Volshard Dragon
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Aegis Winds v3.0(JP w/ ban list enforced) Monsters(16) 01. Lord of Thunder - Saborg 02. Android Psycho Shocker 03. Mage Knight Breaker 04. Newt 05. Newt 06. Spear Dragon 07. Sapphire Dragon 08. Female Ninja Yae 09. Magic Reflector Reflect Bounder 10. Dimensional Warrior Girl 11. Dimensional Warrior Girl 12. Black Forest Witch 13. Critter 14. Exclusivity Virus 15. Word-Severing Samurai 16. Marshmallow 17. Kuribo Magic(17) 18. Jar of Greed 19. Angel's Gift 20. Raise Dead 21. Early Burial 22. Black Hole 23. Tempest 24. Cyclone 25. Cyclone 26. Cyclone 27. Hurricane 28. Enemy Controller 29. Theft 30. Steadfast Guard 31. Confiscate 32. Scapegoat 33. Calling Reinforcements 34. Emissary of Genocide Trap(6) 35. Tidal Wave 36. Apostles of Harmony 37. Apostles of Harmony 38. Cry of the Living Dead 39. Destruction Ring 40. Magic Drain Sideboard(15) 01. Heavenly Knight Perseus 02. Blade Knight 03. Blade Knight 04. Slypheed 05. Marshmallow 06. Magical Cylinder 07. Holy Barrier - Mirror Force 08. Word-Severing Samurai 09. Dimensional Warrior Girl 10. Spear Dragon 11. Newt 12. Cybernetic Wyvern 13. Sonic Jammer 14. Sixth Sense 15. Calling Reinforcements -------------------------------------- Runs a slightly higher monster to m/t ratio than usual. 17:23 was the choice. Its speed elements are in its super-fast rush and ability to get monster removal at the snap of a finger. Calling Reinforcements helps get instant removal or if BK is in from the sideboard, it can get an instant rusher. As the loss of Harpy's Feather Sweep hurts most decks, this deck wasn't hurt as badly due to Air's superior negaters and removers. Female Ninja Yae, Word-Severing Samurai and Sonic Jammer more than make up for Sweep's absense. Loss of Decree, T-Bolt, and Yata hurt a bit more. I was able to replace T-Bolt with Tidal Wave and Emissary of Genocide, so the absense of T-Bolt gives my chances of drawing a removal card a boost. Yata is the only one that hurts, however, I'm still running Steadfast Guard and Confiscate as an annoyance factor, cuz it never hurts to have either a hand advantage or knowing what opponent has in hand. Decree's loss is supplemented more by the enhanced removal and Magic Drain is the next best card because it either forces your opponent to lose another card or have a key magic negated. This will help get my opponent to top-decking quicker than me with the presence of Steadfast/Confiscate and the constant defending they have to do vs. the constant rusher flow. Kuribo, extra damage control, in aggro rushers tend to be "stolen" more than often with Theft or Enemy Controller running rampant so Kuribo gives me some extra security along with the staples, Apostles of Harmony and Scapegoat. Just an explanation on why I didn't put 3 Newts and shoved in 2 Newts and 1 Sapphire. Newt's reverse effect, although not used often can be taken advantage of. However, this makes it vulnerable to Emissary of Genocide. With the absense of T-Bolt in decks, Genocide is making a comeback. I can't afford to lose all 3 Newts in one blow. Staples and sideboard speak fo themselves. The sideboard conversions range from random subs, to a mono-air convo, mono-light convo, and more of a psycho-speed rush convo. [b]You think I'm arrogant and think my deck is crap? Wel PROVE me wrong with some facts about deck flaws. Looks like there isn't any. If you come up with a respectable point I will respect you back, but if you come flaming, I'll treat you like the immature n00b you are.[/b] [COLOR=Navy]That addendum is a bit gratuitous. Next time, please try to phrase your comments more politely. ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Yasuhiko]Well now, been a while since I played. I'm more into Duel Masters. My deck's not the greatest, and loses quite a bit. I lapsed, and too many new cards came out. Mine became outdated and weak :p Anyway, here goes: [CENTER][U][B][SIZE=4]Eternal Sea Of Earth And Night[/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2][U][B]Monsters: (27)[/B][/U][/SIZE] 7 Colored Fish Aqua Madoor Barrel Dragon Cyber Jar Giant Soldier of Stone (2x) Guardian of the Throne Room Kuriboh Labarynth Wall La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Maha Vailo Man Eater Bug Marie the Fallen one Millenium Shield Patrician of Darkness Penguin Soldier Sangan Sanga of the Thunder Shadow Ghoul Sinister Serpent Suijin Summoned Skull The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave The Fiend Megacyber The Legendary Fisherman Whiptail Crow Witch of the Black Forest [B][U][SIZE=2]Magic (20):[/SIZE][/U][/B] A Legendary Ocean Black Pendant Change of Heart Dark Hole Dian Keto the Cure Master Ekibyo Drakmord Fairy Meteor Crush Fissure Graceful Charity Gravekeeper's Servant Ground Collapse Harpie's Feather Duster Horn of the Unicorn Monster Reborn Mystical Space Typhoon Raigeki Scapegoat Second Coin Toss Swords of Revealing Light Tribute to the Doomed [SIZE=2][B][U]Traps (13):[/U][/B][/SIZE] A Feint Plan Chain Destruction Enchanted Javelin Fairy Box Fairy's Hand Mirror Horn of Heaven Magic Jammer Numinous Healer Robbin Goblin Seven tools of the Bandit Tornado Wall Trap Hole Two-Pronged Attack[/CENTER] As you can see, it revoles mainly around Maha Vailo, The Legendary Fisherman, and Shadow Ghoul, with a few other combos wrapped in. I based it aroung Rock and Dark Types too. Most of it is Defence aside, but all in all, its a good deck for beginners or people who only have the older sets :wigout: I miss being the block champ..... :([/QUOTE] Focus the theme, try water if you plan to. You can't just spread out into many themes otherwise your deck will be slow and unfocused and you'll draw cards for different situations when you don't need em.
[quote name='Marik_Duelist']I'm sorry if I dont consider Ring Of Destruction a staple. Why dont I just attack myself and get it over with? You can do more and actually tell me cards you think I should put in. Anyway, I suggest you remove hunder Nyan Nyan, Magician Of Faith and Asura Priest from your side deck and put in three Thunder Dragons. You can discard one, get the other two, and then discard those two. A judge I trust told me that one.[/quote] I'm a JP duelist dwelving into this Eng meta for a sec. Your tip is noted but will not be applied. The Thunder Dragon trick is outdated and not needed. Chaos decks, due to an inferior rush must have more support. The Thunder Dragons will just become dead weight while MoF can recycle my much needed staples in the late game. This will be very essential especially after my CED goes off and we are reduced to top decking. OMG...--; ROD IS a staple and that is the bottom line as a FACT. First of all, who cares about the LP loss, it takes out your opponent's monster and clears an open path for you to compound the damage next turn. If you're THAT conservative a player that actually minds the LP loss then you aren't a real skilled player Oo;;
Marik, pretty mediocre deck. Magic should be more than monsters, you need to staple it up more, and the traps are just too outdated. Solo, you can't force people to rate decks they don't want to. --; Anyway, here's my English Chaos deck. Monsters - 15 1. Black Luster Soldier - Messenger of Origin 2. Chaos Emperor Dragon - Messenger of the End 3. Jinzo 4. Magic Warrior Breaker 5. Sangan 6. Black Forest Witch 7. Dimensional Warrior Girl 8. Dimensional Warrior Girl 9. Dimensional Warrior Girl 10. Spirit Reaper 11. Magical Scientist 12. Magician of Faith 13. Magical Reflector Reflect Bounder 14. Yatagarasu 15. Tribe Infecting Virus Magic - 20 16. Painful Choice 17. Pot of Greed 18. Graceful Charity 19. Monster Reborn 20. Premature Burial 21. Change of Heart 22. Snatch Steal 23. Harpy's Feather Sweep 24. Mystical Space Typhoon 25. Mystical Space Typhoon 26. Mystical Space Typhoon 27. Heavy Storm 28. Raigeki 29. Black Hole 30. Delinquent Duo 31. Forceful Sentry 32. Confiscate 33. Scapegoat 34. Nobleman of Extermination 35. Calling Reinforcements Trap - 5 36. Waboku 37. Call of the Haunted 38. Imperial Order 39. Ring of Destruction 40. Torriential Tribute Fusion - 12 1-3. Thousand Eyes Relinquished 4-6. Dark Demon Baltar 7-9. Dragon Senshi 10-12. Black Flare Knight Sideboard - 15 1. Kuribo 2. Kuribo 3. Dark Jelloid 4. Hellish General - Mephisto 5. Heavenly Knight - Perseus(Parshath) 6. Card Destruction 7. Mirror Force 8. Magician of Faith 9. Asura Priest 10. Thunder Nyan-Nyan 11. Turner of the Dead - Kaiku 12. Reinforcements of the Army 13. Exiled Force 14. Sinister Serpent 15. Chaos Sorcerer
Look guys, if you are just needing some minor tips or just need to know how to make a competitive deck in general I could just make a new topic with those tips. Either that, or you can go to the previous page in this topic and read my tips. Either way, the decks some of you are posting are just rambling piles of cards that you just threw together and expected to be good. Since noone is helping each other with their decks, you might as well take a look at the tips, revise your deck a bit, and then post it so people don't have to type the billions of things you need to change to make your decks good.
Well after seeing the past pages of decks I see players here haven't really gotten to the level of where Yu-Gi-Oh! decks are going, so I'm gonna help out a bit instead of repeating the tips for EVERY single monster-filled, 100 card deck that is posted here --; Anyway here we go, a few tips to make your deck competitive: - Keep your ratios to 16:24, 17:23, or 15:25. The idea is to keep your m/t MORE than your monsters. Nothing worse than having a hand clogged up with monsters when you can have 1-2 monsters and a bunch of support. More than likely, have MORE magic than monsters, while keeping traps at 4-6. - Staples! The most important part of any good deck.. Monster staples(unless in extreme situations): Jinzo Magic Warrior - Breaker Tribe-Infectious Virus Dimensional Warrior Girl(DD Warrior Lady) Black Forest Witch Sangan Control Archtype: Fiber Pod Aggro/Beatdown Archtype: Cyber Pod Chaos Archtype: No Pod Magic staples(Unless your deck theme is specific and must direct towards taht theme like a OTK) Pot of Greed Graceful Charity Harpy's Feather Sweep MST x3 Heavy Storm Change of Heart Snatch Steal Black HOle Raigeki Monster Reborn Early Burial Chaos Archtype/Demon Deck: Painful Choice Control Archtype: Mirage of Nightmare, Nobleman of Crossout Control Archtype: Discard Trio Trap(unless your deck is like OTK, extreme hand control, DDVD): 1-2 Waboku Imperial Order Ring of Destruction Call of the Haunted There you go! Now leave the rest of the open space to focus on your deck theme and so on. --; Keep in mind monster removal is a very important part of a deck. Thanks fo yo time --;
[QUOTE=Marik_Duelist]My newly remade Light Deck, simply known as......[b][color=gold]White Thunder!![/color][/b] [1] BEWD [2] Sanga [3] Soul Of Purity & Light [4] Airknight Parshath [5] Hysteric Fairy [6] Hysteric Fairy [7] Hysteric Fairy [8] Thunder Nyan Nyan [9] Thunder Nyan Nyan [10] Thunder Nyan Nyan [11] Kaiser Sea Horse [12] Kaiser Sea Horse [13] Kaiser Sea Horse [14] Manju [15] Asura Priest [16] Paladin Of White Dragon [17] WOTBF [18] Cyber Jar [19] Kuriboh [20] White Dragon Ritual [21] Raigeki [22] Dark Hole [23] Monster Reborn [24] Change Of Heart [25] Premature Burial [26] Axe Of Despair [27] Graceful Charity [28] Pot Of Greed [29] Luminous Spark [30] Luminous Spark [31] Nobleman Of Crossout [32] MST [33] MST [34] MST [35] Gravekeeper's Servant [36] Mirror Force [37] Waboku [38] Waboku [39] Waboku [40] Call Of The Haunted [41] Robbin' Goblin [42] Shadow Spell [41][/QUOTE] Too many monsters, too many cards, too many tribute monsters. Useless traps, Robbin Goblin and Shadow Spell. Get rid of two Waboku for RoD, Imperial Decree, and Torriential Tribute. Ditch the 3 copies of a monster approach. It clogs up your speed. I know I know, Kaiser is for your tributes, but lemme give ya a reality check, Seahorse has the staying power of well...nothing...Drain the tributes down to nothing but a BEWD and a Jinzo. Use your monsters in this fashion: 1. BEWD 2. Jinzo 3. Breaker 4. TiV 5. DD. Warrior Girl 6. DD Warrior Girl 7. DD Warrior Girl 8. Asura 9. Reflector Bounder 10. Nyan Nyan 11. Nyan Nyan 12. BFW 13. Sangan 14. Cyber Pod 15. Mag. of Faith 16. Kuriboh Revamp your magic to include the staples, 2 Lum. Sparks, a Scapegoat, and Nobleman of Crossout. Don't run White Dragon Paladin...it randomizes and takes away focus from the main point of your deck.
[QUOTE=Hittokiri Zero]Shut up. Thank you. Anyway... I just recently saw an episode of Duel Masters (something I will never do again)... and While it is not a "cheap imitation of Yu-Gi-Oh" it is a horrible anime series. From what i've read the game was originally played just like Magic the Gathering and then was switched over to this "Duel Masters" format therefore how can it be a copy of of Yu-Gi-Oh -_o... Both series revolve around card games, have horrible animation, voice-acting on par with a 1st grade play, etc., etc. now that doesn't make one series a copy off of the other :P. Both games are still played differently and both games require a different mind set and different strategies to play properly. Yet despite a similarity between the name "Duel Monsters" and "Duel masters" I really can't see what other relevant similarities you all are drawing :P. So what the guys have spikey hair... So does just about every other anime character out there -_o. Oh yes I should mention though part of the reason why I dislike Duel Masters is because from the one episode I saw I was unable to really figure out how the game worked -___- because of that I honestly don't see this series lasting that long in the U.S. while the card game will probably become another trend just like Yu-Gi-Oh.[/QUOTE] Shove it. Thank you. Almost all anime dubbed in the U.S. tends to get slaughtered and turned to crap. Look at Neon Genesis Evangelion..--;; I like the Yuugiou CCG, but Duel Masters is somewhat more balanced and the thought of a refreshing new metagame is kind of interesting. Yuugiou's metagame right now is revolved around pretty much the two playable tournament decks, Chaos and control whereas Duel Masters can have a variety of different comeptitive decks by just running a mono-red or mono-blue deck or even combining two colors. The person who made this topic is directing Duel masters as an imitation of Yuugiou, when it is closely like MTG more than anything.