:) [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy]Hey adam I will be glad to be a part of you anime art maderator. I have good skill in to finding plagrisim in the anime because I have good at finding websites and where they came from. I also have knowlege of HTML and how to costomize it. I am still in the learnig and sometimes it can be hard.
I know I might not have a shot because i haven't been on the bord for a long time but I have been on the otaku for a long time right when the otaku made the 2,000 so I have experinece and I obey by the rules . That is why. I also draw 24/ 7 So I know how it is, and what plagirisum looks like. I like looking at the original anime because they are really interesting. and I try to look and take note at the poses and positions.[/FONT][/COLOR]