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Everything posted by Falkon

  1. hmm...well not with barbies, per se, but with plastic trolls. (eh, theyre all the same :P) well, it just so happened that one night my parents were going out for dinner and decided to leave my brother (about 16 at the time) and me home alone. Well, we got bored and founf this troll, and wondered what the power of a microwave>troll was. So first we took some flammable substance and burned its hair off. Then we carefully set it on a paper towel and placed it in the microwave to bake about 4 minutes, or until done. Well, we took this troll out eventually, and oh man...it was just a pile of plastic. So just as we're finishing this up, my parents get home. Dad: "What do I smell? Were you guys [i]burning[/i] something??" Jess(my brother): "No, we werent burning anything..." just at that moment i just burst out laughing, and we got caught. Ahh yes that one has been in the family "jokes" for quite some time now...about 4 years to be exact :P ^_^
  2. well be that way :flaming: i wont ever post anything AGAIN! jk:P what would you have used it for?
  3. "Well, they need to choose their commanders more carefully..." Blue said to himself. "They most certainly do..." an unfamiliar voice said beind him. He turned around and saw a human. "Hello," Kirohiko said with his left hand on his sword. Kirohiko unsheaths his sword just as Blue strikes with his longpole down at his head. He pulls his sword out just in time to prevent the impact. "Whoa! Hey, I'm not here to hurt you! I want to ally you. I have seen you fight in battle, and i belive we can help each other..." Kirohiko trails off. "Hmm...i have been betrayed by many humans. How do i know to trust you?!" Blue says. "Look, we both hate demons, right?" "...Yes." "And we both want to stop them, right?" Kirohiko asks. "Ok, i see your point." Blue takes back his longpole. Kirohiko sheaths his sword. "Kirohiko Izumi." he introduces himself and reaches out a hand. "Blue Myers." He returns Kirohikos handshake. "ok. I have osme leads on whos leading the demons. Its...hard to tell you this but...Your father is leading them. We must stop him." "I've got NO problem with that," Blue replies.
  4. really, you are. well, you are made of dead remnants of a star a star is created when interstellar gas and dust get compressed together, causing a gravitational bond. as more and more particles get accumulated, the mass grows and grows. due to the rotation and movement of the atoms, the large "proto-star" begins to spin and contract, which causes larger gravitational forces, which in turn cause more particles to be attracted to the star. the contraction causes the star to warm up. this process continues until you have the average "main-sequence" star, which is similar to our Sun. stars are mostly made up of hydrogen and helium - the lightest and most abundant elements in our galaxy (and most likely the universe) - as well as other trace 'heavy' elements. as the star develops more and becomes bigger, it heats up more and more. once a star has achieved a certain size and temperature, the core is hot enough to cause thermonuclear reactions. this is where the hydrogen atoms in the core of the sun begin to lose their electrons; the hydrogen atoms transform into helium atoms, the left over matter is converted into heat energy, which is radiated to the shell of the sun. once the heat from the core has reached the shell, it is converted by convection into visible light, as well as uv, radio, ir, etc. wavelengths. once all the hydrogen has been depleted in the core, there is an abundance of helium. the star goes through a shell hydrogen "burning" stage, which heats up the core even more, causing thermonuclear reactions in the helium. what is left over from those reactions is heat, light, and carbon + oxygen
  5. Falkon


    Name: Kirohiko Izumi Race: Human Age: 28 Gender: Male Bio: Once a member of the army, he is now an ex-marine who hunts demons as a hobby. He is not friendly, nor is he hostile, but usually in between. His policy is: "I won't f**k with you if you don't f**k with me." The majority of his family was killed because the government thought they were demons. Kirohiko is on a mission to avenge his familys' death. Hair: dark black and shoulder length. Skin: Medium tan. Eyes: Dark green. Stature: Kirohiko stands at 6'1, muscular. Weight: 150 kg Mental Description: Kirohiko really doesn't give a s**t about people. Only his few friends are awarded with his respect. Hes very quiet. Weapon: A long-sword, Gothic in style. It has ancient engraving in it since it has been passed down throughout his family. ~~Completed so it is not baleeted^_^~~
  6. ok, well i have had some ideas for some time now. here they are. you know your easily entertained when... 1) You like to count how many starburst wrappers are in your garbage can, and you try to arrange them in colors. 2) You think any word is funny as long as the word "pink" proceeds it. 3) YOu make up stories that pencils act out for you. 4) You like invader zim. 5) You put random things in mocrowaves. 6) You bark at dogs and see if they will bark back. 7) You post in the adventure forums (This is commonly done so you can spice up your boring life). 8) You try to make anagrams out of your name. 9) You hit your head with a textbook saying "DOY DOY DOY!!!" in the middle of a lecture in history. ( :wigout: i have been there a few times...) 10) You make doll clothing out of beef jerky.
  7. intersesting. Yes, how did you stumble across it?
  8. [quote name='The Vampire: Ed']How about a virtual message board game where you play as a guy who completely ignores the first post in topics, and practically says the same exact thing? Except the guy just changes around a few things. We'll call it "Falkon." You can also perform fatalities to this guy as well, like overloading his brain with common sense. Sounds really awesome doesn't it? Well, ever better still it can be published by Acclaim and developed by Studio Gigante. Now they would just bring it on home, and send sales sky rocketing![/quote] MY GOD!!! youre so BRILLIANT!!! YES!!! i would make MILLIONS off this! ah, yes i can taste the victory now! :wigout: :eek: it would be such a sweet game...yes, it sounds like something I would buy! Oh, wait. this thread is supposed to be for games that are BAD. you lose, captain. uh, Ed, i mean.
  9. [QUOTE=oshi]I don't get out until next Thursday . . . and I still have homework. 12 pages of German left to translate . . . and I actually have a 25-50 page report due for psychology. I've had [I]teachers [/I] who have never had to do a paper this huge! Pavlov is just not that interesting to me. I'll be looking forward to graduating and never having to fight all of my family for the bathroom (six of us, plus cat, plus one bathroom = I never get in) at 6:30 in the morning again. Hopefully. And presents. Graduation gifts. But I don't want things like laundry detergent. I want manga. (I'm going to make a bad adult. :o )[/QUOTE] pshhh skool here is supposted to be "one of the top schools in the nation" but the only languages they offer are French (useless) and spanish. I really want to take german, but nein, i cant. bas***ds
  10. and I on the other hand, dont get summer break until June 11. But, my plans go a little something like this: Sleep, play video games, hang out until dinner, then play more video games, and go midnight marauding with my brother. then sleep, play video games, etc... The games i will play are: Tribes 2 Red Faction Call of Duty Unreal Tournament 2k4 SSX 3 Halo NFSU THUG and...what ever else stumbles across my deadly gaming path. i believe next summer i am going to....... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... JAPAN!!! maybe well, not much for me this smmer, so...
  11. yeah sorry about that. i just personally hate it when people have million mile long posts. anyway. no those posts were not "informational" they were just other posts by people who believe what i do. just showin what they have to say about the whole thing.
  12. 'Nother one, sry bout that triple posting i guess.... [quote] SoF-KonIT Posted: May 15 2004, 09:39 PM I live here Posts: 409 Group: SoF Member Member No.: 53 Joined: 4-December 03 [quote] (SoF-HideIT @ May 15 2004, 01:59 PM) No k0n, the US didnt deserve to get one of its innocent civilians killed. And no k0n terriorist dont have any intelligence at all. I personally think its sick of you to give them any credit, think of all the people that lost their lives. My conclusion: k0n is anti America and wishes he was not American.[/quote] Klavier you have some good points, some that no one can argue with. Every country does have a bad history. And I think many of you (k0n) need to remember that and stop bashing the US. Afterall most of you (k0n) do live in it, therefore you should have some sort of respect towards it. I dont know maybe its just me. did i not say that i was greatful for the liberties i have been granted as an american? look, i'm fine with living in america, but as an american i DO HAVE THE RIGHT to speak my mind, and IF THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE GOVERNMENT I WILL ******* SAY SO. please do NOT lay blanket accusations upon me. i do not like the capitalist dominated society. i do not like our THROW AWAY SOCIETY. i do not like the fact that i make a living based on the LAZINESS OF OTHER PEOPLE. now, america has great potential. but what pride should i have in a country that has lied to me my entire life? what pride should i have in a country who's actions are hippocritical of what they say? WHY SHOULD I BELIEVE IN A PRESIDENT WHO CAN'T THINK HIS WAY OUT OF A BOX? it is out of respect for the country that i point out it's fallacies. i will NOT sit by and let MORONS rule the world. "terrorist dont have any intelligence"
  13. aaannnd another.... [quote] SoF-KonIT Posted: May 15 2004, 01:13 AM I live here Posts: 409 Group: SoF Member Member No.: 53 Joined: 4-December 03 super, i'm sorry to say it, but really, you sound like the stereotypical american moron. yes, the us deserved what it got. throughout history, just about every action has a cause. do you really think that the iraqi (or whatever nation you choose) terrorist groups were just sitting around one day saying, "gee, that america is so great and fair to everyone, let's hijack their planes and crash them into towers, killing not only hundreds of innocent americans but also ourselves." i mean, really...who would kill themselves over nothing? i think even terrorists have a bit more intelligence than a lemming. anyhow, the moral of this thread is : every action has a reaction. see you in class next week :) [/quote]
  14. ok i have some somwhat long quotes to post. please read them, as they actually mean something. dont dismiss them because they are long. Thanx [quote] klavier Posted: May 15 2004, 12:53 AM I am a nub!! Posts: 46 Group: Members Member No.: 56 Joined: 4-December 03 Holy **** is this guy listening to me? Im saying terrorists cant justifiy their actions!!! I hinted at americans desserved to be attacked? Seriously, can you ******* read? I said some of your gov. leaders NEED TO BE PUNISHED. NOT ATTACKED, PUNISHED YOU DIM WITTED ****. What am i arguing? Im arguing that you are stupid. You dont know the first thing about this islam religion, and have no ******* clue about the history of your own country. Why dont you research some stuff like this: US shooting down Iranian passenger plane US supporting and helping saddam hussein build weapons US helping Iraq in their fight war against Iran (which ****** over both countries) US putting supporting a government in iran (and other places) and after they are no longer happy with him, they fund rebellious factions and turn the country upside down, resulting in decades of poor economical and political growth. US putting trade sanctions on countries because they didnt like them US selling illegal arms to countries so they can wipe out their freedom fighters (not terrorists) US killing and removing families from their homes so they can make room for another country. US training Osama bin laden. Dont get me wrong, after all of that, i still dont think a single american civilian should suffer. And hell, the US isnt the ONLY country with a bad record. Russia, china, they have them too. Me? Brainwashed. Tell me, by who? I dont listen to my parents, and anytime they try to get me to become a muslim i tell them were to stick it. I dont really belong to any sort of body that would force an oppinion on me. The only education about religion i got in Iran was how to say some basic prayers and speak in arabic. Hardly brainwashing. You are out of your league. You dont know what you're talking about. And for the record, I didnt feel like typing 40 years of history because you have just proven, you are too dumb to get it. If you are so smart and well informed, go and find them yourself. They arent hard to find. [/quote]
  15. ok this may sound terrible...but i think it would be HILARIOUS to have a "Chef Boyardee Ravioli maker" game...i dunno that pic in the first post made me think of it. but seriously, like some sort of cooking game or...a RESTAURANT MANAGER GAME!!!! Yes you ogo around telling people how to cook this and that....boy that would interesting. ah yes that makes me think of the movie Fight Club, when tyler is workin at the restaturant..eh heh... yeah that would make an intersting game. Fight Club, the game: go around and...pick fights and do the homework assignments fromthe movie. sw33t
  16. [quote name='RPGchick']I read a book called "Odd Girl Out" by Rachel Simmons, and it explains how girls bully each other psycologically, but I'm not here to attack the book. I'm here to ask, is it not just girls who pick on girls? Boys pick on girls too, and vice versa. But, I also heard that people who get bullied often end up with psycological problems. I can't complain, some people have it worse, but at my school, just like today, people try to make each other mad, then pick on them some more until they decide to hurt them, then the bully tells on them and the victim gets in trouble. Like today, we were loading stuff into a trailer for the 8th grade graduation. A kid, named MF (that's his initials) started making fun of me because I take Soo Bahk Do, and he was just asking me to to hit him. then, for the remainder of the hour (which was just over 15 minutes) he was throwing things at me like folders, insults, he threw a rock at me once, and i don't know how to deal with it. Ever since I came here in the third grade, I've been picked on by almost everybody and I'm almost on the end of my rocker. but, I do belive that bullies can cause psycological insecurity. so, here's two jobs: Please, can i have some advice and your input on the bullies=psycological problems?[/quote] hey, believe me, i have been through this road since kindergarten (lmfao) and im finishing my 9th grade school year. what i usually do to avoid these situations is: 1)dont talk to anyone who thinks they are bigger than you, it just gives them an excuse to f**k with you. 2)this is just a suggestion, but someday walk up to him and ask him why hes messin with ya. just say hey, MF (whatever his name...im guessing you probably use the letters as Mother...well nevermind.) "why do you need to pick on me? what have I done to you thats pissed you off? just leave me alone, since, alas, i have paid no attention, nor got in the way of, you." in fact, a similar event happened just the other week to me...uh, well a MAJOR thing...i have had things since then...but heres how it went. i was sitting on the bus, listening to my CD player (Sasha & Digweed Northern Exposure) and this kid, whom with which i have had a rivalry with since like 2nd grade, thought it would be really funny to prod me in the back of the head with a tape measure. but whats really funny is i got him suspended for it. I talked to my counselor the next day after he started pushing me around in the halls and settled it. they even took the case to the city's school board. eheh :devil: anyway in the long run i ended up slicing my hand from the tape measure (which actually i ddint notice until i got home, about 15 minutes later) and now if he or any of his friends even talk to me he gets suspended for 5 days. yeah high school suspension is nothing to have fun with. so, if he continues to bother you, take it up with your counselor or principal...or both :devil: explain what he has been doing, and tell them to talk to him. and despite people hating ""tattle tales"" this isnt tattling. of course you could take the other way out and beat the living s**t out of him, toilet paper his house, egg his house, uh...hmm i seemed to hagve gotten off track....yeah just...dry ice bombs are a no-no...theyre fun eyah but they get you into trouble...:P
  17. good points :P but i just happened across this...take a look: [QUOTE]Statyk Member * Join Date: Mar 2004 Location: In a state of mind Posts: 80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here's something I just read on another message board. Sources for all my facts can be found at the bottom, they are labeled according to subject. That having been said... Many of you might remember that I started a thread on the day the video was released noting how "convenient" it was that the tape had come out, just as the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal was in full swing. Not only did this take the abuse scandal off of headlines, but it swayed public opinion back against "those ******* Iraqis". Evidence 1) Most people replied by asserting that the execution occured as retribution to the abuse photos that had surfaced, but you have to ask yourself - do these terrorists, who are clearly capable of brainwashing people to the point where they are willing to kill and be killed for their beliefs, really have no concept of political tact? Here they are, the whole world screaming at the US for hypocrisy and injustice over these pictures, and they perform and publish this execution right in the heat of the scandal. In other words, these masters of brainwashing and spin and deception release a video of a despicable act just as the US, their sworn enemy, is being globally grilled. Does this make sense to you? 2) Second, I wonder what the standard issue chair is at Abu Ghraib prison? *cough* 3) Is it not interesting that the wall colour at Abu Ghraib prison is identical to that of the video? 4) Is it not also interesting that Berg is wearing the same orange jumpsuit worn by prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison? Sure, you say, perhaps he was kidnapped directly from the prison (as stupid as this sounds, anyway) - but then can you please explain (7)? 5) Is it also not interesting that the timecodes in the video jump back and forth? 6) Is it also not interesting that Berg did not exhibit any of the convulsions that typically accompany decapitation? [url]http://www.ahsc.arizona.edu/uac/iacuc/rodents/avma.htm[/url] I am suggesting here that Berg was already dead when the decapitation occured (which accounts for 5). Before you go calling me crazy, please review the evidence; why did he not exhibit the convulsions that go hand in hand with decapitation (especially such an extended one)? 7) Is it not curious that the US denies contact with Berg, and yet his friends and family insist that he told them he was being held by the US? Huh? Why? 8) Another tape oddity - the men SPEAK RUSSIAN for several seconds. Not only that, but they speak Arabic with Russian accents. That's right, in the final seconds of the tape, one of the men speaks in Russian. Those here who understand russian (and have the stomach to view that final seconds of the video) can verify this. Those who speak Arabic will be able to verify that these men speak Arabic in Russian accents. 9) Finally (the physical evidence that will convince you in case you already aren't)... You will notice, in watching the video, that 6 times, a gold ring flashes on the hand of the executioner. What is the problem? Islam completely and utterly forbids men to wear gold rings. This fanatical muslim, willing to kill in a gutwrenching manner, and be killed for his beliefs, is violating one of the clear prohibitions of his religion? Really? DOES THIS MAKE SENSE TO YOU? edit: Two more points: 10) Nick Berg understands Arabic, but sits calmy while statement is read, waiting to be killed. Hmm? 11) One of the executioners is wearing Air Jordans. WHAT? edit 2: 12) The "terrorists" signed the video, yet they wear hoods and masks. Why? 13) The "terrorists" have lily white hands. 14) The video time is in US Military English. What the hell? Conclusion As many has suspected, but have not had the time to build a solid case for, the execution of Nick Berg was performed by coalition interests (most likely independent Russian mercenaries) in order to dwarf the abuse pictures and sway public opinion back against the Iraqis and in support of the war by taking advantage of the emotional reaction we all experience when hearing of such an despicable act. The poor production quality (all the "curiosities" I have pointed out) of this video can be attributed to the haste in which it was made after the order was given to distract the public from the abuse scandal, and is in line with my conclusion. Again, before you attack my conclusion, attack my evidence. No matter how crazy you think this sounds, examine the evidence objectively and please try to deny a single thing I have said. If you cannot deny my evidence, you logically cannot deny my conclusion. Make your replies free of subjective opinions and ad hominem attacks or I will not reply to them. Sources: Chair, wall, timecode, and : [url]http://www.libertyforum.org/showfla...=-1#Post1469025[/url] [url]http://www.news24houston.com/conten...D=28906&SecID=2[/url] Berg was in US custody: [url]http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast...ends/index.html[/url] (you'll have to copy & paste this one since genmay blocks cnn links as you know) Gold rings forbidden by Islam: [url]http://www.khilafah.com/home/catego...ID=9529&TagID=2[/url] [url]http://www.google.com/search?q=gold...=utf-8&oe=utf-8[/url] [/QUOTE]
  18. Well, actually what kinda funny is i am PLANNING ON BEING A game designer ^_ ^ My only really good idea so far is something like an RTS game with geo mod.... havent you ever wanted to fire a caapult or launch a bomb and have the level...well...levelled? this is my kind of game. also incorporated in it would be the option of being able to play a cert ain unit. so basically it is an RTS until you select a person and choose to play him. Then the building part of the game is pretty much automated and you can go around shooting your enemies from a first person view. when you get killed you can either become another unit (not respawn, just another currently live unit) or you can go back to "god" mode and tell everyone what to do. sounds like agood idea to me... better get working on the scripts :eek: :wigout:
  19. [QUOTE=Guess?]I think we deserved it. I'm not saying that the man deserved to die, but they were using him as an example. They want us out of their country and will continue to kill civilians until we're out. We invaded their country, took out the head honchos, and killed so many of its citizens. We did our job, so why the hell are we still there?!? We lose troops everyday because Bush is an idiot and doesn't seem to want an end to the war. He says he does but if he really did want the fighting to end, he would set up a government and leave. Thats the only reason we should be there. If we remove a form of crap government, we have to set up a new one thats better. I thought we already set up a government and that means we should be out. I'm starting to belive this war was started so Bush could feel importent. We should pull out and level the whole country with bombs.[/QUOTE] exactly. I agree with every part of that - the last sentence. Bush wants to be the big "heeero". He wants to think he is making a f-ing difference in the world, which, as we all can see he is...but its about as effective as trying to combat heartburn with battery acid. oh right so uh i guess saddam just, what, made the "weapons of mass destruction" dissapear? Bush lies and looks for excuses o attack other people that he doesnt like. Like most Americans i am sure he is prejudiced against muslims and people of that nature. What the whole world needs to do is deal with its' own conflicts inside its' own borders. America, for example, needs to get more people off the street and into homes they can appreciate. America is so filled with hate and remorse that we cant spare hardly any money to the starving people on the street. If Bush wants to help us then why doesnt he provide all the jobs he has promised? or education for the unfortunate? or food for the hungry? Bush must not run this country again.
  20. ya know, i think a good thing for all of you people out there would be to see Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine, if you havent already. This is a great movie in pointing out facts of life in the US and whatnot. It compares our violent nature to that of other countries, like canada, for example. we are so much more violent and insecure than anybody else in the world. And parents blame it all on video games and movies. The fact that video games and movies instill violence into all kids is NOT TRUE. Video games are a great way to get out aggressions that have built up throughout the day. Look at Japan for example. They have less murders per year than we do here in the US, and they MAKE all of the damn video games. This say anything to anyone? Video games and movies are just excuses, as is music, which is a freedom of expression :love:
  21. ok i believe all of you opinions are valid, but i have to agree with some more than others. For those of you who dont already know, we are treating Iraqi prisoners horribly, just as we have seen them do unto us. We are tying them up and f**king abusing them, sexually, brutally, whatever. I agree with what most people are saying here: we need to pull the f**k back from the middle east and deal with our own f***ing problems. sorry about the swearing, but i am quite pissed at the state our nation is in right now. I quote the following from my brother at another site today : [quote=SoF-KonIT] to start off, yes, i do appreciate the freedoms i've been granted as an american. as such, i would also like to take those liberties bestowed upon me and use them to express myself. yes, i have been round and round this discussion elsewhere as well, and i'd rather not get more into, cuz i ****** hate politics. the point of them killing the guy, was because he was american, and because they don't like how americans live. americans take up more than 70 percent of the world resources, and we have less than 30 percent of the world population. reason number 1 most countries hate us. they killed the man because he represented america. sure, i'm not saying saddam committed many wrongs. but, call me a bad human, i don't shed many tears for other people dying. death is a fact of life. sure, saddam was condemned by every member of the UN, so does that make it right for the US to violate previous stated UN agreements? yes, he did act against the UN by invading Iraq with 'little evidence', which turned into 'no evidence'. i'm not saying the iraqis are necessarily worse off. but there have been innocent civilian deaths, so are they better off dead than when they were alive last year or two years ago? ooh joy, let's rejoice at how successful we have rebuilt their government, while people here in america are dying on the streets day in and day out, people with college degrees don't even have jobs. but hey, iraq's government is taken care of. yeah, if there is a need for america to meddle in other countries affairs, then go for it (vietnam). but when you make up reasons to invade a country, and blindfold your nation to it...that's not how a country is to be run. QUOTE Citizens lived in fear from Saddam and his sons, they killed thousands of people. which justifies us sending thousands of people into the war machine to die. QUOTE Your talk about we wouldnt have done anything if they didnt have oil? Thats a load of crap. For awhile we were making sure they didnt sent their own oil plants on fire. do i really need to explain this? anyway, i'm not saying the united states is the worst country ever. it's just run a little bit backwards in my opinion. shouldn't we make sure our own country is in good shape before we bother fixing other people's for them? as far as the weapons of mass destruction, didn't condoleeza rice just have an interview blatantly discussing the misinformation behind all this on national television? PS - i do believe it has been proven bush was a cokehead at one time. i can see it in the way he acts, thinks, presents himself...but hey, everyone's done drugs i could go on quoting him all day about valid points, but i just wanna get a little example out there for you all :P
  22. [quote name='NeoNabishen']I don?t get embarrassed, but if I did then it would have to be the time I lit my finger on fire right before going onstage for black comedy. I put it out fast but it happened to be my first time onstage and I had a hard time recovering. Must have dropped half of my lines. But I came back for the second act and didn?t make any more mistakes. (Still have the scare on my thumb though.) :laugh:[/quote] i have burned myself so many times that my friends call me the fire god now. its really kinda funny, because i always bring my lighter to *ahem* school *cough* and burn my friends alive...yeah they get pretty pissed so i have stopped, but when i am near fire, woo boy you better watch your back ^_^ and of course there was the time where my friends and i were in this gully by my house and i lit some dry weeds on fire. Being the stupid person that i was, i told them not to put the fire out, and, when it started to get out of control, we barely put it out. a similar time my friend and i made a pretty big fire in my backyard, and when that one started to get out of control, we had to put it out in our sandals :eek: boy THAT felt good. after that we kept lighting a whole bunch of matches and my dad, smelling the matches in the house, (the smoke rifted inside, though we were outsidecame out and said "what are you guys doing." me: "uh, talking..." dad: "with matches, huh?" me: "we only lit a few..." thankfully we had just buried about 100 matchsticks in the dirt before he came out.
  23. hmmm...well beating Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero the first time was a serious "HUT-AHHH" moment. Yes. and then of course when i beat Devil May Cry 1 for the first time...well, d**n, i just was all ecstatic n shi'ite. uh...hmm...well...i guess getting a few points in Pong was a pretty high acheivement for me. and getting to the third level in Asteroids was a pretty sw33t acheivement. ah and beating SSX Tricky was pretty fun. i guess thats all, really. except for all those go***mn monsters in Devil May Cry, which i realize i have already mentioned. Damn they are hard to kill...like the possessed tanks and helicopters.
  24. my apologies if this thread exists somewhere, but i couldnt find it. What does everyone think about our situation in iraq, and what do you think about the following article. QUOTE BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- An al Qaeda-linked Web site posted video Tuesday of an American man in Iraq speaking briefly before being beheaded by his masked captors. His captors said the United States refused to exchange him for prisoners in the Abu Ghraib prison. The captors also issued a direct statement to President Bush: "The worst is coming and, God willing, the tough days are still to come. You and your soldiers will regret the day that you touched the ground of Iraq." In the video, a man identifies himself as Nicholas Berg, 26, of Pennsylvania and is shown sitting in an orange jumpsuit in front of five armed, hooded men. The one standing directly behind Berg reads a statement identifying himself, and then Berg is pushed to the floor. Berg is heard screaming as his throat is cut. One of the captors then holds up his severed head. "For the mothers and wives of American soldiers, we tell you that we offered the U.S. administration to exchange this hostage for some of the detainees in Abu Ghraib and they refused," the hooded man standing behind the American said just before the killing. "Coffins will be arriving to you one after the other, slaughtered just like this." White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters, "this shows the true nature of the enemies of freedom. They have no regard for the lives of innocent men, women and children." At the Pentagon, officials confirmed that a body found in Iraq by an Army patrol is the person shown in the beheading video. Earlier, the State Department had identified the body as that of Berg. The Web site said the killing had been carried out by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of an Islamist terrorist group that has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks on coalition forces in Iraq. The voice on the tape could not be verified as that of al-Zarqawi. CNN staffers familiar with al-Zarqawi's voice said the voice on the tape did not sound like him. The Web site also published the text of the statement attributed to al-Zarqawi. In the statement, the captors refer to the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at the hands of U.S. military personnel, saying the "picture of dishonor and the news of Satanic assault on the people of Islamic men and women" will not be tolerated. "Where is the compassion, where is the anger for God's religion, and where is the protection for Muslims' pride in the crusaders' jails?" the man says. "We tell you the pride of all Muslim men and women in Abu Ghraib and other jails is worth blood and souls." Berg was not a soldier or a civilian employee of the Pentagon, the State Department said. Outside the family home Tuesday in suburban Philadelphia, Bruce Hauser, a neighbor and family spokesman, said Berg owned a company that cleaned and repaired communications towers in Iraq. Hauser said Berg's family learned about his death Monday and is devastated by the news. The family has asked the State Department to release the body as soon as possible, he said. Berg's family told The Associated Press that they knew he had been decapitated but weren't aware of the details. "I knew he was decapitated before," Michael Berg told the AP. "That manner is preferable to a long and torturous death. But I didn't want it to become public." Suzanne Berg said her son was in Iraq as an independent businessman. "He had this idea that he could help rebuild the infrastructure," she told the AP. One government official said Berg had earlier been arrested by Iraqi police in a sweep and detained by coalition authorities. Those authorities contacted the FBI, which interviewed Berg, the source said. Berg was released when authorities realized he was in Iraq legally, the source said. He was in the process of leaving Iraq when he was taken captive by insurgents. The FBI confirmed that agents also interviewed Berg's parents about why he was in Iraq. "The agency had been asked to interview the parents regarding Mr. Berg's purpose in Iraq," FBI spokeswoman Jerri Williams said without elaborating. In early April, Berg's parents filed suit against Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, saying their son was being held by the U.S. military without merit. However, just days after it was filed, the suit was declared moot. Rep. Jim Gerlach, who represents Berg's hometown, said he had spoken with the family and they are "very, very much emotionally traumatized by this death. Yet at the same time, they are very strong and they are very composed." He said the family also wants to "find out a lot more information" about what happened between the time Berg was released by authorities and when he was taken hostage. "They are very interested in finding out more about those circumstances," Gerlach told CNN. Najaf battles continue Earlier Tuesday, U.S. military officials said American soldiers have killed 13 Iraqi militia loyal to renegade Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and have detained 14 others in overnight fighting near Najaf. Late Monday, members of al-Sadr's Mehdi Army attempted to ambush a U.S. convoy with small-arms fire. No American forces were injured in the incident. The U.S. military began an offensive Sunday to retake control of parts of the city, reclaiming the governor's palace from al-Sadr's control. Al-Sadr, who is wanted in connection with the killing of a rival cleric last year, launched an uprising against U.S. troops in April. Since then, coalition forces have cracked down on the cleric's strongholds while trying to avoid religious sites. Al-Sadr is believed to be in Najaf, where his militia remains in control of much of the Shiite holy city. He travels to nearby Kufa to deliver weekly sermons Fridays. Saddam handover may occur by June 30 Salem Chalabi, the man heading the Iraqi war crimes tribunal, said Tuesday the coalition is "considering" the possibility of handing over Saddam Hussein to Iraqis before the June 30 date for sovereignty. But, he told CNN, he is not sure if it is ready to do that. Earlier, Kuwaiti government sources told CNN they heard Chalabi say the United States would hand over Saddam to the Iraqis before they get sovereignty from the coalition. Wire services issued similar reports. But Chalabi claimed he was misquoted and misunderstood. He said there is still a lot of work that defense attorneys for Saddam will have to do and it is likely he would not be the first of the suspects tried. He said the tribunal would try to have his trial completed by the end of next year. An al Qaeda-linked Web site posted video Tuesday of an American man in Iraq speaking briefly before being beheaded by his masked captors.[/quote] there is a video link out there, butafter i watched the video, i figured i wouldnt put it up since it was way too gruesome. i think that we got what we deserved, with us invading iraq and all. We b**ch and moan about our casualties and losses due to the battle, but the fact is: the only reason we go into other countries to "improve upon them" is because america wants to be the most powerful nation in the world. We are afraid of what we might become if we dont go and govern other people, distilling our hatrid and remorse into other people of the world. As for this article, none of this would have happened had we not wanted to "govern" the middle east. well, thats what i think. What do all of you out there think?
  25. [u][b]The Demon Hunts[/b][/u] Trotting along beneath the dark branches He stalks his prey His coat of black and grey Bristles in the silent night From excitement and revenge His eyes of ruby dart to and fro Scanning for traces of his prey Just down the trail The predator dost lay Crashing, Slashing through the forest The intruder hunts, Oblivious of the upcoming scene He is knocked to the ground in a heartbeat From the swipe of a paw As the red eyes haunt the darkness surrounding him In one bloody swipe, Like a butchers knife through steak The head of a human hunter IS taken The demon wolf lives for another day
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