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About Rhiannon
- Birthday 10/22/1984
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Poor college kid
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Dana woke with a gasp, her heart beating rapidly as a buzzing grew in the back of her skull. Jumping up from the couch, she thrust a hand in her pocket to find a pony tail holder. Spinning around in the dark she pulled a mass of auburn locks into a messy bun, and then dropped to the ground peering under the coffee table to find what she need. When it was not there stood up with a slight wobble, and then vaulted over the back of her couch stuffing both hands into a long black duffle bag. A look of relief crossed her face as she felt her hands close around the familiar object. The smell of well worn leather greeted her nose as she slowly drew the sword out of the bag, running her fingers first along the leather wrapped hilt, and then the smooth sheath. Tucking it into a low thick belt that barely clung to her hips she grabbed a black trench coat, and her keys, and headed out the door with a calm expression. The coat?s length extended just past her knees, and was held closed by three smooth buttons in front which accentuated her figure slightly. Any passerby never would have known that within the folds of the coat was hidden a razor sharp blade that could take a head with a mere flick of her wrist. Walking out onto the dead New York streets she moved as a shadow unnoticed by all save a small gang of men. She knew they were whispering about her, and much to her annoyance they jumped up and started following her. The chains that hung from their belts jingled softly as they took step after step growing closer. Finally, she had enough, and spun looking at them with an icy gaze. ?What do you want?? One of the men with a rather outlandish looking hair do that was something reminiscent of a skunk leaned forward, and tried to touch her face but was stopped by his comrade, a somewhat short stocky looking fellow with a pierced lip, and a tattoo that rose above the collar of his shirt. ?We only wish to know fair lady?s name.? He said with a mock bow as the others circled in around her rubbing their hands hungrily. ?Get a life.? The man reached out grabbing her roughly by the arm, turning when a strong voice came from behind them. ?Let her go.? The gang turned, ready to attack, but faltered when they saw a tall man with ebony hair, and steely eyes staring down at them with a rapier in his hand. He looked as though he?d been through some rough times, but still held a certain elegance about him. ?What the hell?? The punk shouted backing away quickly. ??you can have her!? and with that they all took off running into the nearest alleyway. Dana?s eyes burned with anger as she pulled the coat onto her shoulders. ?You ?save me? from that scum, so you can feel better if you get my head?? Her voice was venomous, and a green fire burned in her emerald eyes. The man gave a slight bow, sweeping his sword in front of him. ?My name is Raphael D?rosque.? Dana rolled her eyes drawing the sword from her side. ?I really don?t give a damn what your name is. There can be only one, and since that one is me, you are of no consequence.? The man looked slightly taken aback by her cruelty, but soon narrowed his eyes and moved into a fencer?s stance. ?Fine m?lady. We will skip the niceties and get straight to it.? Dana smirked, and lunged hard and fast. From his quickening, Dana could tell he was definitely younger than her, but his skill was substantial nonetheless. His attacks were precise and even beautiful if one was interested in such things which Dana was not. She didn?t care for fencing in the least, and found it rather drab. She was much fonder of Japanese sword play even though she didn?t use it out of the need to remain true to her heritage. The man grunted as Dana blocked his blow, and pushed back shoving him into a dark alley. Their dance went on, Raphael lunging forward and back his rapier working in the circular patter of fencing while Dana whirled Nuadha with eloquent speed, easily working him back where she wanted him. ?You are better than I knew.? He grunted as he stepped back, nearly stumbling over an empty beer bottle. Dana just smirked, and attacked again, lashing out at his knee with her foot. A look of shock flashed on the man?s face as his leg crumpled from beneath him. ?There can be only one.? She said in a low tone as the blade flew toward his neck, Raphael leaned his head down with closed eyes accepting his fate. The soft clatter of his sword mingling with Dana?s heavy breath was the only sound in the alley after his body hit the ground. The silence pounded down upon the woman?s ears as if she were submerged in water that swirled slowly around her. She closed her eyes, feeling the electricity in the air as the quickening began to transfer. A nearby trashcan exploded, and the beer bottle on the ground shattered. Energy coursed in Dana?s body causing her breath to come in short gasps. It whirled around her, filling ever inch of her body, sending the world into a sudden chaotic state. A cat screeched and ran from the alley as an emergency staircase shook violently and crashed to the. Dana?s form seemed to be enveloped in pale blue light as her head fell back, and her hands began to shake with the new power. Then just as suddenly as it began it all faded, and the woman fell to her knees clutching her sword with white knuckles as she tried to regain her breath. -- Dana stood nonchalantly wiping her bloodied blade upon the man?s shirt trying to decide what she would do with the body. To her left his sword lay alone, just out of his hand?s reach. Dana looked at it for a moment thinking of what a great picture it would make, but then stepped over and popped the rapier up, catching it in her hand. Her converse tennis shoes squeaked softly as she turned, surveying the body from every angle. The rapier was now tucked in her belt opposite to the Celtic blade, neither concealed by the black jacket that hung open on her shoulders giving her the look of an old west gun fighter, only with swords instead of guns. Bending down she found a half empty pack of cigarettes in the man?s front pocket along with a zippo lighter. She smirked lighting one of the cigs as she stood, and looked around. Whoever lived in the apartment up above was either blind, deaf, and dumb, or not home; after a moment?s consideration she decided they weren?t home. Continuing to walk up and down the alley way she stopped when she saw a dark red can sitting next to a large trash bin. ?Hello there?? She muttered blowing out a long stream of smoke as she nudged the can with a foot. It was full. She looked back over at the corpse and shook her head. ?You bastard, you were letting me drive you here. Too bad you didn?t win eh?? Taking another long drag on the cigarette she picked up the can in one hand, and headed back toward the body. Holding the cigarette between smooth lips she first rolled the man over, and poured some of the gasoline under him, then proceeded to drench the ground around him. She walked away, looking rather cocky and arrogant as she dragged on the cigarette again looking over her handiwork. Getting caught would never do, it had to be perfect, there was no use spending eternity locked in the state pen, or worse, getting the death sentence and not dying when they gave her the injection. That would actually be funny?.almost. Just imagining the looks on their faces when she sat through the whole ordeal smiling?it would be great, but just because it would be didn?t mean she wanted to do it. ?Well, I?m glad to have met you Raphael, truly.? She then pressed the cigarette to her lips one more time, and flicked the still burning butt onto the gasoline which immediately burst into flame. Exhaling the smoke, she turned and headed home, the gasoline can bumping against the rapier as she walked. --
The drive back to New York had gone by without event. Once she hit the city though it was just like usual?a bunch of idiot cab drivers weaving in and out of the few people in New York brave enough to take their own car into traffic, and that was only if they owned one. She slowly rolled up her window as a curly headed woman with a heavy Bronx accent waved an obscene gesture her way as she cut in front of her. ?Oh get over it you heifer.? She said returning the gesture with a drab expression. Things went much the same way until she whipped into the parking garage across the street from her apartment. Shouldering her duffle bag, and camera equipment she clambered out of the jeep, and headed out across the pedestrian bridge that connected the garage to the apartments. Punching in a series of numbers the door slid open, and she took the elevator up two floors to her small apartment. When she walked through the door the bags fell to the floor, and she flopped down on the cozy black couch in the center of the room letting out a long sigh. She lay like that for several minutes staring blankly at the creamy looking ceiling, and finally got up, grabbing her camera bag, and disappeared into the second bed room which she had converted into a dark room. She flipped off the light, grabbing the film reel, and then with nimble practiced fingers popped open the film canister, and began rolling it into place. When she was done she popped it into a smooth canister, and turned on the lights. The whole process was written on her mind like a tattoo upon her hand. First the developer, then the stop bath, followed by the fixer, and then the water, and chemical wash. She hummed a soft tune as the time went by, and finally popped the silver canister open, peeling out the wet film with gentle fingers to get a look at the negatives. A smug smile lit her face as the images came out in wonderful clarity, and detail. ?That?ll do.? She muttered softly as her eyes focused on one image in particular. With the negative it was hard to tell what it was, but the moon had been just bright enough to light Gavin?s face from its place on the ground. ?Now Gavin, we?ll find out just who you are.? She said smiling. She would have to wait for the negatives to dry before she could do anything, and she probably wouldn?t have much chance in the coming week, but she was sure going to try and fit it. The world Unity Festival was coming up and she had to get shots of that. It was also a good place to find other immortals lurking, if one knew how and where to look.
Come on people. You signed up and aren't gonna play? That sucks. Well, we've got two people playing regularly and one who made one post. Anybody else wanna join in?
Dana stared at the tail lights as they disappeared into the distance, and slowly shook her head turning to go back and find her things. ?Photo shoots?.what an idiot?.I don?t even have any lights.? Even as she voiced her frustration she couldn?t help but be thankful that the police had shown up before he?. She?d be ready for him next time?..or would she? There was something about the man that intrigued her, and though the truth was, there could be only one; she didn?t think she would have killed him had she had the upper hand. ?Where are you dammit?? She muttered softly scanning the earth for her sword. Crouching down she slowly closed her grip around the leather wrapped hilt, and turned back to her equipment several yards away. Sighing she slid the sword into its sheath, and tucked it back in the tripod back before slumping softly to the ground, and leaning against at tall sturdy tree. That had been close?too close, and her hands still shook from the encounter. She turned, and after digging in her bag for a minute found what she sought. ?Empty?.great.? In her hand lay a crumpled cigarette box, with not even one left in it. Groaning she chunked the empty box across the ground, and leaned her head back looking at the moon. [flashback] (sorry I love them, great for history, and making longer posts ^.^) Dana sat in a blue robe looking up at a pale moon. The battle had been three days ago, Seamus was dead, and the Celts had been forced to retreat all hope had been destroyed for her people. As she dwelled on the past day?s events a voice came from behind her as a somewhat bent old woman walked forward, and sat down on the ston bench next to the immortal. ?You?re wondering why it happened aren?t you?.what it meant?? Dana?s eyes went wide, and shot toward the woman. ?The battle? What do you speak of?? The druid smiled knowingly, and patted Dana?s hand. ?Not the battle. I have been around long enough to see many things?things that made me wonder. In my youth I met one, and love him with all my soul?.he was slain before my very eyes, and the things that I saw that day cannot be uttered under such a pure moon, but they are the very things you cried in your fevered sleep Dana.? Dana shook her head, her confusion clear. ?I don?t understand what?s happened to me?.? Her voice dropped to a barely audible whisper. ?I can?t die Bridget?.I?ve tried, but I can?t. And now?.? The woman nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. ?Aye child, the only way for your life to end is by separating that beautiful head of yours from your body?you are an immortal, a creature strange to this world, but not unwelcome. In the tales of old, as I?m sure you know, they told of people who would not die, nor age?.that is the race that runs in your blood. It is your destiny to play the game.? Unshed tears of frustration, grief, and anguish filled the Dana?s eyes when she looked at the elder. ?What are you talking about?? Bridget smiled again, resting a calming hand on Dana?s shoulder. ?You are on the holy ground of the druids now, calm your heart, and you will learn the ways. In time all will be revealed ?just give it time.? [end flashback] Dana buried her face in her hands, rubbing her eyes wildly, and then stood, gathering her things, and headed for her jeep. She would stay at the holiday inn she had seen, and either head back to New York in the morning, or go find this Gavin person for a talk.
The woman put a hand on her hip, still not drawing her sword, and looked over at her camera bag as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. "I'm a photographer. I'm here finishing a series, I had no idea I'd stumble across another immortal. As for the sword you know as well as I that we all keep a blade with us." The man looked tense, ready to strike, his blade raised ready for an offensive storm. Dana's eyes studied him, taking in every aspect of his face. "Well if you intend to try and take my head...as you seem intent to do go ahead, and lets get this done with." Gavin's brow furrowed slightly seeming taken aback by her forwardness. He looked her up and down, and narrowed his eyes. "I will give you this one opportunity to fold." Dana laughed drawing her sword. "I don't need your sympathy or generocity." Then she lunged holding the celtic sword low in a fast sweep which the man blocked easily. Dana's eyes went wide as a few spark flew, and the realization that she might be outmatched started to sink in.
The only show I really watch any more is Charmed, and somewhere in the pit of my stomach I can just feel that they're going to end it soon....which is going to send me into a frekkin rage. All the shows I loved are gone, only to be replaced with crap like 'reality' television. I feel cheated when my fave shows like The Invisible Man, and Buffy were ripped off. :flaming:
Well Rhiannon is a Celtic name, and I am WAY into all things Celtic (my heritage and all that jazz), and after using it as an RPG character name a while back it just kinda stuck. Sometimes its Rhiannon Falcon, but in this case I just used Rhiannon.
Dana's emerald eyes gazed out into the shadows, her hand hovering over her blade, and saw the outline of a man coming toward her. "My name is Dana." Her voice wasn't cold, but slightly hardened for the possiblity of battle. "Dana...is that it just Dana?" The woman's brow furrowed slightly not sure if she liked the tone in his voice. "Yes, that is it." Dana could tell the man was younger than herself, but she also knew better than to think that mattered when it came down to the game. [flashback Ireldan 13XX] A battle raged in the meadow below. It had been 150 years since Dana had died her first death. Her brother who she had been with that day was gone, and she was alone, save for Seamus who now stood by her side. The Gaels were invading their land trying to force the native Celts out by force. "Will we win Dana?" The woman looked at him raising an eyebrow. "You are brave to call be such....if the others heard you they'd be shocked." "Just because they think you're a goddess doesn't mean that I'll follow such a trend when we are alone." A gentle hand slid around her waste pulling her close. "You mortals are all the same...." She said with a smirk, but suddenly she froze. A violent buzzing started in the back of her skull. It was sickening, and caused her legs to crumple. "Dana?" She just groaned looking up to see a tall lean looking man come up the hill a Celtic straight sword raised. "I knew when the rumor of a earth bound goddess reached me that their was an immortal behind it." Seamus lunged in front of Dana, his sword raised, and ready. The strange man was too strong though, and after a short battle ran him through, allowing his body to crumple to the ground. "Seamus!!!!" A scream ripped from the woman's throat as she scrambled forward. Tear filled eyes lifted toward the man staring down at her as a shaky hand closed around Seamus' sword, and just barely blocked the downward blow that would have beheaded her. The immortal woman struggled to her feet, pulling out from underneath the man's blade, and in one lucky struck severed his head from his body. [end flash back] "Do you come for my head, or small talk?" She asked looking back at the man who had now stepped out of the shadows exposing a tall lean body, blue eyes, and platinum hair....a very handsome ensemble. "Well?"
Toronto Canada, Dana smiled as the shutter release on her camera snapped finishing off the roll of film. She slowly stood, and wound the film before popping in a new roll as she looked around for her next shot. The forest was relaxing, it reminded her of her home, even of the day she died her first death. [flashback, Ireland...13--] Dana laughed as she pulled her shin length green dress free of a thorn bush, and took of running. A young male voice shouted in a strange tongue as the soft padding of feet followed her. With a smile the young woman stopped, and turned with her hands on her hips looking back through the shady forest for the man to catch up. "You run to fast Dana." He said panting slightly as she brushed auburn hair from her face. "no, you just don't run fast enough...come on...I have somethin' to show ye." And with that she was off again, her hair trailing behind her like a veil. The woman ran without a care, and didn't even have time to realize what the dark blur was that flew through the darkness towards her. In an instant her lithe body tumbled toward the forest floor, and a shout erupted from the man's throat. Dana had been shot. [end flashback] Bright emerald eyes snapped up looking around as a soft buzzing began in the back of her head. A bird chirped, and then she heard it...the sound of a truck in the distance, probably getting close to where her jeep was parked. "Great." She said softly turning around, tucking her camera safely in its bag. Next to the small camera bag laid a tripod bag which she unzipped, and drew a long green wrapped something from. The smooth green material fell quietly to the ground revealing a worn sheath, and beautiful hilt. The sword Nuadha was beautiful even after all those years. Even though she was not interested in taking his head, she would be ready just in case.....
I am a hard core junky all around. I read the books before the movies, but I still love the movies even though certain things I loved were cut. Tolkien is my favorite author by far, and....I just dont' know what to say. LOTR is my fave book and movie....I think perhasp I love them both because I always try not to compare movies to the books they were based off of because put quite simply a movie is an interpretation, and can never be totally accurate.
LOL...I changed it a little though. (I shoot too though so what then? heh) I think I'm going to go see it tomorrow...unless my friends and I go tonight which would be pretty cool.
How did you learn about sex?(Parental Advisory)
Rhiannon replied to Pagan's topic in General Discussion
Well, I remember the whole hygene, and puberty thing at school, but they didn't really talk about sex when we had it. My mom talked about sex with me, but didn't really explain how it worked and all that...just kinda 'don't do it till your married' kind of thing. I think I probably gained most of my knowledge during middle school from friends because I was REALLY naive about that kind of thing. By high school I knew how it worked and stuff, but I don't remember the specific occasion on which that knowledge was revealed to me. >>On a slightly humurous note...in kindgergarten I thought sex was illegal, and when someone told me that my parents had to have done it for me to be born I was shocked. I think its funny. :laugh: -
I finally saw the first one yesterday...it was great. I just can't wait to see the next volume. I want to know what's going to happen...its driving me nuts.
Dana parked her black jeep wrangler, and pulled her camera out its small bag. She smiled loading the film into the SLR, and hopped lightly out of the vehicle, her converse tennis shoes squeeking softly on the pavement. The woman closed emerald eyes, and took a deep breath of the cool Canadian air. She drove for hours to get out here, and would be staying for about a week to get a photo series done. The senery was beautiful but she was lost, so she stopped at what she assumed to be the local school to get directions. "Hi...I'm looking for directions to the city park around here." She said with a smile as she walked into the office. A somewhat large woman with wild curly hair was chatting on the phone and ignored her completely. Dana sighed....no matter where she went there were always rude people. As she stood their waiting the bell rang, and the hallways filled with students and teachers followed by a sudden buzzing in the back of her skull. Her eyes went wide, and she slowly turned to look in the hall, but couldn't tell who it was. "Can I help you?" A strong masculine voice suddenly came from behind the desk. She turned and locked eyes with a tall blue eyed man, definately a teacher, and froze....it was him...he was the immortal, and he knew she was too. "I need directions to the park forest...I'm a photographer." She smiled a warm smile instead of the sarcastic smile she usually gave other immortals. This man had done her no wrong....yet, so she would be civil. "My name is Dana....Dana O'Hara. I'm just around trying to get some shots doen for a series I"m working on." The man looked at her and smiled, probably because they were in public. "Eric Longson. Listen just go about a mile down the road, and then take a left. The park entrance is a dirt road that way...you can't miss it." Dana nodded, knowing the man would come after her to see what her intentions were. NO doubt he would assume she was after him even though she wasn't. (alright peeps. Lets get crackin.)
Okay right now I'm just staring open mouthed...seriously. Except for the moping about love thing...that's me. Wow, I swear to you though, I've never seen one before that described me. My birthday is October 22 by the way. I'm totally floored here.