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About Albane
- Birthday 11/13/1989
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Personally I say she's a lot of both. One angle I'm coming from is the fact that I hate her gosh darn voice so all she seems to be is a bad singer who strips. Another angle is the fact that I'm a guy and I can't be blamed for what I think :love: :tasty: :laugh:
[QUOTE]you're military right? [/QUOTE] Sorry, I mis-typed. What I meant to say was "it's a good thing that I'm nopt in the military because I might just snap and do what you're suggesting". Sorry for the misunderstanding and I know that war changes a person for the worse. Both of my grandpas were in wars, I know that much but saddly I haven't been told which ones. Neither of them have been the same since they went to war according to my grandma. Of course war is a hideous thing that can never be beautified by sayings such as "We're freeing these people from a mad man" either way there's bound to be death and when people on "your side" of a war are killed it gets benieth your skin. That's why I said it's a good thing that I'm not in the military because I'm really bad with dealing with my anger when I see a guy hit a girl but if I saw some one [B]shoot[/B] any soldier let alone a female soldier I would almost definetly go ballistic and put a bullet in the head of every "enemy" I see without thinking of taking prisoners or what ever they call that now. This is a horrible ordeal but what we're doing right now (on these forums) isn't helping squat and eventually we might end up tearing each other apart over something that we can't control. I don't know about you but I'd rather not do that.
Hey, you know what pal? Despite what you belive there are some people who don't want the US to look like *****. I for one love this country and anyone who represents us should at least try to stick to the military code. Now we have a group of people who think they can do what ever the hell they want. I agree that it was horrible (to say the least) what happened to that woman and part of me agrees with you but what do you want us to say? "Nuke them all"? I don't think so, that's not American. It's probably a good thing that I'm not in the military because I might just snap and do exactly what you're suggesting but I admire those men and women who despite the atrocities done against the US still manage to control their actions. Those people are the real heroes and you'd better belive me when I say that I shead a tear every time I hear that one of our soldiers has died.
I'm just now hearing this for the first time. I can't belive that anyone who's suposed to be "helping" would do such a thing. Even as my mom screams "Some one's trying to frame us why would we do such a thing?" I'm just filled with to much disgust to do much else then spit. I'm a very patriotic person but when something like this happens I just can't belive that the very same people who did this are (a very small bit) of the army that's [U]suposed[/U] to represent the US. How does our country come off because of this? As sadistic (censored) that's all...even though times are rough it should [B]never[/B] have come to this. I know that there are several more men and women serving to protect our country and who would do anything to uphold law and order but I can't help but feel that this little act has dug our grave even deeper. If I'm right, we're in for one loooooong war... Edit: [QUOTE]the amount of dead Iraq's (who were non combatants) is up to around 10833[/QUOTE] @ who ever made wrote what's in the quote: Ok...first off, I'm trying very hard not to be offended with your last post but it's not working. Don't go blaming the US for all of these dead Irqis when we aren't the ones setting off road side bombs or launching missiles or jumping around corners with AK-47's. Who's responsible for the loss of those innocent and hopful lives? To me it's very obvious. Which brings me back around to what I was saying earlier. If we're getting at least 3 American (and any other countries who are fighting to protect the law) citizens a day already then how many more do you think will be targeted because of this little incident? This goes out to those soldiers who did the action in question: I have been very greatful for what the US army has done UP UNTIL TODAY. You have probably just doomed a whole bunch of your comrades...nice job. (In case no one knows I was being extremely sarcastic with the "nice job").
Um...what do you mean Resident Evil wasn't a master piece? That movie was awsome and did you see the Licker? That scene was taken directly from the game. It was taken from Resident Evil 2 not "Code Veronica" or any of the more recent games that's why it was different. Also, the scene with the tanks where the licker was held only had about 12 tanks in it so they had to use cardboard cut outs for the rest and it still looked amazing. If you're wondering where I'm getting this info from I own the Resident Evil DVD and I listened to the director and actor/actress comentary. I agree that [B]most[/B] movies based on games pretty much suck. You hit the nail on the head with Tomb Raider, Mortal Combat and House of the Dead but Resident Evil should [B]never[/B] be put in a catagory anywhere near those rejects. Lets just hope that the Final Fantasy Advant Children movie lives up to the FF series...some how I doubt it will though...
[QUOTE]i mainly dont like rap, hip hop, and country. so theres my 2 cents [/QUOTE] You sound just like my friend Erika. I hate every single one of the types of music quoted above. Sounds like we've got the same taste in music...sort of.
Since I'm a guitarist music rules my life as well. Bands such as Metallica, Korn, From Autumn to Ashes, The Offspring, ect. are my definite favorites. I see music as a way to express yourself (anger mostly as is the case with Korn) in a non-violent way. For the bands that write lyrics that don't pertain to a dificult/horrible time in life are still expressing themselves through their music. Music is universal and I love the ups and downs of it. (I've recently lost the bass player of my band to a car accident. Note: He's not dead or anything but the accident broke both his legs and his spirit... Even though he's left he's still an awsome guy and it's things such as that car accident that piss me off. My friend loses his power to walk and that's not what has him so depressed. A young musician who just wants to have a good time is cut down unfairly...yet the music goes on. That prooves the immortality of music and musicians. (Don't go jumping in front of trains I just mean that once you've done something great such as put out an album and truely touched people with your music you will never be forgotten). [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=2]To all aspiring musicians give it your best shot. The hardships are definetly worth the out come. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Here's my 4 favorite horror movies of all time: 1) Resident Evil 2) Pet Cemetary 3) The Shining 4) 28 Days Later My reasons for liking these movies are simply that I've played almost all of the Resident Evil games and I feel that the movie followed them nicely and didn't disapoint Resident Evil fans. I liked Pet Cemetary just because I think it was so stupid it was good. Like Kingdom Hospital, if I see something such as pet Cemetary once I'll hate it but if I sit through it 2 or 3 times It grinds it's way into my memory and I find myself thinking "wow...that's relly good". The Shining is just a classic as most people already know. 28 Days Later is just like Resident Evil except the fact that the enemies are diseased in such a way that they're totally insane...not living dead.
[QUOTE]See now? You found a nice rap song about liking a pair of shoes. And they say miracles don't happen... [/QUOTE] :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Yeah...it's not much of a miracle, just a matter of switching my radio station for two days.
I'm going to change this up a little just for the heck of it: All of you who like Metallica list you top 3 favorite Metallica songs and what makes them great. All of you who don't like Metallica list your top 3 MOST HATED Metallica songs and why you don't like the band. For me my top favorite Metallica songs are: 1) One 2) For whom the bell Tolls 3) Whisky in the Jar For "One" I just think it's amazing and that song flows like electricity through me. It's empowering. For "For whom the bell Tolls" I think that song makes a very good point with the quote [QUOTE]For a hill men would kill but why they fight they do not know[/QUOTE] it illistrates the fact that well...war can be over something as stupid as property. The reason I like "Whisky in the Jar" is that it's a very catchy song and it can be stuck in your head all day long.
I'm so glad some one made a thread about this anime. It's my 3rd favorite anime (Strawberry Eggs being #1 and Kodocha being #2). I've seen the whole series and (this is just me talking so don't go getting your hopes up), I think they left the end of Hellsing open for a sequil. Also, I loved every episode of Hellsing EXCEPT the last one. It just wasn't as good as any of the others.
I just heard a rap song that (hold on to your hats) I actually liked. It was "Airforce Ones" from Nelly. It's just really catchy and I had it stuck in my head for most of the school day. Then once I got home I listened to Korn and that replaced "Airforce Ones".
Alright, I don't listen to Slipknot that much, I'll name the songs that I've heard from them which is only 3 and from what I've heard it's just some good rock. For the record the reason I even listed Slipknot for the bands that I like is because these 3 songs are awsome in my opinion and I listen to them all the time. My plague Snap Wait and Bleed and the song that starts with "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,6,6," you're kidding right? Am I the only person who finds that even a little funny? (I'm probably digging my own grave even deeper if there are any seriously religious people here but I don't find 666 offensive at all. It's just three numbers. If I were to say 667 what's the difference? I'm only one number off the (suposedly) forsaken number...
[SIZE=2]It's funny, I made a thread exactly like this on a different site today and now here's another one. Yes, I would go back in time and fix only 1 thing. If this "one thing" hadn't gone all to Hell I might just be a better, nicer person today but until I actually [I]get[/I] this chance to change the past I'm stuck with a very bitter memeory. It all started when I was in kindergarten and I met this girl Brittany. Words can't describe how beautiful, funny or kind she was but believe me, [B]she was as close to perfect as anyone could get[/B]. We were friends for maybe a year then we started hanging out more. Finally she would be walking around the playground and holding my hand or resting her head on my shoulder when we were sitting together. (I know that sounds pathetic but hey, I enjoyed it). Then one day I heard from my dad that WE WERE MOVING! Needless to say I went ballistic, even though I was young I knew that I never wanted to loose Brittany. A while after that these b*tches in blue or B.B for short. (They were two girls who only wore blue and always hung out together. Imagine the cold hearted kind of person you wnt to strangle to death and that was them. I forgot their names though...give me a break, it's been 9 years). I'll re-inact the conversation that (literally) broke my heart. [QUOTE]B.B 1: Hi, do you know Brittany? Me: Yeah...she's in my class B.B 2: Do you like her? Me: Yeah B.B 2: Do you love her? (Now, this is the part that I would change in a heart beat if I had the chance). Me: No...[/QUOTE] Here's why I said this; I had heard that kids were getting suspended for being boyfriend & girlfriend (it was from a highschool because they were making out but I didn't know that). I would have done anything for Brittany and I do mean ANYTHING even if it meant getting kicked out of school but I didn't want her to be harmed by my actions so I said I didn't love her. Brittany had been standing next to me during this conversation and now she started to cry. I can't explain how it felt to see the girl I loved, the girl who I would odo anything for, crying. The best I can do is say that suddenly it felt like I had been hit in the stomach by Tyson. Later on down the road she only smiled at me and rarely talked to me at all then my family moved away. (This memory is burnt into my brain it seems since I normally can't remember something that happened 9 years ago but I can still see my old school and Brittany's tear covered face as if it had happened yesterday...[/SIZE]
[QUOTE]I recently purchassed The Gunslinger- The Dark Tower I and just havent gotten around to reading it just yet[/QUOTE] You won't regret that choice. I've read that book and it's really good. Kind of slow to introduce some of the minor characters though but who really cares about minor characters?