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Everything posted by sonofdragon

  1. It was only an hour within the night when the cops started blaring their sirens. "Must be a raid." "Hey Mister did you hear there was a murder at some house." "Tell me kid do you know anything else." "Yah, the only thing though is that the murderer was a guy in a black suit." "A black suit eh..." "Yah if you want to you just go down that street to get to the house." "Sorry kid I don't really have an intrest in the cops." "It is your choice." "Still raining. Might as well walk home." He went back to his house and went to sleep. Later he found that his couch was soaked through. Next morning Tsumi woke up to a strange low pitch of some kind. It was getting louder and louder. Soon enough the pitch was so high he couldn't hear anything. "Errgh raaagh! Orrgh..." Tsumi was on the floor unconcious. Later he woke up. "What was that." It was only five minutes sense he fell. The sound came again. This time he wanted to follow it. "If only I could find where that sound was coming fro...there." 'This could be the sound I heard. There is a girl in his arms.' "Ughh" The sound came again. "Don't worry my dear we'll be home soon." said the mysterious man. "Hey you what are you up to?" The man said nothing. "Like I said before, who are you and what are you up to?" "Hmhmhmhm. That is not what you asked earlier." said the man in a mysteriously low voice. "You know what I mean. What are you doing?" The man took off something on his face. Tsumi closed his eyes not knowing what will come. Tsumi opened his eyes and found no one there. "Huh whaere did he go?" "I'll meet you in paradise." "What where are you?" "Belive me you will see me soon enough." Tsumi just went home after that. He was devising a plan to get out of the city. "Now there is one word that all wolves know and no humans do. I'll put up a poster saying want paradise come to the alley way behind the house of 1521 Linton streeet. Yes I will have my pack finally." To end his day he posted the posters as fast as he could, got a drink, and fell asleep.
  2. Wolf?s Rain In the book of The Red Moon it says that wolf?s were first to walk on pure earth and man became its messenger. In other words men were created from wolves so says the book of The Red Moon. In the outskirts of the lands there are several cities that are massive in size. Cities scattered across the world sense the war. Ruins lie in wastelands of this war. There is only bent metal left. Many of the wolves have left their natural home to live in cities after they discovered their power. Humans don?t believe there is a trace of a wolf left in the land. For on a list was the names of all species of animal that became extinct. Now that wolves live in the city they lost all reminder of paradise. Paradise is a place where all wolves could be free from the humans, until they came and destroyed it. Now that is all left is the memories of paradise. Yet it says that paradise was reborn and made in a place where humans couldn?t reach. All wolves? ambitions are to find paradise and frolic in the lunar flowers. Lunar flowers are vast fields of flowers that bloom only in a full moon. The sweet nectar of wolves? dreams. Now the wolves are searching intensely to get to paradise. Extremes are come to be known as pets, to survive. Savages are another. The middle type of wolf is more of a wonderer in humans? eyes. The scents of lunar flowers are intense so wolves nestle in any state of the three above until the time is right to leave. Many wolves that have ventured have told about ruthless days without any food. There are many concerns other than that one. To set course to paradise is to set course through amazing ventures beyond your imagination. Now this is where all takes place. Now in the city of Kobana four wolves are distinctly known throughout the district. These wolves will be whoever signs up. They have their human identity on record only. Now instead of making one record this one calls for two. One is your police record and your wolf record. Only a few know the wolves? identity. These are human hunters. They hunt for wolves with their dogs. If you are a human make a person record and a dog record if you have one. Dogs can speak to wolves but only in their wolf form. OOC: Bring in the stories. IC: Tsumi was jsut walking along the street when he heard a noise in an ally. The ally was dark and pitch black but his nose could defenetly sense something of a human esence. Then he could smell the smell of fresh paint when you open a bucket of it. He heard a can drop and hid around a corner. The police sirens were wailing because another gang had decided to raid a nearby facility. "Man this town is really in the dumps. No wolf would ever think of hiding here." "God I think they spotted them." The sound came from the ally again. "Who is there?" Tsumi called "Uhh...no one is here." Soon some weird looking man came out of the ally and ran as fast as he could. Later in the labratory two scientists were making a mechanical being from the DNA of a wolf hair. Soon enough the project will be complete. "Doctor I have some status regulations you might want to look at." "It appears to be dream waves. What I don't know seems to be what could be causing them." "Well doctor it could also be related to the gang break outs in the city." "Who knows doctor Veronica who knows." OOC: Doctor veronica will be everyones secondary charecter. She is a doctor who is going to be effected by the ultimate evil one. IC: Later Tsumi went back to the apartment building in which he lived in. "I got to get out of this town." 'but there is a strong essence, a weird essence.' "But I can't place it." The sirens went off again. "I got to form a pack again. Not just because I want to be in one, I want to get out of this god forsaken town." Tsumi traveled down the street a bit and saw a man with a sniper rifle. Tsumi turned around and ran. He got back to his apartment. "I need to watch T.V." He turned on the T.v. and the first thing he heard was, 'News come in today that a rise of raids were rising. Labrotories also confirm of the terst are going great. In ot..." "I need a drink."
  3. OOC: I think people may be confused. IC: Misiku was speeding as fast as he could when his motorcycle ran out of gas. "Dang" *Sputter Sputter Puuff* *Meow* The motorcycle went down with smoke sputtering out from its back end. "Sumuni I think I won't have a spaceship after this!" He crashed in a spew of bloody people. "Must have been and alien. Only they could hit so hard with a guitar shaped fracture in the head." Something pinkish red glowed in the sky. He also saw a huge power emiting from it. "A... At...Atomsk! I will have your power! Get down here you little..." We shall stop before he starts swearing. *Tick tock tick tock* O.K. Let's see how he is doing. "Sumuni...sorry you must stay here. Now Atomsk time to die." *I think I can plays in the background.* "Before I go into action I'll need to join forces with other aliens and when he is down take the prize for my self." He reved up his guitar and started flying. OOC: Sorry it is so short. I am short on time. Oh and people this is sort of a guidline about what you need to post about.
  4. Upon arriving to his abode the elf just sat. He thought of was what to come of the land of Pysic. 'If these orcs keep coming it would seem I would have to fight. I would not want to see my wife react to me fighting.' Tetuga, a young elf from the village of Gong-go. In his home village forestry makes up most of the town. Many of the elves are archers for they can practice upon the trees. When news came in about the orcs people of the village started swarming into battle. Tetuga had second thoughts though. "I'll do it!" "What was that dear?" "I'm awfully sorry Marina, but I have to fight for Pysic. it is the only way to insure you are safe and no one is to die of innocence." "But I thought you said you weren't going to." "Well it seems I have to. i will be gone in the morning. I'll be at the pub saying my good-byes to everyone there." "And would you like me to come with you." "Well I would be very much obliged. Oh and by the way stay away from Yamasaku. He has a few unscrewed bolts.? ?All right. Let me get ready.? So, they went to the pub to say good bye. ?So, the great Tetuga finally leaves.? ?Well I wouldn?t call me that great.? ?Are you kidding? You are the best archer in the entire village.? ?Well, I would like to say something. Good-bye and have a great time. Through thick or thing remember that we are all here waiting for your return so don?t go and die on us.? *Laugh laugh* The entire bar went up in laughter. Even Tetuga laughed a bit of a sarcastic laugh. The rest of the night was laughter. Finally morning came. Tetuga got out of bed. ?Well, I guess it is time.? A quiet chant came from the streets. It started to get louder, and finally he herd the town chanting ?Tetuga-Tetuga-Tetuga.? He left his house with his armor and his green clothes. ?Good-bye everyone. The orcs will not survive. Once I leave I will search for a party to help my cause for leaving. I will assure everyone that I will return alive!? ?Raaaaaaaaah! Raaaaaaah!? He left with a wind kicking up the dust in the road. As he left the sounds of the cheering were getting distant and soon enough he found himself tackling his first obstacle. The Great Forest of Pysic.
  5. Please PM me if you really wnated to join. Other than that Cyriel is the only one who should post a bio for the charecter. After that we can gop to the adventure arena. Cyriel is the flower maiden. Allright I'll just go and put this on the arena. Cyriel can post the flower maiden information in the OOC
  6. Wolf Human: Male Name: Tsumi Occupation: Local city trouble maker Living Quarters: A run down abandon apartment building. Appearance: A shirt with smoke gray lining. Jet black hair and a torn black vest. A couple of scars on his arm and a bracelet on his right hand. The bracelet has many rings. Human Personality: Hates most humans for taking away his home in the war. He searches out the flower maiden to heal his home to what it was. If that is not completed he also searches for paradise. Wolf: Male Species: Timber Wolf Name: Tsumi Type: Wanderer/Savage Living Quarters: Same as Wolf Human living Quarters. Appearance: A smoky gray wolf with the rings on his right paw. Tall as your waste and yellow eyes. Wolf Personality: Generally just wanders. If a human crosses his path he usually is a human. He carries a ready to fight attitude to wrap it all up. There is mine please we need Humans.[COLOR=DarkRed][/COLOR]
  7. Hey there. I would rate the first one nine. Oh I'll just rate it that because it is good but it is missing something. I can't tell what. The second one is ten. It moves, it looks cool, and it is pink. Oh and Wave_of_Death please make me a banner that will be at least an eight out of ten and reflect upon my otaku personality. Or you can make on of wolf's rain. Yeah I'd like that.
  8. Name: Tetuga (Tet-too-ga) Age: 21 Race: Elf Male/Female: Male Description: Quite tall. 6? 9?. Has white hair with a golden sheen. His ears are pierced yet no earrings. Scars on his face from his master teaching him how to dodge arrows as well as use one. He also was taught to wield a spear just in case his bow breaks in mid-battle. Weapons: Spear of dragon A spear of which has great power. Only used in serious cases. Bow of the bewithched Bow that can shoot elemental arrows. :D
  9. Wolf?s Rain In the book of The Red Moon it says that wolf?s were first to walk on pure earth and man became its messenger. In other words men were created from wolves so says the book of The Red Moon. In the outskirts of the lands there are several cities that are massive in size. Cities scattered across the world sense the war. Ruins lie in wastelands of this war. There is only bent metal left. Many of the wolves have left their natural home to live in cities after they discovered their power. Humans don?t believe there is a trace of a wolf left in the land. For on a list was the names of all species of animal that became extinct. Now that wolves live in the city they lost all reminder of paradise. Paradise is a place where all wolves could be free from the humans, until they came and destroyed it. Now that is all left is the memories of paradise. Yet it says that paradise was reborn and made in a place where humans couldn?t reach. All wolves? ambitions are to find paradise and frolic in the lunar flowers. Lunar flowers are vast fields of flowers that bloom only in a full moon. The sweet nectar of wolves? dreams. Now the wolves are searching intensely to get to paradise. Extremes are come to be known as pets, to survive. Savages are another. The middle type of wolf is more of a wonderer in humans? eyes. The scents of lunar flowers are intense so wolves nestle in any state of the three above until the time is right to leave. Many wolves that have ventured have told about ruthless days without any food. There are many concerns other than that one. To set course to paradise is to set course through amazing ventures beyond your imagination. Now this is where all takes place. Now in the city of Kobana four wolves are distinctly known throughout the district. These wolves will be whoever signs up. They have their human identity on record only. Now instead of making one record this one calls for two. One is your police record and your wolf record. Only a few know the wolves? identity. These are human hunters. They hunt for wolves with their dogs. If you are a human make a person record and a dog record if you have one. Dogs can speak to wolves but only in their wolf form. Here is sign up: [COLOR=DarkRed]Wolf human:[/COLOR] Name: Occupation: Living Quarters: Appearance: Human Pesonality: [COLOR=DarkRed]Wolf:[/COLOR] Species: Name: Type: (The three above, pet, wanderer, savage.) Living Quarters: Appearance: Wolf Personality: [COLOR=SandyBrown]Human:[/COLOR] Name: Occupation: (This will include a discoverer who feel sorry for the wolves and start searching for them, a Medium who doesn?t care but does want to look for them, or a hunter who searches for them day and night rain or shine.) Living Quarters: (Will change in the story.) Personality: (Toward other humans. The occupation part includes what you are.) Now let?s get started. (One wolf is already taken. We?ll need seven to sign. If you really want to be in it and all seven are taken then PM me.)
  10. So last thing Misiku did was get things ready for his trip to death. ?A couple of these and, oh, some of these.? *Meow mew* ?Of course it is what I NEED Sumuni. We?re going to Meta Mahanica now.? So after packing there was a knock on the door in the front. ?A customer at this time. Could it be possible that they found me?? ?Muri open up! We all know you?re in there!? ?Fools! They think they can out smart me. Well all I got to say for that is?*Crash*?thank Atomsk for space travel.? *MEOW* They jetted off into the night sky towards Meta Machanica. When they got to the building there was no way of telling if the alarms were shut off. ?Well I guess it is time to open up.? He swung his guitar right at the front and a huge hole opened. The alarms didn?t go off because he pretty much destroyed them. *Meow mew meow* ?I think I can just waltz in here, after what they did to me last time.? ?I remember. Two years ago on that one day the satellite was coming down I snuck in to retrieve my guitar. For the most part they were preoccupied. Guards came and I crushed them. Then I heard a sound of a guitar landing a bulls-eye on something. While I was preoccupied with that sound for two seconds the shot me in the arm.? ?I?ll never forgive them!? *Meow* ?Nothing Sumuni. Let?s go in.? They hopped up into a vent to be cautious this time. When he got to the end of the vent an alarm went off. ?Dang they have alarms in the vents now. Hurry Sumuni we need to get that file. Now we just have to slink into the offices.? ?HALT!? ?What are you goons suppose to be?a threat.*Bang* I took you all out. Now to the offices.? He got to the offices. It was morning by then. ?Got the file. Now we get out and?? *Meow Mew* ?Yes there is something wrong Sumuni. It is Atomsk. Let?s look in my file how do actually destroy the user but not the power.? ?HEY!? ?Not again.? *Whack twang thwack* ?Finally. Oh no. Time to get serious Sumuni.? *Meow* ?There is only one way to beat him without losing the power. He must surrender it before his death.? *Whistle* *Vrrrm rrum* *Little Busters starts playing* *CRASH* ?We?re going back to the city. Time to get Atomsk for my-self, destroy this god awful planet, and rule the universe.? So he goes off with a bracelet with a link on it pointing the way. *Ride on Shooting Star plays the credits*
  11. [COLOR=Red]Name: Izron Age: 18 Appearance: He is about 5? 6??. He wears a deep waterish blue. He wears blue shoes that are extreme blue. He also wears sky blue pants. His hair is jet black and usually doesn?t comb it. His shoes are a little worn around the perimeter and his jacket is losing the deep blue. Element: Water Brief Background: He used to work at a restaurant then quit. Next he tried hotel service which didn?t work out. So finally he tried swimming instructor and it worked out fine. He is well fit. Before he lived with his grandparents due to a tragic death of his parents. As he got older he worked and got his own house. While he was at his grandparents before then he was taught to have a special link with all nature. He didn?t really believe it until he found water to be a peculiar site of nature. He was always sort of friends with the water. It felt to him as though he could control it but he also believed in logic. Soon enough he found himself by the water every day. Finally he was just accepting he was one with the water without even noticing. Weapons: Pretty much doesn?t carry any except for the Water Flash Water flash-The blade fit for a water element. This is the sword given to him as a gift for his 16 birth-day. He has treasured it sense he ever held it. It emits some powerful aura but not as powerful as Izron?s true power. Personality: He doesn?t care for anything much. He has an attitude though. Many, except his grandparents, know his true self. Deep down inside he holds a weird mix of hatred and forgiveness. Even though he has a forgiving side he tends to show his unforgiving side.[/COLOR]
  12. I may have this in the same day but could you save me the water spot.
  13. Next Morning Sumuni woke Misiku up. *Meow mew* ?Alright I?ll wake up.? So he got up, checked the register for money, which was about $7.00, and went to McDonalds. ?Come on Sumuni get on the motorcycle. I can smell the burgers.? *Meow mew MEOOOW* Now trying to obey the speed limit he jet down to McDonalds. When he got to the local McDonalds there were cops and ambulances. ?Hey what happened?? ?Yeah there was someone who knocked all these people unconscious.? ?By doing what?? ?Well it seems un-defined but they seem to have been knocked out with condiments, beef, and buns.? ?I see. Is there a picture of who did this?? ?Yeah here is a sketch artist?s drawing.? ?Alright I?ll just grab a bite to eat and leave.? ?Well you will have to go through the drive through and? wait a minute who are you?? ?Well uhh.? He drove through the drive through quite quickly and sped off. ?Here you go Sumuni.? He went back to the apartment. ?Just a quick stop here Sumuni and we?ll be off again.? He rummaged through the wreckage and ruins of the UEDO associates. ?Here we go.? He found a little ball with a glass window on one end. Holographic images of all criminals in the universe were on here. He put in a picture he took with a camera on to a scanner and scanned for the person. ?It seems this alien had something at after a universal prison brake out he got shot in the back of the head and lost all memory except for that of Atomsk and became quite regular. It also says that he was the one to knock all those people out.? He rummaged through the things again and but the orb in his pocket. ?Damn they took it!? *Meow mew meow* ?They took the file I stole from the Universal Defense Offices or UDO to keep for their own. Well we?ll see if they do have the last laugh.? *Meow* They went back to the Jewelry store not knowing for sure if they took it. ?Let?s just watch some T.V.? *Click* ?Today in news around Mabase police and UEDO officials received a call that a strange man had walked out of McDonalds and threatened a Mabase citizen. In related news UEDO ransacked an apartment to find a file containing information about a thing called Atomsk. Let?s go to Kelik for the weath?? *Click* he turned off the T.V. before he watched the weather. ?Well it seems that they have found my file and are uncovering its secrets. I got to go and kick their buts. Come on Sumuni we?re going to plan this out.? He got out some paper and started drawing a perfect blueprint of the inside of Meta Machanica. ?Now Sumuni we?ll go through he-? *Meow* (With surprising shock) ?Yes Sumuni we. Now we?ll go through the vents and get to the mane power unit and turn the power off and then go to the files. After all that we can just simply walk out if completed in time. We?ll have only 2 hours to do this because that is now the quickest time they can regenerate the power system.? *Meow Meow* ?It is too late tonight Sumuni. We?ll have to go tomorrow so that way we get a head start.? So, after that they went to sleep and Misiku still wondering if they will remember him from his previous brake in when he got caught trying to steal back his first guitar.
  14. OOC: Right right I?ll just re-start and say I never met the kid and just keep my apartment. IC: So, then while he was riding to the gothic kids house he realized something. ?What if there is already an alien there. If I go to the house the aliens will recognize me for what I am and try to save the world. Damn I hate good endings.? [COLOR=Red]?Sumuni we?re going back to the apartment.?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]*Meow meow.*[/COLOR] They sped off and they got back to the apartment. They cooked up some curry and watched the news. [COLOR=Indigo]?In other news a fire broke out today in a building and was quickly put out by our elite fire men.[/COLOR] (News reporter and camera guy whispering.) [COLOR=Indigo]This just in the UEDO is announcing its new statement that if there are any abnormalities in an area they will be there immediately. They also said that they are looking for a few people who just moved into town if you see any report it to UEDO immediately.? [/COLOR] Later that night he went out to fly around and check out things from a safe distance due to all the UEDO associates around. He got back and heated up some curry for him. Sumuni got some tuna. He went to bed to find that two minutes later there was a knock at the door. [COLOR=Red]?I?m a coming. Stop knocking!?[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Are you Misiku Muri Kinada??[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]?Yes and what do you have to do with me??[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Come with us down to what you aliens call Meta Mechanica."[/COLOR] (The short way of saying Medical Mechanical.)[COLOR=Red]" Not with out a fight."[/COLOR] He hit the associate with his electric guitar and took the strange cube, gathered all his things with it, accidentally scooping up the cat with it, and sped off. Later he found living in the jewelry store would be much better. [COLOR=Red]?Yeah I like it here.?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]*Meofff Meoff*[/COLOR] (coming from the cube.) [COLOR=Red]?Sorry Sumuni.?[/COLOR] A light flashed and Sumuni came out. [COLOR=Green]*Meow meow*[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]?We had to run quickly Sumuni. I had no choice. Those guys are monsters. After running I just thought of something and I wanted to tell you Sumuni.?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]*Meow meow*[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]?I wanted to say that I?m a seeker.?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]*Meow mew meow?*[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]?It is one alien who seeks out the power of Atomsk. Atomsk is the space pirate that ruled over all and he had a power to make him that powerful, or thus stated the power is pure power not of which one should handle unless control of ye weapon and perseverance. Thus says the legend of Atomsk.?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]*Meow*[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]?I?m looking for it so I can control the universe. I will let no one stop me. So, let?s go and find out some of this after we go get something casual, other than tuna and curry."[/COLOR] They decide next morning they?re going to eat at McDonalds. [COLOR=Red]?I explained my reasons for hunting down the power of Atomsk so now it is time to complete that.?[/COLOR]
  15. While Misiku was riding literally the most direct route to this gothic kid?s house he happened to see two people fighting. ?Sumuni, we will take a quick stop home and we?ll be on our way.? *Meow meow mew* ?Now hold on. We?re going to go one hundred miles an hour in three?two?one.? *Meow* (In an uh oh mood) Blasting off home Misiku eats his curry. He got home and took a broom, put on a tuxedo, got a dust pan, and sped off with the cube filled with his apartment things. *Meow meow* ?Sumuni don?t whine you know that ****** me off.? *Meow meow* ?We?re going to see if I can become a butler.? ?Man hope this kid doesn?t **** me off.? He thought to himself. He got to the house. *ring ring meow* ?Shhh Sumuni.? ?Go away we don?t want any!? ?Oh you miss-understand. I?m Mr. Kinada or call me Misiku. I?ll be glad to be of service Mr. uhhh.? ?Rodgers Mr. Rodgers.? ?Oh, yes of course.? ?Come on in. What work are you looking for Mr. Kinada?? ?Nothing big. I?m great at cleaning.? In the end he became Mr. Rodgers butler. Later---------- ?Do you have any sons or daughters?? ?Yes there is my son Jake.? ?Yes, yes. Right do you have any rooms available? I?m pooped.? ?Right upstairs to your left.? ?Alright.? Soon enough he got to unpacking. A flip of his cube and everything was set. ---------------- *Meow Meow* ?Now Sumuni I packed some fish.? *Click* He opened a can of tuna and gave it to Sumuni. He also took out his curry and cooked it. Finally he wrapped up and took off on his motorcycle some tuna and curry for staying for his job. *Meow meow mew mew* ?We?re staying until I get the power of the space pirate Atomsk.? He came back at 10:00 P.M. and went to sleep. Next morning Misiku woke up to find that it was already 7:00 P.M. So, he got ready started cleaning with alien cleaners to make good of his job. He got breakfast ready and washed the dishes. Soon everyone was awake except for the kid. ?Where is he?? Misiku said to himself. To cool him down there was a knock at the door. ?Mr. Kinada could you get that.? ?Right?I?m coming!? He opened the door. ?Muri come with us.? ?There is only one organization that calls me by my middle name.? he thought to himself. ?Uhhh?I?m not Muri who is he?? ?Oh sorry must have the wrong residence.? ?Whew? ?I thought that UEDO associate was going to catch Me.? he whispered. *Meow meow mew meow?* The kid came down the steps and he was awake finally.
  16. After awhile Misiku finally went outside after hearing reports of police attention is concentrated to brawls on the streets. *meow meow meow* ?You know? I?ve finally got a name for you. How do you like Sumuni?? *meow meow meow meow*(with glee) So, they hopped on the motorcycle and road off, but not without some flaming Cajun curry for the road. Soon he got to the robot site. There were paint cans, Styrofoam, and boxes all over. There was a noise from a stray cat and that was it. *ring ring ring*(sirens sounding) ?Damn the UEDO. I better get out of here. Come on Sumuni.? He sped off into the distance.? Then he went off to the pier again for two minutes to think. ?You know Sumuni. I think there is already been a striking in this town.? *Meow meow meow meow mew* "It is a guy who has been struck by an alien weapon. So Sumuni let?s go find him.? So he went off again to find the person. ------------------------ Soon enough he was riding down the streets 80 miles per hour. Finally he found someone on the streets. It was a guy who actually goes to school. ?Hey you has anything weird happened in the last twenty-four hours.? ?Yeah but why should I talk to you, you?re a weirdo.? ?But?I?m a nice weirdo.? ?Alright. A kid at school is wearing freaky hats.? ?Do you know this kid?? ?Yeah he is a Gothic like kid." ?Do you know where he lives?? ?yeah he lives on 1256 Newber." ?Thanks. Come on Sumuni let?s go to 1256 Newber." *meow meow MEOOOOOOW* "Oh yeah forgot to eat my curry. Well chow down. Here you go Sumuni."
  17. Misiku was just wrapping up at the down town jewelry store when he herd that it was going to rain soon enough on the news. So he just whistled for his motorcycle and went riding in the rain with his helmet on and a package of flaming Cajun curry in his pocket. Although the curry got soaked he still would cook it at home anyway. Once he got home he took in the mail. ?Letter from Meta Machanica and another and another? he thought. He just burned them all and went for a joy ride upon the streets of Mabase. He came across a cat, slid into a wall, and fell off. He was angry now. His curry was wrecked. He took his hand and smashed the cat into the ground. He picked up his motorcycle and rode off. He went to the pier to relax and forget about that cat. An hour past then another and another. Soon it was sunset and that same cat that made him almost kill himself came to him. It was still dazed from the clunk on the head. ?Alright do you want to come home with me little guy.? ?*meow meow meow*? ?Alright come on and hop in the helmet. A click of his lights and he was off back home. Once he got home he turned on the television. *click*. ?Today Meta Mechanica announces its re-opening which happened three thirty this morning. It was an amazing event. A lift of the fog and the re-opening started. In other news it was reported there was a huge explosion downtown.? ?What the robots are already sprouting!? exclaimed Misiku. Damn I got to find a new place downtown and investigate. Hopefully none of the UEDO associates realize I?m there. I must get the power of the space pirates.? *Meow meow* ?Yes we are leaving to find an apartment downtown. Now for the robots.? So, he jumped on his bike, packed all his belongings in a weird block, and headed to downtown Mabase. Of course not without his cat. They jet off and find an apartment.
  18. Well well well most insane moments eh. I have so many to talk about. But, I'll talk about the battle with Seymour #3. It was just insane. It took two second because everyone on my team kept on doing 9999 damage to him. They were exceding their power. It was cool. Then Yu Yevon took just a minute because I did the same thing I did to her as I did to seymour. I'm glad I did that to Seympur because he was getting so &*%$ annoying. I just wanted to kill him in one blow.
  19. Hey hey hey it is me again. I was just wondering what are some side kicks that are not mentioned much as the mane charecter. I like yoshi. He is amrio's side kick but he is awesome. I don't know why I like him so much. I guess it is just the different colors he can be.
  20. Haven't posted sense I made this but I found some other cool battles. I really like the battle with Yunalesca in FFX. She has the three forms, I forgot their names, but i twas a lot of fun. I had fun trying to beat her because when I did I was like a real strong thing. Anyway there are negatives about FFX. Three to be exact. [COLOR=SlateGray]Seymour Battle 1 Seymour battle 2[/COLOR][COLOR=SlateGray] and finally is seymour battle 3[/COLOR]. heh heh. Hey do you know any games that have just an insanley both hard and insanley looking. That would be appreciated.
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed]Name[/COLOR]: Misiku Muri Kinada Age: 22 Sex: Male Race: Alien Weapon is an electric guitar with special attachments. Job: Cashier at the jewelry store. (No one goes to a run down jewelry store.) Clothing: Black leather jacket with a white under shirt. Casual pants and some black gloves to complete his suit. Favorite color: (Bet you can?t guess.) Black Transportation: Motorcycle. Dislikes: Nothing in particular except when somebody just *&%$4# him off. Bio: Dark quite and mysterious. Well he wants the power of the space pirate and loves it when he rules over things. He found the power resides on Earth so that is where he traveled. He hates Meta Machanica. He also wants a lot of money. All In All: Hates losing to stupid people. [COLOR=DarkRed]Alignment[/COLOR]: Evil Alien
  22. I want to know what were your favorite boss battles. I like to know what game they were from and some posotives and negatives about them. My favorite boss battle was in Final Fantasy II the final boss. He was cool. He looked freaky, and I like freaky. His theme song was awesome. If anybody could shop for any game in the old platforms such as Super Nes You should get FFII.
  23. sonofdragon


    [FONT=Courier New]Early Morning 8:00 Palace Chamber[/FONT] ?My queen it is time for torturing the prisoners.? ?[COLOR=Gray]*yawn*[/COLOR] Oh yes of course. How could I ever forget?? ?Now Kaine let?s teleport down there.? The queen has just aroused from her sleep and now goes down to the dungeon where she keeps all trespassers. How does she torture them is simple. Just stick them in a boiling pot of water for twenty minutes. After Lily is done she is depleted of mezreaz. Now these two usually come down to torture the prisoners then go straight to breakfast, but today is different. She has too much to do so she goes straight to the disposal of gargoyles that have manifested to sit on her court yard. ?Report Kaine.? ?Yes Madam. Today you have to torture the prisoners. Then take care of the gargoyles.? ?Right right. Kaine I want you to go to check the paper and leave a surprise for our neighboring kingdom.? ?Yes Lord Lily we shall have the troops ready by twelve O? clock.? ?Lord Lily seems to be quite nice today? Kaine thought. ?Anyway I must return to my duties.? So Kaine went to rally up the troops and Lily went to gather her mezreaz. But before the gathering of troops he had to check the paper. Surprise surprise. There was nothing about the castle of darkness. Yet the press can get to the other elements. So Kaine got the troops ready and by twelve Lily got all her mezreaz ready. So they charged their attack and the kingdom next to them had a big whooping. After that Lily went to her studies on dark elementalists. Lately she has seemed very interested in the dark elementalist area. She is fascinated on how their stealth can out rival the other elementalists. After her studies she is about ready to perfect a couple techniques in the castle court yard. She has to learn burst of flame, Plasmatic reaction, and her favorite technique Flame sword. ?Kaine will you help me gather my mezreaz.? ?How do you expect me to do that?? ?Oh Kaine I?m just kidding.? The court yard hushed and she used plasmatic reaction, which gave off a huge energy of flame and blew a ten foot diameter scared hole into the ground. By the time she was ready for the nest technique it was 3:00 P.M. Now she preformed the flame sword. She loves this sword. ?Kaine how do you like it?? ?Like what Madam?? ?The sword you imbecile doesn?t it make me look like a true queen.? ?Oh yes yes Madam.? The sword went away in a flash of light and she started on the final technique. She recovered her mezreaz and used burst of flame. It left half a hole as the plasmatic reaction did. So she decided to use plasmatic reaction in battle instead of burst of flame. By six it was dinner and the cook made special roasted pork for the occasion that the queen was going to walk out of the kingdom for a three day stay at some kind of fancy five star hotel. Now it is really rare that she does this because she thinks her husband will mess up the kingdom while she is away. Now it is nine in the chamber and the queen is going to go to sleep. She falls asleep and dreams. This dream in particular was a weird one. ?Demonspell? ?the chosen? ?no one survives? ?die mortal? ?no? ?[COLOR=Red]*scream*[/COLOR] huh huh huh.? Thunk thunk thunk thunk. Creak. ?My lady what is a matter.? ?Oh nothing.? ?Right then I?ll leave you rest.? Little did Kaine know that she was dreaming about her childhood. You see her childhood was a fearful one. She wasn?t always the queen. She was dreaming about all the demons that would try to rob her in the forest by her old house when the Demon Lord she knew sent demons anywhere. Anyway that was the old Demon Lord and the new one no one knows about.
  24. yeah I'm a Zelda fanatic so go Zelda and I'm more of a Final Fantasy Fanatic. Go final fantasy. I liked the second one the best. It was cool. I liked the style of clothes Celcius wears. He wears the gogles and he has an awesome sword slashing sound. Kaine was cool too. I also love the old game for the N64 Paper Mario. I know it has been out for a while but I do sometimes play it. I can't wait for Paper Mario Two.
  25. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Hola everyone. I'm just wondering about some things. I want to know what your thoughts are about old games, if they are positive memories please tell what game was it. If it is negative then include that too. Share the hardest struggles of these old games and the best parts.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]**********************[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]My favorite was a game for the Super Nes. It was Super Mario Rpg Legend of the Seven Stars. I liked the battle the story and the bosses. I liked the end and also liked how the worlds were designed. For a Super Nintendo it also had some of the best graphics. Hope you have some cool games.[/COLOR] :D
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