[B]Name:[/B] Carmine Grey
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Age:[/B] 21
[B]Appearance:[/B] Carmine stands at about 5'-5", weighing at 130 pounds, she is slim but muscular, with a well proportioned body, and has dark crimson hair that runs down to her shoulder blades. She has light blue eyes, the type that you can get lost in if you stare into them for long periods of time. When she is outside she always has a bandana over her head, with a pony tail hanging out of the back, but when she is inside, away from the heat, she lets her hair hang down. She wears normal traveling attire, brown jeans, brown leather chaps, a brown jacket that stops at her waist, and a well washed white t-shirt. For shoes, she wears black hide boots, with spurs on them for her mare, Alicia. Her clothes are only slightly worn, showing that she is still "wet behind the ears", for she hasn't been on the rode for very long. She longs for adventure, anything to keep her from home. Though she does have a scar above her left breast from a fight just a few years ago that ended in her getting stabbed with a broken bottle above her breast.
[B]Personality:[/B] Carmine can sometimes be hot headed from lack of experience on the road, but she always tries to remember the teachings of a certain young man, whom goes by the name of Mat, known to her as Johnathan. She likes a good brawl as much as any man does, in fact she can distinctly remember backing Mat in a few, one of which resulted in a scar above her left breast, and her assailent bleeding from his ears, mouth, and nose, and over a game of dice at that. While she seems care free, hot headed, and over all energetic, around the right person or people, she can be very gentle and loving.
[B]Biography:[/B] Carmine was working in the bedrooms of the inn her family ran, as she always had for as long as she could remember. It was early in the morning, the sun just coming up, when she heard a gun shot from the village. Though this is common place in her small village, she couldn't help but wander if it was her father that was shooting or being shot. He'd always been the rough and tumble type, a no name gunslinger, better in a bar fight than a gun fight. As a result of his brawling habits, Carmine picked up how to fight, and now the village's young men are scared to approach her for fear of a black eye.
It was about thirty minutes later when the doctor came to the Inn, it's name being The Stumble Inn, to tell her and her mother that her father was dead, shot down by a man whose name they did not know, only a physical discription, which was now burnt into her memory.She had been 16 years old then.
After that incident her mother became increasingly difficult to deal with, violent tendencies emerging, leaving her with bruises at night, and as a result, on her 17th birthday, she decided to leave home and see the different lands. Early on the morning of her birthday, the sun yet to rise, her mother still asleep, she gathered up the supplies she had bought from the market, dried meat and the like, a sewing kit, a few changes of clothing, and packed them into her saddle bag. Alicia, her mare, saddled and ready, stood there waiting, then she had a thought, and went to get her dead father's guns, two Colt - 1877 DA Lightning's - Sheriff's or Storekeepers Model, and his Winchester Model 1873, Carbine edition, with a 15 round capibility.
With one last look at her old home, she set out. She wasn't in any real hurry, but she galloped her mare for a few minutes, until the town was well out of sight, hopped off, and walked her. She had walked Alicia for about ten minutes before she was back in the saddle, huffing and puffing.
"Damn, this is a lot harder to do than the stories in the pub claim." She said to herself.
By the look of the sun in the sky, she estimated it was an hour or two before noon. Making a note to herself to walk every few minutes to get used to it, she decided to stop at noon for lunch. A few hours passed and the sun reached it's zenith, and as she was about to stop for food, she noticed a great black stallion laying on the ground, but a closer look told her that he was supporting a man around her age, whom was leaning against the stallion.
She walked her mare over to them, and gasped at what she saw. The man was laying there unconcsious, his hat laying beside him on the ground, revealing close cropped blonde hair. Across his forhead was what looked like a burn, dried blood covering his face. His white t-shirt, now red from his own blood which was slowly oozing from his side, was matted to his torso, and his brown cotton pants were soaked in sweat. She was surprised his snake skin boots remained untouched. Imidiately she went for the sewing kit in her saddle bags, she rushed to kneel beside him, but when she reached out to rip his shirt open the stallion snapped at her, barely missing her fingers.
She looked at the stallion and said, "I know you probably dont understand me, but I'm trying to help, please let me near him."
The stallion stared at her for a few seconds, full in the eyes, then lowered it's head onto it's forlegs. Taking this as a sign of resignition, she proceded to stich the man. Both wounds were made from a bullet, she could tell that much, the one upon his forhead a graze, the one on his side a solid hit, with an exit wound just above his hip on his back.
As she was stiching him, she said to herself, "At least i dont have to dig a bullet out of him."
At the sound of a human voice so close to him, the man stired, and from his lips came a strangled groan. Carmine, in the middle of stiching him, lowered her head and said, "What's your name?" and thought to herself, [I]I have to keep him concsious, if he passes out again he may die, but there's nothing i can do...[/I]A voice in the back her head, calm and soothing, said [I]Keep him talking, and get him some water.[/I]
Reaching for the water skin on his stallions saddle, she was surprised to here him say, in a cracked, weezing voice, "My name's...Mat."
Holding the water skin to his lips, she pondered his hesitation in telling her his name, then said as she resumed stiching him, "Is that your real name?"
Mat looked at her with glazed eyes and said, somewhat slugishly, "No." but gave no more.
By the time all this had transpired, she had finished stiching his side, and proceded to clean his face with water and one of her spare shirts, then used the shirt to make a make shift bandage for his forhead.
When she had finished, she looked at his eyes, and realized they were closed.
[I]Probably dead. Guess i'll wait till morning to see if he wakes.[/I]
As the sun rose above the hills, hitting Carmine's face, she woke and was surprised to see the man atop the hill they were on, leaning on his stallion. When he looked back he noticed she was awake and slowly made his way to her. When he was seeted beside her, he said, in a tired, pained voice, "I presume you were the one that saved my life?"
Carmine looked into his startling blue eyes and replied, "Yes, i am. Last night you said that your name was Mat. I'm Carmine Grey."
The man hesitated for a moment, then said, in the same tired voice, "It's Johnathan Matson. But i'm going by Mat now, helps keep me hidden for the moment."
After a little digging, Johnathan told her his story, and she was surprised to learn that the man he described and the man that had killed her father were one in the same. After hearing her story, he sat there for a few minutes, then said, "Do you want revenge?"
Her reply was plain and simple, and without hesitation, "Yes."
"Then travel with me. I mean to hunt him down like the dog he is, i could someone to watch my back, so i'll teach ya how to use those guns of yers."
From that day forward they traveled together, pulling each in and out of trouble, and eventually their relationship became intimate. However, their happiness was short lived, because they finally crossed paths with Clark. All they managed to do in this encounter was get injured and split up, but they had been on their way to a growing town called Lore. This had been four months ago, and now she stood atopa hill, looking down upon the town, hoping to be reunited with Johnathan once again.
*edit done*