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Everything posted by Heero_Yuy

  1. well as G/S/B master said welcome and hope you have a good time posting replies and at the same time make some new freinds. where did you find the japanese version of yu-gi-oh. cause i would really like to hear it in japanese. hope you have a fun time here meeting and talking with other people.:D
  2. :eek: the blues eyes ultimate dragon mis out but it is in the booster set. they are out but they are very hard to find. how do i know. my friend dueled against me and showed them to me. big eye opener. they are in english but you have to find them in booster sets.
  3. Hey you should check out this website called gamefaqs.com. they have secrets and info on many games which should be proved useful. 1.go to gamefaqs.com 2. then look to the left and find playstation and click on it. 3. after the screen has loaded look to the upper right and find yu-gi-oh forbidden memories an click 4. click on fusion and it should tell you all kinds of fusions.
  4. Well right we have the kind of technology to make a mobile suit. Hell one my friends has designed and figured how the cockpit of a MOBILE SUIT. But the problem of making a mobile suit is how to maintain a power source for its size. once you have figured that out the rest will fall into place. but creating a mobile suit would be a huge downfall to the world. lets say we make a mobile suit flawlessy it works as its supposed to. eventually other countries will find out and want it and eventually they will. we will see a world full of mobile suits creating chaos all over the world. so best better not create a mobile suit.
  5. i never saw the tv series but i've seen about thrre or four movies of fatal fury. they pretty cool and the animation is really good. but don't take my word for it.
  7. Yugi wanted to subdue Tenchi and split the group up who held the crystals or jewels or whatever you want to call so that Tenchi will not have a chance to use it against her. So see decided to make a person that will do just that and what do you know it, it was her shadow. Just think of it as peter pan remember his shadow had a mind of its own. oh yeah Rick Hunter when yugi was imprisoned on earth she didn't break the seal on her own. an earthquake erupted and a really big rock fell on her coffin breaking her seal.
  8. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Bloodlust was a kick *** movie. no doubt about it this is one of my favorite anime movies. the animation and music made the movie so interesting and so badass. my first favorites scene would have to be when D meets the Markus Brothers especially Borgoff when he shot his arrow at him. Second would have to be the final fight of D and Meier Link that was brilliant animation. i would highly recommend this to anyone. if you are wondering iIT IS THAT DAMN GOOD PERIOD.
  9. i've seen all 12 episodes or is there more?? any way i saw 12 eps. of sakura diaries. there is no soft hentai in it. just a little bit of this little bit of that no big deal. if your into a strange twist in comedy and romantic story line this is a good choice. i liked it. but don't take my word for it. rent or buy an dvd or vhs if you cheap watch it if you like it buy and don't like don't buy it it's as simple as that.
  10. hey outlawdragon how sure are you on your theory. well i kinda get a picture in my head about the theory. but i need more than a person i have not seen spoken or talk to give me info. no offense. by the way on eps. 23 what does it mean when urt or what was it. said qoute"is this important will the world be met with another disaster" fill me in on that.
  11. :worried: Just want to get some info on planet tenrei. What is up with the wizards, priests, or what ever they want to be called. what their deal with Gene and his red hair. i haven't quite figured that out. if someone can tell me that would be great.
  12. its good that cowboy bebop is on cartoon network and on adult swim but the sad part there is some parts of the show where they have to edit some of it. which comepletly sucks *** by the way. but any its a good show and i like it every time i see it.
  13. on the 23 episode "the hot spring planet tenrei" what is the deal with the wizards talkig to Gene about his red hair and his caster gun. i really don't get that part. :nervous: if someone can tell me i would appreciate it
  14. all right transformers is a tight show and the old school is still popular in some places. medabots is a funny show. well off the subject yu-gi-oh is tight and so far i've seen all the episodes on kids wb. so far i like the plot now its getting very interesting and i pplan to see this to the end of the series.:D :D
  15. all right here is a really brief and crappy summary of goldenboy. someone correct me if i screw up. well all i've seen is 6 episodes or is that all of them. oh well someone will correct me. okay kintaro,main character, well he goes around taking radom jobs to support himself. well as he goes along he meets different and very fine looking girls. well as he taking these jobs the girls he meet well fall in love with him which is pretty pimp but somewhere at the end of the episodes he leaves them which sucks ***. well there is your summary
  16. you know how much i hate you outlawdragon. you have the outlaw star dubbed. damn it i had to be broke at the wrong time. well any way they find the galactic leyline on either on the 22,23 24 episodes and i have to tell you it is tight.
  17. the wolf princess or princess mononoke, her name is San. awesome movie thank god i have it at home on dvd
  18. DoD was pretty cool it sucks that mayuka doesn't appear in any episodes of tenchi which sucks even more. tenchi forever is strange that all i got to say. TMiL is my favorite of all tenchi muyo movies no doubt about that.
  19. the only part i hate is that kintaro never gets laid by none of the girls. that kinda of ticks me off.
  20. yagaru i heard about that. the movie was not realeased hear do to something i don't know about. all i'm going to do is get the dang thing from japan. well if anybody hears anything about the movie put up a reply.
  21. :shifty: man that was a very hard choice to pick between zoids and gundam. i say gundam because the gundams can wipe out the zoids like nothing. i like gundam because of the types of gundams and their weapons. i like zoids because of the different models and the pilots. so it was a really hard choice to come by.
  22. Heero_Yuy


    :therock: if i could be any gundam i would be either the wing zero with tis zero system and weapons or the wing zero custom cause it looks pretty bad *** and very powerful
  23. :all: different plot different story different anime different series same anime illustraters end of story
  24. :therock: hey mystical pan the movie with tenchi and his daughter was called " Tenchi Muyo and The Daughter of Darkness" the tekken movie is pretty okay. really corny but the fighting is pretty good.
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