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Everything posted by JimiWiggy11

  1. [SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkGreen]" Yah .. same to you I guess. So why does that monster's name look all garbled? Is it one of those databugs that people are taling about?" said James.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]" Kind of, but not exactly. You said you were teleported to this area right?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]" Yup .. why? " James said with a puzzled look.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]" Because all players coming to this area are teleported over there .. but you suddenly appeared over here. Are you lying to me about something?" said Mint with a glare.[/COLOR] [B]Realizing that his cover might be blown .. James quickly logged out of the area and returned to Mac Anu. He thought that he should find this Koji guy at the event tonight .. and talk with him about there unique abilities.[/B] [I]OOC: Sorry it took me so long to reply .. i've been pretty busy with school lately.[/I][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1] [B]A day later James finally once again logged into The World, and was once again bored out of his mind. He was going around harrassing players until the sign for the event was posted.[/B] [I]Players are all welcome to a fun game that they can win to win a free item. It can be any item but only one. It will start tonight. Please join this spectacular event! Sincerely, The CCCorp[/I] [B]Realizing that this was his chance to finally make himself realized as a threat in The World, he decided to practice his fighting skills for a while in some random area. When he got there he fought a couple of lowly monsters, but what caught his eye was that in the distance he saw three players fighting a huge monster he had never seen before. He did not feel like taking the time to run there, so he hacked into the sytem and placed himself next to the battle site. This caught Mint by suprise, and she almost fell backwards but she caught herself before she fell.[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]" Umm ... did you just get teleported here? ," said Mint.[/COLOR] [B]Not wanting to reveal he was hacker, James quickly came up with a lie. [/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]" No .. I was teleported here when I warped to this area .. * cough cough *. Do you know what the name of that monster is?"[/COLOR] [B]OOC: I don't know what else to say.. take it from here Innocent! ^^[/B][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1] [B]After a long period of not playing [I]The World[/I] due to being grounded by his mother, James finally put on his virtual headset and logged in.[/B] [B]Username: PlayerKilla Password: ******[/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]After he logged in, James checked his mail and saw that he had a letter from some guy named Koji. It said to meet him at the bridge in Mac Anu (?) in a hour. That message was sent to him almost 3 days ago, so he just shrugged it off and logged into Mac Anu. There was nothing going on, so he went to buy some items .. well .. more like steal them by hacking into the Merchants files and transfering whatever he needed to himself. James sometimes regretted being a hacker, but he always found a reason to change his own mind. James went around to different dungeons and leveled up, but he was already at a remotely high level. He could have just easily hacked into the system and maxed out all of his own stats, but he needed some reason to enjoy this game. He started to think about the e-mail he got from Koji, and then logged out after being told by his mother to take out the garbage.[/COLOR] [B]OOC: Sorry it took me so long to finally start up, I kinda forgot I signed up for it. It's pretty cool so far though, so lets keep it up! ^^[/B] [/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]My Sign Up: Name : James Age: 16 Who Are you: Hacker Weapon: None Sign-up Name: PlayerKilla Appearance: Has the same character model as Sora, but has a bright red bandanna and blue hair. His clothes are also the same as Sora's, but instead black with yellow tribal markings all around them.[/SIZE]
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