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Everything posted by Takuuya-Hora
[COLOR=Plum]A vision of fire flashed before Kyirii's eyes, "Something's not right....Kuro....." Kyirii Broke out in a run and bumped into Sare. "Oh..Sorry..sorry ..." [I]I've seen her face before...but were?...Maybe on lowne?..That means..She can help She must be a kight!![/I] Kyirii begain to get weak and he almost fell but sare held him up. "...Are you ok" "No I need your help please call Lucifer tell him to met me by Kuro's...Something's bad has happend ...I..I can fill it..." Before Sare could say anything Kyirii Broke out yet again in a run..... "Oh No!!..." Kyirii looked at the horrid state of kuro's home almost in ashes He ran in and begain looking for Kuro.....[/COLOR]
*wonders why are the new kids that joied did not rp o.0* Sign up are still open. ^^"
[COLOR=Pink][I]In the shadows there is a kingdom,A kingdom of pure eivil. The king of this kingdom has an army of monsters that feed of of the light of the only purerest hearts. But I know that all of the lowne knights will come togather and ban this evil from all time and space...Now, Kyirii dont let Darkness into your heart but Open it to the light and you shall not fail....[/I][/COLOR] Kyirii jolted up his pants and shrit sticking to him from all the swet. "....I need to take a walk" Kyirii just needed to get his mind cleared.......... As he was walking he stoped infront lucifers house. "I could ask him but.....Maybe I dont wont to know..Darn" Kyirii was about to press the red button on the small speeker. "No..why am I even here...?" He turned to walk away regreting what he just done.
[CENTER][COLOR=Plum][B][I]As Kyirii begains to wake he fills arms around him.He has never felt so loved in his life.As he laid there for an hour thinking what had occured 6 hours ago he now looked at the clock on Kuro's bedside table. "2:00 in the morning!?! My dad is going to kill me..unless he was out drinking....The drunky bum....Good thing School's out..I better be going" Kyirii sliped out from Kuro's arms and Put his Pants on. "....Where's my shirt??...Oh there it is.." Kyirii put on his shoes and Braided his hair. He than summoned a rose out of thin air and placed it by Kuro,Kyirii walked out the Front door than closed it.As he was walking home he begain thinking back on what Lucifer said. "kuro's one true love?.....But...what does that make me???..Chop liver?!....Lucifer does not know what he's talking about..." Kyirii opend the door and saw his father in a drunkin mess,Kyirii tiped toed upstairs and Floped down on his bed...and not to soon did he fall back asleep.[/I][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=Plum]As Kuro transfromed and begaid shooting showers of Light at the monster Kyirii Notise that another Monster was sneeking up on Kuro,Kyirii Picked up a stick and ran towards the monster.He Hit the monster with everything he had But it did not move it turned to kyirii. "Hmm You look yummy come here little boy" Said the monster as he Started to walk towards Kyirii. "Who in the hell are you calling little" Kyirii jumped up and spin-kicked the Monster in the face. "What was that?" The Monster than blast kyirii and sent him flying until he hit a tree.Kuro turned around to help Him but the monster he was fighting Grabed him and begain to still is energy. A rose that was in kyirii's backpac fall out he picked it up with tears i he eyes. "This is the rose Kuro gave to me long ago...It still looks the same as ever...If only I were stronger I could help him,DAMNIT I WANT TO SAVE HIM!!!" A Heart shape mark on kyiriis Head begain to Light up and the rose.It shined with a Violet light and turned into a glass rose scepter. [I]Night Of The Beauty Of Love transfrom now[/I] "Lowne Power Transfromation" "Well...This is new..." Kyirii was shocked to find hisself in a new outfit and his Now Silver long braided hair. "Oh no.....Sorry Tokkiy you are on your own now I'm out of here" The Monster that was fighting Kyirii was now no were to be seen. " Fine I dont need you anyway,Stupid Baka.." The monster holding Kuro now turned to Kyirii"I guess you think you can beat me now eh?" "Talk is chep, Rose Mascarraid!!!" Kyirii begain to spin and rose patels were all around him than he shoot them at the monster. When he droped kuro Backfliped and landed on his feet. "Good job Kyirii, Now it's time to make sure this Beast History!!" Kuro shoot a blast of rainbow light at the Monster and it blew up. (lol) Kyirii fainted from all the power he put into that attack.[/COLOR]
BUMP* I'm just makeing sure eveyone sees this.....Sign ups are still open....o.0
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][I][B]Name:Jinkka Tsukari (J-InK-Ka) Age:15 Gender:Male Personality:Outgoing shy,But hyper....And ditsy like umm....Jessica Simpson Ditsy Yeah that disty (lol) DescriptionHe wears Powder blue jeans and a white shirt that's open....He has Green eyes and Longred hair but the tips at the end are green he mostly puts it in a bread. Bio:He Really trys to live up to his broter Ash but being the baby of the family he fails. Pokemon: Pichu(Male) Aaron(Female) Ladian(Female)Politoed(Male) Gorebyss(Female)Flygon Reason for going:He wanted to see a pokemon that his older broter has not. (simple as that XD[/B][/I][/COLOR])
[FONT=Century Gothic][I][B][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Kyirii and Kuro begain walking hand in hand Kyirii stoped. "Kuro,There's a place I want to show you and maybe we can talk there." Kyirii could tell Kuro was thinking hard about but he than gave in. "...OK,Kyirii lead the way" "If we make it in time we might get to see the sunset" As They were walking they pasted a Black gate than stoped. "What is it now,Kyirii?" "Err..Hey! that Lucifer's bike"[/COLOR][/B][/I][/FONT] OOC:Inu-Fan stop with the limoness
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][CENTER][B][I]I'm sure you guys can post.....I did XD!!...not funny...>.>
[COLOR=Plum][I][B]As Kyrii is deeply kissing Kuro ,Kuor grabs hold off kyirii's long hair and begains to return the kiss Kyirii pulls back and sits upright next to Kuro."Oww...you're too ruff.." Say's Kyirii as he rubs his head. "Gomen,Kyirii-Kun..." Says Kuro smileing. "It's ok,Kuro-Chan.."Kyirii replys with a giggle "Since we're down here and no one is lisining you might as well tell me whats on your mind Kuro.If it's 'bout that monster and your transformation I'm all ears[/B]."[/I] [/COLOR] OOC:Bah Humbug ~.~
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]"[B]Before we engage in anything Kuro,I must say...that....errm..."Kyirii was begaining to lose his courage fast but than regained some of it. "Kuro, If I cant have your heart I dont want your body...I think it best if we only be close friends...cuz my heart cant take anymore damage.." Kuro turned around but before Kuro could read Kyirii's face Kyirii held his head down his long red hair hideing his eyes,face,emotions and tears[/B]. [I]I must be faithful to my heart but what do I do whin my heart,mind and body speek at the same time will my heart win this war within my soul?...[/I][/COLOR] OOC: !?!?....*COUGH*...XD!!!....
Kyirii's eyes slowly open and he blinked five times and rubed his eyes four times to make sure he was not still dreaming.He begain to slowly stand up he wanted to fall face down again as he was in shock at what was happening right before his eyes what looked like an older Kuro in the arms of a taller man.Kyirii eyes became watery and his hands were begening to shacke. "Were is this sadness and anger comeing from?!...I fill as tho I want to get far away from this place...."Kyirii begain to walk away hopeing that no one could see him.
[I]"Before you go i want you to know that we shall always be friends no matter what happens" said a little boy "Really,Kuro...do you really want me to be your friend?" said the smaller boy with red hair,as his green eyes begain to water. "Yes and I'd like to give you something" Kuro pulled out a red rose and gave it to the teary eyed boy. "Thank you...but i have nothing in return...Wait i got it" The smaller boy looked in his back pack and pulled out a skate and smashed it on the floor.A weel came lose and he gave it to Kuro and smiled. "But..." Kuro started to say something but was cut off by the smaller boy. "I want you to have it..I can always get new skates..." "Kyirii come on...If we hurry we might make it to the plane"Said a older man "Goo.." Kuro started to say goodbye but Kyirii huged him. "Dont say goodbye we shall met again I know we will,I better be going....Seeya later friend"said kuro Kyirii turned and ran towards his Father. "Seeya later"Said kuro as tears fell from his eyes....[/I]
"Maybe I just hit my head to hard....but it felt so real" Said Kyirii rollerbladeing out of the school heading towards home.Aa he was skateing he saw 4 older kids from his school one of them being his crush.He saw two of them get on a bike a drove off. Kyirii was going to say hi but he triped over a rock and it sent him flying into the older boy. [I]Awake spirit of the angel of love.Let your kindness shin and your love be as pretty as a red rose. [/I]
[B]As Kyirii was walking out the lunch room door,He was knocked off his feet as a taller and older boy [/B] [B]ran into him.Kyirii landed on his back and bump his head[/B]. Kyiiri was in a green house with many roses and somehow it was raining rose petels. [I]"What is this place?....were am I...." Kyirii heard a boy crying so he turned and looked to his far right and saw a boy whit silver hair and violet eyes crying near a tree he had a cut on his hand that was bleeding.Kyirii ran the boy and asked him was he ok but there was no reply it was like Kyirii was not even there.A older boy came in the green house and went to the crying boy "So this is were you've been hideing,Jinkka why are you crying?....Jinkka?".The crying boy named jinkka juct replyed with" Nothing...Sir...I'm fine". "It seems you have cut yourself let me tend to it" The older boy riped off a partly thin silk off his silky white shirt and as he raps it around the crying boy hands he wispers "Just call me by my name Ku..."[/I] [B]Kyirii's head begain to spin and than he was back on his back in the lunch room,his head throbing and eyes filling up with tears makeing his green eyes sparkel.[/B]
[COLOR=PaleGreen]"Uck...not Wonder meat again.This stuff needs to be outlawed or something[/COLOR]"[COLOR=Red]Said Kyirii as he played with the funny beef.[/COLOR] "[COLOR=Lime]These nightmares are driveing me crazy...but it felt so reall,I even have that arrow scar above my heart....I'm being silly these are only dreams" [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Kyirii sighed before going back to picking at his food all alone at the table in the lunch room[/COLOR]
Name:Kyirii (Kyi) Dakuwa Age: 15 Identity on Lowne:Jinkka, Kurama's protecter (jINk-KA) Powers:The power of the plantlife and keeper of love. Personality:Cute ,funny and witty. He hates bullys and would protect his friends....that is if he had any..... Transformation: His sea green eyes turn violet color and he wears a flowing pants that are red and light, and a silky see through shirt whit flowing sleeves it is also red.Kyirii's red hair also turns silver and is in a long pony tail ,and he has wings.(and he has a glass rose scepter ) (* this story is like sailormoon ....the qween did the same thing Usagi's mother did...my fav anime ~_^ *)