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About Cloud_Strife

  • Birthday 09/26/1987

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    NeoWhipMan, BoarderS

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    I live in hickville, one hint of advice. NEVER COME TO THIS GOD FORSAKEN PLACE
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  1. Hey sup? It's been like a year since I've been here, I saw my lil bro on it today and I was like "Whoa, this still exists!?" But anyway, I just want to holla at all the people I used to post with that LONG time ago. Peace
  2. A couple of things... About the 30-50 seconds thing...that's both true and false. Dreams don't last that long they just switch ideas and thoughts then. That's why sometimes in a dream...you'll be running from the cops or something and then you run through some door in some strange alley and you find yourself in a party with the sexiest women in the world!! That's just your brain switching from thought to thought. And remembering dreams...well you have to wake up at the right time to remember them. But then usually after that you'll lose it and it'll just slip away. Usually the only ones you'll remember for a long period of time are the ones that affect and reflect you the most. It's weird. That's why you usually only remember the really good and really bad dreams. If you have some stupid random dream it'll probably slip away once you get out of bed. And Red...you said the one you remembered with a jet pack and the rocket launcher. You should have that annilyzed...because dreams are your deepest thoughts that you might not even know you have. I know I've had some about terrorists attacks when I was aroung because I hate em...so what's your deal!? LOL. You're probably just a pyro and you exaggerated it. But still pretty cool.
  3. I have read one thing in a magazine...Final Fantasy X International. There will be no English version of this but it starts off where FFX leaves, after Yuna gets comfortable Rikky comes in with a sphere showing Tidus trapped in a rather small cage in the "other world." Then Yuna and co. set off to find and free him. P.S. There are some realistic variations like Wakka puts on a few pounds. P.P.S This is not bull **** I have already see pictures.
  4. [SIZE=1]Hey does anyone know any good fusion combos for Forbidden Memories. So far the best one I have is Mystic Sand with and electro-whip which comes to an attack power of 2600 I think, but I need better for the next opponent in the tournament, so if you have any please list them hear. I need one with an attack power of about 2800 or higher.[/SIZE]
  5. If you desperatly need Holy Waters you can head back down the mountain and buy some from one of the guys down there. And should one of your guys be cursed and you have no Holy Waters, just cast Reflect on that character so that Seymour's Life Attack will have no effect.
  6. I would definetely have to put Sephiroth, Auron, and Cloud. In my opinion, swords are the way to go.
  7. There really isn't a good DB/Z/GT anymore. In all the places where all episodes have aired before, the DB world is old news. And here in America, it takes the FOREVER. The only thing we ever get earlier than somebody else is some video games, a little earlier than the UK and Australia
  8. Yeah the international version is supposed to have a continueation of the story, which is weird cause it's never been done with an FF game before. I don't many specific details but in the after life Tidus is imprisoned or something. Word gets out to the rest of the crew when Rikku arrives with a sphere of him in a cell. Then they all set out to find him. And this all pisses me off because as usual America has 2 chances of getting the international version, slim and NONE
  9. A very easy way to beat many enemies is to "special", this is done by getting all the characters in your party all the way up on their spirit gauge (when their gauge is blinking), when this happens, you will see the special icon, use this with the person you have the highest dragoon level, all your characters will transform, but the background will be different. This changes nothing except for the person who executed the special, always use the D-Attack with that character in the funky bacground because you don't have to get the perfect, it does it for you. But when that character runs out of spirit the background is lost. P.S. I'm fighting Haschels' former pupil Gehrich, he's pretty hard and I can't beat him, anyone have any tips for me besides level up
  10. Cloud_Strife

    Ff X

    I forget the name of the city, but Bahamut is the last required Aeon in the game. You'll know when you get to the city, Yuna is missing and you find her there and she's about to marry Seymour. But don't be all that anxious about Bahamut, the hiddem Aeons are better, well not Yojimbo, but Anima and The Agus Sisters are just Godly. The Agus Sisters take a really long time to get though, Anima isn't that hard.
  11. The only one I am positive of is the tissue. I know for a fact that it is just completely useless. But the other ones I don't know, if there wasn't something special about them said in the game then there is a good chance that they are useless as well.
  12. That''s why Sephiroth was created, Sephiroth was thought to be a Cetra. But after Professor Ghast had made Sephiroth he found out it wasn't in fact a Cetra, and was very displeased with himself. You find this out in the game by talking to someone, I can't remember. So Sephiroth is part human, and part whatever Jenova is. Jenova cells were put into Lucrecia by Hojo and Ghast, then came Sephiroth. Sephiroth doesn't even know his human mother, nor does he even know that he came from one. It all basically happened because Hojo is sick and Ghast made an error, as he was just trying to help humanity, not destroy it.
  13. I didn't say 250K, I said 25K, but if I did, I sorry. Didn't mean it, they only do about 25K.
  14. And this strategy isn't particular to this boss, make sure you customize your equipment often. Especially things like piercing, strength plus 20%, break damage limit, and maybe some more strength. With these things equipped, you can do A LOT of damage. Break damage limit allows you to go above 9999 damage, I got my Tidus, Auron, and Yuna all to do about 250000 damage (Yuna used Holy of course). And many bosses will come easy.
  15. Yeah but some of us could be waiting a really long time, as the games and systems come out at different times in different places. Like the UK doesn't even have FFX yet, and I've beaten it. So how long will it take for them to make PS3, make the remakes, and come out all over the globe. (People in UK, I feel for yas)
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