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Everything posted by Reiayni

  1. When is the Gravitation anime going to be released here? I already have the series in japanese, but I'm going to buy the domestic release as well. I also have all of the released mangas as well. Also who is releasing it? [COLOR=Navy]Let's try not to go off on a tangent. Post your questions in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=33793&page=3][u]Gravitation[/u][/URL] thread and I'll be happy to answer them. ^_^ ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
  2. D.N.Angel, manga is being released Gravitation, the tv series the manga is being released just to name a couple.... [color=hotpink][size=1]Please be more descriptive with your posts or ones like this will be deleted in the future. *QA*[/color][/size]
  3. Legend of Twilight I think is great. The thing I like the most is that Balmung is given a more soft side rather than being serious all the time. Plus I love his assistant Reki. My favorite part thus far is when he puts those outfits in the treasure chest and it says something like that Balmung is still missing the point. That box was hilarious. I also like when he says he can roleplay being drunk and when he almost wins his own contest. I think that the relationship between Shugo and Ouka is funny. I could name a thousand other things so I'll stop babbling....
  4. hm......getting better. As for the eden part, weren't adam and eve thrown out of the garden when god found out they had eaten from the tree? so wouldn't cain have been born outside and not in? maybe i'm just getting mixed up, but i do know that besides those two in the garden i THINK that lilith and naamah resided there. not sure...... as for justifying the crazy edinians personalities. That is definitely going to take more story elements. You are going to have to make them a past or a reason for being the way they are to justify them. Maybe there souls are lacking an element that the original humans had, or maybe they are the spawn of lilith or naamah who were made of sediment instead of fine dust(i think that's what it was) like Adam. OR maybe they are the true image of God(if you would like him to be an all around good guy) Things like those will make your story complete. Maybe this babbling is a little crazy, but I'm half asleep, I'm still tired from the MTAC, an anime convention, so I might be a little off today.... good luck
  5. I really think your story has potential in it, you just need to fill in the blank spots. I'm glad you value my opinion. Just post some more more pieces of your story and I'll be more than happy to tell you what I think. Maybe if I get up and do some work I'll post some ideas and you can return the favor.
  6. why would they live for themselves? the only fault so far they have is their naiveness and ignorance of it. If they see no problems or better things in the future, what in themselves do they live for? (just wanting to know) As for the picture, he looks like a person entering into the beginning of the adult stage of life rather than being young. I think it is the facial hair. Also, I think it is just me, but the eyes are too big and happy for the rest of the head. I say if you get rid of the facial hair, it'd all be great. Well that's my opinion leastaways.
  7. The story overall sounds intriguing....but the concept of hatelessness is a little off to me. If there is no evil in their minds, what drives them on? People live knowing there is good, but you can only recognize what is good by contrasting that of which is good to that of anything that is bad. Also if they've never recognized discontent or anger how can they experience it? personally I think a world is best balanced with good and evil, a true Utopia would almost be impossible to describe because it has never been seen. People in it would be totally different and society would be virtually nonexistent because people would see each other as equal, so why would there be a king? enough of my babbling, but for a character without armer I suggest flowing robish style clothingl. I don't know really but it mostly depends on how that character acts and feels.
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