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Everything posted by Scalvur

  1. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=2][B][I][COLOR=DarkGreen]This is my newest deck, hope its better;[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]Fusion monsters: -Gaia the dragon champion[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Tribute mosters: -Summoned skull -Gaia the fierce knight -Curse of dragon -Jinzo -Luster dragon #2[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Monsters: -Aqau madoor -Big eye -Mystical elf -Mask of darkness -La jinn the mystical genie of the lamp 3x -Steel scorpion -The dragon dwelling in the cave -Witch of the black forest -Darkfire soldier #2 -Wall of illusion -Man-eater bug -Fire kraken -Jowgen the spiritualist -Magician of faith -Battle ox -Giant soldier of stone[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Trap cards: -Torrential tribute -Solemn wishes -Raigeki break -Magic jammer 2x -Seven tools of the bandit 2x -Imperial order -Dragon capture jar[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Spell cards: -Tribute to the doomed -Raigeki -Harpie's feather duster -Polymerization -Monster reborn -Axe of despair -Megamorph[/COLOR] [/SIZE][/B][/I][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][I][B][COLOR=green][SIZE=2] Hey, this is my new deck: High level monsters: Bleu eyes white dragon Curse of dragon Gaia the fierce knight Luster dragon #2 Summoned skull Low level monsters: La jinn the mystical genie of the lamp 3x Aqua madoor Mask of darkness Big eye Wall of illusion Man-eater bug The dragon dwelling in the cave Armed ninja Magician of faith Witch of the black forest Giant soldier of stone Darkfire soldier #2 Trap master Kaiser sea horse Jowgen the spiritualist Battle ox Opticlops Fusion monster: Gaia the dragon champion Ritual monsters: Paladin of white dragon Spell cards: Monster reborn Change of heart Tribute to the doomed Polymerization Premature burial Megamorph Axe of despair White dragon ritual Raigeki Trap cards: Seven tools of the bandit Shadow spell Dust tornado Torrential tribute Magic jammer Raigeki break [/FONT][/I][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][I][B][COLOR=green][SIZE=2]My deck is edited.[/I][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=2][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][I][B][COLOR=green]This is my new deck: Main deck: High level monsters: Bleu eyes white dragon Curse of dragon Gaia the fierce knight Empres mantis Judge man Summoned skull Twin headed fire dragon Low level monsters: La jinn the mystical genie of the lamp 2x Aqua madoor Mask of darkness Dream clown Big eye Wall of illusion Man-eater bug Mystical elf Armed ninja Magician of faith Witch of the black forest Giant soldier of stone Darkfire soldier #2 Trap master Fusion monster: Gaia the dragon champion Spell cards: Monster reborn Change of heart Gracefull charity Polymerization Metamorphopis Soul exchange Mystical space typhoon Rush recklessy Fissure Black pendant Giant trunade Sword of deep-Seated Trap cards: Seven tools of the bandit Trap hole Coffin seller Gravity bind Torrential tribute Magic jammer Side deck: Low level monsters: Dark zebra Gearfried the iron knight Spell cards: Eternal rest De-spell Germ Infection Sword of dark destruction Shield & sword Dian keto the cure master Dark hole Fissure Trap cards: Enchanted javelin Trap hole Seven tools of the bandit 2x Waboku[/FONT][/I][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=2][I][B][COLOR=green][FONT=Lucida sans Unicode]A new Yu-gi-oh sensation; the VR game. You can pick an programmand enter the VR. There is gonna be an virus innfiltrating in the game wich makes communication with the real world impossible. To gain acces again you will have to defeat an powerfull virus. The virus can use all magic, trap, and monster cards and can converd your monsters. You can also duel with digital duelists, wich are working for the virus. They may be paralized, and when you fight them you can play every card from your deck. If you fight duellists there are normal rules and the life points wich you have left. This is what I want to know: -Name -Gender -Age -Type -Deck -Questions ____________________________________________________________________ - Name: Scalvur - Gender: Male - Age: 18 - Type: Fire - Deck: Main deck: High level monsters: Bleu eyes white dragon Curse of dragon Gaia the fierce knight Luster dragon #2 Summoned skull Low level monsters: La jinn the mystical genie of the lamp 3x Aqua madoor Mask of darkness Big eye Wall of illusion Man-eater bug The dragon dwelling in the cave Armed ninja Magician of faith Witch of the black forest Giant soldier of stone Darkfire soldier #2 Trap master Kaiser sea horse Jowgen the spiritualist Battle ox Opticlops Fusion monster: Gaia the dragon champion Ritual monsters: Paladin of white dragon Spell cards: Monster reborn Change of heart Tribute to the doomed Polymerization Premature burial Megamorph Axe of despair White dragon ritual Raigeki Trap cards: Seven tools of the bandit Shadow spell Dust tornado Torrential tribute Magic jammer Raigeki break - Questions: None [/FONT] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B]
  6. Scalvur

    Battle maps

    [I][B][COLOR=green][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode]Scalvur made his way to an bench. He turned on his laptop and opened the site of the battle maps tournament. After some seeking he could see all of the contestors whit their rank and their rarest card. After a few minutes a boy with an duel disk came and looked aruond. James Jase, 3 stars and rarest card is gaia the dragon champion. Suddanly he saw Scalvur after his laptop. He walked to him and said;"I challenge you to a duel you can't win or refuse!" Scalvur turned of his laptop;"Alright, challenge accepted, prepare to lose." They shuffled their decks as he walked stood up. "I'll start this duel, with 2 m/t cards and 1 face-down monster on the field, your turn." The cards in Scalvurs hand where; Trap hole, tribute to the doomed, Fairy box, marie the fallen one, seven tools of the bandit and mystical elf. "I wil place 2 m/t cards and a face down monster on the field." James drew an card and set another monster. Scalvurs turn again, the card he drewed was waboku. "I will place 2 other cards face down." After James drew a card, he sacrificed both for the Dark magician. "I don't think so, trap hole!" "You really think I should take an risk like that? Seven tools of the bandit!"he answerred. "Did you know I have it to? activate my first trap card, seven tools of the bandit!" And so the tools destroyed the other tools, and the just summoned dark magician fell in the hole. "Ow well, it does'nt matter anyways, I'll use premature burial to revive it, so it costs me only 700 more life points. Attack his set monster!" "Waboku!" -dark magician attack suddanly was blocked- The new card Scalvur just drew was summoned skull. "I will use tribute to the doomed, to destroy your dark magician if I discard one of my card of my hand." -An mummy's arm came out of the ground and strungled the dark magician, then he pulled the magician in the ground- "Now i'll offer an monster on the field as an tribute for summoned skull, attack his life points directly!" -An black lightning hit James and he was pushed back by the power- James looked at his lifepoints and saw he only had 800 left. "I'll end with setting 4 more cards." Scalvur knew he had an card in his deck wich could garantie his victory, he drewed an card, and.... giant trunade! "Now to end this duel"Scalvur set;"I will return all magic and trap cards to their owner's hand; GIANT TRUNADE!" An tornado got every m/t card from the field. -Summoned skull attacked directly and the boy fell- He looked his lifepoints hit 0, he lost. Wen the boy stood up he said;"Here, take good care of it.", and he runned away. Scalvur looked at the participal card, he won, and was one step closer to the finals.[/FONT][/COLOR][/B][/I]
  7. Scalvur

    Battle maps

    [COLOR=green][B][I][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=2]Finally Scalvur arrived in Domino city, there was a tournament about to start; the battle map tournament. The rules weren't clear yet, but Yugi was about to announce. After getting the new and improved duel disk he headed for the park in the center of the city, where Yugi was about to start the tournament. The speech just begon when Scalvur arrived; "The rules are simple, 5000 lifepoints and an participal card. If you lose you lose you rarest card. If you refuse a duel you attomatic lose and have to give your rarest card and your participal card. If you have 5 you can get an map from me where the next duel arena is. Once there you'll have to fight for 5 more, than you will recieve the final map, where I will be waiting, and than the final begins! LET THE TOURNAMENT BEGIN!" Scalvur looked around the monsters appeared and where graphicer than ever before. He turned his duel disk on and slapped his deck into it. And now look for an victom....[/SIZE][/FONT][/I][/B][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=2][COLOR=Green][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][I][B] This is my deck, does anyone has an idea to improve it? High level monsters: Bleu eyes white dragon Summoned skull 2x twin headet fire dragon empress mantis judge man Curse of dragon Great moth gaia the fierce knight monsters: man eater bug magician of faith mask of darkness giant soldier of stone auqa madoor mystical elf la jinn the mystical genie of the lamp 2x gearfried the iron knight girochin kuwagata lord of dragons dark zebra Darkfire soldier #2 dream clown armed ninja witch of the black forest sonic bird wall of illusion big eye trap master Cocoon of evolution Ritual monsters: Relinquished Fusion monsters: Gaia the dragon champion Magic cards: toon world flute of summoning dragon soul exchange Eternal rest Giant trunade Fisure 2x Dian keto the cure master Shield and sword black illusion ritual rush recklessy germ infection sword of deap seated gracefull charity monster reborn black pendant Dark hole mystikal space typhoon chance of heart Cracefull charity Polymerization Trap cards: Torrential tribute trap hole 2x waboku magic jammer seven tools of the bandit 2x gravity bind enchanted javelin [/FONT] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B]
  9. [COLOR=Green][I][b][SIZE=2]Scalvur walked to the new Yu-gi-oh sensation; The VR game. It's easy, just sit on a VR chair and let the programm of choiche activate. When Scalvur arrived, he saw he was the fifth duellist today, he showd his ID and got his Dueldisk. He took a seat on a VR chair and he activated the Dragon/Toon programm. The world twisted arround and arround, and suddanly, it stopped. When he looked arround he saw that he in dragon city was. He walked down the street looking to the shops where he could buy VR cards for points. He stopped in front of a large shop, and looked to the dragon champion card. He had almost enought points to buy it. He decidet to go to the mountain and defeat some dragons. He saw the dragons proudly fly in the sky. He decited to start whit some weaker dragons, like lesser dragon, annd crawling dragon. He activated his duel disk and slapped his deck into it. Scalvur decidet to play dian keto the cure master, he knew he could use it again over 10 minutes. As Scalvur seeked for some weaker dragons, he was shot in the back by a fireball. He turned around and played la jinn the mystikal genie of the lamp, and attacket the attacker, wich was dragon zombie. When la jinn dissapeared, he couldn't use him for 5 minutes. Because the attack of the dragon zombie was 1600 and the defense 0, he got 1600 points, he knew he now had 180000400 points. Suddanly he heard an awfull high voice, and as quik it started, it dissapeared. He discovered he had no contact with the real world, but they had. He got a signal from the real world;"No need to panic, to return you need to defeat the virus." Scalvur returned to the city to buy gaia the dragon champion, polymerization and gaia the fierce knight. Suddanly he stopped. He felth someone was looking at him, he looked around but didn't see anyone. He looked up and saw an red eyes black dragon with an man riding on it. "I challenge you to a duel"he said. Since their where 10 minutes past, he could use all of his cards again. He set m/t 3 cards and set a monster. Then he had to jump awai from the fire ball of a red eyes. His opponent set an monster and attacked with his red eyes. "I'll ban you from the VR for today, by bringing your life points to 0." The man played cheerfull coffin on smmoned skull, and played monster reborn, but Scalvur blocked it with magic jammer. "I'll discard Bleu eyes white dragon an summon him on the field whit monster reborn!" "I don't think so; magic jammer" "To bad...seven tools of the bandit!" -Bleu eyes proudly appeared and attacked red eyes. The dragon tried to defend hemself with a fire ball, but the white lightning was to strong, and red eyes dissapeared in thousands of pixels.- The man tried to do something, but Scalvur was to fast; "I flip my monster; man eater bug!eat his closed monster!" Man eater bug ate an baby dragon. "Now i'll sacrifice my bug for summoned skull; attack directly!" -Summoned skulls lightning hit the man, which fall down.- Scalvur played dian keto againand attacked again whit summoned skull, the man was defeated. -Slowly the man dissapeared, he played his life.- Defeating a duellist gives 5000 points, and 1000 for each monster, so he got 6000 points. Now he buyed the cards. [/SIZE][/b][/I][/COLOR]
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