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Rinoa Heartilly

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Everything posted by Rinoa Heartilly

  1. Lesson, Lesson! If you see a stranger, follow him! - Radical Edward Oh, no, I?m fine. I only feel like an angel who was sitting on cloud nine, playing my harp without a care in the world, when all of a sudden, my wings were riped off, sending me plummeting down to hell and the sulfurous Abyss of Pure Misery. ?Hideki And so, they all passed away, every one. It was a short series, but thanks for your support. That was the last episode. May they all rest in peace, amen. And for the next series, we bring you Cowgirl Ed! Ed is the main character you know. - Radical Edward The real lesson: don't leave anything in the fridge. - Spike Spiegel I love Cowboy Bebop
  2. No, no. I can't do that! What am I thinking? I'm a man of God for God's sakes! - Nicholas D. Wolfwood My name is Vash the Stampede! Forgive the lack of warning, but it's time for my daily massacre! If you do not believe I am the real thing, take a good look at me and start freaking out! - Vash I'm so glad you asked! it's a long story... although its kind of a short one. -Nicholas D. Wolfwood
  3. Im pretty sure some of you know who this guy is. He only created Invader Zim, I Feel Sick, JTHM, and Squee. He probably made more but I just can't think of them right now. His comic books have been out for a while and I know for a fact that there are tons of fans out there. I was just wondering if any of you otakus like Jhonen and his work. Maybe we could discuss them aswell.
  4. We only get to see Yu Yu Hakusho once a week now. This is really sad news to me because I am also a huge Yu Yu Hakusho fan. Maybe they will change it back but I highly doubt that.
  5. Oh wow! Your drawings are quite lovely if I do say so myself. What I have found that has helped me in drawing and how to draw manga are these books. These books are well, How to Draw Manga Books. They explain how to draw correctly so the heads are bigger than the body itself, what to draw with, and tons of other stuff. There books are expensive but they are well worth it. They even have a site that you should check into. [URL=http://www.howtodrawmanga.com]How to Draw Manga[/URL]
  6. Sounds pretty interesting. I bet you have been working really hard to think of such interesting things.
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