50 cent
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About 50 cent
- Birthday 06/09/1989
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Umm like anime. Like to draw and thats about it
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I'm not against drinking but it depends on what drugs you're talking about. Drinking is pretty harmless when controlled, but when it gets out of hand it can ruin you're life as you say. I've grown up in a community that has very little alcohol related incidents, so I know how to drink responsibly and most everyone here does too. It's almsot about self control, if you don't have it don't drink. As for drugs, there's drugs that are considered medicines like aspirin. Everyone shouldn't be against those, then theres the street drugs that I'm sure you're referring to. Marijuana I'm not against, because I myself am a casual smoker of it. I do know people who may smoke it 3 times a day but it hasn't ruined their life and they've done it for years. Hell some of the smartest and kindest people I know smoke Marijuana. Research show that the only long term side effect from smoking marijuana is upper respiratory problems, but you can avoid that by consuming it differently or using a vaporizer. Other drugs though like crack, cocaine, ecstasy, and etc. I'm against. They are harmless and can actually kill you in pretty small doses. Everytime you use it you're risking your life. I don't think it's right to risk your life just to get a high. Sure it maybe a great high, but still not worth it. I would prefer to stick to marijuana where there hasn't been a single recorded death to date because of marijuana. Edit: Also for all those who would like to feel a high that's like a very limited version of a marijuana high, without having to consume anything in your body and drop the risk. Meaning it's legal and the government does know about and approves it. It's called iDoser. Google it. It's just music files that you listen to. They play at certain frequencies that actually mess with your brain waves which then give you the feeling of a high.
I Forgot What You People Look Like (Image Heavy)
50 cent replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkGreen]Heh picture threads are always fun[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] [U] [URL=http://a313.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/22/l_db87693529577790a3fecaafa490a130.png]I was actually very very tired in this pic, also my eyes those are contacts.[/URL] [URL=http://a228.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/38/l_46c3909797af9776d1c7e1350844041b.png]Maybe a few months old, but still look the same except the fact my hair is longer and I died my hair back to my natural color(black)[/URL] [URL=http://a700.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/43/l_4a23b6fe7f1011000ddc7e6fa1892f13.jpg]I think like 2 weeks old. Hair is a bit longer now but at least you see I died my hair back to my natural color.[/URL] [URL=http://a705.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/24/l_38b7be49a74f20a15566772d537b3b18.jpg]My favorite emo picture ever!!![/URL][/FONT][/U] -
Wow I come back today, and I couldn't believe that after 3 years someone dug this back up! Made me kinda happy! Haha Oh well now that it's been three years I'll guess I'll update with some info on how I do it now! As scissorhands said its basically key to start with the night before. Barely eat and etc. Well I do that now, and my newest trick to add is if you have any white face paint(such as for Halloween and stuff) or just facial makeup that is lighter then your natural skin color. Very mildly put that on, gives you a nice pail look, mix that with a bit darker makeup(once again very mildly) around the eyes to look like your really tired. I bit of acting like you do when you're normally sick and you're home free!.
Wow it's been a while since I've been here. Lots have changed so I guess, if you want be honored that I'm posting in here since it will be my only for a while. I personally don't have anything against tatoos. If people want a tatoo they can get it, yes some can be ugly but to them it's beautiful. I want a few tatoos when I'm the age(i'm 17 now, woot 1 more year!) but I don't want to cover my body in them or anything. I'm not sure what I want at the moment but I know when I figure it out it will mean a lot. Every tatoo has a story and a memory involved in it. I know I'm gonna be stereotypical here but say a stoner gets a 420 tatoo, then when he's older he regrets it. Well any tatoo I have I won't ever regret. I mean I may regret doing the things I did that makes up the story and the memory of the that but I have to also look at all the good memories that I had which this one tatoo can hold(remind me off). I won't ever get a tatoo without any real reason. Every tatoo I have will have a special meaning behind it that I will always hold dear. It may sound lame and corny to few but to me it's something special that reminds me of all the good days with my best friends, my family, and my love.
[QUOTE=Dhampir]One thing that I'd like to add, is that there is an interview with Bungie and some clues as to whats going to happen in this months Official Xbox Magizene. I liked the article a lot, dunno if ya'll would though. As for my veiws about it? I think that it was already mentioned, but the main thing that I diddn't like about the Halos, was that there wasn't much stratigy. Basicly, all you do is run around, kill and try not to be killed. I mean, they were good games, but they needed more depth.[/QUOTE] Well the mulitplayer is what made the games. They have a deeper story line then mainly shown, and they did this on purpose, but it's not played out very well(gameplay). With Halo 3 it seems as though as they are finally showing us how great this storyline really is, but also improving in gameplay as strategy and involvement with the environmnets, which should be really good.
Yeah what were looking for in gameplay is something like Half-Life 2. Yes you do have your moments of run and gun but they are very short and not so many of them. In Half-Life 2 you actually have to think about what your gonna do in a certain situation or you can either end up dead, or really damn close to being dead and have to rethink for a bit, or you just can think then make your way through it but still be hurt in the process. Also small puzzles would be nice! Like Half-Life 2 they had there gravity gun which played an important role to help solve some puzzels to get to your next location, which there was many ways to solve something, so it wasn't so "linear". With Halo 3 they could do simple things like you need to blow something up to get somewhere or something like that. I want to have to think a little more while playing single player insteand of just running around go to the way point and shoot anything that isn't on my side.
[QUOTE=Jeebs] As for Halo 3, I'm a bit disappointed with the lack of gameplay shown, but it still looks awesome.[/QUOTE] It was an announcement trailer. Halo 2's announcement trailer didn't show any gameplay just like Halo 3, except Halo 3 wasn't pre-rendered.
[quote name='Zakarias.exe']I saw the E3 trailer for Halo 3 about a week ago, and it looked quite impressive. But it looks to me like Bungie is going to overmarket Halo...sure, Halo and Halo 2 are great games - even so, after playing Halo 2, it seemed like they'd changed too much in the game. The physics were different, dual-weilding was introduced...altogether it was just too much. What's next? A ******* cannon on Master Cheif's forehead? Spartan babes? Chocobos?[/quote] As charles said the tweaks were not major just minor things. As for the cannon, spartan babes, and chocobos that was just a dumb comment. Incase you didn't know spartans was once a race which was killed off by the covenant when they glassed their home planet Reach. Spartan 117 to us is the only known survivor in the games, but if you read the books you know that 3 other spartans did survive. Kelly, Linda, uhh(crap forgot his name) well survived along side of John(master chief). So really they'll make changes to the game but not major ones it will mainly just be to balance out the game for the new things that will be added.
[QUOTE=Avenged666fold]Wow I just started playing this game a few days ago. It sucks. It's uber repetitve(you wath a cutscene then press the x button a million times) I'm very very very very very dissapointed. I would give it a 3 out of 10. I mean how does the gameplay get WORSE than the first game and the GAMEBOY game. That is pathetic and Enix should be very ashamed. Ahhh I feel the warmth of your hatred. It warms me like a nice soft blanket. Thank you.[/QUOTE] Or you could pay attention to the story more and not worry completely on the gameplay. We all know it gets repetitive but really a lot of games do, it's mainly the story that keeps us playing, or you just don't like the feel of the gameplay at all so when you keep doing it it's boring.
[quote name='SeraphimRei']I can't believe they changed the name from Revolution to Wii, what were they thinking by changing the name. I honestly don't care that they did, but the new name isn't as good in my opinion. I think the might have changed the name just to get the attention away from the PS3, and onto their system(Wii). :animestun[/quote] There was no name change. Revolution was nothing but a code name. Also it's great that they chose that name because it is different than the average name, and it fits it well because the console is not an ordinary console.
[QUOTE=Charles]Yeah, 50 cent, you know--the thing about video games is that they're a nerdy sub-culture in the first place. It's true that they're more mainstream now than they were when I was growing up, but generally they're not seen as "hip" or "trendy." [/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]If you were informing me that then, Yes I'm fully aware of that. Yes a lot of people do play video games, but one thing I do have to disagree with one thing. Many people who say had an xbox and Halo 2 didn't feel really as cool(that's if your atleast an average to hardcore gamer). I've asked a few friends about it that didn't have xbox live until not to long ago and they said yeah, they wanted live because it would be fun and it was the cool thing, to play Halo 2 live. Me I didn't personally think it was the cool thing until everyone wanted it at my school then at the moment when almost everyone at my school had it.[/SIZE] [quote name='Charles']Someone is playing a version of, say, Madden on both. The person playing Madden on the Xbox 360 is just going to be standing there idely playing Madden just how it's been played for years while the person playing Wii is jerking the controller to hike the ball, and moving the controller in an arc to throw it. I have a feeling that when you watch people play[/quote] [SIZE=1]That's what I've been trying to tell people for the longest but I just guess they still don't understand what this controller is capable of and how fun it will be.[/SIZE] [quote name='Charles']Take a look at Red Steel and then look at some Untold Legends screens for the Playstation 3. Sure, it runs in 1080p but, so what? The screens thus far look like crap. I know that's a bad comparison since they're two completely different styles of games and I know that there will be phenominal-looking Playstation 3 titles, but my point is that generally-speaking, the difference shouldn't be too huge.[/quote] [SIZE=1]Also I agree don't base a game completely on graphics. I mean yeah it is cool to have High Definition graphics but that isn't what completely makes a game. I mean the Nintendo Wii is stronger than the original xbox and yet Halo 2 on the xbox is still considered "good graphics". So people really need to realize that game play is what mainly makes it a good or bad game.[/SIZE]
[QUOTE=Charles]First of all, stop being stupid. "Wii" is a sort of self-defeating purpose because it's not all-inclusive. It sounds silly and embarrassing. Then again, the "GameCube" didn't sound cool either, and neither does the "Xbox" or the "Playstation." So, I don't really care. They could call it the Nintendo Dogcrap and I'd still buy it. It's all about the games for me, man.[/QUOTE] Wow I feel the exact same way as you do with everything you did say. One thing though that I really loved that you said, and actually your the first that I have seen say it other than me, is that the xbox or playstation isn't that great either. Also if your gonna complain about the name because it sounds weird in a sentence why can't you just say " Hey buddy bring over you nintendo alright!" or you can say " Hey buddy bring over your NW okay!". See simple as that, as for me I'll most likely call it by it's name, but whatever floats your boat.
[quote name='Swedish Chef']actually I used Action Replay Max cheat so I can use Mickey vs. Sephiroth.[/quote] So that's your battle plan eh? Well then I guess I'll keep trying and if I keep failing I rely on action replay.
[QUOTE=D. Resurrected]you are correct god job.ok here another one. :animesmil I float on the water back to front am the same come to think of it so is my name? two posible anwsers for this one[/QUOTE] Huh? I didn't understand anything in that at all, so you either had a few typos and if so care to re-write?
I haven't read any other post except the first one so if there's a little discussion going on then sorry. Anyway I wouldn't beat the crap out of them because there really not actually making fun of the show just the game, and I must say I have played some of the games that got really low scores and they do suck, and I agree with everything they said simple as that.