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Everything posted by celbertin

  1. i started watching manga when i was 5.. but i didn't know that it was manga.. i just thought that it was a really cool cartoon with really cool drawings..
  2. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][left][font=Georgia][color=blue]It's called [i]Grave of the Fireflies[/i].[/color][/font][/left] [left][font=Georgia][color=#0000ff][/color][/font] [/left] [left][font=Georgia][color=#0000ff]I guess that's not much of a spoiler since that's how the movie opens, but nonetheless, I think you should use the spoiler tags next time before stating an event that happens in the middle or end of a show.[/color][/font][/left][/QUOTE] Thanks so much! I've been looking for the name of that movie for a year already.. thanks :D Another movie question: In this movie, there is a part where a guy goes on a date with a girl, the girl kisses a teddy bear, and tell him to kiss it... in another part of the movie there is another girl outside of that guy's room, wearing a very short skirt, she says somehting like "he's such a perv, this will cheer him up" (talking about the mini skirt), then she opens the door, and the guy is not there, but his computer is turned on. And in another part of the movie, the girl that was outside of his room is on the top of a moutain (naked.. can't remember why..) and the guy is trying to get to the top of the mountain by going up some stairs made out of glass.. but then the steps start to dissapear.. I can't remember anything else.. I know that is a very brief description of the movie, but that is all I can remember.. does anyone know what is the name of that movie?
  3. A few years ago I watched a movie that was about a little girl and a boy that lived in a country during a war (it looked like World War II or the Vietnam war). At the end of the movie, [spoiler]the little girl dies.[/spoiler] I know that is a very brief description of the movie, but that is all I can remember.. does anyone know what is the name of that movie? thanks :D
  4. the soundtrack from evangelion is the best, im listening to it right now.. and the songs from the end of evangelion are great too. like the song "turn back time". i lvoe the song at the beginning of evangelion (cruel angel thesis) and anything from dragonball mostly that song tapion (sp?) plays in movie 13. and the chobits soundtrack... soo good... [COLOR=Navy]Just say no to improper grammar, spelling and punctuation. Please. ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
  5. I think that most parts in the end of evangelion were pretty crazy... mostly because I just didn't get what was going on :s For example, when there is this huge Rei, and Shinji is going crazy. (Btw, sorry for not following the rules, im in two forums at the same time with different rules.. so i got mixed up.. sorry.) [color=hotpink][size=1]Welcome to the OtakuBoards! First things first, I sincerely hope that you have read the rules on post quality for this lovely establishment. If you have, you would know that your post is considered spam. Why, you ask? Well, [if you had read the rules I wouldn't have to tell you this, but...] you pretty much gave the most vague and general answer that you possibly could. Details are nice, especially when describing something such as this. Also, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are a big YES here. See, you lack pretty much all three of those, and therefore your post comes across as hard to read, giving others a headache. They see it and automatically wonder why it isn't deleted. Please refrain from posts of this kind from now on and have a nice and wonderful day, especially while you read the rules! *QA*[/color][/size]
  6. it happens to me a lot.. no now, when i listen to linkin park, i start thining about Evangelion... :D
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