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Everything posted by Falkon
[QUOTE=Katana] *Is still disturbed by seeing Lizzie McGuire with Tokyopop's label on it*[/QUOTE] I noticed that earlier today when i went to buy some manga. Whats up with that? Anyway, just as Lady Katana already stated, CineManga is basically manga, but with screenshots. There are several bad things about them. 1, the fact that manga is cheaper. 2, the fact that you could just go rent the movie and watch it and get even better results than a book with screeenshots. 3, pictures with subtitles doesnt exactly amuse anyone. on the upside, 1, i guess if you dont have a dvd player, you can catch what the movie is like. 2, theyre great for trying to draw the characters, scenes,etc etc
hmmm... I find the hardest part of drawing manga characters is creating original ones, like other people have mentioned. I can look at a picture and draw it freehand pretty well, but when it comes to making my own characters, it looks like a thrid graders drawing XD. i can do hands and everything fine if i have something to look at. As for the hardest body part to draw... I would have to say legs. If you draw characters with pants, skirts,or dresses on its not that hard, but bare legs (and dont take that the wrong way) are hard to draw. theyre either too short, too long, too fat, too skinny etc.
Ugh. Well, since my parents are gonna make me buy my own car, im lookin at something about 12.5 and under. However, with your limit, i would have to say get a used Mitsubishi Eclipse. They run about 22 new, but used im sure you can find one at about 15. The celicas are nice. My friend just got one (dont know what year) and hes real happy with it. It drives nice and has a nice sporty feel to it. However, if you are going to put more than 2 people in a celica... its not comfortable for the people in back.... way cramped, as my friends will tel you.
Well, in no particular order, i would have to say: ~Azumanga Daioh. This is my favorite manga out there. period. very good humour manga ~Demon Diary. I have only read the first manwha in the series, but it has very good potential. Good action manwha, some humour. ~Cowboy Bebop. One of my favorite mangas. Based on the popular TV series, has good action and lots o humour. ~Samurai Deeper Kyo. Again, another series that i have only read one manga. Has lots of action and some humour. One of my favorites again. ~Love Hina. The second funniest manga i have read (next to Azumanga Daioh.) Must pick up. Hopefully that list helps ya. Those are all that i can think of now. If i happpen across some more i will update the list.
Im surprised that no one has started a thread about this manga. Since it is done by the same artist who did Love Hina, im surprised that there wouldnt be millions of threads about it, since Love Hina is one of the most popula Mangas out there. Continuing, if anyone out there has read it, please tell me what you think of it and how it compares to other mangas, or just Love Hina. What did you like? what did you dislike? are the characters good, bad? Storyline?
I like Demon Diary as well. The only thing that i have seen wrong with it is that when i first opened it up, i thought the main character was a female. :/. Anyway, other than that its great. It has a great story line, the characters develop nicely, and its got some cool battle scenes in it. And, the best part, it has a nice twist of humour to it ^_^
Like many of the other posts here in this thread, I believe that SDK is one of the best mangas out there. I have only read the first one, but it has made quite an impression one me for the series. Bottom line: Samurai Deeper Kyo. Good story, great art, and a twist of humour and fight.
yes it was pretty good.. i enjoyed, it, and its the best movie i ahve seen since fahrenheit 9/11. great plot and makes ya think ^_^
Heh, blood helps me relax. My worst fear is the United States government and Bush 0.o hes more deadly than you think Oh, yeah, and n00bs
Hmm.. .well i dont drive, but i will soon... THe last time i checked the prices they were about 1.99/gal at phillips 66.
Do any of you out there know of any free online PS2 games? i just got my network adapter and the only game i have for online is Destruction Derby Arenas. So, if you play any online games, or know of any, post em ehre. Thanx, Falkon
[quote name='Vegitto4']Well, Bush hasn't done a spectacular job, but he has done alot better than Gore would have done. Kerry could only do worse.[/quote] how can you say such a thing? Gore is not president, and Kerry hasnt been elected yet. Bush has done a good job. a good job on f**king up the world. Lets take a lok. Hmm, we're in one of the most costly wars (both in lives and money) that the United States has been in for a long time. The nations deficit is in ruins, and oh yes, why is it that bush didnt win the election fairly? hmmm... i seem to have repeat myself there. anyhow. sure Bush may pretend to care about the families whos sons/daughters/husbands/wives are on duty. but hes only pretending. he doesnt give a rats a**. would he care more if someone he knew and loved was in the war? maybe. maybe thats the only choice weve got. [b]and now, the future president has to deal with the s**tload of problems bush is leaving in their seat. has Bush solved *any* problems in his career. lemme think. OH YES weve solved world terrorism. wait! what about that kid there on the street pushing that other kid around? thats terrorism. what about those kids in the school who use drugs and are forcing kids to do what they want? thats terrorism. How about that thief down the street whos threatening to blow the store clerks head off if she doesnt give him the money? thats terrorism. So i askl again, what has bush done? sure hes gone after some person in the middle east who has done nothing. HOLD IT! hes got weapons of mass destruction. hmm yes an aspirin factory sure would classify as a weapon of mass destruction if you ask me.[/b] so i ask you: what has bush accomplished in his career? [quote]Bush likes to say that his enormous tax cuts that give hundreds of billions of dollars to America's wealthiest people are job-creation programs. But America has bled millions of jobs since Bush's tax cuts became law, so it's time to try something new. Bush's new tactic? Beg China and Japan to increase the value of their currencies, which will make American manufacturers more competitive. But Bush has nothing to offer in return -- and has done little to make other countries inclined to offer him favors. Instead of making pointless pleas to other countries, maybe Bush should come up with an economic plan that would actually create jobs instead of just putting more money in the pockets of those who need it least. [/quote] [URL=http://www.wage-slave.org/scorecard.html]Source[/URL]
that was one of the best movies i ahve ever seen. i believe that michael moore is my... hmm teenage hero, because he has the same political viewpoint as i do: the american government is F***ked up. sweet.
Gaming Fav. characters in Bloody Roar and Soul Calibur and why.
Falkon replied to Dark Necrofear's topic in Noosphere
This may sound... different but in bloody roar 3 for the PS2, i like Shina the best because shes hot and badass. Plus, i like leopards :rrwwwowwrr: :rolleyes: -
well, on a kinda twist to this... question, i would liek to ask "Whats the purpose of life anyway?" were born to die, thats the simplicity of it. i mean, all the progress we make in life, whats it for? sure some people believe in religiona and whatnot, and thye believe that their religion will carry them into the next life. but im talking about the present. this life. we work our a$$es of to buy ***** we dont need. as far as i can tell, the only reason we live is to have fun. so why do people work? so they can have a nice life. But whats the definition of a nice life? because in the end nature wins and takes us from everything weve ever had. im not really afraid of death (just the forms of which death occur) i justbelieve that theres something on the other side of that huge, black, wall. but one of my personal beliefs is that we dont notice when we die. after we die we wake up to another life, conscious of it, but not conscious of our previous life.
PSP for me simply because i have grown up on the sony franchise and im not really all that impressed with anything nintendos come out with since the n-64. from the screenshots it looks like the DS has the exact same graphics as the gameboy ADV. And, it also will probably occur that the PSP has much more in depth games than the DS. Personally i think it would be wicked awesome to play Splinter Cell on an airplane flight, or race people in Gran Turismo. And then, of course, theres Instant Messenger ^_^
Gaming Most tragic video game character deaths...
Falkon replied to mononoke_man's topic in Noosphere
ooooooh have i got a great one.... heheheheheheh ok, in the recently released game Psi-Ops, i love going around in the training room and lifting people up with my psi powers, then taking the shotgun, and blowing their heads off....eh heh... thats pretty tragic :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: -
Well, I dont remember too many o the crappy games i have played, but Ill give it a shot. And since i havent played too many games on the older consoles, Im going to start with the PS1 [b]PS1[/b] Driver. That was, by far, one of the worst games I have played on the Ps1. You cant have a game where if you tap a car gently it bursts into flames, or drives off the road and crashes. Any physical contact makes the cars drive off the road or burst into flame. [b]PS2[/b] Virua Fighter 4. Yeah, I agree with the bashes other people have layed on thi game. It was impossible to figure out the contols, the graphics were grainy, the gamplay just plain sucked, and oh yeah, did i mention the moves all look cheap as hell, and they lok like rip offs of other games? [b]Xbox[/b] VRally 3. Oh my sweet Jesus. This is the worst game i ahve played in my life. You drive around these beautiful dirt tracks at 180 miles an hour. Wait! Whats that? Oh its nothing to worry about its just a hairpin corner that we can take at 170 miles an hour. Tap the brake, and zip around the corner. This game was so bad, that my brother and I played half of a race then took it right back to blockbuster. [b]PC[/b] Sim City classic. I didnt think this was the WORST game, per se, but it wasnt exactly my type. The later SimCities were much better. I just dont like the fact taht you build from a birds eye view and.. well i just dont like the way the whole game is set up.
Now, I'm only 15, but knowing what Bush has done in his... "career" isnt exactly comforting. Take a look at Fahrenheit 9/11 and youll see EXACTLY why i hate him. He didnt win the last election fairly, he has done a miserable job of keeping up with peoples demands, he treats the "enemy" better than citizens of the U.S. (and by enemy Im talking about the Saudis, the Iraqis, the Afghanis). But that brings us to another point: Those people are not the enemy. Bush went in and tried to find weapons of mass destruction. where are they? ok an aspirin factory does not count. So far we have killed more people trying to "liberate" other people than they have. This war is a terrible idea because many many families are losing sons, husbbands, daughters, even wives. Now, i support our troops, however, i do NOT support the "War On Terrorism." Ok, so you say you dont want more people attacking the U.S.? You want terrorism stopped? Its impossible, my friends. War is a never ending action. Terrorism is a never ending action. We can kill all the mid-eastern people we want, but when it comes down to it, were the ones terrorizing. Sure Arabs came in and attacked us, but i think its what we deserve. Down with Bush I say, down with Bush.
Teenage Tortures (Note: this may get mostly girl related)
Falkon replied to kenshinsbabe's topic in General Discussion
0_o...guess im the only one here to somewhat notice a change...quite drastically, i might add. of c ourse, i guess it wasnt that different for me. I pissed my parents off all the same, had all the same thoughts, yada yada. i was so excited when i turned 13 that i thought i would have control over everything...*shakes his head* christ did i find out that wasnt true. as well, when you become a teen, you tend to do more...stupid stuff, i guess. and always ALWAYS remember,: If it sounds like fun, you're gonna get busted. ok well maybe not, but i have done some stupid s**t in my teen years (enough to last a lifetime and im turning 15 monday the 7th 0_o) that i regret now. the only advice i can offer, i guess, would be just to hang loose and be your normal self, the way you want to be, and the way you feel. if other people dont like it, thats their problem. heh, i get "bullied" at skool because i dress in black and listen to "bad music", which i guess is defined as electronica, metal, punk, ska, psycho-billy... but i really dont give a rats ***** because in my mind, i know their the ones listening to bad music(50 cent), doin drugs n whatnot. so despite the way others make you feel, ignore it. Ignore it and be your own person, because someday, YOU will be the manager of the company they work for, YOU will be the one who they look up to... -
I apologize if this thread belongs in a different area. Does anyone know where i can get decent Princess Mononoke merchandise online or otherwise? i have done quite a few searches on Google and dogpile, as well as some other places, and i cant seem to find anything decent. So, if you have any ideas about online stores i could get something from, or even just stores, i would be happy ^_^
Up UNTIL he joined the armed forces, Johnny thought the uniforms were a lot cooler than they actually were, especially during a mid-summer Prime Minister's speech... EDIT: i have a good pic for the next one... ill post it when the winner is chosen from this round ^_^ EDIT 2~ heres the pic... :smirk: [IMG]http://www.redfactionview.net/forum/index.php?act=Attach&type=post&id=548[/IMG]
THe three enter the small town just in time to see Jiro thrown into the air by Zia. "Should we help him?" Toro asks. "I think so," Blue replies. Kirohiko agrees, "As do ." They run up to Zia and Kirohiko curses loudly at him to put Jiro down. "Pitiful Mortals!" Zia laughs at them. "Yeah, you keep saying that. We'll see whats down in a minute!"Kirohiko challenges. He quickly pulls his sword out of its sheath and slashes at the demon. The demon jumps back quickly, laughing. "HAHAHA! you will never defeat me!" Blue jumps in and attacks with his pole from Zias side. Again, the monster effortlessly dodges this attack. "Blue! Do a special on him!" Toro says, as he rushes at Zia with his katanas drawn. Zia dodges, but this time, catches a small part of Kirohiko's blade. "GODDAMN YOU!" he yells. Zia rushes at Kirohiko and slashes at his body. He doesnt moves in time and one of Zia's claws tears easily through Kirohikos side. "F**K!" Kirohiko says, grasping for breath and holding his side. "We...must...defeat him!"
OOC: That was kinda god-modding, wasnt it yotska? IC: "Too easy..." Toro murmered to himself. "Yes, well let us hope there are not any harder monsters along the path to Altan," Kirohiko says flatly. "Well, we best be on our journey to seek Blue's siblings. Let's get going. Oh, by the way, nice wolf ya got there," Kirohiko grins. Toro says, "Yes, he is quite an interesting beast." The three start walking along the long trail to the Altan mountains, hoping that they would find Gress there. "Wait!" Toro says. "Seems like another demon is upon us-" Just then, a huge 25 foot tall demon jumps in front of them. "Hmm. I don't think this will be as easy this time," Kirohiko says, drawing his sword from its sheath.