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King Ansem

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  1. yes it dose but I am not sure if it is in america at this time.
  2. No ??? .hack// soundtracks, I go nuts over them, but other than that, Inu Yasha But for .Hack notice my signature it is part of a song. [COLOR=Navy]Please watch your post quality, King Ansem. Re-read Solo's [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37750&page=2]comments[/URL] or PM one of the mods if you have any questions. ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
  3. King Ansem


    That is a tough one accept vash is totaly right(he crushis the spiders without killing them) ;) as aposed to Knives who continues the cycle
  4. I have ADD but I have meds but I know 3 kids that have it
  5. It scares me that humans will cause the end of the world
  6. Well I have 100 but I will only list a few. 1. I can not stop talking if I meet a new person that I like (as a friend) 2. I always have to fidget I constantly take of and put on the backs of any and I mean any remote. 3.I can never finish a conversation in the sence that I just keep going ( I dont like ends) 4.I can pace uncontroleabley
  7. For me I love every thing about the books
  8. Anyone else read .Hack//Legend of the Twilight? I liked the books since I loved the others, but it is a little odd, since it is sillier than the others, but if you are like me you will get in to it at the 2nd book. The best part is that there are characters from the game in it. I was excited to see them. :D
  9. "to be connected is to exsist exsisting only happens when you are known to exsist thats what makes life"-ME Life is the pretious gift from time to destroy it is the ultamit crime the truth is that hummans have commited that crime since the dawn of our exsistance-ME
  10. I love the entire ".hack//project" the 4 games are awsome I have beaten the game soart of well you know how there is an extra dungon after you beet the game well in part 4 the dungon is the single most difficalt dungon in exsistance of that game spoiler : 15 levels of data bugs almost all level 95 and normals that max at the 2nd strongest level monsten in the game level 98 :faint:
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