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Everything posted by xmystic_silverx

  1. Okay a little quote... ummm Oh I know! Its when Yusuke gets his spirit beast. "What is that ridiculous apendex growing from your head?" - Hiei "I DON'T wanna talk about it!" - Yusuke ~~~~ During the Chapter Black SAGA "I confess there was even a time when I wanted to see it.." - Kurama Yusuke gives him a funny look "Was! was!" - Kurama "Jeez, he's making me paranoid" - Yusuke thinking ~~~~ Again during chapter black... "Im sure, Koenma knows the exact identity of our foe..." - Kurama "He WHAT?!" - Yusuke *goes over to the communicator* "I've arranged a formal meeting to-...." - Kurama *looks over at Yusuke* "Earth to toddler jerk! You better speak now before I forever put that pacifier 10 inches down your throut!" - Yusuke " Not.. quite what I had planned..." - Kurama thinking
  2. [size=1][color=red]*thinks* Well I don't think my town has ever had any protests, even though my friend and I say that we should start one for many reasons. When I was reading your post, I came to thinking that maybe your protesting will get your principle in even more trouble. The BOE might think that he can't control his students. But then again, maybe not. Hopefully, you and your fellow students did this on your own time, and the BOE doesn't think that your principle may have been behind it too.[/size][/color]
  3. If you're running out of ideas, you might want to stop for awhile and think some up. I'm sure J.R.R. didn't write his books in just a few days. You need to do things at your own pace. Don't rush, if you do you're more likely to make more mistakes. If you posted it on the boards, people could rate it and maybe give you new ideas for your story. Don't give up. Just do it whenever you have the time. ^^
  4. Why thank you! Yes, Ive tried to edit it on the computer many times, Im afraid Im not very good at that *sigh* Yes, Ive drawn better pictures than this one, I've drawn Yukina ((but gave it to my friend)) and some others, like Jin, Kurama, Kikyo, some chibis... Im afraid to scan them because my scanner makes things look crappy.
  5. [size=1][color=red]Ya know what? I forgot to add my 5 disc dvd set, my mags, mangas and my 2 other dvds.... hold on *goes back to calculate [I]again[/I] * ... okay... in all, Ive spent $326 on anime... Im gonna regret all this when Im living in the sewer ... -_-[/size][/color]
  6. [color=darkred][size=1]Now... lets see... I buy the new YYH DVDs every month and any merchandise or magizine related to it or any other anime that I like. Since my town is so small, we barely get any anime, and most of the time its edited ((dont you feel sorry for me?)) So when ever I travel with my family, I go balistic! I usually buy 2 magizines, one new manga and a DVD that I want. As for the DVDs each month... I'd say I spend $26 on each DVD and Ive been buying them from animecastle.com since.. november so times that by the number of months... *goes to calculate* .... OKay! Already Ive spent $130 on 5 DVDs. I only go as far as the money in my pocket. ^^;[/size][/color]
  7. [COLOR=Navy]Welcome to OtakuBoards! ^_^ Just letting you know that I merged your replies, since OB's rules don't permit double-posting.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]I dispise the DBZ anime. The manga is great, though not the [I]most[/I] brilliant thing to ever be conceived by humanity. The art is awesome. But the anime just dropped all of that. It sucked the life out of Toriyama's series, and milked it beyond what is under any circumstances acceptable. I didn't like the Kenshin add-on movie. You know, the one with the train scene at the begining? I felt it was entirely predictable, boring, and that it was an embarrasment to the series. I never liked PMK, either, but I wont say anything bad about it while Skippedry and others lurk. *watches back carefull* [/QUOTE] [color=red][size=1]I have to agree on the DBZ matter. The characters look the same. All of the guys; Goku, Vegeta, Gohan... have these big muscles! Another thing about the anime that I dislike, is that they always seem to be fighting! I don't mind fighting, but its so boring... its like this "oh he hit him in the face! woh! he punched him in the gut! oh wow then he kicked him!..." and it goes on and on! Well those were the cons, I have to admit, the anime is hilarious but if you compared it with really detailed ((not soo much as in muscles)) anime like ((Im tryin to refrain myself from saying YYH)) ... Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X, DBZ would be out of its league ((at least I think so)) That has fighting, not with fists but hey, its still fighting. In Samurai X the Characters are well drawn and animated. There is a lot of detail in the characters. So thats why I like it. - I like anime that I relate to or something that has really happened. I can relate to Yusuke, he is kinda like how some kids really act, soo its fun to watch him. And the era in which the anime Samurai X takes place, is a real thing ((or.. it [I]was[/I] )). I dont know if I made any sense, usually I don't. If anyone can understand what I [I]just[/I] said, then I give you one of these.. ----> [/color][/size]:D [quote=Dagger IX1]In my opinion, any show with more than 60 or 70 episodes is more than likely to be crap. A number of people have already complained about Dragonball Z, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho and even the uber-popular Naruto. I can't say I blame them... all of these series suffer from what I call Kenshin syndrome. Despite the fact that they're marketed as action anime, their animation is usually sub-par--or, if it starts out well, eventually begins to degrade and become frighteningly erratic. Their combat sequences tend to be very long and often involve more talking, flash-backs, and poor artwork than actual fighting. The reason I prefer Yu Yu Hakusho to other lengthy shows is that most of its battles are relatively fast-paced and rarely last more than an episode or two. During the Dark Tournament saga, many episodes contain multiple fights; others are simply devoted to comedy and character development. But even YYH is far from problem-free..... I find it ironic that these kinds of anime are generally the most popular. ~Dagger~[/quote] *nodds head* Even though I like Yu Yu Hakusho, I do agree that it has many problems to over come. The dubbs are great, I think FUNimation does a good job in making the English dubb better than the Japanese original. But still, due to YYH's long series, Im constantly running out of money. Another anime that I dislike has to be Sailor Moon. I don't even know how many episodes there are! There has to be nothing I hate more than corny scripts in anime. Serena and the Sailor Scouts are constantly talking about love and peace and yada yada, it gets kinda old. I have no clue how SM fans can keep up with the series and still love the corny script! Well... Im not about to go figure it out. And like Dagger, "I find it ironic that these kinds of anime are generally the most popular"
  8. My brother told me he was going to pull the fire alarm for April Fools day. Doubt it though, at my school you'd probably be suspended. - My Brother: *pulls fire alarm* Bwahahahaha! My evilist evil plan ever! EVeryone: AAAAH! its a fire run! *runs everywhere* Teacher: NOW CALM DOWN KIDS! WE MUST EXIT THE BUILDING IN A FASHONLY MANNER! Everyone: AAAAAHHHH! We're gonna DIE! ~After they caught Maison ((is my brother's name))~ Maison: Hehe FireFighter: what did you do that for young man? *angery* Maison: APRIL FOOLS! BWAAHAHAHAHA *runs around in a circle* Everyone: ~.~; - Anyway, thats probably how it would play out... hehe. Oh yes! One April Fools day, I hid my mother's coffe and cigarettes, then I took her camera and took a picture of where I his them. That day they never found them until my mom developed the film and saw that I hid them in my brother's dresser! HAHAHA!
  9. Here is my yusuke drawing.. it was my first anime drawing I think .... :rolleyes: Tell me what you think of it. Oh yes, the side of the picture was torn a little bit, all thanks to my little sister. :D [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/meggie/yusuke.JPG[/IMG]
  10. [FONT=verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=plum]Yes! My mother doesn't mind much but my father says its a waste of money and that I should grow up and get a boyfriend or something ((he was joking about the boyfriend thing)) Why don't they like it? I asked my dad and he says because its for children. Pfft! I have many uncut DVDs including; Yu Yu Hakusho, Samurai X, Full Metal Panic, Fruits Basket... and she says all I learn is perverted stuff. Ha! Parents don't understand.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. CN is always switching their line up, I think they should keep Yu Yu Hakusho on the weekday line-up cuz Im tired of watching it start over and over again! [size=1][color=red]Well, I think I would go for it if there was only one time showing Yu Yu Hakusho. I don't know why people don't like it that much. I guess people only like certain anime. Toonami will never have a constant line-up. They are always changing the shows with new ones thinking that us ((the viewers)) don't like it. And for some reasn they think that EVERYONE likes Dragon Ball Z. I am getting sick of that show and now they have the DBZ Chronicles.[/size][/color] [color=hotpink][size=1]Please do not double post, it's against the rules. *QA*[/color][/size]
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