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Everything posted by pikachu1

  1. help my brother drives me nuts ! his 6 what should i do to make him stop buging me ? he afarid of the dark and i always gets in trouble cause of him! help he a brat !help what should i do?
  2. ya thats what u do i agree with u nerdsy
  3. my team is a good mix of types i have: snorlax 50 snore rest body slam rollout weepinbell 50 razor leaf acid cut sleep powder jolteon 45 thunder pin missile quick attack double kick typhlosion 51 swift flame wheel quick attack earthquake suicune 50 surf bubble beam gust icy wind ho-ho 70 recover fire blast swift sunny day it may not be as stong as ur poke but their really handy !:D :ball: :eek: :rolleyes: :cool: :p
  4. kool but no one likes suicune? i like raikou the best of all!:ball: :eek: :wigout: :D
  5. this is what i did to catch suicune 1 i looked in my pokedex 2 i biked there 3 i walked walked around and i caught it with a great ball
  6. pikachu1


    u have to beat clair the gym there!:ball: :D
  7. i like lugia the best out of all the poke lugia the bomb!!!!!:ball: :rolleyes: :D
  8. im not sure i know its around 50 though:wigout:
  9. i think i give it around 6-7 i think i like the other 2 better:rolleyes: :p
  10. good idea :ball: :rolleyes: :D :cool: :)
  11. sorry if anyone asks already which ledendary dog is ur fav? suicune entei or raikou
  12. pikachu1


    i dont know why i like eevee the best
  13. i dont like it either it so scary in a way it just pops out on u !i dont know maybe u should check!:ball: :cool: :D
  14. i think golem cause i like rock types
  15. hmm...jolteon level 37 thunder pin missile flash double kick weepinbell 37 vine whip acid wrap sleep power typhlosion 47 swift flame wheel quick attack earthquake suicune 40 surf roar gust icy wind farfetch'd peck slash fury attack magneton swift thundershock lock_on sonicboom thats it
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