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Lady*Kagome's Achievements

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  1. The wind seemed to calm as the sun rose. Any other of her kind would have fled already. Yet, to her there was a great advantage. Being inuyoukai as well, had served in her ability to withstand the otherwise fatal rays. [I]'Why should I bother'[/I] The pouring rain had waned into a light shower. Miosuki's left ear twitched. [I]'They lasted the entire storm. Though fear laced her scent she remained.'[/I] The half-demon had sparked her curiosity ever since she had seen her and her companion from the skies. [I]'I feel power from her'[/I] The thought intrigued her. Never being a halfling herself she did not know the way their powers worked. The rains finally cease, and the vampiress could feel the sun's rays on her body. She hissed as the came onto her face. She jumped of the hill taking to the trees again. Even though she could handle the sun upon her, the bright light was slightly uncomfortable. [I]'Where shall I go now'[/I] Taking several leaps the vampiress swerved towards the left. [I]'She intrigues me greatly.'[/I] With one more jump she had landed in a tree secluded with many leaves. Two grey-blue eyes looked down. Miosuki's silver and black locks fell over her shoulders, as she crouched down over the tree. A small smirk graced her features as she stared at the half-demon before her. [I]'Stealth...who would guess this to be one of the greatest weapons.'[/I] A familiar scent reached her nose, and the woman's head tilted towards the side. [I]'She smells familiar to that other being I sensed. Is this who he seeked.'[/I] Leaning back against the branch she was perched on, Miosuki let her body drop, only to have her clawed hands hold onto the branch and have her body hang from the branch upside down. Her heavy booted feet planted upon the thick piece of wood. It was a bad habit that kicked in whenever she was deep in thought. [I]'So...they are related.'[/I] Her demon awareness had helped her greatly in understanding all about the half demon before her gaze. [I]'How is it that one can stand in the way fears, overcoming them so easily...could it be.'[/I] Her gaze drifted towards her companion. The man that held her in his arms. It dawned to her that he had never left her. Both had remained in the raging storm. [I]'Is it because that he holds her. Is that the reason why she remained. They are in love.'[/I] Miosuki's eyes closed as her ears twitched every now and then. A small sigh escaped her lips. [I]This is not the time..[/I] [I]She was a sister to me[/I] [I]But she is gone, and that is how it shall remain[/I] Miosuki let go of the branch to land softly onto the ground. even is she was heard it did not concern her. There were other things that she was curious about. [I]'That Raven woman...what is it that she seeks? It cannot be power. For she has that. Power that is yet to be harnessed. As the half-demon before me.'[/I] A gust of wind blew by, taking a few silver strands into the vampiress's face. She had yet to move her position, and knew she could be easily seen. Maybe that was she wanted. To be discovered. One of her hands flexed over the hilt of the blade at her side. She could feel it pulse slightly. Staring down she blinked. [I]'This...has been happening more often.'[/I] She hesitated to unsheathe the blade. She would inspect the matter later one. [I]Yet...what does it mean?[/I]
  2. [I]'A storm'[/I] She had not moved from the spot atop the hill. At being caught up in her thoughts she had not heard the thunder's sing of approaching rain, and did not mind. The vampiress stared upwards, letting the raindrops fall upon her face. Her grey-blue eyes closed, as her fists opened to lay flat against her sides. Her breathing came evenly. Two ears twitched atop her head twitched. The only sign at what the vampiress was truly doing. [I]'Someone is coming this way. Though I do not know what he seeks.'[/I] A furry triangle twitched towards the right. [I]'The half-demon and her companion are still out here'[/I] Thunder tore the skies. An invisible shiver went up the vampiress's side. [I]'That Raven woman is still out here as well'[/I] Miosuki opened her eyes never looking ahead. The pouring rain had soaked her silver-black locks. The strands that occupied her forehead were brought back and away from her face. [I]'Why am I here?'[/I] It was now that the thought had occurred to her. Why had she stayed here? At fist coming across these parts, she had felt as if she was supposed to be here. But disregarded the feeling to one of curiosity. A small growl came forth. It was her mistake...for being ignorant. [I]'This place...I must be here for a reason'[/I] The vampiress's eyes closed again. The winds surrounding her seemed to calm as if on her command. Even though, the storm still raged. [I]'What...does he look for. Worry smothers the scent.'[/I] Elegant eyebrows connected in concentration. It was not as if she felt concern towards the being that inhabited these parts. It might have been a feeling that brought her here, but it was curiosity that led her own. Miosuki released a breath and the winds around her began to howl once again. An ear twitched. [I]'I still want to know. What truly is the reason I am here. What was it that guided me in this direction'[/I] The thought was partially abandoned at the scent that reached her nose. "Are...you a demon, wench" A smirk graced the bandit's ugly face. If the beauty before him was not a demon...than he would have a good lay tonight. "Oi, are you mute." Miosuki sighed. [I]'Humans are ignorant creatures.'[/I] Her eyes snapped wide open; the once grey-blue orbs had darkened. They seemed to reflect the misty skies themselves. Her pupils thinned into catlike slits. As the bandit reached to touch her, the vampiress-inuyoukai turned with a growl. "It has been quite sometime since I have last fed human." She saw the man pale but paid no mind. Instantly her clawed hand reached out grabbing the man by the neck. Miosuki pulled back baring large fangs. As soon as they plunged into the man's neck, her eyes bled red. Within moments she released the carcass, and tossed it back into the trees. The rain did its job in riding her lips of the excess crimson liquid. Somewhat satisfied she returned to her place...as if nothing had happened. [I]'Why does this scent seem so familiar. He searches for something here. The female half-demon remains. A fool to be out here. Yet, it is none of my concern'[/I] The words in her mind raced, and her voice of reason could not help but disagree. There was one thing that concerned her. The fact that all this led up to something. [I]'But what, dammit'[/I] As the rain, and the thunder's song echoed above something clicked. [I]'I still am not sure why I am here. But I know this will all sort out in time.'[/I] A slight fear nagged at her mind. [I]'These...people, they have a reason to worry. Now I know what troubles them so. Here in this part. I fear that there will be a great rise of darkness'[/I] (OCC: Heh, I used the name of this RP didn't I.)
  3. (OOC: Yeah it's late into the plot but to hell with it.) The wolf youkai dropped to its knees breathing heavily. It looked up to the woman before him. "What...are you?" Miosuki's grey blue orbs looked down at the dying youkai. She never answered his question, and walked onward. [I]'I am darkness. I was the one who killed you. I was the one who showed you your weakness'[/I] Her black cloak billowed in the wind. Removing the cloak's hood she let her long silver and black hair move freely. Staring upwards at the ful moon she sighed. [I]'Now where to go '[/I] Her nose twitched. She caught the familiar scent of inuyoukai. It was now that she knew exactly where she was. "I haven't been home in a while" The winds seemed to pick up around the vampiress's form. Two trianglar dog ears twitched at the snapping of a twig. "What is it that you do here." Miosuki turned coming face to face with a female demon. Taking in her scent with the oncoming wind she sighed. "What do you want." The woman took to steps forward. "You may call me Raven." Miosuki raised and elegant eyebrow. "I don't care to know your name." Miosuki turned away walking deeper into the path. "Don't you [I]dare[/I] walk away from me!" Miosuki could hear her movements as she approached. Before impact the vampiress sidestepped. Her elbow came down on the other woman's back knocking her onto the ground. [I]'Pitiful creature'[/I] She saw her stand up once again. Though her emotionless expression didn't show it Miosuki was indeed surprised the minute a clawed hand was at her neck. "Who...are you." Though the grip on her throat tightened Miosuki kept calm. "Why do you care." She saw the anger flash before the woman's eyes. "Just tell me." Miosuki sighed. [I]'This has gone on long enough'[/I] Raising a clawed hand Miosuki placed it over her attacker's arm. "You are pathetic." The arm in her hand was twisted, instantly the grip was loosened. Unsheathing the blade at her side Miosuki held it at the other's neck. "I sense that you are a strong inuyoukai. Yet your arrogance will be your undoing. I will spare you, for I do not wish to dirty my claws with your blood." [I]'I sense that she will be the cause of a great disturbance soon enough.'[/I] The wind began to pick up once again blowing Miosuki's silver and black locks into the air. Her sensitive ears could already pick up the faint traces of voices far in the distance. Her demon awarness sensed many youkai in the direction she was going. [I]'I wonder who I will find'[/I] Taking to the trees Miosuki jumped elegantly form branch to branch. Looking down she could spot two figures below her. [I]'A half-demon...and her partner.'[/I] It was no matter to her. Jumping into the next tree, she could feel the half-demon's scent change to one of worry. Miosuki sighed. It amazed her how anyone could worry on a night like this. Miosuki stopped atop a hill. She coudl still sense the figures in the distance, and wondered what seemed to trouble them so. She knew for a fact that she herself was a strogn youkai. Inuyoukai to be exact. Her vampyric abilites added to the stregth already there and matured. Maybe that was the reason why she was so carefree. It was now she noticed the heavy scent of worry lingering around these parts. Home. She called this land home ever since she could remeber. Family was nothing she recalled. Though somehow something attracted her to this place. It was a small haven away from the souls of the youkai she had killed. As the thoughts swam in her mind her face remained the same. There once was a time where her heart opened up. To her. It was the only family she ever had. An inuyoukai as herself. Fate...its seems gave her a difficult path. *Flashback* Miosuki stood before the injured woman. "What is wrong with you." *Flash* "You're like a sister to me Miosuki" The vampiress was surprised. "We are inuyoukai. Some of us are meant to be alone. Words have no meanings. But actions do." Akina smiled. She knew it was Miosuki's way of saying 'As do I" *Flash* "Goodbye...Miosuki" *End Flashback* The vampiress flinched. This was not the time for those thoughts. Straring ahead she pushed back a black strand of hair. Miosuki sighed once more. [I]'What is going on here'[/I] (OOC: Yeah there we go. If you insist placing Miosuki in your post. Make sure you keep her in character. If you don't know her character then you didn't read as well as you thought now did you. Miosuki is my character and a tough one at that. Don't blow my hard work EDIT: I corrected many mistakes here, seeing as I was in a rush and didn't have much time to go through this)
  4. I'm guessing sicne Nashville didn't say other wise... I'll sign up. Name:Miosuki(Permenant RPG character) Race: Vampire Inuyoukai Age:874(Immortal, Appears 18) Gender:Female Wepons: A misterious blade of unknown origin,(reffered to as Darknes Blade, true name unknown) Claws, vampyric abilities Bio: She's dark, mysterious...beautiful. Her life resides in darkness. Having the only person she trusted and cared about killed, Miosuki has returned to emotionless life she once had. Her life is an enigma, as her actions. She would not hesitate to kill aperson just for the sake of watching their blood on her claws. No one knows of even her own origin but is said to be related to the inuyokai clan of the west. Appearence: Geryblue eyes, long kneelength silver hair with black higlights, two dog ears on her head(black) Stands at 5'8". Wears all black and carries a blade at her side. Whatever.....
  5. Kagome noticed the expression on Miosuki's face, rising a level of concern in her heart. "Miosuki-san, are you okay." Miosuki snapped out of her daze and answered. "Im fine..and drop the formalities, Miosuki is just fine." Kagome smiled, 'She has Inuyasha's natrual rudeness...I wonder if they are related.' Taking a quick glance at the ears atop Miosuki's head, Kagome surpressed a laugh. "Kagome...tell me do you sense the same thing i do." "Huh?...oh" Kagome had imporved her miko abilities making it possible for her to sense anything with an evil aura, may it be demon or not. Closing her eyes Kagome focused on scanning the area. At sensing a power she knew all to well, her eyes opened. "Miosuki-sa...uhh, i suggest we go toward it." Picking up her bow and arrows kagome began running into the forest., 'Who know what Naraku could be doing' 'What in the world..'. "Kagome whats the problem" Miosuki wlaked after the human girl knowing she could catch up at any moment. *15 minutes later* (Miosuki's POV) Its been 15 minutes, me and my human friend here are now in the middle ofa forest. I look aroudn a suddenly smell more tham one scent. Heh who would guess...more prisetesses..and whats this a..hanyou. I looked to the left as I notice Kagome is heading to the left, where she stops. I look over her shoulder and see..two hanyou's, one carring people with her. Pity...only one who can fight. I see the dark beign on front of them, the scent seems so familiar. I stop trying to remember when kagome begins to speak. (End Miosuki's POV) "Naraku, what do you want from them." Kagome raised an arrow to her bow, still feeling pretty confident over her victory while figting Kagura. Concern nagged her miond knowing she shlould be more careful, but she wasnt going to let anyone fall under his influence. "Kagome I suggest you me careful, this is no ordanary hanyou." Naraku smiled at the words. "Listen to yuor frined wench though she is half correct, I willl be full demon yet." Miosuki scoffed, "Well then listen half-breed get your a** out of here and I will reconsider killing you." "Dont flatter your self b*tch." A voice inturupted the conversation betweeb the two, as the second hanyou yellled out... "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!!!!"
  6. Miosuki heard the scream, turning around quickly her eyes went wide, "Kagome!!." Kagura had taken advantage of this sitution and attacked head on. Miosuki barely doged the razer sharp wind blades, as they headed toward her. BAck fliiping Miosuki ran toward Kagome's attacker. "Leave her out of this." Miosuki moved her hand towad the hilt of her blade, knocking the sword out of her new opponet's hand. "You..who are you." Miosuki smirked, "Im flattred that you would ask..but I never give my name to my prey...Jin." Miosuki's ears twitched as her smile grew. Kagome felt useless as once again a person risked their life for her welllbeign. She saw Kagura making her way to attack. Reaching behind her back Kagome fired an arrow of purifying power at the demon. Kagura stopped in her tracks as the blow of pink energy stopped at her feet. "Dear miko do you think you can stop me, you always need someone to save your hide, and you never fight for yourself. Face it miko your a coward." Her words fuled Kagome's boold. Reaching behind her once again she faked another shot. As the wind sorceress moved out of the way, Kagome launched the arrow where she landed. Kagura's eyes went wide as the arrow hit her straight in the shoulder. Miosuki glanced with smirk, at Kagura's keenling form. Looking forward instantly she moved out of the way of her attacker. 'This is starting to bore me'. Miosuki drew the Darkness Blade and cut a strange symbol in the air. Jin, ran straight into Miosuki, trying to stop whatever she was doing. "See you soon...Jin." Miosuki lunged staright forward with her blade, " Void of Shadows." A drak void opened, and Jin disappeared. Miosuki ran to the other side, plunging the sword in to the dark hole, it closing. Kagura always knew when to reatreat, and this was one of those times.Pulling out a feather from her hair, it enlarged. Kagura watched the girl as she rode away on the giant feather. "Kagome!" Miosuki called out to her. "Are you okay... that was a good display of power. 'She is no ordanary miko.' "Im fine." " Good...now are you sure you wouldnt like to be immortal." (Miosuki's POV) This girl..its been so long since Ive met someone like her..Akina, I wonder how you are doing up there. ~Flashback~ Miosuki walked alongside her nekoyoukai friend. She had a humanoid form like herslef. Black hair, and red stripes on her cheeks.She wore a red kimono the opposite of hers. Akina..the only frined Miosuki had made. ~Flash~ "Akina!!!" Miosuki ran toward the girl. She gasped, as her life faded away. "Mio...dont leave me...let me remeber you this way." Miosuki smiled thorugh tears. "Ina...dont speak that way, you'll live throuh this." Akina laughed weakly. "No i won't, Miosuki...inuyoukai vampairess of the western lands, I knew frindship because of you...Thank you." Miosuki watched as the girls hand became limp, and her eyes closed. "Akina....AKINA!!!" ~End Flashback~ (Okay this was long...Someone go from there :) )
  7. "But Miosuki...how can you help." Miosuki eyed the girl. 'How dare she ask such a question' With one look toward the "battle" Miosuki began to speak. "You...wind sorceress, your battle is wiht me now..leave the wimpy wolf out of this." Kagome's eyes went wide. 'Did she just say wimpy wolf...what in the hell.' Laughing Kagome eyed the battle. Kagura had looked up at Miosuki. "This has nothign to do with you...so why dont you run along before i rip out your heart as well." The wind sorcerres threatend. 'Who in the hell does she think she is.' Miosuki thought in anger. "I suggest you hold your tounge *****...before...iI personally will caught it out." Kagura laughed. "I though that female inuyoukai were bitches....dont confuse me with one of your own." 'Alright thats it.' (Miosuki's POV) I watched the wind sorcerres that i knew..to be called Kagura. Running at her I bared my claws and spoke...an attack i knew since long ago. "Iorn Rever Soul Stealer." (End Miosuki's POV) Kagome watched in awe. 'Did dhe just..i cant belive it.' Kagura was strugguluing against Miosuki, barely keeping up.
  8. (OCC:Im new sorry for inturupting anything...oh and im Miosuki) "Where shall I go now" Miosuki stopped at hearing a battle. She saw two demons in serious battle,deciding not to invade she watched from behind a tree. "It seems the wolf demon is at a disadvantage...how sad." Taking a glance toward the girl in the distance Miosuki smiled. Miosuki ran toward the girl cathing her from behind. The girl tried to scream but her mouth was covered instantly. "Calm down human I will not hurt you.From your scent I can tell that you are a miko,powerful...I could use you. How would you like to be immortal...one bite is all it takes." Miosuki bared two large fangs, which sent terror into the girl's eyes. "Now i will let you go...if you scream, well I suggest you dont scream." Miosuki let go of the girl. "Okay now what is your name" The girl looked terrified but answred. "My name...is ...Kagome." "Kagome...hmm, well Kagome i am Miosuki, inuyokai vampiress." Kagome loked confused. "Wait of you are a vampire then how in the hell are you in the sunlight." Miosuki sighed. "Listen Kagome, my power is different form other vampires, and i am also inuyokai." Kagome smiled at noticing the two ears on top Miosuki's head. "Do you happen to know of a hanyou by the name of Inuyasha." Kagome asked. Miosuki smiled, "Yes but not much, i can tell you have some feelings toward this hanyou by the way your scent changes when you are mention him." Kagome blushed. "Kagome...your wolf friend does he always fight like this...I think I can be of some help." Kagome's brows came together in thought. "Well...he-" "Speak no more miko..I think this shall end soon" (Someone continue from here...Please dont make Miosuki a weakling ;)
  9. This looks like fun Ill join [COLOR=DarkRed]Name:Miosuki Age:Immortal(looks 17-ish) Bio:She is a vampire/dogdemon with the power to wander in the the daylight. Said to have a relation to the inuyokai clan of the western lands. Once was evil and lurked the shadows.But because of the death of her bestfriend(Akina)she became good and made an oath to avenge her. Wepon/Attacks: DarknessBlade,sharp claws(mysteriously know the Iron Reaver Soul Stealer move)and power to control the shadows Gender:Female Apperance:Long knee length silver hair,gray/blue eyes,wears all black,sharp clwas and fangs,has two silver doggy ears on her head Good/Evil:Good There hope its right[/COLOR]
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