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- Birthday February 6
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just a girl living & learning
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[SIZE=1]As to [I]Hail to the Thief[/I], I was reading George Orwell's [U]1984[/U] the other day and it dawned on me; "2+2=5" is directly related to that novel! Along with that other song...um, "Sit Down. Stand Up" I think (?) I believe I read that somewhere. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Can you confirm any of this? It would be interesting to find out... =D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Oh jeeze, only three? Well, as of this moment... [B]3. Ok Computer - Radiohead[/B] How could I not list this? It's amazing and I never want it out of my sight! So this is the only Radiohead CD I own, but it really got me into their music. "Electioneering" is pretty good, along with the hits "Paranoid Android" and "Karma Police". "Fitter Happier" is pretty interesting, too, not to mention "Let Down" and "The Tourist". [B]2. Good News for People Who Love Bad News - Modest Mouse[/B] Okay, yeah, I know. It's their newest release, but it's an awesome one. Again, this CD introduced me to MM, which I thought (at first) was some sort of joke. Seriously though, I instantly fell in love with it. Of course, "Float On" is a good song, but also "Ocean Breathes Salty", "Bukowski", "Black Cadillacs", and "One Chance". Booya. [B]1. Yankee Hotel Foxtrot - Wilco[/B] OMG. I can't go a day without listening to this CD. It has a song for just about every emotion, which is freaking awesome. I have my friend to thank for introducing me to Wilco. I know they've been around for awhile, but jeeze, I love this album! "Jesus, etc." is perhaps my favorite, "Kamera", "Pot Kettle Black", and "I'm the Man who Loves You"... beyond brilliant... There are lots of other CDs that I love to pieces, but these three are the ones I listen to currently and perhaps religiously.[/SIZE]
Writing Perks of Being a Wallflower (anyone?)
starphish replied to starphish's topic in Creative Works
[quote name='Cahoots34]I love this book to the point of worship. I don't, however, really see how it's particularly similar to [U]The Catcher in the Rye[/U]. 'Coming of age' stories aren't exactly rare; is [U]Catcher[/U] simply the most classic? Frankly, I think Chbosky's 'interpretation', if you will, was far more poignant than Salinger's, in that it was slightly more coherent and featured a character who was not so much rabidly unambitious and jaded (as Holden is), but a boy who is to all intents and purposes a relatively normal teenager wandering on the fringes of his personal society. The latter, I think, is a bit easier to identify with than the former, but I'll admit I could have formed that opinion mainly because I hate [U]Catcher[/U'] with a passion.[/quote] I'm not sure if [U]Catcher[/U] is the "classic", but it broke out of the bounds of 1945 (that's right, right?) That's one reason why I like it, even though (like you said) it is very jaded and Holden isn't as endearing as Charlie. Still, I love both novels... You're right about Patrick, Coconuts. -
[SIZE=1]While reading the original Dune sophomore year, all I could think about was the spice, the blue eyes, the worms, and the network of people. I always wondered what caused Frank Herbert to come up with that, but it's very interesting. I have not read the other books, but I do have a copy of Children of Dune. From what I've heard, people like the other books just as much as the original, which is different. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I was just talking to a friend about Dune...I haven't seen the whole movie yet (sci-fi version) but I did read the book. Twas amazing...have you read it? I really like the book, but the movie...I guess I'll need to see all of it before I judge whether I like it better than the book. ^^[/SIZE]
Writing Perks of Being a Wallflower (anyone?)
starphish replied to starphish's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE=anatema]I found the book at my school library. I know they say to not judge books by their covers but the only real reason the book interested me at first was because it was almost entirely green *lol*. In any case, I ended up reading it in a day and it was just amazing. It's a lot like The Catcher in the Rye in that it's a coming of age story and although really very simple to read it really impacts you in the oddest way. What I really loved about it as straphish said was Charlie's wonderful amount of innocence. [spoiler]When he has that dream about Sam and he tells her about it because he felt it was wrong[/spoiler] I just found that incredibly endearing. I guess you can say he's the type of character you form an emotional attachement to, you really end up rooting for him in the end. And unlike the Catcher in the Rye you feel hopeful about Charlie, like he's gonna be ok. I also was very pleased with the mentioning of the Smiths ^_^[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]That's so freaky, because that's why I chose the book, too! It was bright green and I was like "hey, whoa there, kids! What's up with the brightness?" lol. And I agree (basically, with everything you said). I came away from "Catcher" with love, but I agree that at the end, you're not sure how you feel towards Holden. But I'm a big fan of Salinger. I think Chbosky wrote a newer version of a classic, but gave it his own special touch. When I read "Perks", Nirvana came to mind all the time, which is weird, but that proves that I can relate to the novel on a different level, which is good (I think). And that emotional attachment...that's what gets my love. Sometimes you read books that just seem to be "there". It does nothing to you emotionally and I just can't handle that. Call me emotional if you will, but a book that tugs on my mind and heart deserves my love. And "Perks" does just that. =) I'm glad to hear someone else likes it! And yeah, the music in the novel is grand. Do you think people generations from now will find it appealing? It's a matter of opinion, but I hope they do. It's grand.[/SIZE] -
[quote name='Semjaza Azazel']Any decent record store should have them. I see most of their releases at Best Buy on a regular basis, even.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Oh. We don't have a Best Buy where I live. I can just look around and see if I sport anything. Thanks, though![/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I have their So Long Astoria CD and agree that they did a pretty good job on "The Boys of Summer". Usually I don't like remakes, but this one was pretty good. I really like that album overall. I haven't heard any of their earlier CDs, but it'd be interesting to find them and listen. I'd say overall they're pretty good and I like listening to them. =) Is it difficult finding their early releases or could I find them on, say, Amazon?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Mitch: As for your love of Radiohead, I can't say I'm on your level, but I might be there someday. I actually bought Ok Computer at Target for that steal of $9.99. And I'm FAR from regretting it. That's actually why I decided to reply to this thread...I wanted more information on their other albums because I knew their hits were on the Ok Computer album, but I wanted more. I shall buy whatever albums of theirs I can get in my grubby hands, because I know they're sought after and, it seems, highly coveted. =) Thanks for the information and in-depth analysis/summary of the songs. I realize it was probably meant for someone else, but it helped me out a lot. Buying Ok Computer started my search for '90s music...GOOD '90s music. God I loved the music of the '90s... And, speaking of which, I read an article the other day that John Mayer did his impression of Kid A...he's a huge fan of Radiohead. Hm, I should listen to that...quite interesting...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hey, thanks for the feedback! I use PSP 7, which is ironic because I think most people use Photoshop. But, I settled for PSP. I should learn to use PS soon though, because most companies use it for their graphic designs. Anyway, all of these are old ones now that I think about it. I'll see if I can whip up something newer...I'm into the grunge look (as seen in the Hellsing one) which explains its multi-layered/hard to see look. Eh, I'm okay with it. =) Is it okay if I link the blends like I did, because I saw somewhere that it's against the rules to load more than 5 pictures (??) Anywho, I'll go work on some new blends. My wallpapers are another story (never was any good at wallpapers). ^o^[/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]Radiohead is a band I've always avoided. Pablo Honey was so incredibly mediocre that I just didn't really care what they did following it. I didn't bother to notice how much they changed their sound and evolved until the Kid A days... and I decided I still didn't like them after seeing some music video with what I considered, at the time, an absolutely awful song. Since then, however, I've actually bothered to play the Radiohead stuff I actually owned (I got some of it through Columbia House, but it remained unplayed for years) and while there's still stuff I have little interest in, I've come to realize what an absolute moron I was being about it all. I played The Bends through entirely one day and it's just a really freaking good rock album. OK Computer, while different in its own way, is also incredibly solid and has some really amazing tracks on it. I'm not feeling what I've played of Amnesiac, however.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Someone I talked to today said they didn't care for Amnesiac either, but I'm still interested in sampling at least a song or two. Is it just different/bad/? And I'd forgotten that MTV censored the original "Paranoid Android" video. I wish I had taped it! ;_;[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Here are some of my anime/manga blends. You can view more at my website: [URL=http://nf.fuberri.net][COLOR=Red]Nowhere Fast[/COLOR][/URL] (please excuse my plug. Seriously) [URL=http://nf.fuberri.net/an/an12.png][COLOR=Red]Fooly Cooly[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=http://nf.fuberri.net/an/an15.png][COLOR=Red]Cowboy Bebop[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=http://nf.fuberri.net/an/an10.png][COLOR=Red]Rei Ayanami[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=http://nf.fuberri.net/an/an13.png][COLOR=Red]Snow White[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=http://nf.fuberri.net/an/an07.jpg][COLOR=Red]Wild Adapter[/COLOR][/URL] [URL=http://nf.fuberri.net/an/an17.png][COLOR=Red]Hellsing[/COLOR][/URL] (love this one! it's big, but it might be worth it!) Let me know what you thing. Some of them are kinda old, but they're my faves. Anyone else blend? I have an anime/manga blend challenge site if you do! [URL=http://oneway.fuberri.net][COLOR=Red]One Way[/COLOR][/URL] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Oh, those are really good! I do agree with everyone about the proportions, but other than that, they look terrific! 1,000 times better than anything I could ever draw (stick figures that is). =) It sounds like an interesting series...and looks good so far![/SIZE]
Writing Perks of Being a Wallflower (anyone?)
starphish replied to starphish's topic in Creative Works
[SIZE=1]Really? You can't find it? It's bound to be somewhere like Barnes & Noble...or Borders. To tell you the truth, I finally found mine at a local bookstore, so it's sure to be somewhere out there! I can't speak for everyone, but I loved it to pieces. It's a collection of letters written by Charlie, this 15 year old boy, who is experiencing high school, his first real love, eccentric friends, drugs, smoking, and the Rocky Horror Picture show, among other things. It takes place in 1994-1995, so it's pretty contemporary. Anyway, Charlie writes to the reader (whomever that may be) and just talks about his experiences. The thing that got me was his complete innocence and curiosity...reminded me of that child-like innocence everyone is always talking about. He's naive and quite often, I think he's depressed, but I could relate to him in some sense. Characters include Charlie, Patrick (his friend, a senior), Partick's sister Sam (Charlie's crush, also a senior), Mary Elizabeth, Bill (Charlie's English teacher/friend), and a bunch of people I sadly cannot recall. Anyway, I hope I didn't give anything away. It's a very quick read and you might find yourself laughing one minute, crying the next, cursing at Charlie or a character, then feeling happy with them. Losts of people critisize that Charlie is not a wallflower in the truest sense of the word, but oh well. I liked it and perhaps you will, too. =)[/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1]If you know me, you know I go by Yoshi. And if you know that, then you know I'm a bit of a nerd. But I also write some kickin' poetry. Since I'm new to the boards, I thought I'd give you all a sample so you can get to know me through my writing. =) -Combustible?- Emotions building, burning inside Take a breath, swallow your pride. Feel it twist and writhe within Grab hold of life, give it a spin. Though their words cut skin deep The voyage begins with just one leap- Of faith, of hope, of something unique Scream inside, but stuggle to speak. The world's gone to hell and it's burning bright Afraid of darkness, sheild your eyes from the light. Could it catch flame? No longer tame But a fierce and brutal desire's alive You glare through smoke, fight to survive. When it feels like nothing matters, not one little thing Remember that self-combustion ain't the swing. -Black & Blue- Mentally knocked, I try to defend Against the force your blows send. Your words bite deep and still deeper; One day you'll awaken the sleeper. Energy thrust into planning ahead, I struggle to escape your grasp instead. My head aches from those words you threw, But it'll come tumbling all too soon. Soft on the outside, but tougher within, I'll turn the tables and give you a spin. Don't think you can bury me under for long With your harsh words and attitude strong. I may be faulty, perhaps black and blue; But don't you dare turn away so soon. Eh, I have more, but that would be such a long post. Let me know what you think! Thanks for reading![/SIZE]