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Everything posted by Albane

  1. Yay! Role playing! I love this stuff. :D [B]Killer[/B] Name: Jeff "Kuroshi" Jinkins Age: 26 years old Gender: Male Target Demon: Nihil Favored Killing Style: Kills using two large hunting knives. Victims are always found mutilated beyond recognition Personality: Quiet and seemingly calm in public. While on "the hunt" he's a different person completely. His instincts are shaper then the twin blades he carries and once he kills you he'll kill your mom, dad, brothers & sisters, your friends, and if he feels like it he might just kill your mailman. Appearance: Jeff always wears his signature black Duster jacket over a blood red T-shirt then black jeans and black army boots. He's about 6 foot 1 with short platinum blonde hair and pale blue eyes (although it's hard to see his eyes since he always wears sunglasses). Short-ish Bio: Jeff had watched the "Cops" shows on TV and could never believe how stupid the criminals were. He thought that if he ever tried to kill some one hed never get caught. As he grew up he put this theory to the test. He was right...for the first 6 people then he got captured and after 2 weeks in prison he was broken loose.
  2. [QUOTE]I think you should (in risk of sounding cliche) put a little more effort into your posts. I know you have to have more to talk about than that. Let us know what you really think.[/QUOTE] I know you're the moderator of this forum but I think I can write as long or short of a post as I want. Now, if I'm wrong then I owe you an apology...(I guess)...I said all I had to say about the subject and that [I]should[/I] be good enough. Since it obviously wasn't and you want to know what I [B]really[/B] think then here it goes: Hi everyone, I believe that anyone who can say that "Metallica sucks" or "they're over rated" has their head stuck up their butts. These guys work like hell just to please the fans and to have some fun on stage. Of course they're in it for the money. No band stays in buisness just so we can hear them play. They work hard and they sure as hell deserve more then what they've gotten. Now, I definetly agree that St. Anger was a let down (I was one of those millions of people who bought it) but I'll stay loyal to this band no matter what. What other band do you know that can play some serious hardcore rock for 8 minutes and make it sound like the chords were written by God himself? I know quite a few kids who perfer rap/crap to rock and that's fine but I know for a fact that even though rapers definetly work hard on their songs (they work even harder on selling drugs) no rapper has EVER put as much time or emotion or skill for that matter into their music then any of the guys of Metallica. There, I've spoken my mind, was that a better post?
  3. I have a poem I wrote called "Sing to the Sarrow" in this literature forum so if you want to you can check that out. Maybe I can post one of my short stories, The Traveling Brat, as well. (I'm not sure I'd really call it short, it's about 15 pages long using MS Word). Anyways, I'll give you a little heads up on the story. It's about this kid who has a really neglected/abusive relationship with his parents so he decides to run away from home. He has a few hardships and finds a few friends along the way. To know more you'll just have to read it. ;)
  4. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! (Did I emphasise that enough?) That was awsome, seriously. I'm a writer and I'm working on a book but...damn...after reading that I'm pretty freakin' sure you're a better writer then I am. (For the time being any ways but give me a break I'm only 15). I don't usually give huge compliments but this story deserves one. That was as good as Stephen King stories (I know the genres are totally different but I'm comparing the writing talent only). I need to ask you something: how long have you been writing? Please say more then 4 years other wise I'm going to look really bad. (Just so you know I've been actually trying writing short stories for 4 years that's why I brought this up). One more thing, how did this plot come to you?
  5. Metallica is my favorite band but recently they've gone waaay down in the quality of their albums...what do you think of te High Priests of Whoop ***?
  6. WOW! That's really good, what program did you use to make that cover? I like the whole transparancy thing and the hidden image, nice work.
  7. I'll try to help you as much as I can. Kurt Cobain was awsome and that unholy (censored) who shot him should forever burn for it...
  8. Albane


    I agree, the movie pretty much sucked in my opinion but Hally Berrie was in this flick so that saved it from being one huge train wreck.
  9. This will be one of the banners for my new website "Forsaken Glory.net" :D PS: The site isn't up yet so don't bother running a web search for it. I'm not sure when I'll have everything set up but I hope it's soon. ;)
  10. This is the 3rd poem I wrote so it's a little sketchy. I still want to know who likes it and what I should change about it to make it better though. :) Can't ignore the time, it's precious can't ignore the people traveling this lonely street. Without these other souls, life...it's just not so bitter sweet. Although we're all here, trapped beneith the sands of time, blinded by our father's crimes I know that I'll never forget all those once bright and smiling faces, I know I cannot wipe them from my mind. Although we may run far or try to hide, no matter what in our memories we can confied. Now take my hand my dear old friend, we'll walk together until the end. Now take my hand as I am yours and you are mine, we'll be together till the end of time. I promise you my total loyalty. In sickness or health, in poverty or royalty. No more road blocks in our way, 'the skies the limit' as some might say. You hold my life within your grasp, my beating heart, my final gasp. We've come so far and done so much, I can almost feel the reaper's touch. Losing all and gaining none, I am you and we are one. Yet who's to say if we win or lose? Is it not our own fate which we can choose? Now the world around us is caving in, has my journey ended before it could truely begin? An eclipse of terror has dawned on me, must I release my hold on thee? I drop your heart, your hand, your soul yet there's one last thing which you must know. Oh, it hurts so much: the letting go, we're split apart, we once were one. Now I stand here and without you I am none. I am left now to reflect, how great this was which I have wrecked. I flood the world with my tears as I think about our lost years. I know it now, what I must do, please forgive me, I'm coming home to you. I place the dagger upon my chest, this utter darkness, my place of rest. Now I let it flow, this crimson lake, at last it's my own life which I take. I pray forgiveness for my deceit along your side I could take on the world and all felt right, without you I admit defeat with no will to fight. I see you now before the golden gate, what will you say I cannot wait. To my surprise the ground, it rumbles. Before my eyes, the castle crumbles. There is no hope, no fearless savior, I dug my grave...and now I lay here.
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