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  1. Thanks all to have replied, I greatly appreciate it. I do copy manga out of books. I mainly do it out of the FLCL graphic novels and to the Shonen Jump series. Thanks!
  2. Hey all, do ya know of any manga teachers that I could call in the US and they could tech me how to draw REALLY good because I still suck...
  3. Thanks, I'll try out that tip right now.
  4. Yall know the .Hack//SIGN viideo games? I have parts 1-3 and im debating whether or not I should get the last one. I mean, there kinda all of the same except what happens next in the story. Should I get it?
  5. Well, im afraid of loosing all that I have gained. That's about it for me.
  6. Hey people, I try and draw manga, but I seam to mess up the eyes, nose, and shape of head of the drawing. Do yall got any tips?
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