulsating in his eyes .. oh no. This was the energy he had worked for for so many years, so many injuries were sustained while he worked on it. But now he had perfected the technique, and his spirit energy was very high. The barrel of the shotgun started to glow a dark blue; due to the energy swirling inside it.[/I] At that moment Royce screamed, " After this attack Gavin, I want you to finish him off. You can help to Kimi, but it is not nesesscary. " [I]A gigantic ball of dark blue aura shot out from the barrel of the shotgun, and for a moment nothing could be seen but a piercing blue light. After the light faded, Mordok was still standing, but about 75% of his rock hard scales were blasted into oblivion; leaving only the putrid flesh below. [/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Heads up to you guys .. I think we're talking about the best ANIME villian, not the best video game villian. I'm pretty sure this isn't the place to be talking about video game villians, but if the moderator doesn't mind than i'll just shut my mouth. I think that the biggest villian/villians in all of anime has to be Haruko from Fooly Cooly. Now you're probably saying to yourself that i'm crazy; that she tried to help Noata and friends by saving their pathetic little town, but hear me out. So, here's how it goes. Noata is just a small little kid in Elementary school; one year away from going into Junior High. He's pretty much getting some from his older brother's ex-girlfriend, and his life is not very complicated. Then all of a sudden .. BAM. He's hit by the evil Vespa woman, and his life is forever changed. She ruins his relationship with Mamimi, his father, and that guy with the huge eyebrows .. who he only met because of Haruko. She seduces young Noata to do her bidding, and it's never to help himself. It's always to help her. She never once thinks of how it will affect Noata, or anyone else in Mabase. She's doing it all for Artemis. In my opinion .. that's pretty darn conceded. And evil. Now .. Haruko might not be the most evil villian of all time .. or even close, but she will always go down in my books as one mean biatch.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][I]Royce was ignored by Matt and Suki, so he sighed and went back to sit on the bench. All these years of working with Matt, and the kid didn't even recognize him. It was an honest mistake; however, considering that Matt and Royce hadn't seen eachother in a few years. Royce had been on an espionage mission for Koenma, traversing his way through the demon world for clues as to why they had been so quite recently. This Kahu is obviously who the demon's have been planning to use all along, and it angered Royce that he was not able to figure this out sooner. As Royce watched more and more people come into the train station, he could easily spot who his team members would be. He smiled as he listened to Matt and Suki fight, but then he became worried when Ali showed up and started to talk to Matt. Ali and Matt never really got along, and they would not tell anyone why. Matt suddenly dissapeared in front of Royce's eyes, and he had to blink a few times to make sure he was seeing right.[/I] "Did that kid just dissapear? I must be getting old .. when did he learn something like that?" [I]Royce once again sighed .. he was the oldest human on the case. He decided that it was just about time to round up whoever was already at the train station. Royce pulled a piece of cardboard and a marker out of his trenchcoat and began to scribble on the board, and then stood up on the bench and held up the sign.[/I] [COLOR=DarkGreen]" All detectives meet here."[/COLOR] Royce looked around and waited for the others to notice him.[/SIZE][/COLOR] OOC: By the way guys .. let's try to get a little color coded here. When you just type in one big block in all the same color, it's very hard to read it and know who's talking. Other than that, good job everyone![/FONT] :catgirl:
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy][I]Royce looked around Koenma's office and smiled, remembering the many stories he has heard about the artifacts in the room. The smile faded; however, when Koenma began to speak.[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Royce, i'm glad you came. We're in quite the pickle at the moment" said Koenma, the two foot tall pacifier-sucking brat.[/COLOR] "I'm glad to help Koenma, but what's the problem? We've been case free for an entire month now .. I guess something bad was bound to happen." [I]Koenma told Royce all about Kahu and his mischevious plans. The muscles in Royce's neck started to bulge as he heard the story, and he gladly accepted the mission.[/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Now as you know, Kahu will not be easily dealt with. We're sending a team of rookies and demons, and even that may not be enough. We're also sending along Matt; just in case you guys get in any trouble, " said Koenma, who had a big grin in his face.[/COLOR] "The more the merrier Koenma .. I gladly accept. If you see Botan then tell her to come speak with me so I know where i'm going. " [COLOR=DarkRed]Koenma said, " Botan is gathering up our other members at the moment, so she is rather busy. I will be telling you what you need to be doing. For now you will go to the train station and wait for your team members, and Botan will brief you from there."[/COLOR] "That's fine sir. Thank you very much, and I will not let you down. " [I]Royce left Koenma's office with a wide grin on his face. In due time he made his way to the train station and sat on one of the many benches; awaiting his companions.[/I] [I]Royce looked around the train station and saw Matt, but he also saw someone fighting Matt. Royce rushed to stand between Matt and the girl, unsheathing his sword, looking down upon this strange girl.[/I] " What's going on here?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Well .. since no one is joining my rpg this sounds like a great way to kill some time, and I also am a big fan of Yu Yu Hakusho. [U]Name-[/U] Royce Athlazar [U]Age-[/U] 32 [U]Gender-[/U] Male [U]Race-[/U] Human [U]Personailty-[/U] One bad muthah truckah, but is always glad to help out his companions [U]Weapons-[/U] Spirit Sword and Spirit Shotgun [I]Spirit Sword[/I]- a somewhat weaker version of Kuwabara's Spirit Sword technique, Royce only uses it as a last necessity. He uses an actual physical sword for this, and just wraps his spirit energy around the sword like a barrier of sorts; much like Kuwabara did before he could make the sword from nothing. He is still honing this melee technique, and will eventually get better at it with time. [I]Spirit Shotgun-[/I] This technique is absolutlely nothing like Yusuke's spirit shotgun. Royce carries around a double barrel 12-gauge shotgun, ala the boomstick from the Evil Dead movies. Royce does not shoot out bullets however, but instead shoots out balls of spirit energy; much like bullets. The spirit energy is much more effective than actual lead bullets, and has earned Royce quite a reputation among the other marksmen of the Spirit Detectives. [U]Appearance-[/U] Royce is very tall, about 6 feet 8 inches and is about average build. He is very intimidating to be around unless you know him, and that is very rarely the case. He has short, silver hair and wears a pair of sunglasses all the time. everytime. He wears a dark blue trenchcoat over a tight black muscle shirt and baggy black pants, and wears a size 15 pair of brown cammando boots. He has his sword strapped to his back and his shotgun in a holster that is attached to his hip, for easy access to both. He wears black cut-off biker gloves, and has a bad habit to smoke to much. [U]Bio-[/U] Royce has never told anyone about his past, nor has he ever told anyone that he is actually only a human; except for Koenma of course. He was brought into the ranks of the Spirit Detectives in his early 20's due to his acute knowledge of spirit energy, and he was then taught how to properly harness his energy. He never liked using his spirit energy without the use of weapons, so he trained to harness his energy into his actual guns. He became a skilled marksmen, and over time was moved up the ranks until he was teaching the rookies the ropes. He had heard about a new mission that Koenma needed some help with, so he decided to drop by to see what is up.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]Ok .. now i'm not sure if there is already a wrestling rpg on this board, or if there has been one in the past, but there is going to be now. I've been apart of many other successful wrestling rpg's on many other boards, but i've always been a competitor, and not the owner. Now is my turn. Here's the story -- [I]The WWE has been at the top of the wrestling ratings since WCW was bought out. It seems as if nothing can stop the promotion, and even TNA has been put out of business from lack of interest. Ted Turner decides that now would be a great time to fund another wrestling promotion, and he decides to give the reigns to his nephew Jimi Freund. Jimi had been training to be a wrestler all of his life, and now he was getting the oppurtunity to own his own promotion. There are many people he can choose to rise his promotion to the top, but he wants a promotion full of fresh new faces.[/I] So that's the story. It's fairly simple, and the story will pretty much progress as we go on. I'm still not sure if you guys will write your own matches or if I will write them for you, i'm gonna need so feedback as to what I should do. I was looking over at some other peoples old wrestling rpg's, and I like the idea that Monster had of a stat sheet, so I'm gonna steal it. Sorry. [U]You can use only 30 points[/U] Strength: ( How strong your wrestler is ) Charisma: ( How over with the crowd your wrestler is ) Technique: ( Your ability in the ring ) Submission: ( How well you can use submission skills ) Hardcore: ( If your wrestler can shed some blood ) Endurance: ( The toughness of your wrestler, and how long they can stay in a match ) [U]Here's the sign-up sheet:[/U] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrestler's real name: Wrestler's In-ring name: Wreslter's Height: Wreslter's Weight: Sex: Wrestlier's Finishing Move/Moves: ( I want an explanation of what the move is ) Face/Heel: A descriptive description of what he/she looks like: Stats: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When enough people sign-up .. at least 10! .. we'll start out this new promotion. I hope that it can be successful, and if anyone has anymore questions you can PM me. Believe me, this rpg will get aaa llloooooottt more in depth then what I'm describing.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Hopefully this doesn't count as a double post, I mean nobody has responded to me in over a month or so and i've been on vacation. A lot of things have happened to the WWE since my last post. Who here saw SummerSlam? If anyone didn't see it, then here are the results - Benoit d. Orlando Jordan for the United States Championship Edge d. Matt Hardy Rey Mysterio d. Eddie Gurrero for custody of Dominick Kurt Angle d. Eugene to for his gold medals Randy Orton d. The Undertaker John Cena d. Chris Jericho Batista d. JBL Hulk Hogan d. Shawn Michaels So that's the results. Do with them what you will. I have to say that my favorite match of the night had to be Rey vs. Eddie in the ladder match because of al lthe big bumps both men took. Now, I know these bumps were accidents .. but they were killer. Eddie messed up twice trying to give Rey a rolling powerbomb off of the ladder, but it was still devastating. Who else is suprised that Matt Hardy lost his match to Edge? I already have pretty much given up on cheering for Matt, because the story bores me now. OH MY GOD!! Chris Jericho got fired last night. I know he'll be back eventually, but it will be strange not having the Iatola of Rock'n Rolla not present at Raw. I think Jericho is a much better wrestler than John Cena in terms of skill, but it looks to me like Jericho might need to repackage his gimmick. This is kind of off topic .. but can anyone also expalin to me why my font size looks like it's normal size even though I have it at one? [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]Code Name / Call Sign: Royce Gender (If Applicable): Male Location: New York City Age: 23 Personal Appearance (Images are acceptable): 6'3'' , messy dark blonde hair, bright blue eyes. Has a scar that goes from his bottom lip to his chest. Wears a dark blue t-shirt that says " Silence " on it in comicbook-style letters, and he also wears long black denim shorts. Wears combat boots and has green rope tied around his wrist. Personality/Behavior: Can't back away from a fight even if he wants to, he's usually down to earth and dioesn't pay much attention to anything unless it's important. He's a woman lover! Personal History: Born and raised in New York City, his uncle was a member of the Mafia and soon helped his nephew climb up the ranks of the Family. Royce became skilled with all typed of firearms, but he always favored a shotgun over a rocket launcher. He got the scar on his face and chest from some crazy Yakuza protecting his family, but it got Royce thinking about what he was doing. He left the mob soon after and became a man of the people, shooting his way into the Legionnires. Special Skills or Abilities: Is an expert marksman, but has a wierd chance of frequently running into danger. Player?s Availability (How often will you be able to post? There is no such thing as too much or too little): Pretty much everyday, I start school the 23rd of August though. Which Otaku Thread Rating Do You Expect Your Posts To Fall Under? (E - Everyone, PG - Parental Guidance, M - Mature): sometimes pg.. but mostly M[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]I understand what you guys are saying, but I guess in a way I also don't. I'm one of the lucky few who have never really been bullied at all, and I'm only a 5'3'' male in 10th grade. When someone tries to pick on me I very quickly make sure that they know if I ever hear anything bad about me coming from their mouth I'll break it, and I've never even been in any fights at school. For some reason everyone just respects me, and I respect everyone else. My school isn't really a school full of bullies, but their are plenty of people who hate each other. Nobody is really bullied though, but this is a school where half of the 'jocks' play Yu-Gi-Oh cards with the 'nerds' during band class. Me and my friends stick to bullying each other, but it's usually just all in fun. We've never started a fight over it or anything like that. I guess that's just me.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Sorry I haven't posted .. been busy. Anyways .. I don't think the Matt Hardy incident on Raw was a work. At first I did when Matt basically speared Edge into the metal door, but when he jumped Edge after his match and J.R. and the King said absolutely nothing I knew something was up. I'm still not much of a Matt fan, but I do feel bad for about what happened to him.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]SmackDown is taped on Tuesdays and aired on Thursdays, so the WWE did not know what was going to happen in London. That's why they had the many warning signs throught the program, and that actually might cut some heat off of the WWE. I'm not saying that it wasn't wrong that they did that, but they had a legitamate reason. They tried to cut it out of the program, but it was to much work to soon for the .. tape guys I guess. Anyway, i'm going to have to say that my favorite wrestler right now has got to be Christian. I like the push that he is getting from the WWE, and his mic skills have been above average lately. He could still use a little work in the ring, but I think I see a title reign in the future for Christian and his peeps.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]I'm very suprised to see that there is no thread about World Wrestling Entertainment and the many going-ons within it. Unless of course there already is .. but I checked and could not find one. Anyway .. I guess the most recent topic would be the WWE firing 18 of their superstars, which I will list and talk about individually. [U]Bubba Dudley and D-Von Dudley[/U]- I'm suprised that the Dudley Boyz got the can from Vince, but I've read that the Dudleys couldn't come to a money agreement with Vince. A shame to .. they were one of my favorite tag teams. [U]Joy Giovanni[/U]- I hadn't really seen Joy in a while anyway, except for that show on G4TV. I thought she was one of the better looking Divas to ... [U]Kenzo Suzuki[/U]- I'm not going to lie .. I wasn't a big fan of old Kenso. His wrestling was below average, but I also feel bad because I heard he had developed some kind of cancer recently. [U]Hiroko[/U]- Is she really Kenso's wife? [U]Matt Morgan[/U]- Matt's release suprised me because he had actually appeared recently on SmackDown, but I guess the stuttering giant wasn't what the WWE was looking for. [U]Charlie Haas[/U]- I thougt that Hass was one of the better technical wrestlers on SmackDown, and his recent marriage to Miss Jackie made me think that the both of them would be back soon on SmackDown. Guess not. [U]Jackie Gayda[/U]- Umm .. yah. [U]Marty Jannetty[/U]- He was contracted to the WWE? I heard he was fired due to a recent arrest for a D.U.I. [U]Dawn Marie[/U]- The WWE wanted some younger divas, ala the Diva Search Contest. Dawn was pushing 33 .. put two and two together. [U]Mark Jindrak[/U]- Jindrak could not get over with the crowds .. so I guess the "Reflection of Perfection" was canned. [U]Maven[/U]- I hated Maven. He was a crappy wrestler. End of story. [U]Shannon Moore[/U]- The Prince of Punk is no more. I wasn't really a fan of Shannon Moore, but I feel bad he was released. [U]James Yun[/U]- Akio is another one of the many Cruiserweights that have been canned in the last week, what a shame. [U]Gangrel[/U]- Gangrel disappeared for a few months again after a one day stint .. not much to say about him. [U]Billy Kidman[/U]- Billy's release must be hard on his wife, Torrie Wilson. Now she won't get to see her husband very often .. I hope she doesn't quit too. :( [U]Spike Dudley[/U]- Spike was also gone from the main Cruiserweight scene for quite awhile, so I guess it was inevitable. No love for the Dudleys? [U]Kevin Fertig[/U]- Mordecai is his wrestling name .. hasn't been on in almost a year. don't care really .. Anyway .. SmackDown is on right now, so I'll be back on later. Please .. reply back about how you feel about the recent firings or any other WWE related thing.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]Name: Royce Age: 25 Gender: Male Weapon(s): A large axe called Ramos Rune(s): Fire Physical Description: A hulking man with muscles that ripple out of his uniform, he is a leiutenant in the Harmonian Army. He has worn a bandanna tied around his large forehead since he was a child, these reasons unknown. Basically.. he's just a large, muscular man. Personality: Believes in Hikusaak's cause and will stop at nothing to help his master in his quest for the True Runes. Though .. he still does have his own set of morals and will justly stand up for what he believes is right. History: Royce was born in Harmonia, raised in Harmonian, and at a young age was put in the Harmonian army by his father. He has moved up the ranks in the army by showing brute strength and a never say die attitude, which has earned him great respect among the other men in the army. Other: Royce was given his Fire rune as a commemeration of his skills on the battlefield, but he has yet to actually master its abilities. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Sounds pretty cool to me, i've always wanted to try a Suikoden Rpg. Great backround story, it has a lot of history behind it. Iwas wondering which runes we can have .. true runes or just support runes?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]That's perfect! Thanks very much Revue, you have my thanks![/COLOR] ;) [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]I've not had a banner since I joined, so I figure this would be a good time to finally get one. I would like the banner to have a picture of Tofu from Resident Evil 2 , use the picture from my avatar if you want. I would like the backround to have a dark tone to it .. wouldn't be much of a Resident Evil banner if the colors were all rainbowy would it? It would also be cool if someone could put in the words " Tofu Survivor " somewhere, with some kind of Gothic font. I can wait if need be. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][B]Does the game pick up and get a lot more interesting?[/B] Let's see .. I haven't played the game for a couple of months, but from what I remember it picks up somewhat. This is one of the more slow moving RPG's out there, but it's still worth a playthrough for any hardcore Suikoden fan. [B]Does this game has interesting characters?[/B] Some of the characters are interesting.. but most are not. I don't want to bash the characters in this game, but I can't actually remember any of the characters besides the main characters in the game, unlike previous Suikodens where I could name all 108 Stars of Destiny. [B]Does this game have cool and original runes?[/B] The most original rune in the game is the Punishment Rune.. but I won't tell you who has it unless you already know. The animations for the runes are pretty good, but once again I can't really recall many of the main runes in the game. There's another rune you get later in the game that's one of the best in my opinion, and the game is worth playing through just to get it. [B]I beat Suikoden 3 without a guide can I beat this one without the guide?[/B] I personally tried to look for all 108 Stars of Destiny myself and found only seventy of them, so I would recommend maybe going to GameFAQs or something like that for the recruits you can't find. The story is pretty much straight-forward for a Suikoden game, and the many times you have to sail on the boat gets very boring very quickly. Don't forget that holding R1 makes the ship go faster, as does it makes you run faster! I know it sounds like i'm saying Suikoden 4 is a crappy game, but I actually enjoyed it enough to play through it again. Beating the game is a reward in itself.. you'll see what I mean later.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen]Sorry sorry .. I couldn't figure out how to change my topic title. By RE I mean "Resident Evil" , and I know that it has nothing to really do with anime but I would appreciate it if you could give it a try for me. :animeswea [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1] I was wondering if someone could make me a signature banner that has something to do with RE .. I'm not going to be very picky about it. I would like a picture of Tofu .. use the picture from my avatar if you need to, and I would like words to say "Tofu Survivor". [/SIZE] [/COLOR]