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About Aurora

  • Birthday 04/11/1992

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I love any type of anime. I am 12. I am a girl with long brown hair and green eyes.
  • Occupation
    being an anime fan!of course!!

Aurora's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/6)



  1. Thanks... Ok if you wan't to discribe your charter put in ths format. I'll use my charter as an example. Name:Kat Race:Human Age:14 eye color: deep green Hair color & lenth:Red,down to her butt Hight:5ft 7" Weight:refuses to reval Wepon: A wooden sword Habbit(s):Spying on firends, is a bleeding heart, is too curious for her own good. Usual apperence: cute, and wareing a school uniform... it's blue with a long skirt. Attuide:Perky, curious, (for the most part) deep - I can only say what world it is once this has some more charters... (can't very well have someone who is/has a robot or main wepon is a gun in a fudal era!)^^.
  2. Ok this is where you can go on an adventure with and or as any charter from any anime or any game! (the major background reeks of Inuyasha though!) My charter is Kat she is 14, long red hair. cute chibi green eyes. She later on fall's in love with a 14 year old Kurama.^^ Ok so the bigging starts off as Kat is comming home from school and she nottices and old well. She looks inside (just courious) and sees ... SPIDERS! BONES! DUST BUNNIES! She says "so thats why they say say away from that well!" She sees some bullies from Collage (not everyone in collage is nice!) She hides in some bushes... but they find her anyway... they say "heheheheh Don't you know courisoty killed the Kat?" Kat says I hate that saying!" The bullies look at the well than at kat than at the well again than again at Kat. He says " heheh why don't we throw hr in that creepy old well?" The other's respond "YEAH! It's probly full of spiders and snakes!" Kats Goes "OH NONONONONO! Can't we like call a truse or something?" Thay say "Yea... no." Kat says "that's what I thought you'd say!" And than they throw her in... but than she dissappers. The bullies say "well I guess it ust be pritty deep... LET'S GET OUTT'A HERE!" They run... (how thoughtful!) So That's how it start's off and if anyone wants to play just type your charter's profile! I'll wait untill there are enouf people... Oh! Yeah! And you can use any style of typing! ^_^ (ok so maby my first try wasen't very good but I'm... "new")
  3. Aurora

    Inuyasha RPG

    Ok this is where you can hang with Inu and the gang, and create your own (or from another anime) charter! My charter will be Kat. She is 9 with long stright Red hair with cute green chibi eyes. She wares a littel blue kimono.^^ She is an orphan (doesen't know what happend to her parents) I'll wait for more prople to post their charter's profiles to RPG, untill than see ya'! ;)
  4. Inuyasha is the best!!!Im hooked on Inuyasha.(even though many would call me too chibi to watch it)I don't know why all the girls that watch Inuyasha(including me)are in love with Sesshomarou!I think it's his long cute hair! :love2: Inuyasha is the king of all anime!he shall rule the anime world!!!!!*evil laugh*is there any one else hear that is in love with someone from that anime?!? :blush:
  5. Shippo is evey ones favorite kitsune!!!!he is just too adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!1:love2:
  6. Ok to start things off.....PLEASE MAKE MORE INUYASHA THREADS!Here i am a girl obsessd with inuyasha and what do i find.....barly any inu threads!!!:lecture: Ok now that my temper tramptram is over lets get on subject....Of course!!i mean who would not want to go to inuyasha's world!!!(except my grandma)and even if i went and got myself killed by hourds of demons.....meating Inuyasha,Seeshomarou, and the rest of the gang would make it all worth while!!!please share your thoughts. :bow:
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