50 cent
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Yes trust me at least 15,000 I chat on aol, msn, yahoo, and xbox live trust me on this they all are different people and they would recognize me if they heard me because I use mics. Oh and sorry the level blood gulch is coagulation sorry. Do I really need to repeat myself a third time this time I'll try to make it even easier to read. Okay say for example you are shooting me with a plasma rifle alright. With me so far, well anyway you could be directly in front of me but since it is a plasma weapon my look sensitivity drops dramatically so I can barely turn which will give you enough time to get on the side of me before it over heats so you can bring out your sword before I even have time to look at you. I don't know how else to say this so this is the last time I will say this. I don't care if you have studied screenplay for years now, if you have read the books you would know what I am talking about. I have read all of them and trust me you don't need them to know what is happening. The first book just talks about master chief and other spartans doing difficult missions and that is pretty much it. That does not have nothing to do wtih the game. Ya it does tell you that there was other spartans but in the pamphlet(sp?) for the first game it tells you that all the others were killed off. In the second games pamphlet(sp?) it tells you that you have just arrived back home from Halo's destruction and you obtained a new suit. That is the only info we need! The books are just side storys that you do not need to know at all. I know what I am talking about here. You don't need to have years of screenwriting expirence to know this. Next how the hell could you not get what I was saying. Not everybody who plays Halo loves the game because of the AI yes it will be predictable at times but it is still great. The reason we really love this game is because of its story, we haven't really had a story like this one yet. We also love this game because of its huge environments, another reason why is its amazing detailed architecture. It's not all about the AI okay. Oh and I know this story has been told before but it they twisted and played with it to change it around to make it original, I know many people have told a story similar to this but nothing quite like this. Like I have said before pay more attention to the game. If you don't you wont get all of it and that it what will make the game disapointing or less fun. Trust me on this one Now don't tell me you don't get any of this. 50 out
Okay sorry I'll use a better measuring tool, if your at blood gulch and there is a sniper up on the cliff with the natural ston pillar on its side you can stand at the base of that look at the person and slash them without even jumping, that is half the highth of the board. Also I'm not saying everybody prases or respects halo's AI. I do know Halo's AI is older than the game itself what I am saying is that everybody loves the stoy line thats why we like the game and the environments its not just the AI. True we don't see AI act like they do on Halo often but thats why we like it plus its a new really well told story. Also they you don't need to read any of the books to know what is happening you just play the game and you know what is going on. The books just give you more information and expand that story which doesn't need to be done they just felt they wanted to. Also to clear this up when you are being shot by any plasma weapon at a fast rate your aiming slows, meaning you can't look around as fast but you can shoot as fast but not look around as fast so they could be in front of you blasting away then on the side and whip out the sword then you are gone. Plus I know you say you have seen them whip swords out when out of range but you are only one person that I have talked to that has actually said they everyone else I have talked to which is atleast 15,000 other people who have the game never said anything like that, they said they like the fact they all have swords and take them out when need or something but never when out of range. Thats all I have to say. 50 out
All I want for christmas is my two front teeth, two front teeth. Okay sorry I did that I just had the urge to. Well I want a brand new guitar and xbox live. Thats all 50 out
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][I][B]Insane Clown Posse's latest video featuring Eminem in SLIM ANUS.[/B][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Siren']So they're not very durable then, meaning, it doesn't take too many shots from a Plasma Rifle, and anytime the Marines are being used for Elite target practice, that means more ammo will be used for the delightful purpose of either killing MC, or killing the wall he's hiding behind, as it were.[/quote] Okay apparently somebody doesn't know the meaning of quick easy kill. Okay first of all I have never seen or heard ( other than you) of an elite whipping out a sword when not in range. I have only seen elites whip out there swords within the distance of that dashing capability. I mean I have played online a few times and you'll be suprised at how much people take out the sword even when you think there not in range, because first off if you are blasting somebody with a weapon its harder to see the enemy so its harder to land shots so you can get closer, second if it is any type of plasma weapon they can barely turn or look up and down, third the range/dashing thing is like huge, I mean at beaver creek someone was on the point of one of the buildings I looked at them waited for the cross hairs to turn red then I dashed at them and killed them, it friggin looked like I super jumped at them and killed them and thats pretty far apart. So yes you can't see the enemy very well so the elites pull it out when in dashing distance then they slice you in one hit, becasue come on legendary you don't die like that I mean you die faster yes but not where you take 2 bullets and your gone. It takes a while still but none the less or more than 20 shots but hey twenty shots threw metal is still alot of damage. [QUOTE]Oh, I don't doubt the "knife" at all. I'm fully aware of its destructive capabilities. I've sliced up my brother a few times with it in Multi, and I am well aware of just how dangerous sword-wielding Elites are. With that said, however, the point remains that using a sword in a ranged combat situation is a poor strategic decision, regardless of the ability to get in close after whipping it out.[/QUOTE] Obviously not because your forgetting that dashing capability and it will kill in one hit. So think pretty good range, really friggin strong [QUOTE]I only go Melee when I'm in close combat, or when I run out of ammo. I'm not about to pull out a blade at 50 yards out, or even 10 feet out, because if there's gunfire involved, a blade will not be effective until I get in close. When I get in close, however, the blade starts cutting.[/QUOTE] Hey elites still melee they don't always pull out the sword because hey they still know they can die if they do but they can still get us if they do. So it really doesn't matter how you do it. Oh and I still melee with my gun even if I do have a sword but **** it's not like they have to use it to kill us because thats how your making it sound. [QUOTE]But as it stands now, if the Elites can do this kind of damage on Legendary by using the Plasma Rifles and that's it, it makes no sense whatsoever to switch to a Melee weapon in the middle of a firefight and begin to close the gap under heavy fire.[/QUOTE] It does make sense because you have to remember they still over heat there weapons plus I am one of the millions of people who have only seen them pull it out when close or within striking distance. [QUOTE]And when they're rushing at you, the avoiding you're doing is run n gun, lol. Remember what you said earlier. Humans can outwit the computer. It's really not that hard, hehe. I just look for patterns, really, and...the enemy movement is pretty predictable, honestly. And plus, you see how quickly you can drain a Plasma Rifle; I don't see why it's any different for Covenant forces.[/QUOTE] Hey no ******* everyone can outwit them but hey the people that worked on the AI made those moves so really its not a computer we are out smarting its another person. Oh also you have to predict a enemy move sometime I mean look at online if you don't ever predict another persons move then how will you kill them like if you are in a banshee at coagulation with rockets as the weapons obviously they will shoot rockets so you dogde them plus they don't always notice you. So you will have predictions no matter what. It is what makes it fun but hey I do agree there is a little to much move prediction going on but not that much to be complaining. Also the dodge you do dodge then shoot because when there back is facing you then you blast the ******* out of them its how you kill the enemy, and strategy comes from how you are going to move in a covenant controlled location you need to know how to kill them without getting yourself killed especially when there is snipers present, duh. [QUOTE]Yeah, it's like screenwriting and "show don't tell." You can write something like, "His inner monologue is screaming," but you aren't going to be able to turn to the audience and say, "This is what this character is thinking right now." I think that's definitely one of the pitfalls that Halo plummeted into, among other things. The story that they wanted to tell wasn't concise or focused in the least, and they wanted to squeeze a whole lot into a tiny, itty, bitty space.[/QUOTE] You still don't get it thats why they have side storys and also you don't have that feeling oh this is what the enemy is thinking right now unless they are rushing you. So I don't get what you are getting at. [QUOTE]And that's actually why I'm interested in the news that Ridley Scott might helm a Halo movie, because I'm looking for him to bring that focused sensibility to it. Perfect Dark's DarkSim, and believe it or not, on the hardest difficulty, the enemies in XIII. Chronicles of Riddick, too, and these are just the "no-name" FPS (except for PD, of course). There's some impressive stuff going on in those games, and people just became obsessed with Halo/Halo 2, thinking what they were seeing was unrealized before, but it's been very much realized before, just commercially ignored.[/QUOTE] Okay it was noticed before so I don't know who told you this or how this came to be. I loved Chronicles of Riddick that game was great but to me that story wasn't as great as halo's so I didn't like it as much but the environments and AI was great but still they were predicatble and matter of fact that is my next favorite game. It was what the story had to tell us that got us all addicted, plus there multiplayer was the bomb because the weapons rocked so it was like a hardcore match in just a game instead of one shot your dead it was alot more fun because you stayed alive longer and it featured weapons of all sorts and acuracy. If you have never heard the says "It's not what you see that matters most, for that is just a thumbnail of what is uncovered beneath." that right there tells you to listen closely to what they say, watch what is happening because if don't listen you never get the entire story because it actually rocks and it is way good because this story is one of those stories never told before. So what I'm saying is look deeper into a game to get the full experience and you'll enjoy it more.
Well it can be both, because no one ever said hell was all fire and brimstone. 50 out
Siren I know you have heard this before but the reason why you can't seen any gameplay or strategies in halo/halo 2 at all is because YOU ARE NOT LOOKING HARD ENOUGH! Is it that hard. If you look at it all good games that will be played for months or more have to have a backstory or else you will not get anything that is going on. It will just seem like oh lets save the whole universe kind of thing. You need to look deeper and you will find that gameplay. Also I do admit there is some parts in the game where you can totally predict the AI's move but in legendary you can't. I mean you will see the enemy's and when your hiding they move to different areas so you don't know where they are so they will draw you out into the open to get killed. Also co-op in legendary isn't easy at all either because you need to know where your ally is at at all times or you can't defend him when he needs it because if he dies then you need to start back at the last checkpoint as if you were playing single player. I will also admit there is flaws in the AI but hey this AI is not as predictable as the first because you would think when you first faught the hunters[spoiler]{you could just get behing them and blast the crap out of them until they just throw there arms backwards and get you which is way smart if they know your close to them}[/spoiler]. Also I don't know where your getting the whole elites whipping out a energy sword when there not close enough because when I have played they only have whipped them out when I charge them and I blastin them and I go to him them then they pull it out and murder my a**. So if anything I don't know why you are complaining so much because your the only one here trying to prove this point when it is not working at all. Well thats all for me 50 out
Okay I just wante to say, if your gonna come to this forum and just bash halo or halo 2 and not have good facts to back you up. Then don't say anything alright, because some of you don't look at the game as if you were a designer. Look it's not just gameplay that makes a good game, graphics play a huge roll as well as gameplay but mainly its the story see if you don't like a story you don't play just like superman. Plus no level is really repetitive because there is levels were you will need to stragetize(sp?) before going into a fight some you try to kill everything that moves but still your trying to do something. See if your gonna say ya shooting people is so repeptive then hey why don't you say that to the government because then there wouldn't be a war. Also you have to look a the story line, you can't have a good game without a good story. Also graphics you don't play a game with graphics that aren't great because everyone loves graphics. Also if your gonna say theres been a slight increase in graphics then you should get more facts to back you up on that one because well, They almost changed everyone mapping, texture, and lighting affect that they used the first one so the graphics are amazing. Also you can't say the next one will be bad just because you think the first one was, you need to try it first. But hey I wont hate you if you don't like it or your not a fan of first person shooters. So what you don't like it. All I'm saying is get cold hard facts before you come and bash a game when you have no clue what your talking about alright. 50 out
If you reserved it yes there will be enough but if you didn't you out of luck because well its said that you won't have it until after christmas because so many didn't reserve it and they'll try to go when the doors open so if you didn't good luck trying anyway. 50 out
At the end of the world, where will you be?
50 cent replied to Doukeshi's topic in General Discussion
I don't know. If anything I will be sleeping. Well Xander Harris you got that from ren and stimpy. -
Ya I wanted to get this thread going again since it comes out Tuesday. So what I have seen from the comercials it looks like the story line in this game is going to be way deeper, and the graphics of course look amazing. So what do you all think about it?
ya I seen in an early post that. Not everyone does marijuana becaue your breaking a law well because you feel depressed or something. Well this is very true but if you look at, most of the people who do it. Really are trying to rebel against something because there angry. Well see if your angry at you parents what do you do? You rebel against them, it's simple because we all do it. See some of you say its because there angry or depressed, well when your depressed your sad about something for a long time, like breaking up with one you truly loved will cause depression so you go to rebel against them to make them feel bad for you so they will come back. See it's very simple but you guys just don't seem to get it. 50 out
The point of being able to eat is to make it realistic. If you can't see that thats lame, but remeber I'm not telling you that you don't. What food does to you in the game is give you energy to run and blah blah blah. Also if you only eat fast food and never work out on the game you gain weight, so you look different. Ahh just like how it is in the real world. So if you are heavier in weight you look heavier and people in the game judge you on how you look, like people will begin to call you a fat a** if you don't workout and only eat fastfood. So thats why it is there. To give it a more realistic element. See in the sims you can eat all the time but never gain weight, even if you don't work out. See the sims has some of the elements that GTA: SA is going to have but there forgeting very important elements which make it better. So does that make it more clear or do I need to keep going? 50 out
Really I do think that this game will have some similarities, but what I have heard it will be nothing like the others. I mean the best part will be when your being chased by the cops and the ground forces dive at you and hang on to the bumper of your car. Now that will be the bomb. Also i like that they make it so that you have to work out to run fast and be stronger and stuff it adds more reality to the game instead of take one thousand bullets and never die. Well thats my opinion. 50 out
Does anyone have eyes that change colour????
50 cent replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=badjesus]actually its true your eyes do change colour its common for poeple with blue eyes its when people have a mix between different genes that are even my dads eyes are deep brown my mums are grey. Its most common in the irish/ germanic race (aryans) wwho have black hair and blue eyes but the previous poster has a point they dont literally change when its dark or clody my eyes are dark green but whenits sunny they are light blue but this is because its like looking at a rainbow, you dont definatly see each colour because of the light. you cant change genes thats impossible by the way the reason its rare is because the race is all but extinct there are only about 6 million people in the world that actully come from that race because their family has to have been in ireland before the 8th century because that when england carried out thier own version of the holacaust on celtic races therfore its hard to find irish race people (and dont say if your american youre irish coz thats absoulout rubbish your'e all FRENCH/ Cornish[/QUOTE] Thank you for saying the I mean no one has really gotten the point here. Oh and I think you are right about the irish germanic race because you don't see many of them. 50 out -
Does anyone have eyes that change colour????
50 cent replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in General Discussion
Well those of you who keep bringing science into this post, well I don't like reading about science, but I will have to say one thing. Okay whoever thinks that your genes won't change overnight I agree with. Well one argument there could be a genetic code that gives your eyes the color changing abilitly, but we will not know for sure, but I will tell you my eyes do change believe it or not. They will change from blue to silver to just a plain gray. I would show you pics but you would never believe it because of photo shop crap now days, or I would show you a movie of it, but my cameras don't work with the type of computer I have. Well you can believe it or not. It is a fact that people do have eyes that change color alright so stop arguing about it alright. 50 out -
Does anyone have eyes that change colour????
50 cent replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in General Discussion
Well some of you are saying they seem to change on certant circumstances well not true with mine. If you were here now you would no for sure. I mean my eyes are blue, but when i'm rocking out on my guitar or just pissed off they turn a gray or silver color. Some time they just do it when ever. I mean I have been talking to friends in school and they will notice my eyes change from blue to a sliver color. I have recorded myself when they have changed so I have proof. Its actually pretty cool to watch. Also when we sit in the dark you can see fain silver eyes just sitting there. Then when we turn the light on they stay the same and it takes a few minutes to turn back to blue. -
Clowns:funny guys or pointless wastes of space?
50 cent replied to poo62.2's topic in General Discussion
Shoot some clowns are a waste of space I mean the clowns who try to act funny and stuff like that are just lame. I am a wicked clown, and wicked clowns are just freakin awsome. I mean they do whatever they want. Oh and I agree with the class clown thing because well I'm one of them too. -
I don't mind school. All the teachers rock, and they mainly do whatever we want to do. Well I mean we do work but we can atleast do it in partners so it goes by faster then we basically party. The teachers don't even care if you sleep in their class as long as you get it done and don't fail the class. One thing I am not looking forward to is going back because their is some gang of kids who want to kick the crap out of me for who knows what, but o well if they beat me up my crew will just go mess them up. So anyway ya school is gonna rock and I'm really looking forward to it.
Gaming I can't believe I'm starting this thread, but...
50 cent replied to Queen Asuka's topic in Noosphere
I recommend Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. I mean this game isn't the normal run and gun type of games but it does have its moments. There is points in the game where you have to relie on stealth more than your personal strength or else you basically dead. I mean it is also a great game because you can shoot out lights and be even more stealthy because in this game you want to love the shadows. Oh and you can also see in the dark with your silver plated eyes. This game is also great because it goes along with the movies pitch black and it's sequel Chronicles of Riddick, but this game is not based on the movie it is before both movies so you no how the saga thing began, like how he got his eyes and that sort of stuff. So I highly recommend this game. This game also has amazing graphics, and thats about it. -
Who would you take a bullet for and who would you die for?
50 cent replied to Krycifer's topic in General Discussion
I would take bullet for pretty much everyone I love. I would die for my family, and that includes my myotaku family also, no matter how much they would miss me I would die for them if I had too. -
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] [b]Having to pay $8.00 to watch a movie then sitting in the theater for 20 minutes watching commercials then 5 or 6 previews before the actual movie starts.[/b] Who isn't annoyed by that?[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]I am with you on the long commercials in movies, but damn I only have to pay 4.50 before six and 7.00 bucks after six, and thats for 13 and older.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Well Petie and Bean all av jacks work the same, there is nothing new or different aobut any of them so it is not about if it is made for those av jacks because they are all the same. It is simply his xbox, not the av cables because he does not see it on the tv or does he hear it. There for there is a shortage in his xbox.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Well ZetaReticulum I think it could be shortages in the av wires. If not that your laser could be dying, or you have a shortage somewhere else. My advice just bring in to the place you bought it and ask them, they will most likely fix it for you or just send it in to get it repaired, and if it's not repairable then you get a brand new one. Hope I helped. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Well I can most likely tell you what is wrong with your xbox, but first I need you to tell me if it does this with every game or just that one, and if it does it to everyone do you here the sound or not, and does it read any cd's or dvd's. After you tell me this tell me if you even see the main screen thing( with the music thing and stuff). I will get back to you once you tell me what I need to know.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]