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Everything posted by Jonexe

  1. Man... some of your parents... Here's how it went when -I- skipped school. [I]6:30am...[/I] [I]Mom:[/I] You'd better get up and get to school. [i]Me:[/i] ... Right. [i]Mom:[/i] I mean it. [i]Me:[/i] Sure mom... whatever you say... *roll over* [i]Mom:[/i] You're gunna fail and never get into college if you don't go! [i]Me:[/i] Oooooookay... [i]Mom:[/i] Ugh. You're such a loser. I want the dishes done before I get home, since you're not getting up today. [i]Me:[/i] ZzzzZzzzZzzz... Mmmhmm... It's even better in college now. [i]12:30pm...[/i] [i]Alarm:[/i] Ring! [i]Me:[/i] ******* you. ZzzzZzzzZzzZzz...
  2. Mmm... meeetaaaal... the firey sounds of heavy guitar and drums fill my soul with a burning rage that can only be quelled by the glory of battle >.
  3. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']The Screen Savers was actually intelligent and had good information when it was on Tech TV. Perhaps it was always "lame", but now it's just useless and crappy.[/quote] I completely agree. It was the only show I actually felt like I GOT something out of watching... I really, really wish G4 wouldn't have taken over TechTV... TechTV was oh-so-much better.
  4. I can honestly say I never, ever watch that channel anymore. I used to watch it a lot, before they cut most of the TechTV people. X Play - I find my views damn near always the completely opposite of their's, Adam acts like a complete moron, and the only thing Morgan has going for her is her good looks. Players - The show annoys me. I don't care about the life of the rich and famous, and what games they like to play. Electric Playground/Judgement Day - These two are not TOO bad, at least... not as bad as the others... the only problem I really have with Judgement Day is they never really seem to show games I actually enjoy; but that's not really the show's fault. I do like the reviews on hardware, and I DO find myself agreeing with most of what they say on the games I have played. All together decent shows that I really don't have any major qualms about. Cinematech - It's... ok... I get bored of it after the first time I've seen the episode -_-';; let along the tenth. Filter - That show has some of the absolute worst writing I've ever seen. Who ever writes the hostess' lines really... really needs some help. The lines are not witty, or funny; more over just annoying. Though, it IS kinda cool to see all the weird Top Ten topics they come up with, and the ability to vote on them. G4TV - I really haven't found a point to this show. 90% of the time it has nothing to do with games, and when it does... it's just boring. That, and the hosts annoy me to no end. The only show I really, really liked was Screensavers. That was great. A little bit of games, a little bit of tech, good hosts, decent humor... BUT OH WAIT! G4 fired the good hosts. Bleh.
  5. Here's my view on file sharing: It's good, with in reason. I download music, yeah, and I enjoy it too. I don't see that much of a problem with it, because the record lable makes 95% of the profit off of a CD. That's just wrong. Secondly, I believe music is an art, NOT a job. Sure, sure, you can make a living off of it; but that shoudn't be your reason to doing it. Artists should make their money off of Concerts and tours, not CDs. Hell, they only get like 5 cents to 1$ per CD anyway. Plus, I still go out and buy Albums when they have cool stuff to them. I don't buy them for the music, but for things like lyric books, posters, and the other special features you only get with the CDs Maybe it's wrong, maybe not; but that's what I think.
  6. Jonexe

    Symphonic Metal?

    [QUOTE=Rhym][FONT=Times New Roman]I have to get some of Luca Turilli's albums. His work in Rhapsody is amazing, but from what I've heard his solo albums trump that. I need to get more of Rhapsody's albums, too. All I have is Dawn of Victory. I have some of Iced Earth's albums. They're pretty cool. You gotta love how they incorporate the [i]statistics[/i] of the battles they write songs about into the songs themselves. [/FONT][/QUOTE] Luca Turilli IS amazing. While the style is very similar to Rhapsody's, that's really to be expected. Turilli tends to incorporate more technoish sounds and themes towards his music, but it's still amazing. I suggest looking for the album "Prophet Of The Last Eclipse." It's my favorite out of all of his non-Rhapsody work. And yes! I completely agree with you about Iced Earth! I love "Delcaration Day" and "Hold at All Costs" off of "The Glorious Burden" album. The Civil War themes and lyrics tie into the metal beautifully, and it's simply amazing to hear how they pulled it off. "The Night of theStormrider" is a great album too, but it's not the same sort of style. Have you checked out Blind Guardian and Iced Earth's group album "Demons and Wizards" yet? It's AMAZING. I highly recommend it if you like both groups.
  7. Jonexe


    Buddhism is a great set of ideas... I don't like classifying it as a religion because of that fact. Yeah, I know it technically is one... but it is more of a way of life, rather than worship or anything of that sort. I too have taken a look into Buddhism, and it really does look like a great way to live your life, physically and spiritually. I'll point you [URL=http://www.buddhanet.net/]here (http://www.buddhanet.net/)[/URL]. This is a great site with a lot of information about the Buddhist religion and ideaology. I highly suggest you look it over. While I'm not incrediably knowledgable, I do feel I have a decent insight into the religion. Feel free to contact me (MSN, E-mail, Otaku, what have you) and I'd be happy to discuss it with you.
  8. Jonexe

    Symphonic Metal?

    Finally! Someone else! Yeah, it's not often I hear about other people liking things like Kamelot, which is one of my favorite bands. Center of the Universe is an amazing song, same with Feast for the Vain. Blind Guardian is awesome too, as well as Sonata Arctica, and Rhapsody to boot. If you haven't already, you should check out Hammerfall, Iron Savior, Luca Turlli (I believe that's the spelling), Iced Earth, and uh... I probably have some others I could point you to, if I were at home (In class right now; don't have my CDs.) Symphonic Metal is some of my favorite music there is. I like it right up there with Nordic/Bardic/Viking/whateveryouwannacallit Metal. (Manowar, Amon Amarth, etc.)
  9. [QUOTE=Gemini_Phoenix]I understand that, but all I am really looking for is a image that that doesn't look like someone took the example I attachted and tried to enlarge it. I was hoping someone else would have better luck finding a larger picture to enlarge. If it's jagged it can't be helped, but I don't want a tiny picture blown up to a massive size. It's possible, but I have never had any luck tracking down good pictures. Every time I try I get nothing like what I am looking for, and I was hoping someone here knew a better way they could use. Whichever looks better, to be honest. I usually use 1024x768, but I am not that picky.[/QUOTE] Oh man, I feel like a total a** right now >..< Damn, I'm sorry. I'll look today after I wake up (Just getting home from work when posting this). If anything, maybe I can apply some effects to the one you have here to make it look better. Again, really sorry >.
  10. [QUOTE=Black_Phoenix]What I am asking for here will be pretty simple, I just suck at finding the picture needed for it. :animeswea I need someone to make a wallpaper for my computer desktop using the image seen at the very begining of Gundam SEED's third opening (the pic of Freedom Gundam's face). There is a smaller version attachted to this thread for reference. The problem is, I can't find a picture big enough to make into a wallpaper without it looking horrible from the change of size. All I really want is the image itself in wallpaper size, no writing, and cleaned up so that it doesn't look overly jagged from any size changes. I greatly appreciate anything you can do to help me on this (cause like I said, I suck at finding good pictures online).[/QUOTE] It's not possible to enlarge a picture as far as you're asking. It will always look pixelated, or what have, due to the nature of pictures; you can shrink them, but increasing their size distorts the image. The BEST you could probably hope for is increasing the size, and uping your DPI on it... but... I tried that and it looks absolutely ugly. I'll try looking for a bigger picture, but (since you said you had a hard time finding one) one might not exist. OH! And what resolution size are you looking for? 800x600? 1024x768? Other? That'll influence it too.
  11. [QUOTE=Miss Anonymous]My favorite RPG is, strangely enough, Lufia: The Legend Returns for GameBoy Color. It wasn't that popular of a game methinks, but I've still had a lot of fun with it. The plot is pretty good, similar to it's predecessors. The dialogue isn't that great, but I don't mind that so much. It's a relatively challenging game the first time through, when you're still getting used to everything. The hardest part of the game would have to be a tie between when you fight the Egg Dragon, and when you go through all 200 levels of the Ancient Cave and fight the boss at the end. There's a lot of characters to choose from, 12 in all, and you can keep 9 in battle at one time. Technically, you can only have 3 fight each turn. The characters don't have much depth to them, most of them fit a certain stereotype. On top of that, some of them aren't even worth using in battle. So, why do I like this game then? Well, there are quite a few cool battling techniques in the game, that you can learn using Ancient Texts. Most of them are, admittedly, not worth learning sometimes, but there are some really cool ones, like I said. Since there are so many characters to choose from, you can have whole different strategies whenever you replay it. Plus, the Ancient Cave sidequest is quite challenging, and I like the song they play in the ending credits of the game. ~.^ Maybe to most people, this was a mediocre game, but I still replay it quite often.[/QUOTE] While it's not my FAVORITE RPG, I really do have to agree with you here. I'm not quite sure what draws me back to the game... maybe it's the way you can play through each and every battle COMPLETELY different every time, since you have a large number of characters on the field at any given time, the Ancient Cave, or some kind of deep rooted love for the game that I'm not willing admit. Even though the dialouge is horribly cliche and corny at times, you can't tell me you didn't get a kick out of it when Gades says he has "Frue" power. Not enough people give Lufia: TLR enough credit. Yeah, it's no Lufia II (Another AMAZING game), but it has it's points.
  12. My favorite RPG would have to be Terranigma. It's a little known action RPG for the SNES, never released in America... though, it was released in english over in Europe. The game is simply amazing. The story is one of the most unique one's I've ever had the pleasure of reading, and the characters are far from your static, cookie cutter characters that the FF games, and most other RPGs, give you. Also, the music is just... wow... every song is good, and every song fits the moment just perfectly. The game play is fun, and interesting, and there's enough variety that you never really get bored. There are a ton of side quests to do, and the story is deep enough that you can get different meanings from it each time. And, for the SNES, the graphics a very nice, and polished; it looks almost like a sprite based PS1 game.
  13. I've beaten the game on both normal, and professional mode now; and I'm still enjoying it. I've seen a lot of arguements about how accuracy can give you relief of a reload or what have you, and how those say they have good accuracy ratings, but still have problems with it. Accuracy is determined IF you hit the enemy, not WHERE. You accuracy rating isn't as important as where you actually hit. My first time through the game. I had a real problem with the part where you have to protect Ashley as she lowers the stairs, and then raises the two platforms so you can escape. It's just after you enter the castle, after the blind claw guy, but before she gets captured. I kept running out of ammo at that part, and thus dying. It's then that I learned a nice little trick with the handgun. Get yourself a handgun with decent power, decent firing speed, and an ok reload time. Then aim at the knees. Yes, I know they're hard to hit; but if you aim down and pop off a couple shots, you can usually get a guy or two down to their knees, and then Suplex them. Get this, while you're in the suplex animation YOU CANNOT BE HIT. The enemy you suplex, and the ones around you, will not attack you for a second or two after the animation; and the guy you suplexed will either be dead, or laying on the ground. It gives you a brief second to reload, use an herb, fire, or dodge. Sometimes, that can be a real help. Granted, you won't ALWAYS hit their knees; but by firing off two or three rounds, you'll MOST LIKELY hit, and that's what counts. I don't know how much it'll help, but it doesn't hurt to try it. As for the question on professional mode; it's really not THAT much harder. The only thing is that enemies take a shot or two more to take down, and they hit you for A LOT more damage. If you stick to your basic stratagies, and try your best to hit weak points (The head on villagers, for example), you can run through it fairly easily. The bosses later in the game can be a bit of a pain, namely Salazar. The Prisoner guy was kind of hard as well. But again, just stick to the basics, and don't get fancy; you should be fine.
  14. I believe he's asking how to use one that he already has. For the URL deal, you just upload it to a host site such as [url]www.photobucket.com[/url]. Then you simply put in the URL of the picture, and volia! You're done ^_^ As for the uploading thing, there's numerous ways you can shrink a file down. I normally use Photoshop. If you need me to, I can do it for you. Simply send the image to me on here, or through e-mail (reflectionsoftime@hotmail.com) and I can see what I can do. That being said, this would probably be the wrong place for this. As Panda said, the Art forum would have been a better place.
  15. None of the other Dragon Warrior games made it to the states. However, you can find 4, 5, and a I believe 6, on the Super Nintendo; and I know for a fact that 5 has a translation floating around. If you can't find them under Dragon Warrior, try looking under Dragon Quest.
  16. I'd have to say Street Fighter 3: Third Strike. That game has some of the most amazing sprite work I have ever see. Definitely the best of the series. The music's alittle... out there... but it's not too bad. I love how fast the game FEELS, but in reality, it's really not moving all that quick. The super moves give you a very dynamic feel to the battles, and the game has an insane difficulty level; something I enjoy. As for a character, I would have to pick either Ryu or Yun/Yang. Ryu because... well... he's RYU. Before a lot of the other characters were introduced, I found Ryu being my best character. Excellent fighter, great story, and awesome super moves. Can't go wrong with Ryu. Know how you know? He has like 40 (or so >_>) reincarnations of him! Yun/Yang 'cause... well I'm not sure what the name of the one I normally use is. The one WITHOUT the baseball hat. His fighting style is something new (at SF:IIIStrike's time) to the series; he focuses mainly on counter attacks, quick fake outs, and unbalancing your opponent until you can catch them into a massive combo string; which, most times, will end the match in your favor. He was one of the first characters I tried out, and I've enjoyed using him right from the get go. Yun/Yang has a hard learning curve, and most people -I've- played with says he sucks, merely because they cannot use him. However, once you get good... he's unstoppable. Also, I'd like to point out something about a little guy named Dan. If you can wipe the floor with someone with DAN, you are a SF God. What the hell was Capcom thinking when they made him?!
  17. Out of all the Gundam series, I'd have to say the ones that go along with the original UC time line are my favorites. This includes the Mangas (Such as Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam.) I like that fact that it's a massive, on going story line. That, and there's not some "All powerful" Gundam. Infact, you can see the progression of the mechas through time. From the original Mobile Suits, the Zaku Is, all the way up to something as amazing as the Nu Gundam. Also, the characters from the UC series are just so much more... personalable? I guess that's the word... I can just connect with them so much more then I can the static, rather annoying characters from series such as "Gundam Wing." That being said... my FAVORITE series out of all of those would be a toss up between 08th MS Team and Char's Counterattack. 08th MS Team had an amazing story. You were right there, in the down and dirty part of the war. The Gundams were strong, yeah, but they got messed up very easily. Also, progressions of the characters were awesome as well. As for Char's Counterattack, it's got two of my favorite mechs in it (The Nu Gundam and the Jadg Doga), as well as Amuro and Char. I've always loved the conflict between the two of them. It's kind of scary to think that, if they hadn't been enemies for so long, that they could have been friends. Also, the story is simple awesome... I think that's the only way I can describe it.
  18. There were a few bad instances at the couple highschools I went to. For example, at the school I graduated from, some kid beat the hell out of three others with a chair during lunch. But WHY did this happen? Because those three kids had be tormenting their beater's brother for the past year. THEY began it, and paid the price. The point of that being, if you don't MESS with other people, you're far more safe than if you do. Let's take Collumbine for example. Those whom went off shooting people partially did so as revenge for what other students had done to them. Yes, they were wrong, but if people hadn't be messing with them for years, maybe the idea to shoot people wouldn't have gotten into their heads. That is what I think half the problems with "school safety" issues are these days. People continue to insult, beat up, and harrass others; and then are suprised when those harrassed take action against them. Basically, be NICE to people, and you won't have to worry AS MUCH about someone wanting to beat you up, or people wanting to shoot you for picking on them.
  19. I like anime for a couple reasons. 1. The art. I'm an artist myself (While not the SAME kind of art, art none the less), and I really just love seeing the different styles of drawing and coloring. Every anime has it's own style, and it's amazing to see those styles in action. 2. The plots. Most anime plots are far deep, and far more enjoyable than anything you see in America. The Japanese are not afraid to go incrediably weird to make a point, or to tell a story; and I like that fact. 3. Some of the things you see are awesome. Serious, have you ever seen anything REMOTELY close to Macross? Or the UC Gundam series? Not on American television. Hell, you're lucky if you get something remotely Sci-Fi that's not a teeny bopper show (Buffy comes to mind... bleh). And while these things are all strange, and awesome, they point back to number 2 and 1 there. There's probably a hundred other reason I could name while I like anime, but I believe those are the best three.
  20. Eeeehhhhh... monday wasn't too great for me. I accidently slept through my Photoshop class, which costs me a good 40 points, and a couple hours worth of work on a stupid Lab....... thankfully it's not a major portion of the grade. Then when I finally DID wake up... had to go to my stupid Digital Documents class (Some corney Microsoft Word + Acrobat Professional class) and sit around bored to tear during a test. Thankfully, instead of making us sit the FOUR HOURS, the professor let us go once we finished up the test. Uh... then the night just went down hill from there. Tons of crap, basically. I got a call from a special person at like midnight, which lasted maaaaaaaaaybe ten minutes. T'was the highlight of my day. Oh well... I leveled a couple times in FFXI; that's good, right?
  21. Gundam eh... Well, PERSONALLY... I say the Zeon suits whoop up on Federation ones anyday... but... I suppose since it's a Gundam, and not mobile suit, I'd have to go with... Crossbone Gundam! X1-X3 are fine... all of them just plain rock. That beam cloak makes me drools with envy *sigh*
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