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Everything posted by Anqueetus

  1. Hhhmmm.....the premise sounds interesting. As for the characters, well that might need just a little more fleshing. How did he get this power to hurt Angels and Demons? Why is he able to hurt angels and demons at all? Why are the Angels under a spell? How was the spell cast on an Angel in the first place? Who cast the spell? How does this kid go on with life? Does this interfere with his school work (after all, school work is important to a Japanese Student)? What about his parents? Where is the Angelic Host in all of this? Why hasn't the heavens contacted this boy? I can absolutely say with certainty that this idea can become a really good Manga. I think for ideas on how this story can be better fleshed out, I would suggest you look into the Lucifurian Rebellian described by Paradise Lost and the Book of Urantia. Paradise Lost is more mythological, while the Book of Urantia is more scientific. In the Urantia Book, it says that Lucifer came from another dimension similar to ours called Satania. There he revolted against the Heavenly Host and atempted to be worshiped like a God. He was routed out by the Melchaizadecs (I think) and later found himself in our dimension of Uversa. Finding our planet (Urantia) he corrupted the planetary prince Caligastria into obey him. So this revolt explains your angels and the demons. Definately go look into those books for some story ideas....and if worst comes to worst, just say the angels are Nephilim, and that should stop people like me from ridiculing a little boy fighting angels and demons. But I would say that try to make the characters as human as possible. Just another hack em up and put em on fire stories seldom go far. As another idea, your story would make a great game, that's for sure. Well that's my two cents. I hope I've done more good than evil right now...but I'm not sure. Take it easy.
  2. Seems to me like it could turn into another Maharo-Maid, and I'm for it all the way (no ryhme intended). As such, I was wondering about the Parents. How do they fit into all this. Sometimes I notice some Anime and Manga do a severe Deus Ex Machina and say they're off on some business trip. now while this is completely understandable, it is, however, more likely that the Mother will be there atleast. In Japanese society, the mother practically lays her entire life down for the kid. Hence the popularity of the Geisha (long story). Now it can be argued that this is America, and sure the parents can be gone and the kid is alone, but not indefinately. Juki would have to be a Rockafeller or something for that to be understandable. Then there's the issue of school, but I am probably going off on stuff that you have probably already worked out and am now becoming annoying. Sorry. This idea has the works of becoming absolutely great. I look forward to it with horrible anticipation.... and when I say horible, I mean bad...and when I say bad I mean Good. With all that out of the way, I would like to hear more about the social life of Juki. Is she religious, how many friends does Juki have, what school does she go to (i.e. High School, Middle School, College, Elementary, Boarding, etcetera ad infinitum), and most of all her personality. I've noticed with most people, they don't care about the situation or what's being told to them. They care mostly about the person. How did they get the information, why them and not someone else...so on and so forth. But these little bits of information are easily worked out, and it seems you've already got that much done with the small synopsis that you've provided. Well, I've yammered on long enough.... Now I need some way to leave....hhmmm.....got it.. NINJA.....VANISH!!!!
  3. Shadow Gaurdian, I have one thing, proportians. They are slightly off, but not so much that I would say practice before you go into Manga drawing. There is a significantly high chance that by making your own Manga, that your proportians will work themselves out. If you read early Manga, like butt old "Aa! Megami-sama!" or "Dirty Pair", there are some points where their proportians are really really bad in my eyes. Your art work is great. I would suggest you get on the band waggon and start making some toons, man. I think you're great with faces, but faces only go so far. As for the hair and the such, my God you are awesome. Just keep up the good work. Now as for color, there are some ways around color, if you have Photo Shop, you have it easy. If you have to use some other program, not so easy. If you are doing this by hand, well coloring can get a little difficult. When I color and shade my pictures I do it by hand, but I also have very nice screen tones. If you go to howtodrawmanga.com, click on some arbitrary link to a book, it will take you to a new window. From there look to the top and you should see a tutorial link. Click on that and it takes you to the J. Dillian tutorials. She has an excellent tutorial for Photo Shop, it's what my friend uses, and his stuff turns out incredible. As for screen tones, if you're looking for a short cut, Polykarbon.com (I think that's how you spell it), has a great tutorial for making fast screen tones. Well that's my two cents, hope they helped in some wierd way....
  4. So, I was trying to figure on some way to get my ideas out, and I figured drawing would be nice. So I sat and came up with this idea for a story, I have no concept art up yet, but I will, hopefully soon... so here goes my idea....enjoy. It starts off in a strange world, where there are flying birds as long as skyscrapers put on their side (side note: I've included language much like Tolkien did with the Silmarillion. So animals and such things have specific names, like the bermaistguld and the mutowam...). We start with a young King looking over the edge of a "cliff" listening to the siren calls of the mutowam (sort of like a lizard but with a lot of feathers). The land is actually another dimension, and as such the world is infinately long. His kingdom that he rules over is a floating continent. And it faces a golden floating pyramid. The lands of this dimension are seperated into four sections. To the East is the Technologically advance civilization. To the West is the Historical Civilization (in other words they keep the records that they can of their people, they are allied with East). To the South are the people who defend the dimension from the constant attacks of the Vorjia (creatures of darkness and energy). To the north, however, is a place devoid of people. It is a bitter winter land much like Antartica. At the North is the recently discovered civilization of the ancient peoples called the Kortanac. The King of the floating Continent is aware that he is a decendant of the Kortanac and is very interested in the discovery. Anyways, these people hold no animosity towards the Vorjia. Infact no one in this dimension express anykind of anger or fear or any other such negative emotion. They truely live in a utopean society. It is not mind control, it just never really occurs to them. Well when our King, Anamok, heads to the north to investigate a mural, they learn something new. It looks like one Kortanac is placing a rock on the back of the head of another kortanac and red juice seems to spring forth. No one in this land understands the meaning behind it, but Anamok hears something in his head and repeats it, Murder. They are all fascinated by this new word and are curious to see if this could be a genetic memory for Anamok. Long story short they try to recreate the situation and as a result Anamok gets angry, as he does he begins to flicker and turn grey. He is more startled now and fades back into his dimension. On a side note, Anamok has magical powers (just because, so deal with it, I explain it in the story a lot better). Well they eventually get Anamok into a murderous rage and he completely flickers out of that dimension. He finds himself now on a freeway with cars honking and zipping past him. His negative emotion took him out of his dimension and he now finds himself on Earth. but something's wrong. His mind is split. At times he is the kindest person ever, healing and just acting like a true saint, but the other half of his mind comes out at night. And he becomes the most feared person ever. As time goes on, he meets human friends, but the dark side eventually takes over his entire mind and body. Other beings from his dimension arrive, and they must now face the challenging role of killing who was once a respected and beloved friend. Anamok is now so corrupted with negativity that even the Vorjia will not go near him, but with the help of the other dimensional people, Anamok is finally killed. But because of this new taint, and innocence lost, the dimensional people cannot return to E.Din. (though I want to change that name, Ironnically E. Din means the Ebode of the Gods in Sumerian) That's Part One, Part Two takes place from the Earth Perspective, and Part Three takes place from the Edinians' perspective. So this is my story I made up last night...seriously it only took me one day. But it's far from great. There are a lot of loopholes I need to close, and character developement for the Humans needs to happen since I haven't even begun. Actually the only character that is somewhat fleshed out is Anamok (full name is Priengas Ferbogluwache Anamok). Hopefully I will have some landscapes drawn soon, and a drawing of Anamok up for your viewing pleasure. If you want to contribute, hey I wont stop ya. If you have any advice, I would like to hear it. If you have a cat named Curious George Esquire the Third Fluffy Bottom Fuzzy Pants of Catnip and the Royal court of Tuna, then I would say you need help, seriously. So thanks for taking the time to read my rant. Edit: I'm trying to do Concept art of Anamok, but I can't! I can't figure out how he should look. I want a fantasy like look, but not with all the armor and such garbage.... ug.... It's driving me crazy.... Any ideas? *looks around......no posts anything....* Don't everyone post at once... Love, Peace, Chicken Greese (I need to learn how to spell English...) Watakushi wa machi no baka gozaimashita... (For those of you playing the home game, that's, "I am the village idiot... *samurai mode*)
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