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Where can you find FMA? I haven't seen any of it yet, but I have read posts and full scale reveiws and I keep geting mor and more interested in it. If its a Japanese source forget it, unless it is also dubbed. I'm no translator. Thanks to whomever answers this. :D
Well, I would if I could, but I see nkow true flaws in your deck (not that I know what half the cards are) anyway, the ones trhat I do know of slide pretty well together. Just keep working on it and honing it down to the best deck you can get. Alright, howsabout htis for my deck? I took ou previously mentioned cards and threw in: 1) Horn of Light 2)Petit Moth 3)Cocoon of Evolution 4)Great Moth 5) Dimensionhole 6) Harpies Brother (not part of combo) OK! Time to see my new and improved deck! [CENTER][SIZE=4]No Title[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Attributes: Water, Darkness, Earth [/CENTER] [CENTER][B][U]Water: (12)[/U][/B] Cure Mermaid Sinister Serpent Penguin Soldier Aqua Madoor X2 Serpentine Princess Island Turtle Great White 7 Colored Fish X2 Suijin The Legendary Fisherman [U][B]Earth: (8)[/B] [/U] Petit Moth Cocoon of Evolution Great Moth Melinium Shield Man-Eater Bug Labrynth Wall Giant Soldier of Stone X2 [U][B]Dark: (10)[/B] [/U] Sangan Witch of the Black Forest Shadow Ghoul Patrician of Darkness Marie the Fallen One Barrel Dragon The Feind Megacyber Summoned Skull La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Cyber Jar [U][B]Magic: (18)[/B] [/U] Horn of Light A Legendary Ocean Black Pendant Change of Heart Dark Hole Graceful Charity Ekibyo Drakmord Fissure Ground Collapse Harpies Feather Duster Second Coin Toss Mystical Space Typhoon Monster Reborn Tribute to the Doomed Swords of Revealing Light Raigeki Demensionhole Horn of the Unicorn [U] [B]Traps: (12)[/B] [/U] Tornado Wall Two-Pronged Attack Robbin' Goblin Trap Hole Enchanted Javelin Magic Jammer A Feint Plan Fairy Box Fairy's Hand Mirror Seven Tools of the Bandit Numinous Healer [U][B]Total: 60[/B] [/U] [/CENTER] Any New Suggestions? Like a name? :p Please, constructive criticsm only
Yah, my main focus is a bit unclear, but i was thinking a water/dark/earth deck. I have the most of those, I just have to find my binder. I'lkl work on what you guys said. Also, any suggestions on what to lean toward? like Attack or Defence? certain cards that would be good? Any help would be good well, if I'm to remove Second CT should I remove Fairy's Box? The combo does save me, and doubles Fairy's power. Ok I just removed: Gravekeepers Servant Gaurdian of the Throne Room The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave Second Coin Toss Chain Destruction Dian Keto Anything I should add in their stead? anything else I should remove?
[QUOTE]I like the .hack series, personally. The anime, manga, and game all tie in well and connect to each other, and that's something I like to see in games based on an anime/manga series.[/QUOTE] AMEN! 1-I'd die before playing it again 10- I'd play it through at least 5 times before I die Heres how it stacks fer me: .HACK// - 9.5 (Confusing camera Angles, monsters sometimes overbearing in starting quests) ZoE- 10 (Da' BOMB! I played through at least twice each[includin GBA ver], and beat all of the extras so far, and I'm playing it again! never gets old) XenoSaga- 3 (too long, I'm not the type of person to sit through hour long cutsenes,and i dunno, thr only RPG i never really liked [except for some on the SNES]) FinalFantasy(if you consider it Anime)-10 (I loved this series completely, it had great gameplay, a greater storyline, revolutionare graphics[especially 7 and 10] and all in all, i loved it) YuGiOh-4 (always gets overly repetitive) hmm, im at a loss for thoughts, so, I'll add more if I can ever thing of them. My top pick would have to be....bumbumbum...:Final Fantasy I'm a FF gamer for life, and death, and I dunnno, it just appeals to me the most
Well now, been a while since I played. I'm more into Duel Masters. My deck's not the greatest, and loses quite a bit. I lapsed, and too many new cards came out. Mine became outdated and weak :p Anyway, here goes: [CENTER][U][B][SIZE=4]Eternal Sea Of Earth And Night[/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] [CENTER][SIZE=2][U][B]Monsters: (27)[/B][/U][/SIZE] 7 Colored Fish Aqua Madoor Barrel Dragon Cyber Jar Giant Soldier of Stone (2x) Guardian of the Throne Room Kuriboh Labarynth Wall La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Maha Vailo Man Eater Bug Marie the Fallen one Millenium Shield Patrician of Darkness Penguin Soldier Sangan Sanga of the Thunder Shadow Ghoul Sinister Serpent Suijin Summoned Skull The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave The Fiend Megacyber The Legendary Fisherman Whiptail Crow Witch of the Black Forest [B][U][SIZE=2]Magic (20):[/SIZE][/U][/B] A Legendary Ocean Black Pendant Change of Heart Dark Hole Dian Keto the Cure Master Ekibyo Drakmord Fairy Meteor Crush Fissure Graceful Charity Gravekeeper's Servant Ground Collapse Harpie's Feather Duster Horn of the Unicorn Monster Reborn Mystical Space Typhoon Raigeki Scapegoat Second Coin Toss Swords of Revealing Light Tribute to the Doomed [SIZE=2][B][U]Traps (13):[/U][/B][/SIZE] A Feint Plan Chain Destruction Enchanted Javelin Fairy Box Fairy's Hand Mirror Horn of Heaven Magic Jammer Numinous Healer Robbin Goblin Seven tools of the Bandit Tornado Wall Trap Hole Two-Pronged Attack[/CENTER] As you can see, it revoles mainly around Maha Vailo, The Legendary Fisherman, and Shadow Ghoul, with a few other combos wrapped in. I based it aroung Rock and Dark Types too. Most of it is Defence aside, but all in all, its a good deck for beginners or people who only have the older sets :wigout: I miss being the block champ..... :(
Back to the war premisis; Gundam 0079,0080,and 0083 were all based on the same war, right? The only difference was time, the storys hero, and the Gundams and technology. Sorry if i was wrong, but I havent watched Gundam in such a long time, aside from Cartoon Networ's first SEED
hmm, I would aslo have to sya Kakashi. I haven't reads too many of the Manga's but I'm hooked. 1)He's versitle and can continue fighting where othe men and women would fail 2)The Sharingan(Mirror-wheel eye) is jsut plain COOL, and hes mastered it.:worried: 3) He stays calm in the face of Fire :flaming: 4) ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF PAIN! :p
Well, Inuyasha's ok for medieval. Its definately not your average ANIME....hmm whatelse?G Gundam was not like nay of the other Gundam series' out ther too. and KUDOS to adult swim for the Animatrix also, I saw it yesterday.
[QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]I've linked a couple of scans for the game at the end of the post You'll notice first of all that they've kind of just ditched Amano's artwork for the series. Square is apparently reworking these from the ground up to appeal to new fans of the FF series, which explains that. Things are being adjusted so people can easily jump into the series, even if they're not familiar with the older titles. For example, FFI is being reworked to include MP instead of its standard magic system. I think the games look pretty good and I'd have to say they have pretty much a 100% chance of hitting the US. [url]http://v.isp.2ch.net/up/a0b1e56bd078.jpg[/url] [url]http://v.isp.2ch.net/up/860a7a042080.jpg[/url] [url]http://v.isp.2ch.net/up/523549231b52.jpg[/url] Thanks to Neo at GA.[/QUOTE] I cant veiw the Jpgs..... :( Oh well. Ive always got my FForigins, and the original FF I+II. I hope they completly redo them, It'll make it a bit nicer to see new graphics and less confusing equipment screens....I can't stand how you cant know which equipment cann go on which character until you buy it. hahaha :p
Yasuhiko replied to DotHacker32's topic in Noosphere
Yup, here in the US we get Liminality with our .HACK// games. Liminality was a 4 part series depicting what was going on in the real world during the events in the video games. [SPOILER] Like after you beat Skeith in .HACK//Infection, if you watch liminality Vol.2,you notice how the power goes out and many things crash. some servers are also crashed in the world, ect. ect.[/SPOILER] -
Yasuhiko replied to DotHacker32's topic in Noosphere
I find It funny how my post was supposed to be a new thread, butI didnt realize it had the same name.... hahaha. That is funny, But ya, the 4th one is quite good, I rented it and sucked quite awfully cuz I had to use base equipment for the game. I'm still working through Infection :p -
Yasuhiko replied to DotHacker32's topic in Noosphere
In .HACK//Liminality Vol.1: in The case of Mai Minase that during one of the flashbacks, where Seig (I forgot his real name) was talking aout how he just got Mai to be his girlfriend, the keywords: Dog Dancing Passionate Tri Pansy come up? I was watching it and I just noticed ... I havent gotten on my PS2 ever since and havent tested them out myslef... What could they mean?:confuse2::confuse2::confuse2: Are there any others ? hehe sorry for my mad ramble... I end to do that.....