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50 cent

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Everything posted by 50 cent

  1. [quote name='Ayokano']I've fought Sephiroth several times. I had several (lacking) attempts while at 50 or so, than I tried to fight him at 99 numerous times yesterday. Even though I haven't beaten him yet, I have gotten pretty close at 99. It's just he keeps giving me a sliver of health than attacks, killing me.[/quote] Wow that means I have some leveling up t do. I tried facing him at 62 and that first attack then the numerous sword slashes wasted me. [quote name='Ayokano']Also FLCL dude, I heard the next Kingdom Hearts wouldn?t be a direct squeal. I believe Tetsuya Nomura said it wouldn?t be III, but defiantly a Kingdom Hearts game. It probably will be a prequel alluding to III (and maybe clearing some questions from II) by the looks of it.[/quote] So if it's a prequel leading up to three does that mean there may be four in all?
  2. anime_dark there is a secret video for Kingdom Hearts 2. If you beat it 100% on standard you will get it after the movie that appears after the credits, or you can get the secret movie if you just lock all worlds on pro mode.
  3. [QUOTE=Ayokano]I've been playing it here and there the last two weeks. I'm at the end, but want to hold that off so I can get extra stuff, like Ulitma weapon. But, I am at level 99 though. I'll confess it was easy, but it must I must tell you; it takes away from the game. But right now I'm messing around with my Gummi ship, which is way more fun than the last. I thought reaction commands and limits were easy though. They added something to the game, but I felt they could have been fleshed out more. All I need to do is press Triangle, which is silly, and I feel it should take more than that. Also, am I not the only one mad because they replaced Aero with Reflect?[/QUOTE] The reaction commands are easy, but wait till the last boss fight and it's diffucult. You won't only need to press triangle but x to unless you fell like dying or coming really close to. Also have you fought sephiroth? If you did and you beat him what level where you.
  4. [quote name='Stafal-chan']hee hee sry i can't answer you'r question on the last post cuz i'm not there yet :animeswea ... with the whole Pooh thing it's like i really don't feel like bothering to gather all the pages then do all the stupid minigames...it's just not fun ...but whatever haha i just got past the 1000 heartless battle ^_^ that was fun ^_^[/quote] Well you'll soon find out if you don't try to find the missing pages you will find them.
  5. [quote name='Stafal-chan']T_T sexual reasons... :animeswea nice T_T how could they benifit form the characters in that world...they're no evil ppl in the Pooh world for them to corrupt...and i dun think Pooh would evne understand wat a Heartless is...^_^[/quote] They'll benefit because they will get there hearts, they are stronger than an average person but not by much. Also since there is no evil people in there world they have hearts full of light which make them stronger heartless(still not by much). Also the whole torn page thing was repetitive but I didn't find it any trouble since I did it in the last game I didn't feel like doing it this time around and I ended up getting them all faster and easier then the first. Oh and is anyone going to answer my questions in my last post? Just no the one on the last boss fight becasue I finally beat it.
  6. Okay I have a question for you guys that have beaten the game, I really don't know if it's the end of the game or not but it's far into it. [spoiler]Okay now what level where your when you had to defeat xemnas when your in the big white room? You know his cloak is now black and white.[/spoiler] Also if you where the same level as me when you beat him could you give me some tips or a strategy you used? Oh and one more thing just for some fun,[spoiler]when yen sid told you about the nobodies and he said nobodies truly never exist then how are they there if they don't exist? I mean he said they're the empty shell of the person that was turned into a heartless, but that shell get's a mind, a nobody, which should have never and doesn't exist, so if the orginization is a group of Nobodies which the person they came from had a strong heart, how can they think or act on there own if they don't have a heart? Also the heartless carry hearts so there not really Heartless, oh and I just though since nobodies don't have a heart which means they can't have any feelings at all then how does axel miss Roxas?[/spoiler] Sorry for those questions but they really bug me and it shows how indepth the game really is.
  7. If it's so easy play it on the hardest difficulty, unless you already did that.
  8. I say everyone finds my eyes attractive, because well... I constantly hear that. Also I do think my sense of humor is attractive but sometimes can draw them away because it can go to far at times. I also think that the opposite sex finds my intelligence attractive too, because I don't use it to make others feel dumb.
  9. I really don't think a new company will come into play. If they did then they would be way behind the game and wouldn't so good. If sega did come back in then they would be just like a new company going in, also if apple did make a console it woudln't sell because there not looked at as a gaming company and they, atleast i think, would want lots of memory so that would cost them more because just look at there ipods, but you never know. Anyway like I said I think this year will be a battle of the same companies.
  10. I feel the exact same way as Samurai Mix.
  11. Wow I really haven't been here in a long time, but anyway it looks like where talking about the music in KH and I must say the music in the first is amazing and from what I have listened to the second is going to be even better. Oh also before I end this, did this game come out today? Because I saw on a different forum that they just got it and they thought it was amazing.
  12. To start things off I have the game and simply one word can desribe this game, incredible(sp?). Well to start things off the ai is wonderful(if you haven't already noticed by the demo) they actually try to lure you out of hiding or cover to end up swarmin you. They ambush you, and they know when to use grenades. There isn't a command option but theres no need they already know what to do in situations but they still can get overwelmed and die(that last comment on ai was for both sides of the ai). The higher the diffuctly the harder the game is and not just by means of there bullets hurt more. They are way smarter and yo literlaly have to think even when it's on normal. I have only beaten the game on normal! I haven't even beaten one level on veteran(thats the hardest diffuclty). The online is great too, but there has been some problems with the servers so it's been laggy but I think they just sent out a patch for that, I'm not sure though because I haven't been online with it for a week now. Well down to what I wanted to say this entire time, it's the 360's first great shooter. Deserves a game of the year award, and if you're thinking about buying it, get it.
  13. 50 cent


    [quote name='Grave Yard']I still think that once again PS and XBOX will rise on top. Dont get me wrong but this controler is a heavy gamble and Nnitendo knows that. Its just the majority of gamers want what their acoumstaed to. (I am not speaking for everyone). I belive things are gonna stay the same. PS on top followed by XBOX and then Nintendo. But I could be wrong, I just severly doubt Nintendo will dominate the market.fanboys.[/quote] I totally agree with you on the controller thing. Nintendo does know it's heavy gamble but from what I have seen more and more people want the inovation, but also there is a shell to play it as a normal gamecube controller or you could just plug in a gamecube controller. Also you can't forget that when you turn the controller sidways it's a NES controller! One thing though I have to disagree with you on is the how the companies(sp?) will place in the market. Well one reason is because I have been checking up on how the 360 is doing in Japan and it's already out sold the orginal xbox! And if I'm right ( and I'm pretty sure ) Microsoft hasn't even sent another full shipment over there yet ( I ment by that is they have only sent tiny little shipments for like 2 weeks ). So I really think that Microsoft and Sony will be battling this year and also I do think the Revolution will do way better than it's predicesor(sp?). So all in all I think it will be a pretty good console war.
  14. [quote name='Anime Elf']Isn't Microsoft also losing money for every X-Box 360 they sell? So if their "X-Boy" or whatever was released, wouldn't it more likely than not just lose them money (based on how things are going at the moment)?[/quote] Ya thats true and thats why there I there is such a shortage of 360 right now and like the person above me said manufacturing cost will drop. Oh and microsoft just added another manufacturing partner to help with the shortage of 360's.
  15. 50 cent

    Xbox 360

    [QUOTE=hentai#1]I finaly got my 360 and its beter than I expected. the visuals and games are great. DOA4 a great fighting game. :animenose PDZ I like best for multi player because you can add "bots" and not just wait for your freinds to come over and play. :p Madden 06 was a disapointment though. :animecry: COD2 is another great game awsome shooter and of course visuals. :animesmil I am enjoying everybit thus far I can only hope the same for the others who own one. :D[/QUOTE] Wow I coudn't agree with you more. I mean I did like Madden 06 but no challenge? What is that? Also ya perfect dark has a great multiplayer with the bots and all but I think call of duty 2 is more intense, because theres only eight of you so your sneaking around looking for someone and next thing you know your sniped or you are being shot from behind. Also you take to long to die on PDZ but I love how COD2 and PDZ both have any weapon one hit headshots.
  16. How would they loose 360 systems the day after the system came out? All the 360's in the U.S, were sold by 8:00 a.m. the day they came out. So there wouldn't be any, but people were robbed on the way home, and in there home.
  17. 50 cent

    Xbox 360

    Okay Well I do have a 360, but I will only say a few things. Yes it may have it's problems but most systems do at release, thats why microsoft only had a small shipment so they if they had a lot of problems. Also ya right now it may look like a shinier new xbox but thats only because game developers haven't learned to use it to it's full potention yet. Just like the ps2 on it's release, I mean on the ps2 the first gen games compared to the games on it now are so different. One more thing it's only a small percentage of xbox 360 having these problems, and most are related to cooling issues which can lead to buffer problems, or people are just retarted and decide to have it from the horizontal to position to the vertical as there playing so it scratches their disk. Other than that it's not a biggy they can easily fix it until the next shipment, and they DO COME WITH WARRANTIES so you can send them back for a new one that WORKS.
  18. Well personally I think I will have the best costume ever. Okay I will wrap my self with lots of tin foil and write leftovers on it, and I will be... LEFTOVER MEATLOAF!!! LOL
  19. Ya try google, but why would you want these links in the first place? Is it because of curiousity or what?
  20. Hmmm I don't know any very good games for the DS but some games that look pretty good to me is the Nintendogs and the Pacman game where you draw the pacman to eat things. Oh but isn't the trauma center game the one where your a doctor?
  21. 50 cent


    I really don't see a need for going back to the gamecube controllers at all, because the nunchuk idea actually is very comfortable. I say this is because there was a wireless controller designed for the xbox that wasn't really known and you could split it in half and have each hand be at your side and play efficiently, and it was easy and comfortable. So the revolution controller with the analog stick attachment should be fairly easy and comfortable.
  22. The only one I think looks like a famous person is that one cop guy that looks like jackie chan with long hair
  23. Hmm I can't really say, but really most people just call me a hardcore gamer and thats what I am. But yes I do play games but not to the extent to where I'm hardcore, but I hang out with a few jocks, a few skaters, some nerds, and some popular kids. I like all the stuff they like so you could call me a multy groupie or whatever.
  24. 50 cent


    [SIZE=1][I]Most of you who are worrying about the new controller here is another attachment that has been passed up alot for it so don't worry it will be fine [/I][/SIZE] [IMG]http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/article/651/651559/understanding-the-revolution-controller-20050916041026412-000.jpg[/IMG]
  25. Oh this game I have seen a lot of this on g4 lately and it looks and sounds simply amazing. I really am looking forward to this game, and just the obstacale(sp?) to get ont he beast to find it's weak spot sounds fun and challenging. Also I heard that there won't be any other enemy's other than these beasts. So you search for them finding some items to heal your self I suppose then go and defeat them, but I do suspect for because just running around would be pretty boring after a while.
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