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Everything posted by xmystic_silverx

  1. [COLOR=Teal]First game system I have ever played was a Super Nintendo and what else is better than the classic Mario Bros. Game? Our first game was Mario Bros. and then we got this one game called "Zombies ate our Neighbors" I think. We also had the one were you had to shoot the ducks on the screen. [/COLOR]
  2. [color=teal]My favorite anime.. hmm.. for me it's not that easy. I love so many anime I can't just pick one, so I'll just list a couple of my favorites and why I like them! Yu Yu Hakusho- This anime is really original. How many animes do you know that start out with the main character dying? The characters are so different. The fights are great, you really don't get bored watching them. You never thought the grim reaper would be a blue-haired bubbly girl on an oar, now did you? The humor is great also. Fruits Basket- Personally, I have only seen one episode of this anime and I watched it on the computer. I have read the first two volumes of the manga. I loved it when I watched the trailor of it. Like YYH the characters are so different from each other and it is just so funny to watch. You wanna to see if Tohru will end up with Yuki or Kyo. Well I listed a couple (a couple is two right?) I guess these animes are on the top of my list.[/color]
  3. [color=teal]I don't think anyone would buy a regular GB anymore. The only good thing about getting a regular GB would probably be that its cheaper than SP but not as good. Pros SP: -Folding screen -smaller in size next to the regular GB -The price is not bad. -Different colors to choose from -You can play regular GB and SP games on it. -Hooks up to a game cube. Cons of SP -Cons? what are those?[/color]
  4. [color=teal]Oh my! This game.. this game... Well it is hilarious. Not for little kids. I swear, they say poo after every other word. The game is just about some squirrel that is trying to save his girlfriend I think. My brother rented it but I never played it. Its kinds gross.[/color]
  5. [color=teal]I got some more! You know you are easily amused when... 1.) You flush the toilet and say "water go down the whoooole!" 2.) You tie a balloon to your cat's tail and watch them go crazy and laugh evily. 3.) You go to the grocery store then honk at people and wave like you know them. 4.) You push the button that makes your car alarm go off at the store and see what people do. 5.) You ride one of Wal-Mart's scooters around the whole store while you shop. 6.) Someone turns a song on the Wal-Mart TV thingie and you quickly change it with a new CD. 7.) You immatate the Cocoa Wheats and say "Look at me I'm burning!" 8.) Open the refrigerator and when the light comes on you say "Hello light" then close the door and say "Goodbye light" 9.) You continue to do #8 until your electricity bill is extremely high. 10.) On Zelda Windwaker, attack the pigs and then try to run away when a whole army comes after you. 11.) You go to confession and tell the priest what you want for christmas. YAY![/color]
  6. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1] Anyway, I really enjoyed Saturday's episode, "Beneath Bui's Armor." It's always nice to see Hiei back in action, and this fight is going to be a lot more exciting than I expected. Hiei's victories are usually the quickest and the easiest (just as Kurama's battles are often the most brutal and Kuwabara's the longest and/or most tedious). I'm almost positive that Hiei will be able to defeat Bui, but I can't wait to find out how. [/QUOTE] [color=plum]That was a good fight. Sadly I can't watch it whenever I want. I don't have the DVD of Sword and Dragon. I got the last two of the DT though. What episode what on last saturday? I didn't watch. Elder Toguro's fight lasts atleast one episode. Its about half of two episodes and it's the shortest fight yet. Dagger, I'm getting the feeling that you don't like long fights? Well, I hope you can hang on for Yusuke vs. Toguro. It's extremely long but its really good. I don't think you will get bored. Its not just repeated punching and throwing energy at each other.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE=Queen Asuka][color=crimson][size=1] Oh yes! Do you all remember the part where Arthur Weasley is in the Leaky Cauldron and he's talking to Harry about how he's going to die and all that stuff about Sirius Black? Well, in the background there were those two posters of Sirius and he was making this insane face and me and my friend Morgan could NOT stop laughing.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [color=plum]Ah! That's what happened to my friend and I. They moved forward and there was another poster of him! It was so funny. I couldn't stop laughing! The movie was funny, but I must say I was a little disappointed. I think it was because how different it was to the book. I was looking forward to some things that happened in the book to be in the movie but some weren't. When Harry got his broom at the end of the movie, it made me think that Alfonso just remembered that Harry was supposed to get the Firebolt and just decided to put it there. I wish they would have said all the insults that were on the map. I promised myself that I would not complain so Im not going to. I just wished that they would have also added Harry's Quidditch match with his new firebolt. There were just a lot of things that were different. They added a lot too. But all in all it was a pretty good movie, I guess I can only brag about the humor. My friend Denise and I went to the movie and we were constantly saying..." Hey that doesn't happen" and... "What about the.." and "Hey! They forgot the firebolt!" Denise started laughing when Remus turned on the music when they were practicing with boggarts.[/color]
  8. [color=plum] Welcome! Usually these posts are closed up first thing, but I guess yours lasted a bit longer! Anyway, you should read the rules and you'll be fine![/color]
  9. [QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Hey, man, Orlando Bloom is a very pretty guy; why else would I have a poster of him on the wall, over there? *points* [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Plum]Speaking of Orlando Bloom, is it me or is he just on the front cover of every magizine I see in the grocery store? Sure he has a pretty face that most girls would rather stare at all day but I'm starting to have nightmares with chibi Orlandos in anime form chasing me around in the store. Saying all that, I would have to say that I don't have a big interest for what celebrities are doing in their lives. I'm not saying that I don't keep up in my news but I don't obsess over any celebrity in particular. To me, celebrities are just regular people who have been recognized for acting or singing. I have plenty of friends who can sing better than Britney Spears, I'm sure their are a tons of people out in the world who can sing better than her they just haven't been recognized for it yet.[/color]
  10. xmystic_silverx


    [size=1]The movie... it was really disappointing. I mean, I love Orlando Bloom but isn't he supposed to die? I was even more angry [spoiler]when they made him crawl back to his brother.[/spoiler] It would have been nice if they atleast followed the story a bit better than they had. The fights were great and that was basically the only thing. I was suprised at how many times Brad Pitt got naked, for all those scenes they could have added more to the 10 year war. [spoiler]The death of Achilles[/spoiler] was dull. Yes Orlando killed him but like I said before, Paris was supposed to die! Paris was a pretty boy and if they kept him alive then they should have let him run away with Helen. All in all it was a [I]pretty[/I] good movie. The fact that Orlando was in the movie made a little more worth watching.[/size]
  11. [size=1]I am the easiest person to amuse. I think it's a condition! My brother does something stupid, nobody laughs except me. Anyway, to me, you know you are easily amused when... 1.You go to [url]http://badgerbadgerbadger.com[/url], watch it for 5 minutes and find it amusing. 2. You go to [url]http://badgerbadgerbadger.com[/url] and sing and dance to it. 3. You go to the supermarket and read the ingredients to all the different kinds of soups. 4. You make fun of the pictures in your Spanish book. 5. You think that rainbow text is the coolest thing! 6. You laugh at a lava lamp ( I don't know what came over me ~.~; ) 7. Someone tells you to look up because someone has written "gulible" on the ceiling, and then you tell everyone that passes you to do the same thing. 8. A teacher and a student get in a fight and you cheer for one of them. ( That one got me a detention. ) 9. You scan your face, hands, and feet and then compare them. 10. You have your cat chase your mouse to your computer. yeah.. well thats all I could think of.. [/size]
  12. [size=1]Oh yay! Favorite teachers, lets see. I would have to say my Science teacher. He's replacing someone this year and he is really funny! He is just starting the teaching business and he is only, 28 or so. I think the reason why other students like him so much is that when he tells jokes, they're not the old people jokes, the ones where they make no sense and you just fake laugh to act like you get the joke. He makes the class fun, and I guess that is what makes a good teacher. We shot little rockets off this year and he has his "Box-o-Candy" and thats where he puts all of his candy, and if anyone gets an A on their test, they get some candy![/size]
  13. I was watching MTV news last night and it happened to bring up the topic of same sex marriage. For those of you who have been watching the news, the government is deciding wether or not to make an amendment to the constitution to allow this. I asked my mother what she thought of it, and all I got was "Its wrong!" and then I got a lecture about it. A lot of people who go by the bible say its against what God wanted. What do you all think?
  14. [size=1]Algebra is fun! Its not if you don't understand it I guess. Guess that means you need to pay attention in class![/size]
  15. [quote name='NorykoAngelcry][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]That FRIAR (remember, he wasn't a monk yet!) was played by David Wenham, you kids might remember him from such movies as Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers or Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. . he played the very important Faramir! ^_^ My buddy and I both recognized him immediately, and turned to each other, "Dude, it's Faramir!" . . it was pretty funny. . :D [/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] [size=1]Really? I can't believe I didn't recognize him! Man! I don't see Faramir playing the roll of a friar.[/size]
  16. [quote name='Liquid']Oh, and mr. Gay member, shove it, ya heartless idiot. can ya read??? NEW MEMBER! I'm not good at this! And go to school! only 2 year olds can make a mistake like 'leik', or 'Mateur', or Esspecialy! learn to type! If I can learn not to double post, you can learn to speak with more kindlness! :mad: *kindness! Whoops! typo![/quote] [size=1]*looks at words 'New Member'* Yes. I see it, but on the Otaku Boards, double posting is considered spam. Im not going to be the next 'Mr.Gay' and shove off. If you don't want to be yelled again, I suggest you look at the edit button and put your two posts together. ^^ [/size]
  17. [size=1]I just saw the movie the other day. It was a good movie, better than I thought it would be. I think the reason I enjoyed it so much, was probably because there was a monk, and he always had these funny lines! Then I knew there had to be some relation when I saw the part when he asks the woman to do his a favor for saving his life! He reminded me of Miroku, except he was more of a coward. This movie is a good one and you all should see it! ".. okay well, you guys can tell me how that goes when you get back.." - monk [/size]
  18. [quote name='Spike88][FONT=Impact']You people really have a lot of nerve. Every thing may be political be at least amercans go for humiliation rather than inhuman treatment of innocent people. ALl the news has the stuff about how harshly those people who took pictures of the Iraqi prisoners. Firsts things first the Iraqi's who we took pictures of were guilty thats why they were in jail. Secondly it was humiliating but it wasn't brutal murder. It was nothing short of imaturity. This has nothing to do with wether we wanted war or not. The majority of out population still want the war. I for one agree with it. Another thing is someone doesn't give up their 3.4 million dollar football contract for something that is a lost cause. We supposedly bring our wicked ways. I don't freakin think so. Taking pictures of naked Iraqis is one thing but brutally murdering a man who there to help clean up the mess the army made is not. You know all this will do is incite americans to want the war even more. So in my opinion watch the news read your history books and see what happened the last time stuff went on in a country like that was. You'll find out a guy ran it by the name of Hitler. Look what happened by sitting back and doing nothing. Sure we lose lives to regulate crazy leaders like Sadam but we same millions for the thousands we lose. Be a Partiot and supposrt your nation if not your nation won't supprt you. Well, that's just how I feel later folks.[/FONT][/quote] [size=1]Maybe you don't watch the news, and I guess you failed to notice that our soldiers aren't all and kind like you might think. They have slaughtered some of Iraq's people too. And for your information, I have read my history book, thank you. Sure, we have helped other countries, but Iraq does not [I]want[/I] us there. And I do support my nation. I was just saying that Bush should get our soldiers out of there, before more casualties happen like the one with Berg. If you read anything about this, you would know that they only killed Berg because it was a sort of [I]revenge[/I] for what some of our soldiers are doing. So you see, if we weren't there in the first place, this would have never happened. I support our troops and yes, they are strong and brave and will risk their life for their countries, but their have been [I]too many[/I] risks and deaths. How dare you say that I don't support my nation and that I should read my history book? I have a geography teacher there right now. And when you say we gain millions for the thousands we lose, thats almost the same thing as telling someone who's family member who has died in Iraq, that its okay because ya know what? We will replace your brother/sister/mom/dad with someone else.[/size]
  19. [size=1]I don't know what to think. One minute you think we're the good guys and the next, we do something total barbarric and we don't know who's good or not. Bush wanted war, and he got it. If you ask me, I think he should just call back all of our troops. We aren't accomplishing anything accept more american deaths. Its pretty sad, really. Everything that is happening and now about Berg and Bush still doesn't realize that the Iraqi's don't want us there. We should leave them alone. Its none of our business of how they rule their country.[/size]
  20. Ive only read the first novel of Get Backers. It was my friends and we always switch mange with each other. Anyway, I thought it was extremely hilarious! I cant remember though, witch one of the guys has the power to control electricity? and the other one has his "evil eye", reminds me of Hiei. I recommend it to anyone who loves comedy.
  21. [quote name='Dagger IX1']I would have been perfectly satisfied if they took an older, relatively good-looking guy and simply starved/beat him up a bit.[/quote] [size=1]I remember a part in the book when Harry.. [spoiler]is taking his secret classes with Snape and he looks into Snape's memories. He said he saw a girl staring at Sirius while he was taking his O.W.L.S and she was looking extremely hopefull.[/spoiler] They should have used a better looking guy to play the role as Sirius.[/size] [QUOTE=roxybudgy][COLOR=Black][FONT=Verdana] I'm wondering if the fourth and fifth book will be made into a movie, considering its slightly horror/violence content maybe it would be given an M rating? Reviewers went nuts over how the second movie would potentially scare kids. I really think the ratings people seriously under estimate kids.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1]They will make the 4th book into a movie. I read it in a magizine, somewhere. I think the 4th will be very interesting. There will be a lot of new characters and more action. I hope they make the 5th book into a movie as well. I don't know how many people who have read the books will cry when [spoiler] Sirius dies[/spoiler] since they already have a heads-up on whats going to happen. I found it hilarious when the [spoiler]Ministry of Magic tried to take over the school and appointed Doloras Umbridge (spelling?)[/spoiler] and the whole school turns into madness.[/size]
  22. [size=1]I don't really know why so mean people like shounen-ai or shoujo-ai, I guess they just do. I don't really mind. I like some yaoi, the fluffy yaoi. Not the kind where they erm... get a little too close for comfort. Guys like shoujo-ai and girls like shounen-ai. I'm not saying thats always true, but that's the case most of the time. Usually, I'll have a big explination for posts centered around shounen and shoujo-ai, but everyone has basically covered everything. Once you're into it you are just stuck and you start thinking up crazy pairings. Any fanfiction writer can put two characters together that would really seem impossible. The only fanfics I read mostly have pairings such as Cloud/Sephiroth, Bakura/Malik or Kurama/Hiei. I read about other couples but these are my favorites.[/size]
  23. [size=1]Sublime2004, I guess you are right in many points. I remember in the book when he finally showed up in the Shreiking Shack that Harry said his face looked similar to a skeletons. Even if one isn't affected by dementors (Such as Sirius) there are other things that can corrupt you in Azkaban. I guess the part I want to see the most is Harry playing quidditch with his new Firebolt. Or when Harry has lessons with Remus Lupin. Ya know what? I watched the trailor and that song "...something wicked this way comes!" is stuck in my head. [/size]
  24. [size=1]My username came from the same anime character. When I made one I was thinking of Youko Kurama from Yu Yu Hakusho. The silver was because of his "silver" hair and I thought a fox with nine tails was a "mystical" creature. If I join any message board my user name will most likely be xmystic_silverx.[/size]
  25. [size=1]Toguro wasn't really mean. He wanted Yusuke to (contains spoilers) [spoiler]beat him (ooops :laugh: If you watch the TV series then don't be angry, I might give away some things). Toguro is a real kind-hearted guy. A long time ago, his students were killed by the monster Kiren. That's what changed him. He became.. erm.. whats the word? ... jeez, I don't know. But when he entered the DT with Genkai he killed Kiren in the final match and wanted to be the strongest demon. Know one really knows why he would want to be like the monster he hated so much.[/spoiler] Well... thats all Im givin' away Who watched the beginning of Karasu vs. Kurama and has seen the uncut? Did you notice that they didn't edit out the parts where it suggested yaoi? I thought for sure they would change the words. Then again, I bet most small children don't understand that yet.[/size]
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