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Everything posted by Miki
OOC: Hello everyone, I just signed up, under the direction of Cyriel. I hope my sign-up is ok. Check it out in the recruitment. IC: Her yellow tunic fluttering in the breeze, it lit up the gray atmosphere with its light color. The silver threads glinted, and the small, silver bells chimed as Vera continued climbing. She stopped, looking around at where she was. The mountain was shrouded in a cover of mist and cloud, and the sun barely pierced the shadowy sky. Sometimes bits of light would break through, in small circles of gold at her feet, but mostly the chill air surrounded her. [I]How much more is it?[/I] She looked up the path again. According to some villagers she had met earlier, the site at the base of the mountains ahead was home to a group of wise and combative monks. Or...that's what she had gleaned. Mostly it had been broken bits of information, which she had tried to rationally piece together. However, their words were so vague and obscure, that she really had no idea what was there. All she knew was that at Veil's name, they had nodded excitedly and pointed their fingers. So Vera took and followed the path, higher and higher towards wherever it was she was headed. "I wonder if she'll be there," Vera wondered out loud. Her sister, Veil... They had never met before, but she had heard so much about her - their father had talked about his first daughter with rapture and pride...except for the running away bit. She smiled. It was almost ironic that they had [I]both[/I] run away... Shaking her head, she continued up the steep path, keeping her eyes on the terrain...
[B]Name:[/B] Vera Koryuma of the Auraski [B]Side:[/B] Seemingly good/neutral [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Weapon:[/B] Kunais; smaller double whips [B]Description:[/B] Black hair that cascades in waves, luminescent gray eyes, and a slim, somewhat undeveloped form. She wears small, silver bells on her ears that chime gently, along with numerous decorative ear cuffs. She is garbed in various shades of pale yellow cloth, which is embroidered over in intricate designs of bright silver thread. Wearing loose pants that match the tunic, her two whips hang at her sides, also decorated on their handles with silver and bells. Her kunais are hidden in the folds of her soft tunic, and have the same cloth wrapped around the handles. [B]Bio:[/B] The half-sister of Veil Koryuma, Vera is the daughter of one of the favored concubines. After Veil ran away from her family so she wouldn't be forced to marry, their father, the head of the Koryuma, became extremely angered, and sent out not only search parties, but also hired mercenaries to bring back his only child. However, his concubine (Vera's mother) then introduced him to Veya. Veya was 13 at the time of the first meeting, and instantly became her father's new favorite. They had not met before because Vera's mother was afraid that Veil's father would dislike Vera. However, the complete opposite happened, and soon Veil's father was not found without his new-found daughter, Vera. However, contrary to Veil, she was not taught in weaponry at all, instead being trained in more "womanly" arts. Her parents wanted to shield her from the warrior type of life, afraid that she too would run away, like Veil. Instead, she got all the duties of the first daughter, and was completely engulfed by her new life of training to be the perfect daughter in every aspect. However...this made Vera more determined to get out of the new life - she felt like she was being smothered. As a result, not two months had passed after Veil's disappearance, that Vera also ran away, escaping the overprotective and loving embrace of her parents. Running deep into the mountains, she was about to collapse from exhaustion, when suddenly a shadowy figure caught her in her faint. The mysterious person nursed her back to health, and once Vera was well enough, trained her in the combative arts. It was a quiet lifestyle - the peace of nature surrounded them, and Vera gained much wisdom and training from her silent, robed benefactor. The person, whoever it was, never revealed their identity, always staying shrouded beneath dark robes. He/she also communicated to Vera only by hand-signals, which she picked up very quickly. She stayed in this intensive training in the mountains for a little under a year, passing her fourteenth birthday there. One morning, the person was gone, and all of Vera's things were neatly packed. She understood perfectly what this meant - she had to leave, and move on. So taking her meager things with her, along with her weapons she had constructed there, she left the secret place on the mountain. Instead, she dropped by her home in secret, and seeing that their father was now hunting for both she and Veil, left quickly. Now, she decided to search for her half-sister Veil, even though they had never met. She wants Veil to go back, and kind of resents the fact that she was dumped with all of the first daughter's duties. She also wants to figure out who her mysterious teacher was. What Vera doesn't know, however, is that she was taught under a Shimura master... ;) Vera is now on her way, following rumors that tell of Veil and the others, trying to find the temple that her sister resides in.
Pathegari, just another regular city of the sky. Nothing much made it stand out; it was average-sized, if not a bit smaller than most; the citizens and inhabitants were mostly middle class; and no one of reknown had really lived there. Except, perhaps, Trevalis. Trevalis, a kind captain who gained fame for his generosity, patience, and capture of some of the most famous pirates of the time. Pathegari was Trevalis's home town, as well as his little-known daughter's, Kaiye. And with Trevalis's death, his child's whereabouts became even less known... Or perhaps it was that it could never be charted where she was, for she had flown on almost every ship that was now docked in the city. Kaiye could only laugh; the day was bright, the wind was running with mischief, and she had just returned to Pathegari. Walking on the dock, she felt the familiar sense of home return to her - there was nothing she could do about it. This was indeed her home, even if she was only here a few short times a year. For some reason, she always returned here, and whenever she did, good fortune seemed to rain down on her. "Oy! Kaiye! You let me know if you ever want a place on the crew, ya hear?" the captain called to her. He was still on the ship, and the rest of the crew were looking over as well, giving her the honor of being the first to set her feet upon "solid ground." Their journey had been one that was uneventful to some ports in the east, and there had been much time to share stories and games. While at first a little rough, most of the crew had opened up, and it had been a thoroughly enjoyable trip. Kaiye smiled and waved in return, and then continued walking, her step light as she started to enter the familiar streets of childhood. A small knapsack on her back held a few changes of clothes, a book, and a few other items. Her sling and pouch of pebbles were hanging off of the sash tied around her waist. As she entered the marketplace, her face was recognized everywhere; her part in many crews and journeys had left many friendships and bonds - none forgot her that had ever met her. She waved, smiled, and kept walking, sometimes exchanging quick greetings with those she hadn't seen for a while. Suddenly, a large bald man clapped her on the back, his smaller friend following. "Kaiye! Where were you all this time? We was wondering where you were! We wanted to introduce you to someone..." Blushing, the bald man held out his hand to the woman he had so recently "defended" from Damario. "This is my wife, Bridgette." The small man also introduced his newly wed wife as Sarah. Kaiye clapped her hands in excitement, "Pike, Gerard, you both got married? Congratulations! Why din't you tell me sooner? It was common knowledge that I was on the [I]Handmaid[/I], wasn't it?" The bald man called Pike answered, "Oh, we tried to git you a message, but we just plumb forgot where you was. We looked fer you everyday in the harbor though." Kaiye shook her head, laughing, "Ah, well, still, it's better that I find out in person. Congrats again! I wish you all the best of luck." Then, looking around, she saw the trash pile...with a man...and turned back to Pike and Gerard. "...oh no, don't tell me you did this?" They both blushed again, nodding, and tried to explain, but Kaiye cut them both off. "Pike, Gerard, how many times must I tell you, it's really not polite to do that! You can't go beatin' on everyone in the street. Come on now, help me get 'im up." With a sympathetic smile, she offered her hand to Damario, brushing off his clothes at the same time. "Hey, you alright there mister?"
[B]Name[/B]: Kaiye Trevalis [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] See attachment. Slim and skinny, she's much undeveloped. Instead, she's lightly muscled, strength hidden behind her slight form. She usually wears a comfortable tunic and loose shorts. [B]Personality:[/B] Kaiye seems to never run out of energy. Always eager to be doing something, she's always bright and cheerful. A smile usually lights her face, and she can make almost anyone feel better with her free spirit. Nothing holds her down, and she loves flying through the sky on the ships, hanging off of the rigging. She really doesn't hide her feelings, but is quite an accomplished liar, and if you don't know her, you can't tell. She has a mischievious streak, and if you hang around her, you'll never be bored. Sometimes she has temper problems, but not often. [B]Magic:[/B] No magic, but she seems to have an amazing sense of balance. However, that probably just comes from her lifestyle. [B]Bio:[/B] Born in the city of Pathegari, she grew up around the proud, majestic ships of the air. Her father was the famous Trevalis, who was known for his ability to steer any ship through any hardship or storm of the air. He was also well-known for ridding the skies of many pirates. She was his only child, and since her mother had been deceased, she was raised literally on the ships. Having grown up around them, Kaiye naturally became another sailor, answering the call of the air that seemed to free her spirit. One day, Trevalis's ship did not return. It wasn't odd; many were lost in the turbulent airs of the world, and as another sailor, his death was mourned. But Kaiye moved on; she wouldn't let grief press her down. Instead, she found work on other ships, living as a "rigging rat," her experience proving invaluable. She was a natural for all jobs on the grand air ships; her light form and agile body allowed her to maneuver herself almost anywhere, and she had a daring and spunk that made sure she got any job done, no matter how risky. Her friendly spirit also united numerous crews, making journeys pleasant and binding. Changing on and off many different ships, she's seen many parts of their world that others haven't. Her experiences and life have also forced her to become quite capable to defend herself. Stories spin off her tongue, transporting her audience to the places that are only dreamed of. Quite popular, many crews that she's been with see her as a daughter or little sister. People are drawn to her because of her free spirit. But just as wild, she's never tied down, and now looks for work back in her home town, watching the ships dock in the great city of the sky. [B]Weapons/equipment:[/B] Although she doesn't like using them, all sailors need a weapon or two. Kaiye is equipped with a pair of daggers and a sling. However, keep in mind that she will use anything that comes to hand. [B]Other:[/B] She keeps a small bag of smooth pebbles for her sling.
Those emails and forwards always made me feel so guilty... I felt like there was just something I was always missing. But if I died... I think my greatest regret would be not living for myself. For some reason, I just find my whole life devoted to making other people happy: my parents, siblings, teachers, friends... I mean, it's not a bad thing, but sometimes (like today) I feel like I haven't done anything in my life (short as it is) that I truly value. I mean, they're all worth everything to me...but I feel like I'm just living my life for them. I don't know, it's so hard to explain. But...also, I think that I hide my feelings so much. So I'd also regret making my friends feel bad. Seriously, I'm just someone who listens more than they talk. So my friends usually come to me to talk to...and usually I learn so much about them, but they never really hear me talk. It's not their fault; I guess I'm just more prone to listening. But...if I died, and they all got together and talked about me or something, I don't think there'd me much to say. So I think that if I had a chance, then I would open up more, and talk to people, and let them get to know me. My most cherished moment in life.... There are so many, when you think about it. I mean, there are a lot of depressing times, and the bad always seems to be much more than the good, but when you look on it in detail, I've just been so blessed with everything. I have a loving family, wonderful friends, good grades, some skills (although not the ones I want), and my faults are of my own making. But my most cherished moment... Have you ever had one of those days when you just wake up in the mornings, and go outside. It's beautiful, or serene, or wildly awe-inspiring, but all the same, you feel that great potential, as if anything could happen that day. I think those are the best moments. When there's the possibility of anything happening; you feel so free.
I'm the same as Panda; I've never really had a "crush" on an actor before... Although there are some that I greatly admire, as well as actresses who amaze me with their skill. You just have to stare in awe and wonder... Lets see, recently I saw The Last Samurai, and I have to say that I was amazed by Tom Cruise's fellow samurai dude, Katsumoto. What the actor's name is, I have no idea, but his performance was stunning. Do I have a crush? Umm...I'd say that's a little presumptious, don't you think? And as there are too many great actresses to name, I'll just say that Audrey Hepburn is my all time favorite. No one can top her!
Villainy is a hobby? I had no idea o_O, although I guess that makes sense...sort of. [QUOTE]She will not be entirely cold-hearted. By this I mean that she will have the ability to posess feelings of love for another being, whether it be an animal or houseplant, lover or best friend.[/QUOTE] I was under the impression that this makes villains weak. How can they do evil deeds if they have their own consciences to deal with? I guess I'm not getting it entirely... -_-;; But I'd say that one of the most perfect villains that I've encountered would be...Sojirou, from Rurouni Kenshin. That kid's got it all, and he's one of my favorite characters. Not only highly skilled, but good features, and a likeable, if not highly troubled character. I'd say that's one of the most excellent villains ever crafted, although in the end, I'm not really sure if he can really be counted as a bad guy. I've noticed that with most thought-out antagonists, the line between good and bad isn't really clear...more kind of hazy. Because instead of just plotting evil for the world, they actually have their own lives and personalities, in which their characters develop their own purposes in life.
Wow, you really should get a mic and record it. I think it'd be awesome. The style of the lyrics remind me alot of Evanescence ^_^. Keep going! [QUOTE]would you know that in the end you lose and when you're most alive they keep you most bruised my heart it does not bleed anymore it's lost and it no longer grew they ripped it all away there is nothing i can do[/QUOTE] I think that's my favorite part.
I'd probably agree with G/S/B Master; although the entire series is highly entertaining, the first one is probably the best. And...Artemis makes the perfect protagonist and antagonist at the same time. It always amazes me how the author can do that... And Butler is a favorite character of mine. It's made me laugh more than a couple of times. Oh no, you didn't like the 2nd Harry Potter book? I think that was my favorite out of all of them ^_^;; Why didn't you like it? I personally didn't enjoy the fifth one very much.
Ah, the good old days when I actually used to read Animorphs... It was actually quite fun, and the author's quite witty. However, I thought it got kind of old... How far does the series go, anyway? I, for one, don't really enjoy mysteries. Historical fiction is more my type; I love reading about events that happened long ago, and I like seeing the different interpretations of various authors. For example, The Persian Boy is an excellent book written by Mary Renault, describing the life of Alexander the Great through one of his courtesans. Harry Potter is also quite entertaining, although I have to say that I didn't enjoy the fourth or fifth books so much... The second book was actually my favorite. Other genres that I read quite often are science fiction, fantasy, history, and the likes. Of course, there's also the school curriculum too, and those are always pretty good. I'm reading the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. It's pretty interesting, although it's rending my heart to pieces. No mangas yet? I love mangas! I've read almost anything that's on the shelves. Don't you have a Barnes & Noble? That's where I read all of mine. Or Sunburst is pretty good too.