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Everything posted by Cloud_Strife

  1. The picture is okay, but for advice, don't announce the number of posts you have, especially if it's one. It makes you a newbie.
  2. Transric's right, posting in the threads already out is ok, but don' make new ones. And we should move on with our lives instead of always worrying and living in fear.
  3. [b]I dunno if these stages are accurate though. Has anyone else seen these?[/b]
  4. I've seen other web sites divide SSJ up into four different sections... SSJ Stage1-Gokou when fighting Furiza SSJ Stage2-Vegeta fighting Cell SSJ Stage3-Trunks fighting Cell (very close to the second one, also referred to as USSJ) SSJ Stage4-Gohan and Gokou after Hyberbolic TIme Chamber
  5. Oh I forgot about my name! My name would remain the same as well, Cloud Strife (the _ is there because I created a name already as Cloud Strife but it wouldn't work),
  6. EB has such high prices because they got the best games around that you can't find anywhere else.
  7. I have! Emerald Weaopon wasn't that hard if you got to a high enough level, KOTR, and mime, they make it so easy. But Ruby got on my nerves because he kept taking away my characters and unless his claws were in the ground, I couldn't attack, so I was a sitting target, but I eventually beat him.
  8. [b]Gohan could as he has great potential as a fighter. But Goten and Trunks go SSJ so early because each of their fathers were already a SSJ by the time they were born.[/b]
  9. [b]Yeterday Toonami repeated an episode from two days ago and the second episode was from the Vegeta and Cell (after absorbing 17) fight. I'm getting really pissed off![/b]
  10. My deepest prayers to those ppl injured, killed, and the victim's families. And I ask God let this mssacre on innocent ppl end.
  11. [B]Does anyone live near there, or do you know someone that does, because I want to know how they're feeling about this, I live really close to D.C. And I don't think I'll sleep too well tonight.[/B]
  12. [B]James is right, we can't make everyone in Arab suffer if they didn't do anything, it's exactly what's happening to us. I just want the SOB responsible to be thrown in the chair! Who would have the stomach to kill all those men, women, and children!? One of the towers fell on an elementary school, I just hope casaulties were at a minimum.[/B]
  13. [B]Me and my family are fine, but I know kids who's parents work in D.C. But who is willing to do this to inncoent ppl, it's not fair.[/B]
  14. [b]Yeah I've seen some pretty cool gifs too.[/b]
  15. [b]Yeah and I live in that area too![/b]
  16. [b]That is amazing James, very nice! One of the best I've ever seen.[/b]
  17. [b]And I live right in that area too! We're under ATTACK! Sorry, I'll stop now, but many ppl have died already and it's still not over.[/b]
  18. [b]Has anyone seen what's been happening in NYC and Washington, a plane flew into the pentagon, three into the World Trade Center, car bombing, more plane highjacks and everything is in an inferno.[/b]
  19. [b]I haven't had any over heating problems, but my PS2 does mess up my DVD's, it diesn't play them properly, it scrambles, and sometimes scratches the disk.
  20. [b]I want to play that game so much! I you have played it, can you give me an intro to the stroy and what the summoning and magic sysem is like.[/b]
  21. It's no really a meditation, it's just that you're so mad you don't really care about pain so you push yourself as hard as humanly possible, Herne, you probably couldn't do it afterwords because you were thinking about the pain and held back
  22. I knew all of those facts years ago. They clearly state them in the series, it's like saying, namekians don't eat. It's very obvious.
  23. My lil' bro. is so annoying! Sometimes he's alright, but he can be really annoying sometimes, he jes won't leave me alone!
  24. Seph's right, just post on other ppl's ?'s, that's how you become a know-it-all. And of all ppl, he would know.
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