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Anime Your friends dont know what Anime is?
xmystic_silverx replied to Stuart's topic in Otaku Central
Most of my friends know what anime is and my really good ones like anime, probably more than I do. I mean, I guess I'm like you, I don't say, atleast to people who barely know what it is,that I like it because they have a tendency to give me this face saying something like "You're joking, right?" Most of the people at my school are neutral about it. If they don't like it they won't say it's stupid. They just nod... which kinda makes me wonder what their thinking. -
[QUOTE=Tyler Koregaten]No, it actually was based on a true story. And,no,alchemy is hardly related to chemistry. [/QUOTE] I don't know who told you it was based on a true story because I've never read that anywhere on an FMA site or any other source. Okay, you gave me the definition but that doesn't tell me what scientists actually [I]did[/I] . I don't know if you think that the alchemy performed on FMA was how it actually looked in real life, but it wasn't. You say that alchemy was hardly like chemistry, which is not true. It was. Considering that - even though many alchemists tried to create gold from lead or create the philosopher's stone - it was merely mixing different elements or rearranging the atoms to make new elements. Here is a definition for you: [i]"the medieval [b]chemical science[/b] and speculative philosophy whose aims were the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for diseases, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life"[/i] [QUOTE] And, I wasn't being "sarcastic" when said I'd met the Elric brothers.[/QUOTE] Mmmhmmm...
[QUOTE=Tyler Koregaten] Another thing: IT'S BASED ON A TRUE STORY!!!!!!!!! The alchemy and everything is real.(Trust me I'm a State Alchemist myself!) Another thing, the Elrics still live in Resenbool-I've met them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/QUOTE] Based on a true story? Just because the practice of alchemy was real doesn't mean the story of Fullmetal Alchemist was based on a true story. I mean, Im sure there were some alchemists who looked for the Philosophers stone but there hasn't been anyone who has lost limbs - in real life - because of alchemy. I always thought that alchemy in the Medival days was the same as chemistry today. I don't know if you're being sarcastic or if you really think you've met the Elrics..
[QUOTE=Touma Seguchi][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype] In short, Zatch Bell was the anime that replaced YYH, so far, I myself haven't heard any mentioning of putting it back onto Toonami.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Nor have I. I don't think Toonami will be putting it back on the air anytime soon but I'll keep checking Funimation.com. I seemes like no one had been here for awhile, hopefully someone will answer my question. Has anyone heard of Eizou Hakusho? It's like a special, or something like that. It's not exactly a movie. It's hard to explain but I saw screencaps for it on a YYH site and I didn't know if it was fan made or not so I emailed the webmistress and she told me it was like a special DVD. Does anyone know where to find DVDs like that? I have this longing to buy it now. If you know anything about it please post it, I'll appreciate it.
Thanks Seguchi for the dates because lately people have been changing them on me and I was confused on whether they were going to be released one or two months apart. I have some news regarding the last DVD. Yusuke Rediscovered will have a commentary on every episode and FUNi has also decided to throw in some bloopers ^_^
Did anybody else notice that they edited out the blood when [spoiler]Scar was killing the guys who were rampaging the camp? But then they didn't edit out the blood when Hughes died, to me that doesn't make sense.[/spoiler] @Lunox: Yeah, they are big fans, that seriously is all they talk about at school =_= They're not showing anymore new episodes after last saturday's? Well that sucks. I was really excited about hearing Paninya's (
[I]of course i did. now i wish i havent. now when i see that ep i'm going to be way upset because u told me. gosh u should of kept it to ur self.[/I] Lol ^_^; Well, then don't blame me. First of all, I'm not the one who put up the spoilers, and Lunox specifically said "do not read unless you've seen episode 25, I'm warning you" You know what? I think I'm gonna take a survey on whether people liked the ending of FMA or not. Both of my friends didn't and they both called me up to yell at [I]me[/I] about it. @_@ I only convinced one that it was still a good ending.
[quote name='BlackTigerGurl][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Navy] OMG! how could u spoil such a thing. He was my next favorite charcater. I feel so hurt now! :animecry: [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] What did I spoil? @_@ You must have chosen to highlight the black text, because that's the only way you could have found out @_@
@ BlackTigerGirl: No, don't worry, Al's memories aren't fake, he was just overreacting ^_^; And I think you're talking about Hughes. Who is Hughes? He's the guy with the glasses who obsesses over his daughter and his wife ^_^, the guy who keeps telling Roy to get married, you know who I'm talking about, right? Before I saw episode 25 I knew what was going to happen because I had read about it, but if I would have never found out, I would have never guessed that that would happen, I'm kinda an idiot =_=.
@Lunox: Lol XD That's what I thought too! I found this picture and it's a sticker that you get if you buy the Japanese CD with Hagaren Radio on it. And yes, I think it is air freshener @_@ I like Winry's outfit but Ed's jacket rules them all. Oh yeah, Ed's secret. Oooh, the drama! When I first saw that episode I didn't think too much of it and I think AzureWolf was right, the dubbed version does seem to make things a little more dramatic than they need to be. That [I]cry[/I] during the chimera episode sounded like a laugh to me. Lol I can't wait unitl this up-coming saturday's episode. I have a feeling DA and Gaia will have a lot of messages about that one. The preview didn't even give away anything! No one will be ready, they'll all be like "Woh, I didn't see that coming" (or maybe some will, I'm exaggerating). I just want to see what everyone's reaction is going to be.
[color=darkred]High school can be very draining, especially when your school goes by the "block system" and you change to a new 4 classes every quarter. =_= As for Freshmen getting no respect, thats just a temperary thing. All the higher grades have said "I hate Freshmen" which really makes no sense since they all were once Freshmen as well. Oh well. It's just a thing the older students do. When you're a Sophmore you get to pick on the Freshmen, fun eh? The only class that I'm worried about right now is my Geometry class. I have an A in it right now, but it's a very low one. The thing I hate most in school is getting a B. I have no idea why. When I get one I get angry at myself thinking that I could have done better. The classes I enjoyed the most would have to be my Medieval Europe class, Spanish, Advanced Physical Science A and B, and my Art class. I have some really comical people in those classes. I like my Aerobics class to because for some reason Im the only one who thinks steps are fun.[/color]
[color=royalblue]Alrigtht! I can finally put all that junk that I learned in Child Development to good use! A lot of people reccomend breastfeeding whenever possible. They say that you can bond with your baby, which is always a good thing. Breastfeeding is also cheaper, it's the most complete food, and it contains antibodies. It was also said that children who were breastfed are less likely to have allergies. It's good for the mother because it helps return the uterus to the normal size. However, there are some reasons why people choose not to breastfeed. HIV can be transferred through breastmilk. Breastmilk doesn't contain iron or flouride and it's very time consuming. Also, the mother has to watch what she eats and if she is under stress it could cause milk shortage. I don't think there is anything wrong with breastfeeding as long as the person doing it doesn't have a problem with feeding in public and having to watch their diet. Besides, you can always give the baby iron and flouride through other foods.[/color]
Anime Your favourite Anime Seiyuu (Voice acting) & Music
xmystic_silverx replied to PWNED's topic in Otaku Central
Some of my favorite seiyuus are: Toru Okawa (Roy Mustang - Fullmetal Alchemist) Naomi Wakabayashi (Sciezka - Fullmetal Alchemist) Miina Tominaga (Ritsu - Fruits Basket) Satsuki Yukino (Kaname Chidori - Full Metal Panic!) Megumi Oogata ( Kurama - Yu Yu Hakusho) I really enjoy Sciezka's voice. Everytime I hear it I start to laugh. I love a seiyuu's voice that can make me laugh. Ritsu and Kaname's voices are also very comical. As for Toru and Megumi, I just think they do a really good job. XD -
[quote name='Kiba_the_Chosen']They should make a movie from the FMA series. It seems like the fit thing to do. Not to complain or anything but why haven?t they made a movie yet?[/quote] They are in the process of making one. It comes out in Japan this summer ^_^; I'm suprised you haven't heard of it yet. If you go back 2 or 3 pages in this forum there's information about it. Somewhere there is a link to the trailor, I'm not sure where, you'd have to read a couple of posts to find it. It takes place two years after the series. But you said you haven't seen the whole series so I'm not going to ruin anything for you, and if you do watch the trailor, you may be confused. [url]www.fullmetal-alchemist.com[/url] always has the latest news on the movie, so you should check it out.
[QUOTE=Lunox][color=darkslateblue] [spoiler] As for the Roy thing...what episode was that? I recall it, but I don't really remember Hawkeye wiping something on his face. :/[/spoiler][/color][/QUOTE] Oh I see ^_^ I understood that, lol. Im pretty she did. Atleast it looked like she did. ~_~ I would check my DVDs right now but Im out of town and I can't find it at Devil's Nest. Its before episode 38 because I remember [spoiler]afterwards the Furher acts like nothing happened but afterwards tells general Haruko or whoever it was that he was only pretending to trust Roy, or something like that =_=;[/spoiler] And after looking at all those screen caps I have just realized that some of those scenes are not on my DVDs 0_o Im hoping that I was out of the room or I looked away for just a second.
[quote name='Noside'] Whether Envy's a man or woman I guess depends on the voice actor. In Japan Envy's male and in America Envy's Female, but it's only for that form. Envy's voice changes with each form so I'm guessing the people who were in charge of voices thought a female voice was meant for that form.[/quote] Um no... Envy is a guy in the American version as well. He just has a woman voice actress. FUNimation isn't going to make him a girl just because he's got long hair and they gave him an american woman's voice. If they did, how would they explain the last couple of episodes when they reveal who created envy? But anyway, I just recieved the DVDs in the mail just yesterday and finally finished watching them this morning and I have a few questions. 1.) [spoiler]When Al brings Ed back to life he doesnt have his automail arm, but when he sends himself through the gate and ends up in London or Munich (where ever it was..) he has it, again 0_o Can someone tell me why that is? Maybe I was seeing things and looked at the wrong arm when he was brought back, I dont know..[/spoiler] 2.) [spoiler]When Mustang confronts the Furher about his sercretary he comes out of the room and he looks like he was going to cry or he got hit by the Furher and Hawkeye wipes something on his face... What happened to him?[/spoiler] These just may be things to over look or I probably missed something while I was watching it but these 2 things have been bugging me all day and I wanted to know if there was any explination.
[quote name='Lunox][color=darkslateblue'] Then there was the whole: "OooOOooo! I know literary terms! I am smart!' thing in the middle of the review. [/color][/quote] That was almost the same thing I was thinking when she started saying "My english teacher would be very proud of me now... " Pfft! I dont agree with the Point of view. If FMA was written like a book it would be in the third person, right? That's what I'm thinking because if Ed was telling the story it would be in first person and second person is talking about "you", the person reading and it's clearly not, so the only one left is third person. [i]Fullmetal Alchemist switches its point of view quite often, and the reason it does so is very amateur indeed. From Mustang to Scar to Winry...[/i] Maybe she doesn't now all her literary terms, because Point of view isn't switching to another person in the story, point of view it totally changing [i]who[/i] tells the story, or that's what I've been told in school. The director (or whoever XP) is telling the story of Ed and Al, then switched to Winry and tells a little about her, and so on. Its not changing the point of view. Lets just go by her definition of Point of view for a second and compare it with some other [i]amateur[/i] works. If her definition was right, then wouldn't the way Harry Potter switches from Harry to Sirius in the fifth book be amateur, too? Maybe I have this all wrong, but that's what I learned in my Literature class this year. (hopefully Im right =_=, probably not though...)
You were talking about how people get this idea about how FMA has [i]a lack of theme[/i], but I think that there are so many themes and lessons that FMA sends through that it makes up for one distinct theme. My friend and I have been thinking about this and she came up with, "the human will be able to over come any obstical. Like how their mother died and they lost parts (and all in al's case) of their bodies. Most would be expected to give up, but they keep going, so in a way, they're a personaified version of the fighting spirit I guess." This is all what she said and I think I agree with it. I'm not saying that this is really what the theme is, its just what she got out of it. I think it depends on the person's perception is. Like in art, everyone gets a different message out of an art, so I think I can think the same about FMA.Its not that FMA [i]doesn't[/i] have a theme, its just that there are so many of them.
[quote name='x kakashi x']*agrees with dagger* 30 minutes just isn't enough is it?[/quote] To me, it feels like they're extremely short. I start watching them and before I know its over. =_= [QUOTE=Dagger] [spoiler]Barry--who, by the way, has now become one of my favorite tertiary characters in the show; he's hilarious!). Of course, their conversation at the end was definitely not funny.[/spoiler] I just hope that next week's episode won't leave us hanging... ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I had the impression like "And this is the guy that chopped people up?" I was laughing through their whole conversation, except, the last part of their conversation. If there is another cliffhanger, I will probably commit suicide.
[quote name='Lunox][color=darkslateblue'] That's called bootlegging...or at least it's a form of bootlegging. FMA has been liscenced now, so I don't think you'll find any more fansubs of it easily. Funimation is doing a good job of editing it as far as I have seen, so I'm planning to buy the DVDs as well.[/color][/quote] I see. I'm going to look for some anyway because I'm already buying DVDs from FUNimation, and once that series is over, there is going to be no more waiting-every-month-to-buy-a-DVD situation. =_= I'm already broke the way it is. [QUOTE=Lunox][color=darkslateblue] [spoiler] Thank you for your reassurances. :3 Yet I also have a feeling that Hoenheim will die in the movie. Dunno. I am a dork. :D[/spoiler][/color][/QUOTE] 0_o That would be sad... I don't want him to die. I guess we'll just have to see it ~_~
[QUOTE=Lunox][i]=_= Fansubs, *sigh* its not that I hate them but they're hard to find! >_< Im sure once some fansubbing groups release it, people will flock. I'll never be fast enough to find them before everyone buys them out on Ebay or some place else *cries*[/i] [color=darkslateblue] ? You don't buy fansubs, you download them... If you want more information, you can PM me. :)[/color][/QUOTE] Really? My friend had once bought fansubs (on DVDs of course) from Ebay. =_+
[QUOTE=Jung-Woo][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Palatino Linotype] Volume 32 (The FINAL Volume): Yusuke Rediscovered is still to be determined. As soon as I find out, I'll post it here. Dates are subject to change, but I will try to keep you posted on the latest Yu Yu news. Your Yu Yu Hakusho guide, *~Jung-Woo~*[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] It's coming out in August, according to FUNimation. Since the last three DVDs have the commentaries their starting to release them 2 months apart. [quote name='Midnight Angel][FONT=Palatino Linotype][SIZE=3][COLOR=Pink]Anika Rose is right. The people who run Toonami do suck. Yu Yu Hakusho was the main reason I would watch TV at 9:30 on a Saturday night! The same with Ruroni Kenshin! They were the best until it was time for the Adult Swim block.[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] You know what toonami [i]should[/i] do, it should take DBZ off the air. The series is long enough and how many of you still watch it? They should atleast replace YYH with a good series. I watched the first episode of that Zatch Bell (
=_= I remember going to fullmetal-alchemist.com and reading about the movie the first time and the interviewer would ask the cast questions and they barely gave us anything to work off of but here we have some moron (sounds like someone paid the story editor) who just gives away the entire thing to us. Don't get me wrong, I like to know whats going to happen before I actually see it on screen but I never, ever have known enough to make me feel like I've already seen it. *sigh* do I still want to see it? Of course, I just hope I didn't read to much.
Woo! Here we go, a comment about Kurama and Hiei being more than just friends. Hopefully this forum doesn't turn into a serious catfight between fangirls (remembering a good old forum back at funimation... good times XD). I totally agree with you. I also think that they may have some deep feelings for each other that don't really seem to reach the surface (sadly T^T). I think most people who are fans have all looked around the internet to see what Yoshihiro Togashi actually said about the situation and they were either full of joy or brought down by the fact that they weren't originally made for each other (coughmyselfcough). It's just something the fans have to pick out for themselves. Do they want to see them together, or not? I mean, you're not gonna stop someone from writing yaoi fanfictions or another from flamming that same fanfic.
[quote name='Lunox][color=darkslateblue] Yeah, I did see [spoiler] a picture of a dragon in a scanned layout of Animage about the FMA movie...so...[/spoiler'][/color][/quote] Yes! It has been confermed. It is envy. Its good we get to see more of him. [quote name='Lunox][color=darkslateblue] If I tell you, it'll spoil something, so read at your own will: [spoiler] Later on the series (around the middle of the 40s episodes) Edward and Al are wanted by the military. Ed dies his hair black in order to disguise himself. Never brown hair, though. [/spoiler'][/color][/quote] *Raises a brow* Me? haha! Even if there are spoilers I will read them. I always like to know whats going on; when people say "spoilers" its sorta like... oh jeez.. its like.. I am to spoilers as Vash is to doughnuts.Anyway, thanks for clearing that up. I appreciate it. ^_^ [quote name='Lunox][color=darkslateblue']The movie is supposed to come out this summer in Japan, but I've also heard that it's coming out this August. I have no idea whether it's going to be officially released in the US, but I'm pretty sure fansubbing groups will release it on bittorrents or something.[/color][/quote] =_= Fansubs, *sigh* its not that I hate them but they're hard to find! >_< Im sure once some fansubbing groups release it, people will flock. I'll never be fast enough to find them before everyone buys them out on Ebay or some place else *cries*