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Everything posted by Falkon

  1. Why are so many movies rated "R", when we see everything that is in those movies in real life? I mean, movies these days have the infamous Restricted rating because of language, violence, and sexuality. But honestly. Try walking down the street, and if you dont see any type of violence, or language, or sexuality, then I will pay you money (of course I wont. And this doesnt count if you dont live near any people.) Being a high-school student myself, It is hard for me to accept the Restricted rating on movies for this simple fact. I mean, anyone who has set foot into a high-school can vouch that, if it was a movie, it would be rated R in less than Ebert and Ropers heartbeats. Even if you ahvent set foot into a high-school, but are planning on it, youll see what I mean when you get there. In all honesty in my heart, I probably swear more times in an hour at school than the most violent movie out in theatres right now. Also, if you just walk thru a hall at school you will see some of the sexuality that would get movies the R rating: guys pantsing girls, unhooking their bras, feeling them up. But its not just about the girls either. Guys have the same thing done to them as they do to girls. So why is it that movies are restricted to all under 17 (or 18, depends where you live I guess)??!!
  2. [QUOTE=Mr. Maul][font=Garamond][size=2][color=seagreen]Please do not double post. Just edit your first post.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#2e8b57]I agree, ::Ex-Soldier::, punk is not dead. There are plenty of legit punk bands out there. Rancid, Anti-Flag, The Casualties. They're all good bands, but it's the crap ones that give all of them a bad name.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] Finally! Yet another person out here who understands that bands, like Anti-Flag (one of my favorite bands all together), are still out there. Honestly, I dont really consider myself to be punk, but more goth, simply because I dont dress punk, but more "freestyle", and because I dont just listen to punk, but more of anything really. However, punk does make up about 25% of my music collection. The rest of my music mostly is Electronica, metal, goth, deathrock... Bands like Evanescence, Metallica, Pantera, Lords of Acid, The Front, Marilyn Manson (^.^), etc etc. and a whole bunch of DJ's I doubt anyone here has heard of or even cares to hear about :P. For those who are reading this post right now, and you are looking for some decent punk bands, I can name of few, of which I listen to. Anti-Flag, the Distillers, the Ramones, Rancid, and the Misfits to name the ones that come to mind. [QUOTE]Now the world is being taken over by a Base Beat, also called Rave (Dance) Music. That is what is coming into 'fashion' now. It is the only thing being listened to in my school, and is so pathetic i wish it would burn.[/QUOTE] OK, i can respect your opinion, but after reading this it kinda popped an "ALERT!" sign into my head. This is also what is annoying me. you see, more than half of the music I listen to is Electronica (aka Dance). Can I ask, Have you ever tried listening to Dance music? seriously. This may not be your case, but here is a scenario which pisses me off majorly: Ok, so I am sitting at school, headphones blaring, not really talking to anyone. Some of the more "popular" kids come up to me and ask what I am listening to. I hand them my headphones and they listen for a second or two. Handing my headphones back to me, they say, "That is awesome. What is it?" I tell them that its dance music and then they say, "Dude, f**k, that s**t sucks. I cant believe you listen to that stupid s**t." So that is why I am probably so annoyed when people come up and say that that music sucks, because most of the time, its just what your friends say that makes sense to you, and if they say that the music sucks, you want to fit in with them and agree, therefore producing a generalizes statement when you havent actually listened.
  3. [QUOTE=TOTALIMMORTAL][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed] As much as I'd like to deny it and wish it wasn't true, what was once punk is now honestly dead. I consider myself "punk" but most people probably wouldn't deem me so because I don't exactly dress like all the other people who do think they are. I listen to Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, and of course, Punk. But this isn't about me. I think music keeps changing too much to stay popular with the times, and that's not what music should be about. And especially not Punk Rock. Punk Rock used to actually mean something back in the day, people either loved it or hated it. Now it's actually a [B]FREAKIN CLOTHING STYLE[/B]?!!! :flaming: I hate that. Way too many kids these days wear a Misfits shirt or something and haven't even heard a single song by them. Punk is sure as hell not about popularity, but thanks to places like Hot Topic, everybody's got a freakin studded belt and a Ramones shirt. Hot Topic is the Anti-Christ to what actually used to mean something. As much as I love Punk Rock, I can honestly say that places like Hot Topic, and those stupid "pop" punk bands like Good Charlotte, have brought about the demise of punk. Bands these days just keep becoming less and less musically talented, and more and more sing-along. Does anybody feel the same way as me, that punk has become way too popular and means practically nothing anymore? I wish it weren't so, but Punk Rock is either Six Feet Under or somewhere close to it.....[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I would have to agree with you on everything here, except that Hot Topic isnt a breeding grounds for people to go and get clothes to make them "pretend to be punk." hot Topic is just a place for people, like me, to go and get clothing that displays the bands they like. however, on the negative side of that, what you said is true. People, not like me, go there and get shirts and all that of bands they think they might like, or that their friends like, and wear them so they can "fit into the popular crowd." I know this for a fact because, hell, just about every kid in my school wears the same shirts advertising the same goddamned bands, which all suck, by the way. Which brings me to another point of yours. It is true that so many bands these days are talent-deprived teens who think a few stupid phrases go together with a few simple riffs. Oh, is it also no coincidence that kids like these bands more than the ones with actual talent? Probably. A simple mind only needs simple music to entertain it. Another thing that is too bad... no one has enough creativity to produce music like that of the great Hendrix, the legendary Beatles, the famed Floyd... which is bad because now people who want good music are starting to become deprived of it. Lastly, there are a few good bands out there that do still have some talent, like Evanescence, the Distillers, Linkin Park, Rancid, etc. etc. And along with some other posts... Finally there are some people here who understand good music and see through Avril Lavigne and Good Charlotte. f**k, if those two groups would just.... s**t I dunno, actually make some decent music, which they already... havent, then the world would be a better place. I mean, cmon! Good Charlotte... the way the people in that band act and dress just pisses me off. They cant dress like real punks, cant sing like s**t, and dont know the difference between screwing a music style and screwing themselves.
  4. That looks awesome! I would buy it, but since I already have a PS2 with a network adapter and all that there is really no point. However, for all you out there who dont have a PS2, I would recommend getting this model! Looks fun and is probably a little more reliable than the current one out now. plus, by getting this model you are already set for online gaming.... Which is a GOOD thing, by the way. Took me about 3 days to figure out what was going on with my adapter when i bought it.
  5. [quote]Most likely there will also be Dance Music playing, no offence to people who like dance music. You may even sight a couple of Senga's getting bonked by one of them. For they will all be pissed. [/quote] I like dance music. You gonna tell me to piss off too?:P Dance music is the main type of music that I listen to. Of course, then I also listen to almost every kind of music (minus classical, country, rap and hip-hop, which I hate, in all honesty.)
  6. What would I do? Kill them. But that will end you up in a lot of trouble with the cops. I would, if I were you, wait until the next time they confront you. If they act like theyre going to fight, then just start landing hits on them. If they back off, great. If not, then keep fighting. Otherwise, tell these kids that theyre posers and they should **** off and stop acting like theyre "cool" because it makes them look like real dumb***es. Well, thats the bad side of me anyway. The good side of me, which is in kwan shu karate, would just go and tell them to stop acting retarded. If they choose to fight you, then just defend yourself. Meaning land a few hits on them until they go away. If they get more persistant on attacking you, then fight back and go offensive.
  7. Ok. ahah coincidence: Im in computer technician class right now :P ok. So, have you tried scandisk and/or defragmentor? By running those processes it will help to speed your computer up. Also, when you delete programs, make sure that you go into the control panel and use the "Add/Remove programs..." program. Try these solutions then get back to me to see if you still hyave the problem. Falkon
  8. I know this sounds weird, but I have an obsession with j-pop. I would have to say that my favorite jpop song is trauma, by Ayumi Hamasaki. ITs a great song, even tho I absolutely hate american pop culture music. I dont know why.. I guess its just because I really like the sound of a japanese girls voice siging like that ^.^
  9. SLipknots "I push My fingers into my eyes" song (I dont know what the real name is.) "I push my fingers into my eyes/its the only thing that slowly stops the ache/ but its made of all the things I have to take/Jesus it never ends, it works its way inside..." Good song. Fun and all that other stuff. Definitely an interesting song to listen to.
  10. [QUOTE=Inuyasha7271]Alright I do not get the idea of this topic because it should be shut down for extreme stupidity and spamming with useless information. All I have to say is most guys think two women together are hot yet are made because most lesbian women are beautiful and most girls do not like gay men like men like the women why don't ask me. I find that lesbians are most likely to be used by the media because most people find them attractive while most people do not like gay men and sometimes show them negatively in movies or t.v. shows.[/QUOTE] You know... Even I find this offensive. (not like Im gay or anything) First off: Most girls dont "not like gay guys". Thats a stereotype. Almost all of my girl-friends are OK with gay gays, as am I. Secondly, By saying this topic is spamming and that its stupid, to me, thats just as bad as saying you hate someone because theyre gay. Youre implying that, by talking about how people feel, this thread is useless?! Thats bogus. You see, threads like this give people a place to talk about their thoughts and feelings, and for you to come in and just blatently say that its a "stupid topic" is not cool. Ok, enough of my whining ;)
  11. Falkon


    Ok. Erm.... Well I can .. eh ok here What you need to do is upload it to a host site, take the url, put image tags around it, and add it to your signature.... sounds tough yeah. If you want just email the picture to me and I can send you the image link, which would look like [url]http://www.hostsite.com/picture.jpg[/url] What you do from there is go into your signature, attatch tags to it so It look something like [IM G]http://www.hostsite.com/picture.jpg[/IM G] Then youre all good. PM me for more in depth instructions
  12. [QUOTE=doukeshi03]Okay, I admit, the title isn't really what this topic is about..well, not really. I was watching a documentary recently on the attitudes of the public and of the press towards homosexuality in 1960s Britain and it became apparent to me that the focus was much more upon gay men than on gay women. It seems that whenever we think of the term 'homosexuality' we immediatly think of men and I have come to realise that it is far more acceptable to be a gay man than it is to be a gay woman. Even in entertainment mediums such as film and television, programmes such as 'Will & Grace' or movies like 'The Crying Game' gay men are portrayed far more often than women and with much more relaxed attitudes. I would just like to hear other people's opinions of this. Now I don't want to turn this into a slagging match. This isn't about the merits of being gay or ethical reasoning or what have you. I am simply trying to judge the differences in public acknowledgement and acceptance of male and female homosexuality. [size=1][I]P.S There was a note in the documentary that said Queen Victoria didn't see the need for a law to be passed against lesbians like the one passed on gays because "it [being a lesbian] simply wasn't possible." I found that quite amusing.[/I][/size][/QUOTE] well, i will throw in my two cents. However, I doubt that anyone will read this far thru the whole thread, therefore will miss my point/post. *Sigh* My whole thought on this gay/lesbian thing is... well, to be honest, I am really getting pissed off at the USA for trying to ban gay marriage. You see, I am not gay, but I do beelieve that if a person wants to live their life, then they should be able to. After all isnt that what america is about? Freedom to do what it is that you want? Now, most people turn and say "well, I dont want to see this type of behavior because its wrong." ...Oh, so now its wrong???? See that frustrates me, people who think like that. So.. So lemme get this straight. It is wrong for a person to love another person of the same sex and, since you dont like it, or since you are straight, it should be illegal? ... no See.. hmm.. lost my train of thought... email. Anyway. Gay men should be allowed to marry gay men, and lesbian women should be allowed to marry lesbian women. Simple. Its not like theyre going to bite or anything, sheesh.
  13. I totally agree with you Wingnut Ninja. I, too, was excited about Rainbow Six 3, and after playing it for some time i realized that the gameplay wasn't all that fun, even online. Now, I used to go out and rent every squad-based shooter out there, and, honestly, i got bored of them all after SOCOM 1 and Ghost Recon 1. I have realized exactly what youre saying; These games just dont... I dunno, attract any attention, really. I mean, I even went out and rented SC: Pandora Tomorrow, and i really wasnt all that... impressed, i guess you could say, with it. I mean, the whole concept is cool with 2 different character types you can play online, each having their own abilities. But it really wasnt all that fun. All the sudden Im getting more and more into games like SSX3 and The Sims and Diablo more than ever. Im not quite sure what it is exactly that makes a game like SSX 3 so much fun to play online. It is one of the best games i have ever played, and if you look on the world high score/time list for... umm... hmmm the one.. run... on peak 3... Ah yes Gravitude, on the PS2 online list, You should see my name in the number 75 or 76 spot. Heh. I am soo going to buy that game.
  14. Hmm.. October? thats a ways away. Mine was yesterday, (9-4-04). It was fun, i guess. The thing that bothers me most is the fact that they play, in my opinion, some s***ty ***** music. No offense to anyone out there, but soft rock and rap i just cant dance to. In case you havent figured it out, im an electronic music supporter (for dancing)(electronic music being 'techno' to most people, but can include, but not limited to, Drum 'n' bass, happy hardcore [see my signature below ^_^], hardcore [not in any way sexually oriented
  15. [QUOTE=Naru]I love this series also [i am a huge love hina fan]. this stroy was actually done is 1990. This is the reprint. So, unless Video Girl Ai came out before then, its the copy. I don't like that series so i dont know, but still. anyway. I suggest this series to anyone who liked Love hina and Oh my goddess. ~naru-chan[/QUOTE] ^.^ Blargh finally someone who doesnt hate it. Like i was saying earlier, though, how is the art inferior? Any how, yes if anyone is looking for a good laugh, and wants to try something new, then check out this manga!!! repetition repetition, repetition! I havent even heard of Video Girl AI o.O ... damn I feel sooooo out of place in these forums. *sigh* :confused:
  16. [quote name='keisuke shuuken']Well, according to some place I went and heard, people say that AI Love You is a dissappointment since the Love Hina series are far exceding the story line and art(dunno how but...)[/quote] Personally, I have only read the first two or three L.H. mangas, so i cant really compare. I dont know what you mean by the art being inferior, youta moteuchi. I personally think the art is great. The storyline is ok, and the characters are great ^.^ i love this manga haha
  17. Hmm... I have to say that quite a few good games came out this year, and quite a few really sucked. Heres mah list ;) [b]Xbox[/b] [u]The Chronicles of Riddick.[/u] Simply put its one of the best games i ahve played from a first person perspective. The fighting is well done, the gameplay is fun, and the graphics are truly amazing. [u]RalliSport Challenge 2.[/u] Heh, bye far the best rally racing sim out there. The physics are awesome, the graphics are wicked, the tracks are fun, and the cars are nice. Heh. I mean, how many games can you be driving and get really dirty then accidentally fall into a river or lake and get clean. Most games dont even allow you off track. [b]PS2[/b] [u]Psi-Ops: The mindgate conspiracy.[/u] This game was just f**king awesome. For so long have i waited for a game that allows you to pick people up from across the room and hurl them into a giant, red explosive barrel. The way they designed this game was excellent. How many games let you go into someones head and control them. For example, you can get into your enemies mind, have them open a gate for you, or go kill their other teammates, or just go and have a little "Curiousity" and see what happens when you shoot an explosive barrel at point-blank range. Heh, gotta love it.
  18. Hmm.. well i started the FF series on X (nonono, not "x" the drug, S**t who taught you people) and i have got X-2 since around february or sumthing. I really like X-2 because of the dynamic gameplay, the fact that the main characters are girls ( :love: ) and that the gameplay is so long with so many very well done movies and cinemas in it. The story is well put together and makes for fun gameply. Another thing i like, not necessarily just for X-2 and X, is the fact that the monsters and characters are so unique looking and behaving. Its nice to have a good, long decent game to play where the main characters are girls. most games these days have male characters, and, honestly, not being a pervert or anything i like the gameplay with girls better.
  19. [QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]Halo isn't [I]that [/I]good... maybe you'd enjoy it, but it's definitely not something I'd run to the store for. I hardly played my copy of it beyond the first week and I don't miss it at all. At least it's finally around $20 new now. In my opinion, the best game on the system is Rallisport Challenge 2. I don't know if you're into racers, but it's an amazingly good game.[/QUOTE] I agree wholeheartedly with this decision. Ill suggest games, but these are ones that i like, and you may not. The Chronicles of Riddick (Shooter) Project Gotham 2 (Racing) SSX3 (Snowboarding) Wow, and i too realize that i have very few games in the way of Xbox. :/
  20. I have to say that when i go to buy manga in a store that shrink wraps them, it bothers me. The reason is this. I am no expert in manga, and i dont like certain drawing styles. I like to go through the book, not thoroughly, but enough to determine if i like the art and the plot. It bothers me when manga has a really cool cover, and i get home and the story sucks and/or the art is bad, and the cover misled me. Sure people sit down and read them in the bookstore if theyre not wrapped, but most people buy them after reading it.
  21. Hmm... what a scary moment. I was just getting on my computer when i decided "hey, im going to go to otaku boards and see if they have a thread about Evanescence." Anyway. Evanescence is my favorite band. I was introduced to them last summer, and, having their only official CD, Fallen, i am still not sick of them. I guess you could call me an "obsessed" fan, but i'd say youre not living enough. I have shirts of theirs, pics of the band ( but mostly Amy Lee ^_^) on my walls and binders for school, and have been to a concert of theirs. I think Evanescence is one of the classic gothic/christian bands out there, and i hope that they live on. Oh, and btw, their next CD comes out next Fall, for those of you that dont know :lecture:
  22. :O I swear i ahve already replied to this. Oh well. I think that Paine from Final Fantasy X-2 is my favorite character from any final fantasy game. Shes hot, shes a bada$$, and best of all, shes "dark" (in terms of appearance heh). Another reason shes so high on my list is because shes quiet, and she doesn't get as annoying as some of the characters that talk more and are more... suddle, i guess. w00t Paine owns Final Fantasy ^_^
  23. Falkon


    This is one of the better animes in my opinion. I have only seen the first dvd or two, but it definitely has captured my interest. The characters have personality and the art is very well done. It has a decent story line, and deserves to be seen by more people. But, for some reason, it kinda makes me think its an Escaflowne ripoff.. Maybe because i saw it right after excaflowne, but... i dunno. its good, and i would probably rate it 8.5/10. i suggest you who havent seen it go out and rent it!
  24. well, the only real freaky days that i have had... I have dreams the night befoer of something that will happen the next day and everything comes out to be the same as in my dream, down to peoples clothing. sometimes even the speech of people is the same. Now thats kinda freaky. I guess thats about it.
  25. [QUOTE]Could Jeopardy be crooked?[/QUOTE] yes, quite possibly they could be. Everything these days is unreliable. Wal*mart, sears, blockbuster, Dodge, Ford, Kenmore (laugh), the government o.0 I did see that movie you were talking about "Game Show" and it is possible that he is cheating. However, its kinda like the moon landing, in some aspects. Some people say it was faked (like me) and some people think its true, some people think that Ken is cheating some dont. There really is no way of telling how or if Ken is cheating. What I am waiting for is Jeopardy to run out of the money Ken wins, or some other contestant to run around screaming that hes some f**king cheater, that no one can beat him, and that hes some kinda freak. XD Then, of course, he may just decide to leave. COULD HE BE JESUS REINCARNATED????
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