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50 cent

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Everything posted by 50 cent

  1. 50 cent


    I have to agree with Mia on both the ds and the revolution. I mean when I heard that they anounced(sp?) the revolution I was suprised by it's look and it was in a good way. Then when they showed us the controller I was shocked. I kept saying to myself that the revolution will infact revolutionize gaming forever. So I am really excited of how the controller will work and how the game system will be.
  2. [SIZE=1][I]I totally agree with both of you about the cheating. If you gonna mod might as well make the game interesting and fun just like NorykoAngelcry's expierence with one on Half Life. I mean I play with modders all the time, but in custom games on halo, so all we are doing is making the game a little different and everyone is having fun with it. Most of the modders I play with are banned from matchmaking from just using mods period even if it is in a custom game but they don't cheat or help others cheat. Also most use their mods to make movies so it will make it a little better or do something in the movie that wasn't possible before. So online I'm fine with it as long as it stays in custom games, and not for cheating[/I][/SIZE]
  3. [I][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]If any of you know what this is it would be nice to add to this. Well anyway some may know that around the xbox live community and a small amount of the ps2 and pc online community may have heard about mods, or modifyed content. Basically what it is is saving the game to a comuter or program allowing you to change just about anything in a game from the looks of a map( it's called skinning) or weapon, to changing weapon projectiles, button layouts, presentation, or changing just how something sounds. If your a part of the Halo community many of you have noticed modding became big after new maps for Halo 2 came out. Most modders used this to their advantages to cheat and gain ranks to brag to their friends which showed nothing of their skill. Other ever since the beginning of video games have used it to add new content and change how the game works for creativity. Because of these cheaters they have ruined the modders reputation was was originally for creativity. So this comes to my question if you ever expiernced any type of modifyed content at all or hear about it in anyway, what do you think about it? Are all modders bad because of the cheaters or they just plain cool because they cheat?[/FONT][/SIZE][/I]
  4. [I][B]Urzu 07 It does come with one wired controller, and how you pointed out that the 400$ one will be cheaper in the end is actually very true, I have read into some of this stuff a little much. Oh and also the chance of winnning one throught mountain dew is pretty cool, but you still can loose. Oh so if anyone has those caps but don't use the codes could you send them to me?[/B][/I]
  5. [QUOTE=Generic NPC #3]Personally I consider Polarium, Puyo Pop Fever, Meteos, Yoshi Touch and Go, Nintendogs (since you mentioned a game not out yet), Kirby's Canvas Curse and a few others all good games, but that's me. This isn't a versus thread, so I guess it doesn't matter in the scheme of things. They both have good games and they've both been going through a slow period. The point isn't really what's out on the thing (and largely has been out for months), but what's coming up... and really there isn't much of note in the next few months that I've noticed.[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][I]I am right there with you Generic, I mean I do own a PSP and not a DS but they are both really good handhelds. Most people do say they don't have a library, well crap look they are handhelds not game consoles. Also they library is actually pretty big for how long they have been out for. Also whoever says it's not the library of games I'm interested in well then there is a person who doesn't like some good story's, puzzles, or strategy. I'm not saying ever game has this but games like Super Mario 64 DS has it's puzzle and strategy maybe a little story, Need For Speend Underground Rivals has strategy, and Mercury has amazing puzzles I mean that game is hard, but anyway they both have great library's you just to give some games a chance and you may like them, don't just judge on apperance or names.[/I][/SIZE]
  6. 50 cent

    Xbox 360

    [quote name='Morpheus']$49.99/39.99 for the controller is rediculous. A Wavebird(currently the best wireless controller) is only $34.99 and is smaller(meaning tighter circuitry) than XBOX 360's controller(a regular GC at 25 is also smaller than the $40 wireless). A faceplate may cost $1-$2 to make and they charge $19.99? Are they trying to push people away?[/quote] [SIZE=1][I]Yes the cost for the faceplates are rediculous,but would you buy a faceplate unless you thought it really stuck out in your room and it bothered you or if you really wanted yours to look a little different. But the cost of the controller isn't really, you have to remeber that it's only five more dollars but there is the little menu button thing that brings you into a live menu and other menu's and you use it to connect to the controller ports, so the extra wiring is about five dollars.[/I][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1][I]Thanks debresko that will get the responses I want. Oh and if anyone is interested, my Halo 2 clan has our own website. Here's the link [/I][/SIZE][B][URL=http://www.knockouthalo.com][COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]KnockOutHalo.com[/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL] [/B] [SIZE=1][I]Oh and we are a moving making clan, but I'm not in any of the videos because my xbox live is currently down.[/I][/SIZE]
  8. [I][SIZE=1]Well I'm a PSP owner and I'm relatively happy with it. I mean ya sure I do have UMD vidoes, the quality is great the sound rocks, also you can download videos from the internet and play it back on your psp, which by the way is a plus for me. Even the mp3 audio is really great, so if I'm not playing a game I'm usually listening to music on it while I'm gone or watching some videos that I downloaded, like music videos or RedvsBlue episodes. There game library isn't relatively big at all( pretty much like the size of the games cubes at it's launch date) but there is a lot of good games that many people don't know about like Mercury for example. This game is very addictive and it will keep you busy for many hours, but basically all you do is get a ball of mercury throw a little maze thing by tilting it and if you hit blocks in the way it can split making it tougher because it all has to get to the end, also you sometimes control up to four blobs at a time and each is a different color, so you take the different colors to certaint areas to open up door ways to finish the level, it's really challenging too. Also on the brightside if your like most people they use a little bug in the game wipe out pure to surf the internet like being on a computer, oh that also reminds me the online play rocks and there is very little lag if any at all. So to sum it up I think it rocks and I'm really happy with it for what I paid.[/SIZE][/I]
  9. If master chief counts then just look at my avatar. I didn't make it I just thought it would fit with this thread
  10. [SIZE=1][I][QUOTE=Burori]I know that. But if you look at the title it does not restrict me from commenting on that said movie :P I aint a n00b here :P Anyways also on a similar topic Red Vs Blue great stuff. there is also Fire team charlie which is the same thing kinda since they take footage from Halo as well but overall I put my money on Red Vs. Blue[/QUOTE] Apparently you are noob here. Look at the title. Movies made BY games. Not movies for games. Read a little before you post, and if you were smart read the other posts to so you know what is going on becuase I just clearly said I didn't want any post like oh I want to see the FF: Advent Children movie good graphics. I want to know what sites you know about( and it would be nice to post links) and what you think about them ex: Oh I think they are a wonderful idea I mean it just shows how much you can do with a simple shoot them up game like Halo.[/I][/SIZE] [COLOR=Red][I][B]So please no more posts like oh thats cool I want a discussion not stupid little comments. I mean I want to know what you think about these, give us some links to movies so we can watch them and say what we think about them , so don't post unless you have something reasonable to say.[/B][/I][/COLOR]
  11. [SIZE=1][I]Ya I'm glad you all know about some places that do these videos but, it would be nice to place a link to something, and I mean videos created from game engines. I also know that mtv does thee video mods but those aren't using the game engines they made them do what they wanted by coding it themselves, I want video links or website links and your thoughts on these good or bad is welcome.[/I][/SIZE]
  12. I like it I really do, but on the gto part could you make them in lower case. Oh and can you make another banner with one of the other pics, I mean I'll still use that banner, but the banner is for another forum. Oh and the avi I like that too, but could that say Naota gto instead of 50 cent. Sorry if it seems like I'm asking too much.
  13. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][I][B]Okay well I don't know about you guys but I have been on the internet a lot lately and I have been noticing movies, or short films made by the use of video games! Yep your read right video games, well I would just like to see what you all think about this. Also if you would like post some links for us to view. Well I got a link of a very well done music video created by a guy named chubark. He did this video all on his own with only two xbox's and two controllers and some very nicely dones film editing. The song is all these things that I have done by the killers. Heres the link [URL=http://files4.bungie.org/atttidfinal.wmv][COLOR=Blue][U]Windows Media Player format[/U][/COLOR][/URL] [URL=http://thatweasel.tv/video/Chubark-ATTTID.mp4][COLOR=Blue][U]Quicktime Format[/U][/COLOR][/URL] Oh and if the link doesn't work just let me know. Also moderaters if this is in wrong location please move it.[/B][/I][/FONT][/SIZE]
  14. I was wondering if any of you out there who make banners if they could make me one. It is a halo 2 banner and I would like to say Naota gto He's alwasy watching. Heres a few pictures I would like, oh and if you can make the guy black, and where the secodary color is make it yellow(oh and you don't have to use all the pictures just what ever one works for you) [URL=http://us.games2.yimg.com/download.games.yahoo.com/games/buzz/content/p/0/43330/ivory-sniper.jpg][U][COLOR=Blue]sniper 1[/COLOR][/U][/URL] [URL=http://img36.exs.cx/img36/9589/H2_mp_waterworks_.jpg][U][COLOR=Blue]sniper 2[/COLOR][/U][/URL] oh and if you could include this picture no matter what, but if you can't then you don't have to [URL=http://www.the-junkyard.net/images/weapons/halo2/h2sniper2.jpg][U][COLOR=Blue]sniper3[/COLOR][/U][/URL] and thats all of them. thanx to who ever helps
  15. Okay well seeing that this thread kinda, well died. I felt like posting again, and well I would like to know (if any of you know) where I could find a link or if you have one to the press briefing video for the ps3, I would like to see it. Oh and I do agree with what the last poster said, the revolution does need to step it up a bit because they are dealing with some really big compitetors(sp?).
  16. [QUOTE=SilentSecurity]OK so some people think it's a good idea, but if it's too expensive what's the point? It's not like a car or something where everyone on the highway can see your new customized hood or something, only you and anyone who comes to play the console will really appreciate it. So will their purpose be to make the owner feel good knowing he has the coolest looking XBOX 360 in the neighborhood? ~Wes~[/QUOTE] I don't get where your going. Ya gaming is expensive and all, but just a few more buck isn't going to kill you, and having customized to make it match the setting of the room it's placed in which makes you feel better about the room, because honestly if you had some wood paneling in your room and you had this high tech device just standing out I would want to get a wood looking face plate to match the room. Plus why would we clean our house if it was only us and whoever else goes over can see. Thats why we want face plates so it looks GOOD in the room, just like we like our house to look GOOD.
  17. Well I'm not sure if some of you know this but I was watching tv just a few days ago ago and I was just channel flipping when I heard the ps3 dropped one of it's specs. I didn't catch which one but I know they did. Oh and I know this doesn't deal with the discusion(sp?) right at this moment but where do you see the E3 press briefing video for the playstation 3? I haven't had a chance to see so it would be nice to.
  18. FunkySpunky, you are right that singleplayer does have the moments that we all want to have to have a good moment in, but also shooters are games were it does rely on multiplayer it's just a fact. You know that there isn't a good shooter out there that has a story line better than any rpg or any of the other types of games( except racing) so shooters do rely on multiplayer. The AI is hard enough as it is to try to make it no predictible and hard to learn their strategies, so they have multiplayer where as real intelligence faces off against real intelligence, why because humans have things that ai don't, like thought, instict or other good stuff. So what seems to be a bad idea can be a really good idea to us. So do you see my point now?
  19. Thatoneodddude, hello are you not paying attention they let you know when a spoiler will happen. Also if it is an old game like ff7 than they aren't going to let you know there is a spoiler. Why you ask, well it's because it's a really old game now so mostly everyone who wants to play, has played it already. So get over it and most likely your not much of a gamer yourself if you don't know these things so you can call your self one of those nerds you speak of.
  20. Yes Microsoft was not just there for the money, but hey who isn't to tell you the truth. Microsoft doesn't just sit around and make the console they do help develope most games. Other than that they are just like Nintendo and Sony. Yes the cost to make games might go up, but it all depends on the people who work for the company. What we have heard though from major companies is tha they will be aiming for same priced games. If we get lucky we might see a five dollar drop in prices, but it most likely won't happen, but most of you forget that a new game for the N64 was $90 and some times even $95. So you never know but we do know it won't go up by much.
  21. When you say that once you've played the best you've played them all, like someone said before that is near sided. Each has it's own areas where it succeeds. Also buying the online packages are cheeper than the games themself. PS2 online is free, the Nintendo Revolution's online will be free, and Xbox live is only 50 dollars a year, honestly if any of you try to argue with me on this one you won't win I have xbox live and ps2 online. The next gen consoles will not be that pricey as you said. They will not range from $350 to $500, from the news I have heard from bungie ( check out bungie.net for more info) and other major game companies they will be about what this gen consoles were priced on there release dates. There will not be major crash in the gaming industry in the next gen consoles it's actually being predicted as the highest point in the history of gaming. Also yes Halo 2's story is pretty much the same story as the first, but it's not the story that makes us love it's the multiplayer, yes we all know there is other shooters out there and we will say there is other games that we do like better than halo( seriously ask anyone who plays halo 2 and they will say there is better games). We always talk about it because of it's multiplayer is so interactive. I mean what other shooter have you played lets you snipe a grenade before it gets to close to you and it actually blows up. I mean you might not know about it because you aren't a really great sharp shooter. Me I can do it if I set my mind to it but really if I'm playing in a match I will do it 1 out of every 5 games. Also some of the elements in the maps and the ways they are set up is what makes it great, so stop ranting about it you aren't proving anything
  22. First of all G4 ever since they joined up with tech tv I think it has gotten lame, but still is a good channel if you want some game reviews or news on some of the latest games that you might not hear about from any where else. You don't watch it because of lame lines that the hosts say you watch it for the reviews and news. Honestly I don't really like any of the hosts from screensavers, but still thats my opinion, I actually like the g4tv.com hosts better but there just about the same show just g4tv.com is more about games and screensavers is more computers and stuff like. Well I mostly watch the game review shows and the latest game news shows. To tell you the truth don't go rent/buy a game because it got a good rating you get it for whats in the game that you like. So even if a game got a like a 1 out of 5 and it has elements I like then I'll rent it, show it will show some of the new elements in games that I like and show me these games that I have never heard of before. So honestly its a good channedl
  23. 50 cent

    Halo 2

    Nateron46 I do believe you can do the sword dash from the middle of coagulation to one of the bases, why do I say this well lets see I do it atleast once a week and I just did it today showing somebody a glich there so you can't get across the map in like 4 seconds without being in or on a vehicle( driving I mean or riding in one). I do agree with you all that the reason why Halo does still stand is mainly the multiplayer but if it wasn't for there control layout it wouldn't work as well. Thats also the other reason why it surivives and why there will never be another Halo. 50 out
  24. 50 cent

    Halo 2

    Okay first of not many people are looking for storylines that much anymore, because clearly you are not a gamer, most people just want the multiplayer/ online play. Oh and trust me I think I have talked to atleast 15,000. I mean I play atleast 300 different people everyother day so I think that could add up to 15,000 but also thats just xbox live, there is people on yahoo msn and aol that I have talked to that I have never faced so I think I know what I'm talking about on this one because well your not me, are you? Okay I will just say everything that did let me down just a little bit, yes the first level did seem a little similar to the first but first off we got a new suit, also the covenant followed us to Earth and was trying to blow all our space cannon things up so we were trying to defend it, on the first game we were just trying to escape. Then in the cut scenes there was a little bit of lag here and there and the story was a little short, and the AI was pretty much like the first but it still has there differences. But hey what can we do we are not the creatures, but I really think you need to play it on xbox live and see how many people really got the game for the online play, I mean yes everybody loves the fact of jacking people out of there vehicles but we all want online play I mean yes we will all go through the campaign and if we are dissapointed in it oh well because we have a really great multiplayer. Thats all we ever really wanted. Oh also I bet you the range of the sword is larger than you think it is. If you were at coagulation in the middle of the map and I was on top one of the bases I bet you I could kill you with the sword using the dash attack. That is something I will bet on my own life do you know because I have only done it to a whole crap load of people. 50 out
  25. 50 cent

    Halo 2

    Actually the reason why everybody is mostly spartans is because they are skinnier and harder to shoot. elites are more braud and tall so they are a bigger target and easier to kill trust me thats why you see only the really really good people as a spartan. Oh and thats Sol-blade for being on my side of the debate.
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