I think that most parts in the end of evangelion were pretty crazy... mostly because I just didn't get what was going on :s
For example, when there is this huge Rei, and Shinji is going crazy.
(Btw, sorry for not following the rules, im in two forums at the same time with different rules.. so i got mixed up.. sorry.)
[color=hotpink][size=1]Welcome to the OtakuBoards!
First things first, I sincerely hope that you have read the rules on post quality for this lovely establishment. If you have, you would know that your post is considered spam. Why, you ask? Well, [if you had read the rules I wouldn't have to tell you this, but...] you pretty much gave the most vague and general answer that you possibly could. Details are nice, especially when describing something such as this. Also, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are a big YES here. See, you lack pretty much all three of those, and therefore your post comes across as hard to read, giving others a headache. They see it and automatically wonder why it isn't deleted.
Please refrain from posts of this kind from now on and have a nice and wonderful day, especially while you read the rules!