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Drizzt Do'urden

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Everything posted by Drizzt Do'urden

  1. Asher wandered down the halls towards his room completly engrossed in the melody emenating from Takeo's room. He'd heard him playing earlier in the day and was impressed by the man's skill. Asher had played violin in high school, and had considered checking to see if he could get one from the school on loan and join him and Jensen the next time they played together, but he just didn't have the heart, or skill, to make a good duet, or trio, partner. As he turned the corner of the hallway that would take him to his room the lights went out causing him to stop in his tracks. The booming thunder that had been rocking the school for sometime, now sounded as if it were a million miles away. Even Takeo's music seemed distant. A sudden noise spun Asher around and looked into the black of the hallway he'd come up. Squinting in the dark he could make out two red dots at the other end. He assumed, at first, they were lights off some type of security light whose power was cut off at the moment. That is until they began bouncing up and down and slowly growing larger. He laughed when he found himself thinking they seemed like eyes, that is until a mighty snort and susequent flames from the beasts nostrils confirmed it. Though he could barley make it out he could see reletively clearly the outline of a large horse trotting towards him. Its hooves were silent, until it picked up speed. For a moment it was like the storm was letting loose a stream of thunder so fast it bordered on paranormal, and Asher ran. He ran down the hall in the direction he knew his room was in, trying to keep to the left of the hallway to avoid the waterfountain he knew was somewhere to the right. He could feel the creature barring down on him, swore he could feel the beast's hot breath singeing the hairs on the back of his neck. Risking a look he could see the beasts eyes were in fact only a few feet behind him, but before he could face the direction he was running in his knee slammed into something sending him head over heels. Asher covered his face to protect it from the beasta mighty hooves, but instead of a massive hoof he felt an ice cold hand drag him to his feet. Risking a peek, and half expecting to have made yet another seen in front of a classmate, Jensen gasped a bit. Instead of the hallway at Cross-Academy he was standing in a giant room lit only by candles. Takeo's sweet music had turned into a sad, mournfull tune that sounded as faint as a whisper in the distance. There was a large table, and sitting at the far side was a figure dressed completly in black starring, and smiling, at Asher. [b]"It's so nice to see you my son, its been quite some time."[/b] The man motioned for Asher to take a seat, an offer that no matter how he tried he couldn't fight and before he knew it he was forced into his seat by some unseen means. [b]"I've never seen you before in my life, who are you?"[/b] Asher found it easy to speak to the man, as if he'd known him all his life. In an instant the man changed forms, and was the spitting image of Jackson Ferrace, a highschool friend of Asher's who died unexpectantly just before the end of their freshmen year. [b]"Does this form ring a bell?"[/b] The man changed back as he spoke, [b]"I've waited over two decades to be able to meet you, I had plans for your foster parents but they refused me at every turn. The stupid priests who informed them of what you are tried their best to hide you from me, or at least hide you from my reach. That's why I had to hire those stupid goons to find you and finish the job, breaking the cloaking charm you were blessed with in high school."[/b] The man motioned to a window. Asher gasped when he could see a swirling maelstrom outside, a few bright dots, almost like stars, peppered the smoke tornado they were in. Three of the dots began growing bigger and bigger, and in a moment there stood both his foster parents and a third man. They frantically beat at the glass without a sound, their mouths open in silent screams and pleas that Asher couldn't read. Turning towards the man Asher lept from his chair and drew his staff, his finger on the ready to unleash his demonic side. He figured out who the man was, he was going to kill him no matter what the cost. [b]"It's your fault they're here...well rather it's your own fault they're dead. All I did was call in a couple favors from heaven and had them dropped here in purgatory. They don't have to stay here permanently if you don't want them too."[/b] Asher's finger was still on the skull emblem of his staff, he was curious as to why the urge to unleash his demonoic side wasn't there like it had been since this thing had started. [b]"I know you don't want anything to do with me and I understand, but you'll come around. The reason I brought you here is for a small proposition. I simply want you to kill your friends Kai and Crowley. Their parents have been upsetting the balance of power and I think they're trying something stupid. I will not let them bring an apocolypse of their own doing, WE ARE THE ONES WHO WERE PROMISED THE TASK OF REAPING THE WORLD NOT THOSE FILTHY DEMONS"[/b] Asher backed away slowly as the man, his father, death in carnates face changed. His eyes glowed a firery red, his skin was pulled taught into a thin transparent membrane showing every detail of the skull underneath. His voice raised until it was as defining as the hoove beats from earlier. Then at once he went back to the way he was when Asher first arrived, [b]"You see, my son, I am as old as anything, in fact I was created long before anything else god has created. I have been bound by a creature in hell, though I know not who, and as such have no power. In truth, the souls you see out there in the maelstrom are all those who have passed in the past three months. I believe the keys are Kaiel and Crowley. So if you kill them your foster parent's will go to heaven instead of suffering here awaiting a judgement from a god I cannot take their souls too. I'm not asking you to join me or forgive me, that will come when I take you and bring you here in your rightful place."[/b] Asher blinked for a small moment, and was instantly back in the hallway with Takeo's music filling the air once again. He looked around for some semblence of his father or the room he was in to try and sort it out, though he didn't find anything he did notice a nearby window was covered in something red...he hoped wasn't what he thought it was. [i]Asher, the key to joining your two sides is to embrace death. Only by eliminating the fear of your true side will you be able to conqueor it[/i] When he finished reading the words disappeared. He pondered a minute whether or not to try and test the theory, but instead he just shook his head. Asher worried his father was trying to trick him into releasing the 'wicked' and in turn possibly killing Kai and/or Crowley before they could unleash their demon sides. Though he mourned for his parents, and in truth for all the souls that his father was not able to ferry to heaven, but he couldn't in a million years kill again, especially Kai who had been so nice to him in their couple of interactions, and though he didn't know crowley he had heard him speak and he could tell he was a good person a well. He pondered for a moment on whether he should or shouldn't tell Kai. He looked up at the door plate that said his name, instead of entering he turned back down the hall and headed towards Kai's room. He didn't know if she would be there, or if he would even tell her. But he had to at least consider it.
  2. [b][/b]Glancing towards Rhea and back to his friend Asher shook his head, [b]"You do realize she is going to pummel you right!?"[/b] he could see the bond had grown even more in their eyes. [b]"She won't do anything, besides I have her..."[/b] Jensen was cut off as a small, but apparently very heavy, backpack slammed into him almost uprooting him from his desk. [b]"Whole backpack now,"[/b] Asher laughed even as he spoke. The look on Jensen's face, one of admiration and aggrevation at Rhea was more than he could take and he completly lost it. It wasn't until Kai poked him from behind that he realized he was making quite the spectacle of himself. Stiffling his laughter he looked at Jensen, he was embarassed at first until he had to smile. [b]"You know that's Karmic Reallignment right? Laugh at me I get to laugh at you."[b] The two men chuckled softly until they realized they were both now the center of the classes attention. Clearing his throat Asher stiffled what remained of his laughter and got serious about the assignment, he wasn't really sure if they were to just swap information that they knew, or if they were going to be given time to go research as a 'team'. "What else do you know besides your father's name and title?" Asher asked intentively, hoping he could keep Jensen talking before he would have to share. [b]"Well...that's all that I really know. His fire was what guarded hell before Kai's mom took over the duty. Oh and there's this,"[/b] Jensen motioned to his pendent and rolled it around in his fingers, [b]"this has something to do with Crowley though I really can't say what. It seems to react when I'm close to Kai as well."[/b] [b]"So it's just like the rest of you, and jealous of Crowley. I'm thinking that must be a mood pendent, I'm glad I didn't see the thing when you were eyeballing Rhea's chest after the sprinkler incident."[/b] Asher grinned a bit as Jensen's eyes darted quickly to Kai and Rhea. [b]"Well now, let's put you on the spot,"[/b] Jensen quickly changed the subject, [b]"who is he and what's his relation to the insanity of our situation?"[/b] The question was one Asher had dreaded to answer, heck he wasn't even sure how to. [b]"I'm really not sure, my father hasn't contacted me in the way the rest of you have been. He only spoke once, and maybe a second time during the hobgoblin attack. He wanted me to unleash my demon side and finish the fight."[/b] Jensen's eyebrows raised a bit [b]"That explains the few seconds you were dead on your feet and reaching for your staff, I don't know why the heck you didn't take him up on the offer. You could've been the hero instead of Kai."[/b] Asher's eyes drifted to the desktop, he knew he was grinding his hands together but he didn't realize to what exent. His knuckles were a bright white, he was even starting to develop a slight cramp. [b]"You don't understand, my father wanted...well wants me to unleash my demon side and try to kill all of you."[/b] He heard a small gasp to his right, he wasn't sure if somebody was revealing their own issues or if somebody was eavesdropping but he continued. [b]"My father is, according to what Chris believes, Death himself. And I guess I'm a human Ying-Yang, one side of me wants total destruction and chaos, the other part of me wants control and morality." [b]"I'm sure you could control it, I know we just met but you seem like a good guy at heart, even if you aren't as good with the ladies as..."[/b] Jesnen cut himself off as he realized Asher hadn't even reacted to him, in truth Asher was a million miles away in his thoughts as he spoke. [b]"I'm honestly scared of it to tell you the truth, I couldn't stop from killing the man who raised me...I even enjoyed it."[/b] Asher was amazed how low the thought of his demon side could bring him. He hated not being him, and he was never further from it. He looked up to see Jensen's reaction to his little rant, as he brought his eyes up his body followed as instead of Jensen's eyes he saw two empty sockets attached to a fleshless skull. A gurgling, gasping for air. As he reached his feet his knee banged the corner of the desk hard enough to pull a whimper out of him, but it was what he needed. Jensen went back to normal, though the look on his face was almost as bad as the skull. Glancing around he saw a room full of eyes, for the second time now he'd made a fool of himself. This time infront of the new girl Mary, and the nun. He slowly took his seat and prayed a bit that his first impression wouldn't be a lasting one.
  3. After he'd parted ways with Jensen and Rhea, Asher made his way back to his room to reflect. He'd heard mumbles in the halls from the few students that occupied them. They new 'students' were all the talk, people spoke of them as if they were some evil beings that were going to destroy them all; fear being the ever present theme it would seem. He found a little bit of humor in the fact that they spoke as he walked right past them. They heard these new students were...different then most, but they had no idea who they were. It was almost a moment of solace when he felt a bit normal for the first time in a couple days. It wasn't until he past a group of students giggling about something that caught his attention that the humor was lost, [b]"I heard they are all freaks, there's one that has teeth like a dog and I heard from a guy who looked in their classroom that she even turns into a giant dog. I'd throw her a bone alright...."[/b] The disrespectful way he talked about Kaiel, and the others, caused a loose wire of some sort to short out in Asher's head and in a second he turned and snagged the younger man by the throat and lifted him up six inches off the floor. He kicked for any kind've traction he could get from the wall, but Asher had him pinned. He'd only felt this feeling once before, right after his mother had been killed by his father's lackies. He even felt his free hand drift towards his scythe, he wanted boy to get a real taste of how evil they were...or could be. [b]"How dare you talk about us like you know us, how dare you talk about my friend like that...HOW DARE YOU"[/b] before he could finish he was stuck from behind by what felt like a text book of some sorts; he was amazed the blow didn't move him an inch. Turning his head he dropped the student and gasped, everyone in the hallways lay dead. Blood smeared the walls, and body parts lay in piles. Turning back the boy was back up to his feet and winding up a punch, even after the exhaustion of the hobgoblins he was quick enough to dodge and plant a fist squarely in the boy's solar plexis, crumpling him to the ground instantly. Without hesitation Asher bolted back to the dorm area and found his room. Running inside he threw his staff onto the floor and sat on his bed, his knees curled to his chest starring at the weapon. He knew what had taken him over, he knew it was his other side that beckoned him to unleash himself, even now when he had no physical connection he still felt the pull to unleash the scythe and go find the boy who disrespected his classmates in such a way. As he wallowed in his self-pity there was a knock at the door, before he could invite whoever in or turn them away Chris entered. The look on his face spoke volumes to the fact that he had been informed what had transpired moments before. He had a book in his hand and flopped it down, turning to a page he left it open and turned towards Asher, there was an anger in his eyes that put a mixture of fear and anger into Asher. [b]"I thought this could wait until our lesson tomorrow, but something needs to be done. I can't have you flying off the handle and attacking students because you can't control yourself. I'm hoping that maybe a little knowledge can supercede more drastic measures so read this,"[/b] his hand motioned towards the book as he spoke. Reluctantly Asher got up and went to the book and began reading the page indicated... [i]Death among us? It has been speculated, but never proven, that death is a tangible creature that is in charge of the body and soul of all mortals until they reach their final destination. His appearances have been numerous in myths and legends, from the bibles portrayl of god creating 'death' and the fourth, and most imposing of the 'Horsemen of the Apocalyspe'. The ferrymen from ancient Greek and Roman mythology, and a multitude of other ancient texts have all portrayed Death as a being rather than just the end of a life. If this is true, it is believed that Death has two forms. One being a twisted form that's soul purpose is to end lives, and the second being the form that controls the first. Making Death a being of neither pure light or pure darkness, but rather a being of pure neutrality. It is not known for certain whether Death is two beings, two halves of a whole, or is one being charged with 'ferrying' the souls of both the damned and the saved to their respective eternal homes.[/i] The passage was short and vauge, it didn't make much sense to Asher a fact his face didn't hide. [b]"Youc an ignore the part about it being an unknown because you're living proof of it. Incanse you haven't noticed you have two sides fighting for control Mr. Thompson. Your one half, which it seems you've lived most of your life by, has been one of innocent, its the side of death that is controled. It causes you to be innocent, a sort've...light side. The second, and the one that's fighting for control now that you unleashed it, is the side that enjoys the kill. It wants nothing more than to cause the most death and pain it possibly can. Unfortunetly its the side of you that's winning."[/b] Chris paused for a moment, giving Asher time to take it in. It made sense, and that simple fact put more fear into him at that moment than any up until then. [b]"What can I do? How can I be trusted, by my classmates or by myself, when one side of me wants to slaughter every living thing I see? Isn't there something you can do to seal that side of me up so it will never surface."[/b] Chris sighed, apparently there was but Asher worried that he wasn't going to like what was about to be said, [b]"I can bind you, but the simple fact is that until you learn to control the dark side of yourself you will never be of any use to your team, and truth be told we are going to need all of you, healthy and in control to stop your parents. For now I'd like to wait it out, see what you can do. I think there is enough good in you to keep the evil at bay, you just need to realize it."[/b] With a fatherly pat on Asher's shoulder Chris rose and exited the room, Asher reread the passage about death and felt himself cringe a bit. He didn't feel as confident as Chris had seemed, in truth he wanted to rush out and find Jensen, Kaiel, Alice or anybody to talk to, but he knew it was his demon and he didn't want anyone to worry about him more than need be. He resigned to the fact that sleep was the best thing for him and quickly showered and climbed into bed, it was still resonably early, 6ish, but class the next morning would come early. He felt himself, somehow, begin to drift off even with the events of the day burned into his conscious thoughts. For the first time in his life he was worried he'd dream, worried he'd dream of his parents.
  4. As the duo of Crowley and Kaiel took the demon king down with a combination of precision, grace, and skill that made the two look like they'd been fighting side by side for years Asher couldn't help poke Jensen in the ribs with an elbow. [b]"Looks like you got some competition,"[/b] he chuckled at Jensen's face...though he choked on it as Kaiel transformed into a giant wolf-like creature that made short work of the goblin king, a sickening feeling immediately sank into Asher. He looked around and wondered if everyone here was even more like him than he had ever imagined. Could they all transform? Were they all pulled by their demon side as much as him. As the class-room slowly emptied out Asher decided he had to confront the only person he knew for sure could change in the same way that he did. Running to the front of the class, before her brother could beat him to it, Asher tapped Kaiel on the shoulder to get her attention. As she turned he realized he hadn't really looked at her until that time, she truly resembled a demon to a slight extent. Her eyes were a slight yellow, and her nails and teeth were elongated as if they were more fangs and claws. It wasn't at all a bad thing, it gave her a look he had trouble breaking away from for just a moment. [b]"Hey...I wondered how...or what exactally that was?"[/b] He asked, refering to her transforming. [b]"Okay so it might have been a little excessive but I was doing what needed to be done,"[/b] He watched her eyes drift around the classroom, it was bad before she transformed, but her much larger form and ferocity had reduced it to a mere room for scrap wood and metal. He expected, for some reason, a more gruff voice from her much softer one after her display. [b]"No I mean what exactally was it? I...well I transformed when I...."[/b] A hand grasped his shoudler firmly. Turning the instructor, Chris, was standing beside him. His demeanor slightly lighter than it had been moments before when he was screaming to Kaiel to change back to her original form, [b]"That's something we'll learn about soon Asher, for now just relax and recharge."[/b] Asher took the interuption as the need for a sibling moment and excused himself. Walking out of the classroom he found Jensen waiting for him at the doorway. [b]"Before you ask, no she didn't ask about you."[/b] He tried to hold it in, but he couldn't fight back the laugh that had built inside of him. He wasn't sure if Jensen had a thing for her or not, but he knew he was going to give the man a hard time about it for as long as he could. [b]"****, I guess throwing hobgoblins at girls is NOT a way to get them to notice you eh?"[/b] Jensen's quick reply sent the events, even the vision of his father, spiariling into his subconscious. He finally felt even at bit at ease when Rhea, still....showing off, came up to them. [b]"Hey, it'll be a shame if you catch cold. I still say you should remove the shirt right now."[/b] Asher put his hand in his face and shook his head, [b]"I'm going to have to get a muzzle for you Jensen, or at least get you a cold,"[/b] he thought about the outcome of the shower they all received that brought Rhea's...assets to light [b]"Okay the shower just made things worse so I guess we'll try something to eat. I'm going to head into the commons and figure out if there's anything to eat. I saw a small kitchen but I'm not sure how stocked they keep it. You guys are welcome to join me...unless you two need some alone time."[/b] Asher turned and headed towards the small kitchen area the school supplied for the students, unsure whether Jensen or Rhea would follow. Being around people, especially people like the few he'd met so far, was really putting him in a good mood. He cringed as he took a few steps and immediately felt the weight of the scythe on his back increase tenfold. He could hear the voice booming in his head for him to unleash it, he refused to give in, and refused to let his classmates know of his torture. He'd fight it until Chris taught him how to beat it...he just hoped it would be soon.
  5. At first the thought of wave after wave of tiny lesser demons frankly scared the hell out of Asher, but again thanks to Jensen he was snapped out of his senses and into reality...or apparently what reality had become. The creatures came on like waves crashing onto a shore during a storm, [b]"I thought he only summoned two of these damn things. I hope Kaiel isn't half as crazy as her brother, I don't feel like making this part of my daily routine."[/b] He deflected the lunge of a nearby creature, he was surprised at the ferocity of the beasts, and even more so at their weakness. Though their claws were apparently quite sharp judging by the inch deap gash marks in the drywall of the classroom. [b]"I don't see what the problem is Asher, some people eat wheeties we beat the hell out of small insignificant creatures. I think I could get used to it."[/b] As if on cue yet another flying creature from Kaiel's direction slammed into the wall just inches from Jensen's head. [b]"I think you've made a friend,"[/b] Asher joked as he slammed his fist into another one of the creature's abdomens, sending it sprawling into two charging creatures. He decided at that moment he would never let Jensen live down the way he actually grew silent for just a moment. [b]"Rhea, Alice look out!"[/b] He called out to the two girls as three of the hobgoblins apparently figured out the strength in numbers tactic from Jensen and Asher since they charged in unison from behind. Snagging the nearest demon he could reach, Asher lifted it above his head and wound up. Timing it just right he let loose the creature, bowling it into the closest of the three closing in on Rhea and Alice throwing all four to the ground hard, and giving the girls a chance to start pounding away at their downed foes. [b]"He might've caught that if you hit him in the hands instead of the numbers."[/b] Asher turned to see a grinning Jensen. The commotion seemed to be dying down a bit, Asher glanced around for a moment during the two men's brief pause and saw the ferocity of the humans fighting the beastas. He wasn't sure if he was catching a glimpse of what was to come with this 'team', or if he was catching a glimpse of the true ferocity all of this group held inside. He turned at a noise and saw Jensen breaking away for a moment to try and intercept a small group trying to surround another teamate, he called for Asher to come along but he was back in a frighteningly familiar fugue. His fingers touched the smooth ebony strapped to his back, as he drifted down he felt the skull that would unleash the blade. He knew what would happen if he did, but something was pulling him towards it. he couldn't fight it, and wasn't sure if he wanted to. [i]"That's it Asher, release me. You know I'll clean up this mess, heck I'll even spare a couple classmates. Maybe one of those cute girls, and the one called Takeo, he's the only one as sadistic as you truly are afterall. Let's let everybody see the real you so they won't even bother pretending to be your friend like Jensen is...."[/i] As his finger began depressing the switch a sharp pain shot through his shoulder causing him to release his staff. Thinking it was a hobgoblin he turned the punched out, instead his fist was deflected and met with a second hand gripping his other shoulder. Looking up he saw that his foster father had intercepted him before he drew his weapon, [b]"Death isn't something you can control Asher you saw that first hand. You must fight it off, fight the temptation to become the beast. Don't let anybody else fall prey to what's inside you."[/b] His father's words were both harsh and filled with pity, as if he was angry for what Asher did but also felt sorry for him at the same time. A moment later his father's figure faded and instead Jensen had returned with the leg of a desk that had been overturned. Tossing it to Asher he smiled [b]"Let's finish this."[/b] Asher grabbed the weapon and swung intime to connect with a charging hobgoblin, the blow felt good and the sight of blood was oddly satisfying. He was ready to get this over with, after his vision he truly was in a hurry to learn how to keep the 'wicked' inside him at bay.
  6. [b]"DEREKK!!!"[/b] Vegas found himself screaming at the top of the lungs once the light had cleared and his vision was once again restored. Everything seemed to go silent as he knelt down to pick up the visor, even the wrenching sound the doors made as Slate ripped them off their hinges was muffled. Tyler felt a hand softly grab him by the shoulder and give him a small nudge, [b]"Vegas, I'm so sorry,"[/b] Ri's voice broke him from his silence as he rose to his feet. She was one of the few people who realized the bond Derek and Tyler had made during their first mission together. Rising to his feet he wipped a tear from his face and put the visor into a pocket on his belt made for extra magazines for his .45's. He felt angry...pissed even. If Geist wanted a killer than he was going to give Geist a killer. Hands to his side he unbuckled the leather straps on his weapons and pulled them from their holsters, the pearl handles gleamed a bright pure white giving Tyler a little chuckle at the irony since the weapons were created for a very deadly purpose. Throwing all sense of tact aside Tyler rushed into the building behind Slate, knowing the battle would start before he caught the man. [b]"Vegas calm down we have to think of a...."[/b] Tyler was sure Aimanan's next words were going to have something to do with a plan but it didn't matter. Tyler was after vengence that could not wait, he remembered once hearing one of the many people he'd ripped off over the years telling him that 'Revenge was a dish best served cold', he always thought he'd agree with that, but his thirst for vengence would not...could not wait a moment longer. Rushing into the building's lobby area Tyler saw Slate go through a doorway and pursued, desperate to catch up to the small team's leader. Suddenly, however, the doors behind Slate slammed shut and all around spot lights shinned blinding Tyler. [b]"Damn we missed the leader, should we call the boss and let him know he's on his way?"[/b] a voice to Tyler's left caught his attention, he tried to focus on it but there were to many of the spotlights and he couldn't make out the lay of the place to get even a decent shot. [b]"Yeah, call him and let him know we missed him but we..."[/b] the second Blank's voice was cutoff as one of the spotlights shattered near his head, the ensuing gunshot told him his prey wasn't as helpless in the lights as he thought. As fast as he could Tyler began firing while looking straight at the ground, letting his periphreal vision tell him where the spotlights were, and in a matter of seconds all 8 big lights were obliterated the men were now in plain sight. Tyler could here the footsteps of his companions. He lowered his weapon at the closest blank...then he froze as the face changed to the first man he killed. Tyler's bloodlust was immediately taken away and his weapons dropped. He heard the weapons cock back, he was less afraid he the ensuing storm of bullets then he was of the man with the face of death, and a bullet wound in his head.
  7. [b][/b]Asher sat mostly silent during the introductions until laughing about the robes brought him out of his funk. It seemed like mostly everybody had some sort of back story, some sad, some not, he could barley fight back the taste of bile in his mouth as it became clearer and clearer to him. Whatever was inside of him was the cause of his foster parents' deaths. It wasn't a chance happening, or something from there past; instead it was something deep inside of him that caused him. He felt a sort of fugue come over him as the girl, Rhea she said her name was, introduced herself. It wasn't until he recieved a sharp poke from Jensen that he snapped out of it. [b]"Welcome back to the land of the living Mr. Thompson,"[/b] the instructor had a look of pity and frustration as his eyes fell on Asher, who knew his emotions were on his sleeve, [b]"are you ready to share with the rest of the class?"[/b] Whenever this type of thing happened in 'normal' school Asher had been able to throw a clever comment as Jensen had done earlier, instead he found his eyes darting from student to student as he realized more and more that if they were like him then they could possibly be like his other side...his 'Wicked' side. [b]"I...I'm Asher Thompson, and I killed my foster parent's due to whatever the hell is supposed to be inside me. So unless this class is more about how to never have to worry about that....monster I became again then I'm game. If you're trying to pass this off as some school for normal kids to get together and laugh and joke and get to know each other I'm not having it."[/b] He had gotten so caught up in the moment he didn't notice he'd risen to his feet out of his chair. Glancing around he saw all eyes in the room on him, some startled, some surprised, one in particular, Jensen, had a look that begged for the punchline of whatever joke Asher was throwing out. Dropping down to his chair he felt a mixture of dread and relief as he realized what a fool he made, how he likely offended the instructor, and how he just broken his one sacred rule "Lifes for living, laughing and loving, worry about the negatives when you're dead" [b]"Well now that my introduction is out of the way teach, how about we get back to the real business at hand....When's lunch?"[/b] OOC: Sorry that was a little rushed, just hang in there with me for a week or so and I'll be able to get back in full swing.
  8. Hey I've been busy with work so I haven't got a post, and I didn't want to start a backstage. I'm working on my post and will have it up early this afternoon (work a little type a little) go ahead and skip over me if somebody wants to post before I get mine up I'm just doing an introduction for Asher to the class and it won't be any trouble to adjust it a bit once I take lunch around 2 est.
  9. Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted. My work has been forcing 12 hour days for the past two weeks and I'm just drained by the time I get off. I'm getting a reprieve for a bit this weekend so I'll have a post up tomorrow for sure
  10. Hey guys sorry I'm slacking, my work has been forcing 12 hour days consistently for the past two weeks, I finally get a reprieve tomorrow. I'll get a post up then
  11. Consider me in Inu, just have to work up my sign-up. I haven't played any of the left 4 deads, (I'll explain any comments on that fact to be sent in memo form to my assistant, Mrs. Shut-it), so if you can think of anything I could be missing out on please let me know. I'm familiar with it a bit from friends so Im assuming, zombie apocalypse? RUN! is the biggest need to know.
  12. Tyler stood mouth agape as he watched McKnight go down, he pondered whether it was McKnight's arrogance or a bit of Slates true potential shinning through that gave the young leader the victory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]The day before[/i] Tyler stood in the training room eyeballing McKnight with a mixture of anger and fear on his face that McKnight either didn't seem to notice or didn't seem to care, Tyler assumed the ladder. [b]"You know why we're doing this little one on one?"[/b] the man asked in a way that screamed 'don't answer that' [b]"I figure it has something to do with the fact that you enjoy beating up on us and I'm one of the easier targets."[/b] Tyler's quick comment brought a smile to the corner of McKnight's mouth, it was vauge but years of card experience had allowed Tyler to miss it. [b]"Half right, I brought you here because you're the weakest member of the group. At level 4 you shouldn't be allowed to take on a normal security guard, let alone someone as powerful as Starlighter. You need to learn to take control of your powers, and not act on instinct alone."[/b] Before Tyler could react McKnight snapped his fingers and three turrets sprung from the wall and began firing slow bursts of rounds, Tyler flinched but the rounds were whizzing by him. Reaching for the two 45's fitted around the new belt he had Tyler drew the weapons and took aim at the weapons and began firing. Again McKnight snapped his fingers and the rounds seemingly evaporated into thin air. The weapons began firing at an increased rate, causing a few rounds to slip past Tyler's power and one by one they began striking him, driving him to his knees, the pain began screaming throughout his whole body. [b]"You do realize that if even one of Starlighter's blasts actually strike you there's no chance you'll survive right? He took it easy on you guys last time, this time you will die if you can't get control Tyler. Concentrate, feel the rounds move towards you and steer them before they get close to you. Your suit gives you 30 feet of range easily, even more if you can gain control. I can't honestly believe you, out of all the people on your team, were able to get a kill in your first mission. That man deserved his fate, to be bested by a 4th class super."[/b] McKnights words struck Tyler with a force that brought an anger in him he'd never felt. How dare he talk about a man's death like it was just something he deserved. Nobody deserved to be killed, nobody had to die unless it was necessary. Tyler felt a pain deep inside wrenching at him, twisting and pulling himself. He felt lost, angry, scared, all at the same time, and that's when he felt it, or rather could see it. He could actually see each round moving as it was fired, he could feel the energy of the rounds themselves. As if all the theorys of physics were something he could see, feel, and even touch. Pushing one hand out Tyler could see the rounds begin vearing away from him earlier and earlier as they left the barrels of the turrets. He had one round left in the chamber of the .45 in his right hand, he fired it towards the turret on his right and grabbed it with his conscious mind and took it straight towards McKnight who vaporized it giving Tyler just enough time to reload. Pointing his guns at .45 degre angles from himself he began firing round after round, concentrating on the trajectory he wanted it to take, each one McKnight easily atomized as they turned and veered. Tyler felt himself get discouraged for a moment as he reloaded, the constant fire from the weapons was wearing him down. He could feel his energy drain, and even a few rounds managed to strike his body, draining even more of his fighting spirit and physical strength. [b]"I guess Geist was right, you truly are incapable of growing,"[/b] With another snap the weapons ceased their onslaught, and Tyler, not realizing how much physical strength he used holding himself up against the rounds stumbeled forward, only to have McKnight throw him back with ease with his powers, [b]"I guess I get to be the one who gets the pleasure of freeing up the space you're taking up on the team."[/b] With a cold look in his eyes McKnight raised a hand, and at once the three giant metal panels that housed the coveres over the turrets lept from the wall and shot towards Tyler at bullet like speeds. Tyler rose to his feet and pointed his weapons, he fired his left weapon and right weapon at the tumbling pieces of metal and dove to the floor being narrowly missed by the massive steel projectiles. An explosion rocked the training room seconds later, as Tyler's targets had been hit perfectally even without sight. He'd fired the rounds and steered the first into the barrel of one of the now exposed turrets, and the second hit the trigger mechanism causing a brief burst of fire that jamed the weapon, the plugged barrel blew open in a shower of metal shrapnel that slammed into the walls all around the training room. Rising to his feet Tyler jumped to the side to allow a hurried McKnight to get past him as he made his way to the door. Without looking at him the man mumbled [b]"I'll tell Geist you're okay to keep on the team, and tell him what I think."[/b] Tyler stood scratching his head, he knew the man was too strong, and to quick to have been hit by any of the shrapnel. He would have atomized it before it came close to him. He was more worried with whether or not the man would have allowed the giant metal panels to crush Tyler, or if he would've steered them away at the last moment. He wondered that the whole day until he witnessed the second fight with Slate. He realized at that moment that the man truly wanted the team to survive, whether he admited it or not was a different story, but Tyler was happy to have an ally like McKnight. He just hoped the rivalry between Slate and McKnight could be kept outside the team. He would follow Slate no matter what, but he was honestly more worried about having to fight McKnight than he was starlighter after his one on one with the man. Tyler picked up his duffel and headed towards the hangar, he already had his weapons and suit on since today he was going to do some training before he heard about the mission. It was time to fight again...possibly time to kill...that thought troubled Tyler more than any up until that point.
  13. Tyler stood mouth agape as he watched McKnight go down, he pondered whether it was McKnight's arrogance or a bit of Slates true potential shinning through that gave the young leader the victory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [i]The day before[/i] Tyler stood in the training room eyeballing McKnight with a mixture of anger and fear on his face that McKnight either didn't seem to notice or didn't seem to care, Tyler assumed the ladder. [b]"You know why we're doing this little one on one?"[/b] the man asked in a way that screamed 'don't answer that' [b]"I figure it has something to do with the fact that you enjoy beating up on us and I'm one of the easier targets."[/b] Tyler's quick comment brought a smile to the corner of McKnight's mouth, it was vauge but years of card experience had allowed Tyler to miss it. [b]"Half right, I brought you here because you're the weakest member of the group. At level 4 you shouldn't be allowed to take on a normal security guard, let alone someone as powerful as Starlighter. You need to learn to take control of your powers, and not act on instinct alone."[/b] Before Tyler could react McKnight snapped his fingers and three turrets sprung from the wall and began firing slow bursts of rounds, Tyler flinched but the rounds were whizzing by him. Reaching for the two 45's fitted around the new belt he had Tyler drew the weapons and took aim at the weapons and began firing. Again McKnight snapped his fingers and the rounds seemingly evaporated into thin air. The weapons began firing at an increased rate, causing a few rounds to slip past Tyler's power and one by one they began striking him, driving him to his knees, the pain began screaming throughout his whole body. [b]"You do realize that if even one of Starlighter's blasts actually strike you there's no chance you'll survive right? He took it easy on you guys last time, this time you will die if you can't get control Tyler. Concentrate, feel the rounds move towards you and steer them before they get close to you. Your suit gives you 30 feet of range easily, even more if you can gain control. I can't honestly believe you, out of all the people on your team, were able to get a kill in your first mission. That man deserved his fate, to be bested by a 4th class super."[/b] McKnights words struck Tyler with a force that brought an anger in him he'd never felt. How dare he talk about a man's death like it was just something he deserved. Nobody deserved to be killed, nobody had to die unless it was necessary. Tyler felt a pain deep inside wrenching at him, twisting and pulling himself. He felt lost, angry, scared, all at the same time, and that's when he felt it, or rather could see it. He could actually see each round moving as it was fired, he could feel the energy of the rounds themselves. As if all the theorys of physics were something he could see, feel, and even touch. Pushing one hand out Tyler could see the rounds begin vearing away from him earlier and earlier as they left the barrels of the turrets. He had one round left in the chamber of the .45 in his right hand, he fired it towards the turret on his right and grabbed it with his conscious mind and took it straight towards McKnight who vaporized it giving Tyler just enough time to reload. Pointing his guns at .45 degre angles from himself he began firing round after round, concentrating on the trajectory he wanted it to take, each one McKnight easily atomized as they turned and veered. Tyler felt himself get discouraged for a moment as he reloaded, the constant fire from the weapons was wearing him down. He could feel his energy drain, and even a few rounds managed to strike his body, draining even more of his fighting spirit and physical strength. [b]"I guess Geist was right, you truly are incapable of growing,"[/b] With another snap the weapons ceased their onslaught, and Tyler, not realizing how much physical strength he used holding himself up against the rounds stumbeled forward, only to have McKnight throw him back with ease with his powers, [b]"I guess I get to be the one who gets the pleasure of freeing up the space you're taking up on the team."[/b] With a cold look in his eyes McKnight raised a hand, and at once the three giant metal panels that housed the coveres over the turrets lept from the wall and shot towards Tyler at bullet like speeds. Tyler rose to his feet and pointed his weapons, he fired his left weapon and right weapon at the tumbling pieces of metal and dove to the floor being narrowly missed by the massive steel projectiles. An explosion rocked the training room seconds later, as Tyler's targets had been hit perfectally even without sight. He'd fired the rounds and steered the first into the barrel of one of the now exposed turrets, and the second hit the trigger mechanism causing a brief burst of fire that jamed the weapon, the plugged barrel blew open in a shower of metal shrapnel that slammed into the walls all around the training room. Rising to his feet Tyler jumped to the side to allow a hurried McKnight to get past him as he made his way to the door. Without looking at him the man mumbled [b]"I'll tell Geist you're okay to keep on the team, and tell him what I think."[/b] Tyler stood scratching his head, he knew the man was too strong, and to quick to have been hit by any of the shrapnel. He would have atomized it before it came close to him. He was more worried with whether or not the man would have allowed the giant metal panels to crush Tyler, or if he would've steered them away at the last moment. He wondered that the whole day until he witnessed the second fight with Slate. He realized at that moment that the man truly wanted the team to survive, whether he admited it or not was a different story, but Tyler was happy to have an ally like McKnight. He just hoped the rivalry between Slate and McKnight could be kept outside the team. He would follow Slate no matter what, but he was honestly more worried about having to fight McKnight than he was starlighter after his one on one with the man. Tyler picked up his duffel and headed towards the hangar, he already had his weapons and suit on since today he was going to do some training before he heard about the mission. It was time to fight again...possibly time to kill...that thought troubled Tyler more than any up until that point.
  14. Asher stood at the window peering out into the night from the secoand floor den of his foster parent's home. He wasn't one to feel depressed, but something tonight seemed to be pulling at him. A strange pang of guilt ate at his very soul, but for some reason he couldn't think of anything he'd done that day that was wrong. The day was truly like any other day before it, he'd woken up, went to work, came to visit his parents and was now here listening to one of his 'father's' stories about the war and his 'mother's' gripes about him not finding someone and settling down yet. The home truly was a happy one, the one he grew up in. The two people in this room did their best to keep him sheltered from the evils of the world. They were, for all intensive purposes, his real parents, but for some reason he just didn't feel like they were tonight. [i]"My son, it is time for you to return home. I have much work for you to do..."[/i] The voice sounded so near and clear Asher lept up from the chair, startled as if somebody were standing right behind him, but when he turned there was no-one. [b]"Are you okay son?"[/b] His father asked, but when Asher turned to face him all he saw was the bloodied face of his father's corpse starring at him. Turning to run out of the room, Asher stood in fear as a looming figure, well over 8 feet tall, drapped in a cloak stood in the doorway, blocking his escape. His mother's scream from behind him drew his attention next, turning he saw yet another figure standing above her. A red clawed hand swooped down on her instantly severing her head from her body. Asher Felt a scream well up inside of him, just before he could the figure from the doorway grabbed him from behind and whispered meanicingly into his ear. [b]"Your uncle sent us to kill you young reaper, he spent a lot of energy to get us here ahead of your father's men."[/b] The creature that took his mother was in front of him in an instant, clawed hand ready for the kill. A sudden white light took the room, and Asher swore he could hear his father's voice yell something in what sounded like latin, but he couldn't be sure. Then as the light faded the creatures were apparently stunned, sheilding their eyes and cursing in a language that didn't seem human. [b]"Asher take this and get to this place,"[/b] His father handed him a long staff and a slip of paper that had the name of a pub written on it in red ink, that to Asher appeared to be more like blood, [b]"you will be safe here, just give them my name and tell them what happened."[/b] Asher still didn't understand, but when he touched the staff something happened to him. He felt strong, powerful, confident. For some reason the staff seemed to tell him he was unstoppable. His eyes were directed at a small skull ingraving towards the middle of the staff, he was mesmerized by it even as he heard the creatures come too and begin snorting and snarling. As he pressed onto the engraving a sickel blade sprung out of the top of the staff, and that's when things became a blur. Asher could feel the seering pain as his skin literally melted from his body, his other tissue to follow leaving only his skeleton. His clothes seemed lost, but a black cloak drapped over him covering his body and his head. A sort of energy pulsated through him, and he suddenly wanted to see the blood spray from the creatures that took his mother. Turning and speaking in a voice that was his own, but words he couldn't believe he was saying, [b]"Your time has come demons,"[/b] stepping towards the now frightened beasts Asher's movements became not his own. Even though he fought it with every ounce of his being, the blade cut down and through both beasts at once, the spray of molten blood felt good on his bones. The feeling disgusted his conscious mind, but he couldn't overpower it. He needed it even more, turning he saw his father starring at him with eyes that showed pity, as if he was dissapointed and saddened. Asher fought even harder, but still could not resist the urge to raise the scythe yet again, this time on the man who raised him. As the blade cut down, and Asher starred in horror, his father allowed the blade to slice into his soft belly and grabbed the blade pushing and turning until the blade was reset inside the handle that was no longer bone but the same smooth black ebony that it was when he was given it. As he watched his father fall Asher reached out with once again human hands and caught the man in his arms. Though he couldn't draw the breath to get the words out, the man's lips could be easily read. [b]"I love you son."[/b] ............................................................... A few hours later Asher found himself inside the pub, trying to find someone in the empty bar who could tell him what was going on. As he heard the bell ding softly as the door was open he lept behind the bar conceling himself. He saw a man and one of the most strikingly beautiful women he'd ever seen enter and exit out a back door without speaking. [i]I guess this is the right place[/i] he thought as the two exited out of sight. Rising to his feet he followed, giving them enough time to get a bit ahead for he wasn't sure who, if anyone, would be his friend or who would be in league with those things. He just hoped someone could tell him why he killed the two most important people he'd ever known. Why did it have to be him? he thought as he felt tears well up and start to fall as he exited the pub.
  15. I agree, I'm not sure what's slowing it down to the extent it is (life I suppose) but it may be a decent idea to sortve do an outbriefing with the 'results' of the traiining. That would give us some insight to what is/was expected and we could move on from there.
  16. I'm in for sure, Ill get a sign-up tomorrow. Name: Asher Thompson Age: 25 Appearance: Asher towers at 6'4 with a strong frame. He keeps his dark brown hair short in a military style. He has ice blue eyes and a five o'clock shadow. He normally wears jeans, a white t-shirt and black leather jacket with his black combat boots. He has a large scar from his right shoulder down to his pelvic bone on his right side. Demon Appearance: [attachment=15236:Asher.jpg] Personality: Asher tends to come off a bit childish to those who do not know him. His happy go lucky attitude, and nervous jokes rub most the wrong way. To those who know him, however, he is just innocent to the ways of the real world. He is very set in his ways of not killing and will only use that as a last resort, though he has confided in a few of his closest acquaintances that when he fights he feels something pulling at him, something wicked. Weapon: Death's Scythe, a scythe that is made up of the fused spine of a demon general. The blade is double edged, the 6' handle conceals a second blade Power: Telekenesis: Asher has some telekenetic telekenetic abilities, though these are still in development. He tends to steer away from using them since they bring out the 'wicked' in him. This steering away has caused him to develop slower than most of his other comrades. Demonic Parent: Rider of the Pale horse: Asher's father is one of the fabeled four horsemen of the apocalypse known as 'Death' himself. Hope this is okay KG, let me know if you need/want any changes.
  17. I'm in as well, I just have to get a sign-up together. I'll have something up tomorrow morning
  18. I'm in like....well I guess I'm just in. 14 hours of pole climbing hole digging and cable pulling fun, way to tired to be creative.
  19. Well I'd love to say the good ol'USA is going to make a comeback by revoking NAFTA and eliminating outsourcing. Increased income and employment plus the increased taxes that brings in, as well as the taxes from the increased Tarriffs puts USA back on top in a few decades. But since we're living in the real world I have to put my money behind China economically, I think their military numbers are threatening, but by the time 2020 comes around the "shoot first don't ask questions ever" U.S. will have dumped enough money into the military that we'll be even further ahead. My prediction is that I'm very dead and very gone before a lone super power reamerges, though I am on the verge of voting Sangome for president...though hopefully there will be lots've pretty woman, even for us not-so-pretty men.
  20. I'm good, though Gavin took Group number three and thus took Tyler's shoulder to cry on away... It's okay though, maybe Gavin will be nice and pay me back by allowing me the first blow...I want that gold star **** it
  21. [quote name='dark_apocalyps' timestamp='1314178867' post='709055'] Earthquakes rumble too much and I wouldn't want to spend my last moments stumbling around more than usual. Discuss. [/quote] After the recent quake on the east coast, proud to say I got some brownie points by telling my fiance not to worry that the earth always did that when I looked at her. A local radio station had call-ins about the quake, one woman's respone was "The shaking really added a zing to my 'afternoon delight'," So maybe you SHOULD hope for an earthquake while making love on top of the Eifel Tower, that way youre sure that both you and your girlfriend get to go out with a *bang* As for me I'm kind've hoping to buy a home in the next year, so hopefully whatever happens it'll still be standing...hard enough to get out from under a house that's in one piece.
  22. This is a neat idea, I guess my biggest question is are you wanting to post individual posts from an RP, links to these posts, or are you going to post every post you've made from an RP that you think is. Not that I make a whole lot of posts that are good enough to write home to mom about, but I have a few characters I particularly am fond of.
  23. Well with military life taking its toll the RP club never truly was realized.... And that brings us to today, a second shot at the RP club... I left the original thread because, well for one there's a lot of good stuff in there as far as discussions go.... I'd like to get this up and running again if anybody would be interested. The first post is my original idea for the club so for the bulk of the information check that, a basic outline is we get a few of us 'clubbers' together...and even though it sounds like it we are not heading out to find baby seals. Basically we start out with a few ideas and vote, RPs for the club are to be kept relatively short and participation in every RP is not mandatory but there will be only one 'club' RP running at onetime, though of course no rule against starting an RP outside the club. This idea was really set up to keep good RPs from slipping through the cracks, and give everybody a say in everything. I'm working on a few 'rule' edits to keep the same things from getting voted on all the time, such as breaking things down into genres and only being able to go through one genre at a time, eliminating brain eating zombies from outer space meet super human teens that fire lasers out their nipples being the topic of choice over and over again. If anybody would be interested, just check out the first post of the thread to get an outline and leave a post. After we get a few interested again we'll begin. There is no enrollment fee, but the biggest commitment is sometimes sucking it up and participating in an RP you may not fully be behind, but since they're only going to run 1-2 months in lengths at most they will go rather quickly.
  24. [attachment=15219:IMG_7096.jpg]Never posted one on here before...or at least its been ages since I have. Thought I'd post one of me and my little one, [attachment=15219:IMG_7096.jpg]
  25. Tyler stood open mouthed as Slate exited the training room. It was apparent he was tired, pushed to the point of exhaustion and it was even more evident he was ****** off about it. It was easy to tell Slate had been a loner before the mission, a trait Tyler shared with the man. After the first mission he thought Slate had gotten over it, and it was still apparent. Sure it may have seemed like he was ****** about McKnights attitude or that he was stronger, but in reality he took the role of 'leader' more serious than most would have. The way the man looked when Autumn was blasted by Starlighter was all the proof Tyler needed to know he was a man he'd follow. The way he looked now was one of a man carrying a heavy burden, a burden Tyler decided he was going to do his best to help lift, even if it killed him. As if on cue the door to the training room opened and Autumn entered, during his initial shock Tyler hadn't really given the woman in the group much thought. They were all pretty, which was surprising with the context they were all brought in, but he really hadn'd had the opportunity to get to know any of them. [b]"Hey Autumn, are you feeling better?"[/b] He always found that concern, feinged or not, was a man best friend. This time it was true concern for the womans well being. [b]"I'm doing much better, thanks. Hey have you seen Slate?"[/b] Tyler couldn't tell if his mouth truly fell open or if it was just in his head. The one time he felt like taking a chance and he was shot down before he even got started. Tyler explained the abrupt conversation he had with the team's leader just moments before, and just like that Autumn thanked him and exited before he had a chance to say anything more. As Autumn left a younger man, dressed in a white lab coat, entered. [b]"Mr. Vegas, Mr. McKnight would like you to track down Mr. Brawler and Mr. Critter and meet back in the training room in two hours. There is a group before you to train next, and your group will follow."[/b] Tyler's first thought was Flare, the two had made a good team in their first mission, and he didn't want to lose that. Sure he and Brawler worked together for a split second during their first team training session, but it was more Tyler turning bullets while Cody got the glory of smashing one of the turrets. [b]"Excuse me sir,"[/b] He began as the man left, [b]"I was sort've wondering which group Mr. Flare was in?"[/b] He mocked the Mr the man put before each of their names subtely, but apparently noticeably. [b]"The teams were handpicked by Mr. McKnight and Mr. Welsh, if you have issues you can just deal with them."[/b] Tyler smiled as the man exited, he had gotten under his skin quickly, [i]"I suppose I better go get suited up before McKnight shows up with the first group. I really don't want to see what he can do, I don't need the nerves to take over anymore than they already are."[/i] He thought to himself as he exited the training room and headed towards the rooms. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming around the corner, Tyler noticed Aimanan sitting on the ground with his knees drawn up to his body as if he were hugging himself. From this distance he wasn't able to tell if he was asleep or crying, Tyler really hoped for the former. As he approached Aimanan stirred and got to his feet, his eyes were red as if tears were going to fall, but he stood tall as if he hadnt yet. [b]"You okay Magic Man?"[/b] Tyler asked, remembering the 'nickname' he'd teased him with during their first time to relax in the community room. It was then Tyler noticed Aimanan had been sitting in front of Addley's room, and not his own. [b]"Yeah...I'm fine. You don't happen to know where Addley is do you?[/b] He asked almost as if he was in another place. [b]"He's part of the first team to train with McKnight here soon. He may have already been told and gotten ready, that's actually where Im headed now. You need to talk?"[/b] Tyler had been used to being the one to cause somebody to have to 'talk' by taking all his money and sending them back to their future ex-wives broke, he wasn't sure how to go about even getting a feel for what was bothering Aimanan. Leading the way Tyler swiped his room key, the door whinned a little as it opened up into his lavish room. He was certain the others rooms were designed for their max comfort as well. Gesturing for him to take a seat, and then gesturing at the bar Tyler made his way to the bedroom portion of his room to change into his suit. [b]"If you go for a drink I wouldn't suggest making it to strong. Geist didn't waste any expense and that top shelf stuff will leave you hurting, plus this McKnight is apparently a power player. He took a steel beam and seperated it into its elemental forms, then was able to manipulate the elements into these giant orbs."[/b] Stepping out he noticed that Aimanan had collapsed into one of the overstuffed chairs and had his head buried into his knees again. [b]"Why do they want to teach us to kill so bad for? Isn't one overpowered group of supers running around killing people enough to satisty Welsh? Isn't it bad enough we've already..."[/b] As Aimanan's tone grew more and more sharp and his attitude went from sad sack to anger Tyler realized what had happened. Putting up his hand for Aimanan to stop Tyler, without a word, went to the bar and poured to fairly weak Jack and Coke's and handed it to the man. [b]"Don't let them win, don't let them change you Aimanan,"[/b] Tyler wasn't sure if the use of his real name instead of 'Magic Man' coming from him took him back, or if he had made the drinks stronger than he thought widened Aiman's eyes, [b]"I know how you feel...the first thing I did when I woke up was ran back here to get some familiarity....and then I wept for the man who's life I took...but I refuse to let Geist change who I am as a person, I refuse to become the cold killer he wants."[/b] Tyler paused as he felt his own anger start to spike, for some reason the inhibitor on his neck stung him just a bit, as if it was telling him to relax. Downing his drink he flopped down on a second chair in his room, he found himself calmer again, more focused on the situation at hand. [b]"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interupt...I just can't stand what Geist is doing.[/b] He felt his blood start to boil again, and resigned to let Aimanan talk a little. He did take solace in the fact that he wasn't the only one who didn't want this, he wasn't the only one who could be redeemed for what he was about to do.
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