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Everything posted by pikachu1

  1. yeah i guess lugia is cool but ho-ho way better if u ask me:D
  2. thats a pretty good team i cant make any changes i give it 9/10but 1 little change train a little bit more and it would be perfect!:angel: :) :D
  3. thats a stong team u got there !
  4. o thaxs just pick thnxs again:D
  5. its fake?i thouhgt it was real????????????
  6. real sorry if anyone asks this you know the test in blackthorn after u beat clair if u get the test wrong fo u start over or theres no wrong?????????????:eek: :ball: :
  7. really if u evole pikachu it doesnt follow u around thanks for the evice:D
  8. there is no better answer raikou the bomb!:D
  9. i think raikou but i dont know y
  10. sorry if any one ask this if u had a choice to pick one of the legendary dogs who would you pick? raikou entei suicune
  11. pikachu1


    i like eevee the best i dont kow why
  12. thats really kool!:D :rolleyes: :ball: :cool:
  13. o well u tryed posting o is that still boring ? i dont get it what do u mean by battle gym leaders i dont get it:ball: :wigout:
  14. kool!!!!!!!!!!i think (to me ) entei and raikou is strong:ball: :cool:
  15. but if he cries? whao big trouble for me
  16. sorry guys i ment dark
  17. good idea darki dont think i should kill him my parents will not let me do that just kiddin:D
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