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Everything posted by guns_n_candy

  1. thats okay...its good that you thought this stuff over at least, instead of not knowing, like some people do. (i do it too, so i cant talk...) that sounds like it could come out to be a great story. keep going, dont give up! (again, i cant talk here...) id like to see it if you ever get it on your computer ^_^
  2. that sounds pretty cool... the story sounds somewhat familiar, there's probably another book like that or something, but the way you put it it sounds really cool. how do the demons stay with her forever? like if they dont get through the portal, they have to stay with her, or they do anyway even if she gets them all? also, is there a reason she can read the book, or is she picked specially to read it or something? (by the way, no apostrophe on ties)
  3. sounds good, nice origonal story too. it sounds like something that someone could get hooked on after reading about 3 pages (at least, someone like me) good luck!
  4. that sound pretty cool.... hte problem with workingwith others online is that a lot of things can go wrong.... i'd love to help you with that, im online everyday and i get on OB about every other day. i have a scanner, but i only have access to it every other weekend (its my dads)
  5. i guess it does depend on what you're interested in, but personally i reccomend just about anything by rumiko takahashi. she does some great work and shes one of my favorite manga authors, ranma 1/2 and inu-yasha are great to read. also, trigun is another great manga i think. (cant wait till the nest one comes out in english!) If youre looking for fantasy-ish type stuff, clamp works are always worth it, the art is good and the stories they think up are awesome. well, i hope this helped you ^_^
  6. okay! thanks everyone and i hope that helps you guys who have the same problem.....i hope i never have to carry around a big bag for all my stuff though my school bag usually has about 4 big sketchbooks crammed in there.... as for the cramming all my ideas into one big story..... god how i wish i could do that.... every storyline i come up with is so entirely different from the other ones. ill just have to try harder to keep it short, then.
  7. i dont think i could have thought up all that..... or looked it up or whatever......but woooow Anqueetus......... i was gonna say you could pop something wierd in there like kyoto actually being an angel or something like that, and thats how he would be able to fight them or something, but i guess that would make it even more complicated, cause youd have to be able to explain that, roght?................ anyway, i think it sounds pretty neat so far. i would read it if i picked it up in a store ^_^
  8. that sounds good.... cept i got a problem with notebooks too. oh so many problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i always fill up notebooks with drawings and stuff....................................... thanks tho. ill try that!!
  9. that sounds pretty cool actually, you might wanna change the names of the demons...... saten and lucifer? but a good idea............ y would the angels be evil tho?
  10. sounds pretty neat......... a description would ve good...... is Miyuki Orewatea your main character
  11. grr...... i love to draw manga of course, and im pretty good at it i guess, but the problem is............. i just have way to many ideas in my head. like, ill see something or someone will say something, even just one sentance, and itll inspire a whole book in my head. i have a serious lack of paper for all the stuff i wanna write down and i never get anything done because of that. anyone else ever had this problem??? anyone???????????/????
  12. i love to draw manga, but it took me forever to get it to look good (probably cuz im too lazy to make it look good) i tried just drawing the parts that i was bad at on a piece of paper, like hands in different poses until you get it right. there are spome good how todraw manga books out there too that helped me woith the eyes and face shape. ^_^ hope i helped
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