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Everything posted by xmystic_silverx

  1. [quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray] That's it. I'm decided that [spoiler] Kishi has no sense of color at all. Why is everyone wearing purple? *claws eyes out*[/spoiler'] [/color][/quote] No kidding. [spoiler]I thought for sure that Karin had black hair but instead it's hot pink?[/spoiler]
  2. Dang, I thought of exactly the same shows that were already suggested. 1. Samurai X (Rurouni Kenshin) 2. Samurai Champloo 3. Samurai 7
  3. Alright, this looks like fun. So I have choose a color that everyone else will choose? I think Pink. There are a lot of Anime characters with pink hair. My next four would be: 2. Silver 3. Black 4. Purple 5. Orange
  4. Before, I never really had any reason to keep track of which manga or DVD is coming out for whichever series because my friends would always do that for me and then I would just borrow from them. Recently, however, I've decided that I just wanted to go out and buy one or two series that no one was interested in (out of my group of friends) and keep track of it. So here are the series that I have to look forward to. ANIME [i]La Chevaliar D'eon[/i] vol 3: I bought volume 1 not really sure whether I'd like it or not but right now it's got to be one of my favorite series. A truck-load of extras are always a good thing. [i]Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles[/i] vol 2: I just got volume 1 about a day ago and the anime is moving slow... main reasons I'm sticking to it is because I like Fai and I'm a FUNimation supporter. Maybe the series will start moving at a pace that's to my liking. MANGA: [i]D. Gray-Man[/i] vol 6: Love this series! Why I didn't pick it up earlier, I don't know. [i]Death Note[/i] vol 11 and 12: I skipped A LOT of chapters when I was reading it online so I figured I'd just buy the manga and catch up on what I missed.
  5. [quote name='Jiazu][spoiler]Well I don't know about you, but I certainly wouldn't be all happy if i'd just had one of my eyes stolen by my erstwhile traveling companion, been turned into a vampire, stabbed Sakura-chan, and then had to go back to the very dimension i'd gone to all sorts of trouble to get away from....[/spoiler'] though ever-black-wearing-emo-boy-fai is getting a bit annoying, he seems a little more realistic without the fake-happy all the time..[/quote] Heh, you're definitely right. I guess I haven't gotten used to [i]not[/i] having any sort of comic relief or heart-warming scenes or anything like that in awhile. I probably shouldn't be expecting anything anytime soon though. Only CLAMP knows how long they're going to be in Celes. [quote][spoiler]well it can't go on forever.. i hope.. *crosses fingers* once whatever the deal with Fai and Ashura is is settled it should be less emo, since Fai won't have any more curses to worry about...[/spoiler][/QUOTE] Hopefully. [spoiler]I hope that he somehow he gets his eye back... but maybe that's too much to ask for.[/spoiler]Well, Fai is my favorite character so I guess I can stick it out with him through whatever more depressing and/or emo phases he may go through. Bring it on CLAMP! Man, Jiazu, I'm glad you replied. I thought I'd be talking to myself on this thread.
  6. Blue Moon, where are ya? I just read chapter 153 and Fai's recent [spoiler]admittance about all his lies is starting to piss me off, not to mention Syaoran and Kurogane by the looks of it. Fai and the rest of the gang are finally going to Celes to try and find Sakura. I was so excited about seeing this part so long ago and now that they finally get to the Celes arc, I have to say that I'm not as pumped up about it as I was. I just wish Fai would put a damn smile on his face already. He's making me depressed. Hopefully the series gets a bit more cheerful. This gloomy atmosphere is getting on my nerves.[/spoiler]
  7. [QUOTE=Jiazu][spoiler] actually, when was the last time Sakura did [i]anything[/i]? hmm.. maybe saving Kankurou like forever ago?[/spoiler][/quote] [spoiler]Let's not forget that she killed Sasori even if he had help from the old lady. But you're right. Other than that she hasn't really done anything.[/spoiler] [quote][spoiler]On another note what's with the capes all of a sudden? it's the white caped people againstr the black caped people against the black-with-red-cloud caped people... Lemme guess... NEXT ISSUE! The purple capes!!1!!111lollreskatez :rolleyes: [/spoiler][/QUOTE] [spoiler]I thought they were just wearing those because of the rain...Then again I don't know where else they're going to put them if they're not wearing them. Well, enough about the capes... I thought it was interesting to see the ninja cats. I remember in the first Naruto Fan Guide (or something like that) that Kishimoto mentioned that he wanted to create a ninja cat as his next ninja animal so it was exciting for me to see that he actually put some cats in there. The cat lady kinda freaked me out, though. She's like some old lady cat cosplayer.[/spoiler] Ch 355: Yes! This chapter is going at a faster pace. I like that. I was expecting them to be walking/jumping from tree to tree and talking... about something.... [spoiler]I didn't think that by the end of the chapter that one of the groups would have already found another.[/spoiler]
  8. [quote name='Kei][spoiler][size=1]Hm, I think that's actually somewhat of a feasible plan, mystic. Sure, it does leave for a lot of unanswered questions and would probably lead to an epic battle if Sasuke ended up back in Konoha (he is wanted, after all), but it's actually one of the better theories I've heard for what Sasuke's doing at the moment.[/spoiler'][/size][/quote] I'm glad someone replied about it. Anyway, I've just read some 352 spoilers and my theory is way off. Oh well, I knew it was crazy XD [quote][spoiler][size=1]Though I thought he would be a whole lot younger than what he appears to be now (he had a bit of a Hitsugaya-taichou look about him). Though I am particularly interested in his character now.[/spoiler][/size][/quote] [spoiler]Maybe the effect of the curse seal on his body makes him look older? I thought he looked young the first time we saw his face and then after he snapped he looked much older.[/spoiler] [quote][spoiler][size=1]What's more interesting to me right now, though, is that it seems that Sasuke has started to tap into Orochimaru's powers, seeing as though he was able to stop Juugo and Suigetsu cold just by standing in between them and he had the whole snake arm thing going on. Some interesting things are definitely afoot there.[/spoiler][/size][/QUOTE] [spoiler] I agree. For some reason I didn't think that Sasuke would be able to use Orochimaru's abilities. I can't wait to see what else he can do now! He's got to be incredibly strong. He has his sharingan, the curse seal, and apparently now he can even use Orochimaru's powers. If Sasuke and Naruto end up having a huge battle I don't know if Naruto is going to be able to beat him.[/spoiler]
  9. [quote name='BlueMoon]Come on, CLAMP, throw us a few happy panels. I'd be happy with just one right now. And you're right, I still have no idea what's going on with [SPOILER']clone!Syaoran and real!Syaoran. I mean, one of them is bound to die, I bet, or merge or something. And is clone!Syaoran just mindless now or what? Argh[/SPOILER][/quote] I'd also be pretty content with just one (specifically between Fai and Kurogane, of course). [spoiler]I think they're gonna end up fusing together because I know that Sakura would throw a hissy fit if one were to die. I think the Syaoran clone is, for the lack of a better word, programed to go after the other feathers or do whatever it is he's doing.[/spoiler] [quote]Oh, I definitely think that [SPOILER] the curse is still mostly the kill stronger person thing. But I think Fei Wong Reed made that curse very specifically for Sakura. I mean so far he's messed in everyone's lives, all just to get Sakura dead. Apparently he's been referring to Sakura as a corpse and she's close to it, now. So it's possible Fai's curse was meant for Sakura.[/spoiler][/quote] Fei Wong is such a creeper =_=. [spoiler] If Fai's curse was meant for Sakura then there's nothing he could have done to prevent it, right? Fai had no choice. [/spoiler] [quote][spoiler]And I'm very worried about what that interview meant. But I seriously can't imagine anything at this point that Fai could do to make me hate him. He just stabbed my favorite CLAMP character and I still don't hate him. Granted he didn't want to but still.[/spoiler][/quote] I don't think I'll be able to bring myself to hate him. [quote][spoiler]The only thing that's making me mad with him is how he pushes Kurogane away and that's it. [/SPOILER][/quote] I know what you mean! I hope they end up together, but then again that's a lot to hope for especially from a shonen manga. [quote]Oh and CLAMP has said that, at this point, we're only 65% through the manga *laughs* So, I'm happy things still have time to get better for everyone. I'm hoping for a happy ending.[/QUOTE] 65% !! They have less than 40% to finish! That's not a lot to me. Well, I hope it has a good ending but I've never like most of the endings to the series that I've seen.
  10. [quote name='BlueMoon']Tell me about it! Here's hoping there's at least a few hopeful smiles coming soon. I can't take non-stop angst for too long. [/quote] Same here. At times I felt like banging my head against my monitor. [quote]The new spoilers came out for Wednesday's chapter! [SPOILER]It sounds like Kurogane stops Fai from stabbing himself or something. That makes my inner Kuro/Fai shipper happy. But Syaoran and Kurogane don't sound happy. And that Sakura's soul ends up in that tube of doom from the beginning of Tsubasa. This makes me wonder what's going on in that scene from the beginning. Maybe Syaoran couldn't save her soul?[/quote][/spoiler] You said hopefull smiles? This sounds like it's just going to get worse ;.; [spoiler]Atleast I can look forward to some Kuro/Fai. I can't imagine Syaoran getting mad at Fai but I can definitely see Kurogane being less than pleased about his behavior. Tube of doom, eh? Why does CLAMP continue to confuse the TRC fandom? I had to read the chapter with Syaoran clone a couple dozen times before I could get a gist of what the heck was going on and now I have a feeling I'm going to have to do that again.[/spoiler] [quote][spoiler]Also, apparently Sakura's vision was of Fai killing Kuro and Syaoran. I wonder why he would have done that, though? I'm seriously not nderstanding it. But, next up we finally see what went wrong between Ashura-ou and Fai. I do wonder why Fai fears Ashura-ou, you know? But I'm also glad, yet still worried. A recent CLAMP interview said "We wonder how many people will still like Fai when they find out about his past?" So I guess we're not out of the woods yet...[/SPOILER][/QUOTE] Beats me! [spoiler]I thought the only reason he attacked Sakura was because the curse said he had to kill the person who's magical power was greater than his (or something like that) and I doubt Kurogane or Syaoran possess that kind of magical power. No CLAMP! Don't make me hate Fai. I love Fai, and if he does something as bad as CLAMP is making it sound I will be angry. Why does he have to be such a complex character?[/spoiler]
  11. [QUOTE=BlueMoon]THREAD REVIVE, I CHOOSE YOU! All right, so, has anyone been keeping up with the chapters in Japan? We've been given more of Fai's background and I must say, I feel bad for him. Not to mention Sakura. And Syaoran. And Kuro. And, well, everyone. Prepare for [STRIKE]the fight scene[/STRIKE][/quote] I'm glad that we finally get to see his past and the real reason why he was running away.[spoiler]I thought Fai left Ceres because he commited some horrible crime. Now I can breathe a bit since he didn't turn out to be evil. However, now I think he's going to be more than a little emotionally traumatized from stabbing Sakura even if she isn't really dead (everyone should have seen that coming).[/spoiler] [quote]... I have to say, though, I'm glad this arc is finally picking up. I was getting tired of the moping. Someone needed to do something. [/QUOTE] Amen! The gloomy atmosphere was getting really old. A manga series should not be that depressing.
  12. [quote name='Kei][spoiler][size=1]I personally don't think that Karin's power is all that great. I mean, yes, if there were an assassination mission, it would come in real handy, but other than that, it's pretty "eh," if you ask me.[/spoiler'][/size][/quote] [spoiler]I think that was just a taste of what Karin could do. There has got to be more to her ability than what we've seen or else Sasuke wouldn't have even bothered recruiting her. Anyway, I think Sasuke is going to defeat Juugo. I mean, he went in there knowing what Juugo was and he probably has a good idea of what he's capable of. It'll be an interesting fight.[/spoiler] On a side note: [spoiler]Lately I've been thinking about what Sasuke was planning on doing and I'm convinced that Sasuke isn't going to go marching into Akatsuki base (even if he knew where it was) just to take down Itachi. Even with Suigetsu, Karin, and Juugo it's hard for me to believe that they could defeat the Akatsuki on their own. I also think that if Sasuke wants to beat him he's going to have to get Itachi on his own much like the way Shikamaru was able to get Hidan alone and kill him. So then I was thinking about how Sasuke would accomplish this task and what I came up with was Sasuke using some sort of bait. What kind of bait? Naruto bait, maybe. We know that Akatsuki is looking for jinchuuriki and what better way to lure them out, specifically Itachi and Kisame, by presenting them the thing they want most? I think that with a good strategy and some planning that they could beat Itachi and Kisame. It's crazy, I know. This whole theory came up because I think Sasuke is planning on running into Naruto instead of immediately trying to find Itachi. There are a ton of loop holes in there. This is just a bunch of speculation so... don't get all worked up if you disagree with me. It's just an idea that I had and wanted to know that you all thought about it.[/spoiler]
  13. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#0e1030][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS] Eh, I don't think that Sasuke was that much of a "Bastard" when he [spoiler]first left. More like a raving kid wanting a new toy not being able to have it. Replace raving kid with Sasuke, and a new Toy with power and well...there you go.[/spoiler][/color][/size][/font][/quote] He just made me angry. I guess the better word to use, to fit your analogy, would be brat, maybe? Lol. [quote][spoiler]His group is defiantly not going to try and fight Akatsuki at this point in time. His group is obviously no match for them even if they are all a bunch of freaks (cept for Suigetsu, he rocks).[/spoiler][/quote] I guess it's a bit too early for them to be doing that, but then again we don't really know what powers they possess. [spoiler]We know that Suigetsu can manipulate his body, I can't really explain what Karin's power is and we know that Juugo's is the curse seal. Maybe they do have some powers that can defeat an akatsuki member. If they're not going after akatsuki or back to Naruto and co. like you said then what else could Sasuke be planning?[/spoiler] [quote name='jiazu']..i was just thinking.. maybe all that was just for orochimaru's benefit? So he wouldn't suspect he really wasn't on his side?[/quote] I was thinking that it was just a 'spur of the moment' thing. [spoiler]Naruto was there and in his way so he had to do something that wasn't "Hey Naruto, nice to see you!"[/spoiler]
  14. [spoiler]Does anyone else get the feeling that Sasuke isn't as much of a bastard as he was when he first left and fought Naruto? I dunno why. For some reason I'm not saying "Die you jerk face!" as much anymore. I can't wait until Sasuke and his group meet Naruto, Sakura, and Sai XD I'd like to see Karin and Sakura fight or maybe fight over Sasuke, heh. So since it seems like Sasuke is going after Akatsuki does that mean that Naruto's life won't "end at his will" anymore?[/spoiler]
  15. [quote name='Jiazu] [spoiler']and that new jutsu isn't even what naruto was trying for. It was just a really kickass hey-look-what-i-discovered jutsu. he probably will come up with something... maybe have one of the clones do it instead?? then he's not sustaining any damage....[/spoiler][/quote] You're right, you're right. He'll come up with something. BTW, did anyone read chapter 347? Heh, wow... a bit unexpected.
  16. [COLOR=Sienna]Like Ikillion said [spoiler] I'm sure Orochimaru is still alive because well... he's Orochimaru. As much as I wanted Sasuke to kill him I don't believe that he did in that short amount of time. If there are internal conflicts I can only hope that Sasuke wins in the end.[/spoiler] Did it made anyone else angry that [spoiler]Tsunade was being pretty strict about Naruto's new jutsu? He went through a lot to learn that! Doesn't it defeat the purpose of creating a new jutsu if you can't use it? I get the feeling that Naruto is going to find a way to use it without it hurting him in the process.[/spoiler] I agree with you Jiazu. As much as I like seeing Sasuke I think there needs to be more of Sai. He's always just kinda "there". He needs more panels to himself XD[/color]
  17. [quote name='KyuubiKhaos]That's true, he still has some ways to go, but [spoiler] the [I]Fuuton: Rasenshuriken[/I], don't forget, was used 2-3 times in that battle (2 if you count the one that messed up and the one that hit, 3 if you count the one that the clone was holding) Unlike the regular [I]Rasengan[/I'], which supposedly had no limit to its use, the Rasenshuriken now has a supposed 3-times a battle limitation.[/spoiler][/quote] I totally forgot about the other ones that he used. Even so, [spoiler] it seems that sasuke has made it so the [i]Chidori Nagashi[/i] has no limit (of what we've seen) and the [i]Rasenganshuriken[/i] still has one. I suppose its not that bad if Naruto manages to land a critical hit on Sasuke with one of those three, but if he doesn't what then? The problem is that Naruto's attack is close range and Sasuke can make his Chidori extend to the length of whatever he's holding.[/spoiler] [quote]....hey!! Maybe Naruto should [spoiler]try to develop a Jutsu that surrounds his body in wind, similar to how Sasuke envelops himself in Lightning!![/spoiler] [/QUOTE] That would be interesting. It would certaintly even the odds up.
  18. [QUOTE=makuno][font=Verdana][size=2]Ahhh...It is a good series! The ending is especially good! [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Yet they haven't released the last few yet. [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]I think there's around 22 volumes? I'm not sure. [/size][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Sienna] Did you read the manga online? I've tried looking for places to read it but so far I haven't had any luck. I have a real problem with waiting for manga to come out. Volume 15 was just released in the US so I'm [I]way[/I] behind.[/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE=KyuubiKhaos]And as for 341: [spoiler]Yes, indeed the [i]"Fuuton: Rasenshuriken"[/i] is close-range, and a devastating attack at that, as shown against the poor Kakuzu.[/spoiler][/QUOTE] [spoiler] It is strong but it seems that Naruto hasn't quite mastered how to use it without using up all this chakra, but I guess he didn't really finish his training, did he? I'm kinda worried that even if he gets the [i]Fuuton: Ransenshuriken[/i] perfected that he still won't be able to beat sasuke. I don't know if a close-range attack will work against him.[/spoiler]
  20. [quote name='Kurayami Oji][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Anyway's, i'm really looking forward to seeing [spoiler]Naruto's new jutsu later on. I mean, come on, how can that [I]not[/I] be awesome?:p[/spoiler][/COLOR'][/SIZE][/quote] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]I can't wait to see that! I think I'm looking forward to seeing [spoiler]Naruto's reaction to Sai and when they encounter Sasuke again.[/spoiler][/color]
  21. [color=darkred]I searched and searched for this thread just so I could ask this question: Does anyone who happens to own the DVDs know how to find some kind of secret on them? I know that doesn't help much but I'm looking for some kind of hidden feature on either the first or third DVDs. I've found it before I just don't remember how I got to it. All I remember is that once you punch it in correctly Chris Sabet says something like "Congratulations, you've just figured out how to use your remote." Basically its just a bunch of the english cast talking with each other. I know on the fourth disc Justin Cook goes around asking the cast about the production of the anime but I don't think that's it. I also know that on the first and third discs you go to the extras menu and type in 10 and you get something but I think it's the blooper reel. Awhile back I also found a clip from anime insider that said on the first disc you go to the character profiles and punch in: left, down, right, up, left, enter and you should get something but it doesn't work for me. Can anyone help me?[/color]
  22. [quote name='AkiraMoonShadow']I have seen some of the Eizou Hakusho, to me it seems like mini lost episodes or, well I don't really know. :animeswea[/quote] I have also. Kudos to Youtube, of course. I guess they weren't as great as I thought *shrugs* I finally know where all those screen caps came from that I found long ago. The music videos were kinda cool though.
  23. [COLOR=DarkRed]I just found a trailer on youtube and apparently it's a Naruto movie that takes place during the timeskip. I think it's called Naruto Shippuden. That's something to look forward to in 2007, right? [center][URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V589nkS_ICk]Click for Naruto Shippuden[/URL] [/COLOR][/center]
  24. Shikamaru never ceases to amaze me. He's way too smart. [QUOTE=Kurayami Oji] [COLOR=DarkRed]Oh well, it seem's the next chapter is going to be back on track with [spoiler]Naruto using his Wind Element Rasengan.[/spoiler] Anyway's, I really liked this chapter mainly because of [spoiler]Shikamaru's awesome thinking, but of course, Kakashi has done pretty well fending off Kakuzu for the last few chapters.[/spoiler]^^ Well, i'm off to wait for the next chapter.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I'm glad he finally showed up. I was starting to get the feeling that Kakashi and Shikamaru [spoiler]might just finish those guys up before Naruto even masters his new technique. I'm so excited,though. Naruto finally gets to show off his stuff![/spoiler]
  25. The one thing that I can't do, and that I absolutely loathe, is talking in front of people. I just can't do it. It's terrible! It doesn't even matter if it's a whole bunch of people that I know. In fact, in my opinion, I think that makes it even worse. I remeber in my speech class that everytime I got up to do my speech my friends would always make funny faces at me and for me that's something really hard to ignore. Not only that, but I also have those little habits that people do when they make speeches like fidgeting with rings or their hair. When I wear my hoodie I would always put my hands inside the pocket which is bad, I guess. At least it was to my speech teacher. *sigh* It was just terrible. You'd think that something that didn't require you to do a lot of homework would be easy but for me it wasn't. I would have gladly done all the trig homework in the world if I could get out of one or two impromtu (sp?) speeches.
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