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Everything posted by xmystic_silverx

  1. [QUOTE=maladjusted][color=darkslateblue] But I still don't understand [spoiler]WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO ENVY. O_o[/spoiler]. [/color][/QUOTE] Maybe he was [spoiler]sent to the other side of the gate. (I didnt know if that should be in spoilers or not XP I had no idea what the gate was until I read a little more on it) [/spoiler] Maybe we'll see him the the FMA movie. By the way, does anyone know if and when they're going to release that in America? Its not out in Japan yet, not till this summer, I think ~_~ When you say "ed's secret" you're talking about what he was going to ask Al, right? There is one thing I have been wondering about [spoiler]in various pictures I have seen ed with brown and black hair, when and why does he do this, at first I thought it was just some fanart or something but my friend told me he really dyes it[/spoiler] [quote name='StarTsubasa']I love FMA, but the ending really disappointed me.[/quote] Yeah, it kinda leaves a lot of questions but that's where the movie takes off from. I think if you go to [url]www.fullmetal-alchemist.com[/url] they have an interview with the film makers and they explain whats going on after [spoiler] Ed is sent to the other side of the gate. [/spoiler]I only read a little bit about it. [spoiler]The movie takes place in Germany after world war I and during the start of World War II (correct me if Im wrong) and apparently Ed is working with a guy named Alphonse (I have no idea how to spell his last name), who looks just like Al, with something on rockets I guess..[/spoiler] there was more but I'd have to read it again.
  2. [quote name='Hieis Black Cat']I really like YYH too, but my mother fails to see the point in it. She saids it's "Just a stupid cartoon."[/quote] My mom is some-what like that. She doesn't understand why I like it but she doesn't tell me that its stupid. She might make fun of it by saying the names incorrectly on purpose but thats about it. I think the thing that parents don't seem to see about anime is that its not like cartoons in America. It's not a "kid" show but then is not so inappropriate that it's for adults. The DVD after King Urameshi, if I heard right, is supposed to come out in June and then the last DVD in August. If you haven't bought "Bandits and Kings" yet then you should do so. The only thing that I don't get is why they changed Kurama's brother's name.
  3. Lol. I laughed so hard. I was thinking it must suck for those who don't buy the DVDs. YYH is expensive but not as much as other DVDs. I admit I've had problems with money since I started buying them but if you just as desperate as I am to see the whole entire series then Im sure you wouldn't bother to buy a DVD for $20 every month or two. You can go to animecastle.com and get them a week earlier than the release date or just wait 5 days after the release date and buy them at suncoast for about $20. They usually lower they're prices by then. I don't knoe how I manage to get atleast 20 bucks every month but I find a way. But even if watching the whole thing from the begining is cheaper, I'd recommend buying the DVDs, they're just better than watching the crappy editing on Toonami. And about Jin and Touya, they show up again during the Makai Tournament and they become members on either Kurama or Yusuke's team. I think Touya's on Kurama's and Jin is on Yusuke's. Chuu, Rinku, Shishi, and Sazuka also show up again.
  4. Probably Yusuke since he's a [spoiler]a descendent of the mazoku, an elite species(is it a different species even?) of demon[/spoiler] . And given that, I don't think Hiei would win though it would be a good fight and Hiei has gotten a lot stronger. [quote name='Ma-zaku Yusuke']... Hiei can not turn to demon form,because then the battle will go to Yusuke.[/quote] Hiei is always in his demon form. If you're referring to the time when his body was covered in those other eyes then that was only to make him stronger but right now I'm sure he thinks that he's strong anyawy without the eyes so he just doesn't use that form anymore.
  5. xmystic_silverx


    [QUOTE=Manic] I never got around to seeing this movie. I heard the visuals were good, but some people were disappointed with the action, story, and overall length of the movie. You can tell Quentin Tarantino didn't make this movie, because his movies usually take more time to play than a videogame.[/QUOTE] I was disappointed =_= I wanted to see the movie so badly and then I bought it for my dad and we sat down and watched it. And I admit I had a hard time staying awake. The one thing I disliked the most is the "walking-on-water" and the "staying-in-the-air-for an-extremely-long-time." It just seemed fake. Does that make any sense? Heh. I should have expected it though, having seen Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
  6. [quote name='AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]The alchemy angle is a little vague, IMO. Alchemy was the study of creating gold from other elements. While I have noticed that the characters tend to rely on the side-products of this search (such as the flexible manipulation of various compounds and fundamental structures), I'm beginning to wonder if the whole thing was just by chance. Again I ask, how can one be an alchemist of fire? O_o[/COLOR][/SIZE'][/FONT][/quote] It is, and the alchemy that they do on FMA is a little more "flashy" than real alchemy. (Duh, I'm pointing out the obvious.) I've read that alchemists did try to make gold out of lead but they never succeeded. They just discovered some new elements and how to organize them better. One can be any kind of alchemist if they're in anime XD
  7. I guess there is not really a reason for 'why' I draw manga. I just really enjoy it and it's just something to do in my spare time. Recently, I've been drawing because people want me to draw for them and I do it because I'm not too bad it. Besides, I gotta be good at something. Everything can do something that someone else can't and drawing is what I'm good at when it comes to my friends, or so they say.
  8. I first heard about FMA on Deviantart.com. There were so many people drawing the characters and I asked what series it was from and some of them told me and said that I should see it. In an Animerica magazine I read that Funimation was doing the voice overs and, being a fan of anime dubbed my Funimation, I had to check it out. I love the fact that it's based on Alchemy. I don't think it has ever been tried before in an anime and that's what makes it different from all the others. Ever since I started watching in on Adult Swim I've been interested in Alchemy and been reading up on it. The characters are wonderfully developed. It's a lot more "dark" than some anime. The only complaints that I've heard were from those who have seen the japanese original and said the voices didn't fit too well. Other than that it's a pretty good anime. I'd recommend it ^_~
  9. [QUOTE=GTK]I think you're mad O_O The FMA dub made my cry, though I could only tolerate one episode ^^; Ed sounds way too old, Al is just weird, Roy makes me cry, and Winry is really shrill T_T and Pinako sounds really scary I didnt' like Fruits Basket either... The Japanese voices were much cuter ^^ in English, most of the female cast sounds the same and I kept getting confused O_o [/QUOTE] [size=1] It made you cry? ;.; That's pretty sad because I thought it was okay. Al is weird? I though his voice was adorable and I have heard comments of people saying that Ed's voice sounds like a surfer but I don't think it's that bad. I really like the show and I get disappointed when people say the dubbing is crap. You don't like Fruits Basket? 0_0 Now I think you're mad. I mean, I love all their voices, except for those annoying fan girls and maybe Tohru's but they're voices really fit the characters really well. ^_^; I think FUNimation does a great job on dubbing, but not so much on DBZ and that's probably because I don't like the show. And as for the worst dub, I though it was sailor moon =_= I never knew someone could sound as annoying as Chibi usa. Makes me wanna tear my ears out. It's not just her, it's Serena's and the fact that they have the boys switched to girls or the other way.[/size]
  10. [quote name='Moi'] I think these scientists are sort of exaggerating. I mean, they just wanna get some spotlight is the main thing, I'm telling you. They always do this kind of thing when they find something that's a little odd. LOL.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Being a scientist isn't a regular job and you have to enjoy it and I barely think that they would make a fuss over something that is "a little odd" just to get some spotlight. They don't do it for the fame. And I don't think that something with a totally different bone structure would be considered a midget just because of it's height. Species aren't "categorized", if you will, by just their height.[/SIZE]
  11. Fruits Basket is a really good anime. It has everything one should have. In all the anime that I have ever seen I've always hated one of the main characters or thought of them as really annoying, but in Fruits Basket you come to like all of them and you can relate to some of them. Look at my signature *points* Kyo! This is a must see anime.
  12. [quote name='ShortySilly16']I LOVE Yu Yu!! It's a great anime and manga, atlest of the manga I've read, seen whatever..But I love it!!! I love Hiei and Kurama, they're both so Hot! I like the new episodes too so far, I hope the shadow guy is ok though, he's cute too. I've seen pics of Hiei and Yuska fighting again, I think that in a soon to be seen episode, hiei will be controled, and have you noticed that he's been missing in action?? That just adds to that possibility, but I'm not completly sure on this, but you never know, the phykick(srry can't spell it) might be powerful enogh to control Hiei's mind, man I feel sorry for the phykick, lol. But on second thought Yuska and Hiei might have just been training, ok I'm done rambling :babble: seeya![/quote] The episode when Yusuke and Hiei fight again is a good one. Hiei isn't controlled during that episode, [spoiler]he just wants to teach Yusuke a lession[/spoiler].
  13. The best length for fights, I think, would be from 1-2 episodes. Maybe three if I really like the characters. I agree, Toguro really isn't that exciting. I've only watched that DVD once because I always drift off somewhere in between. Too much Toguro, I'm sorry he just... he's not a really bad, bad guy and thats why I think he's a little dull. He doesn't want to take over the world, he doesn't want to punish the human race. He just wants Yusuke to beat him. He wants a good fight and he feels bad for leaving Genkai. So yeah. Oh boy, I have no idea where the series is on TV anymore. I just got "In the Blood" and I'll be getting my next one on October 5th. Now Sensui, he's a real bad guy. He's a human, and [spoiler]former spirit detective[/spoiler], who wants to kill off the entire human race including himself. He gathers up 5 physics, one being a child and not knowing that Sensui wants to kill everyone and when he finally finds out Sensui's initial plan [spoiler]after Kurama had told him[/spoiler] it's extremely sad and [spoiler]he ends up dead. Sensui made it so they had no choice to kill them off. He's a man who only cares for himself and his purpose (quote from Hiei).[/spoiler]
  14. [SIZE=1][color=teal]Oh! Someone made a post about it Yay! I have been watching it, it was the only thing that I watched ever since it came on. I wanted to see what they were going to say about Pokemon and Teletubbies. Sadly they didn't show Pokemon, either that or I missed it. Hal Sparks and Micheal Ian Black were histerical! I forgot the name of the other guy that was hilarious when he said "A lot of people thought that [I]Blair Witch [/I] was a real documentary... obviously a lot of people are retarded." I thought the funniest was when they were discussing Tomagachi and Find Waldo.[/color][/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE=DeathBug]I'm going to take so much heat for this, but...Serena and Darrien from Sailor Moon. I'm sorry, but I can't stand Darrien, and he got even more annoying when he was with Serena; after they became an item, he lost all personality traits. (Tuxedo Bland, anyone?) Besides, the thought that Serena, who made googly eyes over every boy she ever met would only have one boyfriend, and be satisfied with that, is wierd.[/QUOTE] [color=teal]I couldn't agree more. I just don't like them two as a whole. Darien is well, (lack of words) I just don't like him, for some reason he gives me the feeling that he thinks he's better than everyone, because he's smarter? I don't know, I barely watched the show. Serena is just plain dumb. I'm sorry, but come on. Sure she's sailor moon but who wants a heroine who thinks about food most of the time and is even less intellegent than her younger sister (erm.. daughter?). Its pretty sad. I think that Keiko and Yusuke are a bad match. I love the show but I don't think that was a match made in heaven. Keiko naggs. I don't like people who nag. Okay, she's worried about Yusuke but he's beaten up demons, do you really think he needs a babysitter? She always tells him to go to school and yada yada. Well, he never will keep going to school even if you make him go some days. He is never going to like it so why don't you give it up. Besides, Yusuke is too cocky for her. He's always running and getting into fights. Maybe their 'relationship' would work better if she had like a tracking device.[/color]
  16. I was waiting for someone to ask this. It might be pretty suprising, there aren't too many anime fans where I come from. Okay, I'll just tell you. I'm from North Dakota! Hah. Funny right? We don't have any anime stores. All we have is a Sun Coast and Media Play. I'm still a student, so I don't exactly [i]do[/i] anything yet. No one will give a 14 yr old a job yet. (not sure how my friend got one) Most of the people I know like to party a lot, I like to stay in one place for an extremely long time. I walk a lot though. So lets see, I do a lot of stuff with the computer. Thats probably why I joined Tech club. My friends and I entered a website for it, but it didn'y place in the top ten. I like to build towers though, and my tower made it in the top ten but Im not sure what place it took. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for that my brother is a maniac who [i]accidentally[/i] throws Windwaker away =_= and my sister is accident prone.
  17. [color=teal]Oh! I've got a funny one from Yu Yu Hakusho, its an old episode too. I thought it was funny when Kurama and Kuwabara were trying to explain to Hiei how to play rock, paper, scissors. Another one is a newer episode not shown on TV yet. [spoiler]Botan, Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama are in the house of four dimensions and they make it to a room were they each have to take a seperate staircase. Botan introduces the Megiru Seals and says that they should write their names on them and put them on each other so they know if someone is hurt or not. They get to Hiei and he says he doesn't need one, Kurama plops a seal on his chest and says "Could it be that Hiei has forgotten that his soul was the first to be lost? Hiei doesn't argue but grunts and gives a dirty look to Kurama[/spoiler][/color]
  18. [QUOTE=Humaru][SIZE=2][COLOR=Blue] Kuwabara: He is the ugliest thing you've ever seen in an anime. His power is kind of dumb and only thing he does is yell and complain. His only good power is that he can sense spirits. His sword is dumb. The creators should of given him something cooler like a spirit dragon or at least a spirit technique where it does involve close combat. [/COLOR].[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=teal][size=1]Well, I disagree on your points about Kuwabara. Kuwabara has more powers than sensing spirits. True, his spirit sword was weak at the beginning of the series but [spoiler]it became the dimension sword in the Chapter Black Saga, allowing him to cut through dimensions.[/spoiler] I am easily annoyed, so I actually have more than one (or 2) anime characters that annoy me. Ayeka [Tenchi Muyo]: Her dubbed voice to my ears is like someone running their nails down a chalk board. I haven't watched that show in such a long time but I can vaugely remember that accent of hers. When you hear her laugh you just want to shut her up. Besides, I like Ryoko and if Ryoko hates her then so do I. Serena [Sailor Moon]: Her voice in particular doesn't annoy me, it's really what she talks about and her attitude. The fact that she is like 14/15 and cries like a toddler annoys me to no end. Could she atleast grow up for one second? Sure she is serious in her battles but even then she messes around. Another thing, I don't know if I could stand her talking about love "In the name of the Moon" and yada yada. Shut up! who stands there giving a speech to their enemy? Kagome [Inu Yasha]: Like someone said already, she is [i]too[/i] happy. Never before have I seen someone be that happy. She can be immature at the same time. Who gave her permission to put a gap between Kikyo and Inu Yasha? She complains then leaves everytimes Inu Yasha pisses her off. Get used to it. Sensui [Yu Yu Hakusho]: I suppose I have to pick someone from YYH and it's this guy. He's always talking about how humans should die and that they're all diseased. What pisses me off more is the fact that he [i]is[/i] a human too. I don't think he the right to judge anyone. He rounds up 5 people who can help him (one even being a kid) stall Yusuke and knows that they'll die eventually. He's a man who cares for nothing other than himself and his cause.[/color][/size]
  19. [color=teal]It's interesting what everyone is posting. Some are with Moore and others are against him. At first I was with him, but after reading DeathBug's comment on him, I must say that I have a different point of view of this man. I also read the spoiler and I could pick out many things that were left out and that Moore was hinding a lot more than we thought. I really don't understand what Moore is trying to prove. He wants us to think that Bush was a poor selection as president, then if he wants us to believe [I]him[/I] then why is he rubbing dirt in our faces at the same time? Saying that Americans are stupid people? I really am confused. ~.~ Why would he do that, I really don't understand the man's way of thinking. Does he not know that he is "dissing" himself? If he thinks that America is such a bad country, then why does he stay in the one place he despises most? It makes me mad just thinking about it.[/color]
  20. [color=teal]Yay! I'm good at yaoi pairings! And Denise will help me too! Okay... 1.) Kurama x Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) - I like this pairing lots! I never used too, until this evil girl convinced me that it was good. Hiei and Kurama clearly care for each other more than the others. Come on now, they both can relate to each other that nobody else can. 2.) Heero x Duo (Gundam Wing) - My other evil friend said this was a cute pairing too and it just stuck with me. I like this one, I think mostly because Heero is kinda stubborn and Duo still messes around with him even though he knows it will make him mad. 3.) Trowa x Quatre ( Gundam Wing) - Denise and I like this one just because of Quatre, he's cool. I really don't know much about this couple. I don't watch too much Gundam Wing. 4.) Mitsou x Hasu x Ichi (Ghost) - This is actually a manga that I picked up but it is also called Eerie Queerie. Its very good! Mitsou is the shy guy who somehow gets wrapped around Hasunuma's finger and Ichi is the one who wants Mitsou for himself but is afraid to admit to himself that he is gay. I don't really have other ones that I am obsessed with. So that is my list, in that order.[/color]
  21. [color=teal]Well, I usually don't play a game and surf the internet at the same time, haha. Right now I am obsessed with Zelda: Windwaker and X-2. For windwaker, it was just a matter of the game I had beaten being erased and now I must start over. I have yet to beat X-2.[/color]
  22. [color=teal]I like monochromatic posts too. I like perspicuous posts as well. I'm not going to nag you anymore about your grammar because I think you get the point. The music I listen to usually contains R&B, some Rap, and Rock. I like Linkin Park, New Found Glory, and other music of that type. Eminem is okay, I like Kanye West, Beyonce, Ashanti, Usher... ect. I like to write too. Not too much though. I let my friends proof read my stories and they critisize me about my grammer sometimes. I love to draw! Drawing is my favorite past-time. There are times when I can draw perfectly and others where I just should have left my skecth pad alone. Movies? I like action movies. Some horror and humor. My favorites being the LOTR Trilogy. I like Spirited Away, Lilo & Stitch, Monsters Inc., The Last Samurai, Scary Movie 3, anything with Adam Sandler in it, there is a large variety. Reading is good too. I like the Harry Potter books. I like to read manga! I like to pretend to read my doujinshi. Last is Anime. I love anime, obviously. My favorites being YYH, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Panic, .Hack//Sign, Inu Yasha, Samurai X/Rurouni Kenshin, and FLCL. There might be more but I really don't have the time to type them all.[/color]
  23. [color=teal]I have heard of there being another LOTR game but I never knew what it was called. I was watching X-Play and they went to E3. I heard them saying stuff about it and that it would be better than ever.[/color]
  24. [color=teal]I also watched Thundercats when I was little. Nowa days you ask yourself how you ever could have watched such things. I think I sometimes watched the smurfs. But then after awhile I got scared of it. There is also Blues Clues and Teletubbies. Blues Clues isn't that bad but Teletubbies? I think I lost a few brain cells watching that one. Teletubbies is evil. Two years ago I heard this rumor about all them being gay so that scared me more. What else? Oh yes! Barney! The classic Barney! When I was in kindergarden I would watch that right before I got on the bus. There is only one show that I still like but it doesn't air anymore and that is Lamb Chop. It was so funny! I love that lamb. I wish I had like a puppet of it![/color]
  25. [quote name='wrist cutter']Try being un-gay.[/quote] [color=teal]It's usually not as easy as you say. Hopefully you were being sarcastic like James said. All the other suggestions were good but I think that you should just tell your parents. They [I]should[/I] understand that it's your choice. They might not like it, but they love you, so they will learn to live with it. Usually mothers will take things better than fathers. I don't know why. I guess they are closer to their children. So maybe if you tell her, she could tell your dad and convience him that its not that bad. I'm sorry, thats all I have for advice.[/color]
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