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About DragonessFei

  • Birthday 06/02/1988

Profile Information

  • Biography
    I am a random 17 year old girl that enjoys many things, most of which is anime/manga/video game related... My favorite anime is Slayers, my favorite manga is Dragon Knights, and my favorite video game is Tales of Symphonia...
  • Occupation
    Random student at a sucky high school...

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  1. [QUOTE=KarmaOfChaos][color=deeppink][size=1]Well, I'm pretty new into the whole shonen-ai genre, I'm more of a shoujo-ai girl, but I'd have to say [b]Gravitation[/b] is definitely one of my favorites. [b]Fake[/b] was pretty good, but not the best I've ever read, sometimes the artwork seemed awkward and strange. It had an interesting plot line though. I'm absolutely dying to pick up [b]Legal Drug[/b]. Whee. -Karma[/size][/color][/QUOTE] I have to agree in saying that Gravitation is really one of my favorite shouen-ai stories. (Actually, it's the ONLY shouen-ai story that I have seen. I haven't read the manga yet, but I do plan on doing so this year...) I really want to read Eerie Queerie, FAKE, and I am drooling over the aspect of reading Legal Drug. A lot of people, both offline and online, have read it and they say that it's to die for... :D
  2. Well, I would love to see the characters animated, but I do have some of the same fears that you and your friends do. Also, I believe that they would make some changes to the characters looks. It would pain me so much to see them ruin Mineko-sama's beautiful style. :animedepr Like you mentioned before, the dub voices might not match the character's personalities, since some of the American companies don't seem to care about stuff like that...
  3. [quote name='Kiyu-chan']~*needs to quickly aquire money so as to own more Dragon Knights things*~ Does anyone know exactly how many books are in the series? Is it 20 or 22? I'm too lazy to go and look... :animeswea[/quote]I think that it's either 22 or 23, but don't quote me on that. I can't wait until August so I can get book #20. ^_^ ...And no, I don't know the conversions from Dollars to yen... I'm so dumb on stuff like that... :animesigh My friend also said that she saw an Alfeegi plushie online, and I do remember (quite fondly, actually) seeing a Rath and Cesia plushie on a random Japanese DK site...
  4. Okay, I declare this topic officially...pimped. :animesmil I'm glad that there are others that like this series. I have heard of the rumors of a DK anime. My friend said that she went on Ebay one day and found a Dragon Knights DVD with Rath and Cesia on the front. She said the price for it was in Yen... :animeknow
  5. Time to pimp this thread... I have been a Dragon Knights fan for about a year now. I have read books 1-19 and am looking forward to #20... I got into this series when one of my best friends showed it to me when we first met in Art class. She's a rabid Alfeegi fan... My favorite character right now is Ruwalk. I love his choice of clothing and we have similar personalities. I write fan fiction for this series, and it usually includes a shounen-ai pairing. (RuwalkxAlfeegi mostly...) :animestun I enjoy the series because it has a very interesting plot line. It keeps me interested because of the many twist and turns that it has! If someone has not read the series, and is snooping around this [I]dead[/I] thread, I would certainly reccomend it to you!
  6. Yeah, I'm reading it. (even though I've only read graphic novels 3 and 4) I would have to say that I really love it! It's really funny and I love the characters! (Pain and Medea are my favorites) The plot line is pretty cool too. Even though it has its down points, overall I would say that it is very cool and I would reccomend it to anyone! (as long as you're 16 or over. It has some stuff that isn't cool for the kiddies... ^-^)
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed]I would not date: Wufei (Gundam Wing)-- Even though I think he's as cute as a button I would not and could not date him... I would get bored with his 'This is an injustice!' speeches and his many power trips. I could just imagine him getting angry because of petty things like there not being enough ice cubes in his drink and other stuff. Besides, he's a woman basher... :mad: Harry MacDougall (Outlaw Star)-- He's wacko, enough said... Besides, if he were in love with someone he would try to be around that person ALL the time! (Melfina, for example.) :D[/COLOR]
  8. I would say that the anime that has affected my life the most is Cowboy Bebop. Before I saw the show, I wasn't very fond of any other kind of music such as jazz. I only listened to rock and rap music. Through the cool sounds and tunes of the series I have come to appreciate different types of music. (I'm a jazz maven now. ^_^)
  9. Man, a couple of nights ago I had a dream that Trowa (from Gundam Wing) and I were checking on the rest of the Gundam pilots as they were sleeping... At first, he didn't want to but I said something like "Some may be sleep, some may be awake, and some may be holding little Trowa plushies..." 0_o The weirdest thing was, when we went to check up on Duo, he was asleep and holding a little Trowa plushie! That dream weirded me out... (NOTE: Weirded is not even a real word...)
  10. If I were to say who I identify with the character would be Trowa from Gundam Wing. We are both quiet and we both care about others (i.e. friends) even though we might not show our compassion. I also identify with Harry MacDougall from Outlaw Star but hey, let's not go there... :D
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Anime is pretty big where I live. (Somewhere in north Florida) We have 3 colleges (2 universities and 1 community college) and they all have anime clubs. (some are underground though...) At my high school we have an anime club and there is a city-wide anime club (for everyone. I don't know much about it.) Alot of people in my town who are into art are into anime also. (And that's a lot of people...) Best of all there have a comic book shop that sells anime/manga exclusively. Eh, but most in my town get anime/manga from Suncoast Picture Co. in the mall...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [quote name='Momiji']Don't worry about your sailor moon dream. Mine have been worse than that, I was Kikyo from Inuyasha and I was actually having a cat fight with Kagome over him. Now that is wacked because I think Kikyo should not even be left alive in Inuyasha. :flaming: . But it was just a dream :sleep: . So you were sailor Earth did you have short or long hair?[/quote]I had short pink hair... My outfit kind of resembled Sailor Moon's outfit. The only difference is that I had these chunky black combat boots on. :confused:
  13. [quote name='G.D. Ryoko']I hate Heero with Relena too. She is a real pain in the butt. I never seen anyone bug a boy like she does except for one of my friends who loves Relena and Heero together. Hmm...[/quote]I totally agree with you. I absolutely HATE the RelenaxHeero coupling! Really, I just don't like Relena because she's always bugging the heck out of Heero. It burns me up just to see her hanging on to him like she's his Siamese twin... :mad: :flaming:
  14. My favorite anime movie is Spirited Away, hands down. I love how the movie is very inventive and the animation is excellent! I really loved the characters too. (Haku is my personal favorite) Princess Mononoke is a close second.
  15. I was just wondering do you have dreams when you go to sleep about anime? If you do, what are they about? I think if you really like a show or a certain anime character you are bound to dream about them once in a while. Now I can't ask you guys to tell me about your anime dreams without telling you about some of my own. The most memorable one for me was the one where I was an Avon lady :confused: delivering Christmas presents to Wufei. (from Gundam Wing) If you don't think that's weird enough, last night I had a dream where I was one of the Sailor Scouts... :confused: I was Sailor Earth, I think... The bad thing is, I don't even like Sailor Moon...That much... ;) "In the name of the Earth, I will punish you!" Crazy, huh?
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