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Everything posted by Citrus
Name: Maria Scippio (Italian) Age: 17 Gender: Female Weapon(s): A flute. Yup that?s right a metal flute and a very ornate one at that. Side: Clan Personality: Maria is very funny a lot of the times. She?s always full of energy and ready to play. But don?t get on her bad side?she?ll just whip out her flute and crack your skull open. Maria always smiles and her eyes always shining. Appearance: This is coming? Notes: Maria has had much training in self-defense with her flute. She started to play the flute at the age of 6 in the all Italian Girls band. She started to get into fights at the age of 12 and she learned the art of flute fighting. (Think it?s called Stickman...not sure though)
Name: Kuriea (pronounced Korea) Lash Gender: Female Faction: Spirits- femine bird spirit Appearance: see attachments Weapons: A pike that has bird feathers decorating it. Powers: Kuriea has a sionic scream that traels around for 10 miles. She can also fly long distances. Personality:Kuriea is usually serious. She can get jokes but won't laugh. She is always on top of things and needs everything o be done. For example hen she is building a nest she will work for 2 weeks straight until she gets the nest done. Motivation: When the native American tribe Kuriea lived in ,as her bird form , was destroyed so was her sprit. She does't know if it was the demons or the angels but she will get back at who ever did this. Thi is why she chose to be with the spirits. Her lord lead the clan of the female bird spirits. Kuriea will fight untill her death and until she defeats every one and last angel and demon and save her beautiful Earth from being destroyed by the,m. OOC: Tell me if anything is wrong
Ok lets start this! [CENTER]Chapter 1: Ahngyong Haseyoh![/CENTER] Plot Summary: This chapter basically focoses on the two Korean characters. Jenny and Geneive. Everyone is included in this chapter. Keep in mind not everyone will always be included. OOC: No more posting order post freely! Jenny and Geneive walked through the hallways waiting for the morning bell to ring. A flyer flew into Jenny's face. She grabbed it and read it. It was a list of clubs that the school was having this semester. "Look at this club...its for Koreans!" Jenny said softly and handed it to Geneive. "Well it says here for Asian americans so...other Asians would be there also you know." Geneive corrected. "Well the only Asians here are Koreans.." they both laughed and the bell started to ring. They made thier way to the girls' locker room. As tehy were changing Geneive asked a question. "Ya...do you like any guys this year?" she asked curiously. Jenny shook her head "No...not this year....i don't think..." Geneive shruged and she fell onto one of the benches. "Phew safe call!" They both luaghed again. They jogged onto the blacktop joined about 150 other students. "15 minute run!" the P.e teacher yelled and they all moaned. They started to run around the campus. "Oh god.." Geneive moaned. 'It's good excersise you know.." Jenny said as she took a turn as swift as a horse. Geneive shook her head. 10 minutes later... "I got 10 dots! How about you Gin?" "1..." Geneive answered. Jenny tried her best but she started to burst out laughing. The bell rung and they went out for brunch. They talked amongst themselves in Korean and ate thier bagels. OOC: Follow posting order!
Hi its me again. I just wanted a banner and avi of a kitty cat. I would like it to say the following "Meow Meow! Milk please!" Well thats what a basically want. Thanks!
OOC: Whoah! Great twist i love it! Sammy was sitting on the sofa flipping through the channels with Rita on her right side and Carly on her left. "You have 1,000 channels and theres nothing to watch..that is just sad.." Sammy said as she passed the 505th channel. "Gimme the remote!" Carly exclaimed and took the remote from Sammys hand. She put the channel on 54, the Disney channel. "Wow Carly looks like you got that channel mesmorized.." Sammy chuckled. Rita looked sharply at Sammy as if she were going to say "She did not just do that..". Carly's face was full of rage. She took a pillow and was about to hit Sammy when a wave of telepathic waves came through thier minds. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! YOUR...YOUR...DISGUSTING!" one yelled. " SHUT UP!" the next one yelled. "Is that Velvey and Sol..." questioned Sammy. Carly put her pillow down slowly "Lets go find out" she responded. All 3 of them quickly put on thier jackets and went outside. They say Sean and Sol looking into Velvets window. Velvet's head was hanging out yelling at Sol. Sean looked over at Sammy and signaled her to come over. The three jogged over toward the comotion. 'What happened here?!" Sammy practically yelled. "You firend is a lesbian thats what happened here!" Sol yelled at Sammy "DON'T EVEN START WITH ME SOL!" Sammy said loudly but under her breath makign a evil sounf effect. "NO I WON'T" he yelled even louder this time. THUD! BAM! BOOM! Sammy had taken the first swing and Sol took the second. Now the both of them were fist fighting and on the ground. Carly hurridly and took Sol and held him tightly. Rita was puzzled and Sean took Sammy. Sammy was trying to kick Sol from the position she was in but it was useless. "Oh my gosh you guys.." Velvet said holding her head. "HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT DAVID!" Rita yelled. Everyone broke into a silence, it was true they had forgotten about David and what thier cause was. Carly let Sol go who looked Sammy in the eye. Sammy looked away, when they were fighting Sammy felt a new feeling for Sol. But, she isn't sure what it is. Sammy broke away and went over to sit on a bench with her head in her hands.
Name: Chung Sei Sobriquet: Lady of Beautiful Scents Age: 20 Gender: Female Appearance/Description: I have a pic, see attachment* Sei stands only a rough 5 feet. Like many other women of China she is very short for her age. It is said among her village she has stopped growing now. Dei doesn?t really care about her height. She mostly cares about becoming a tough older woman. Affiliation: Pearls of Winter Brocade: Garden of Frozen Chrysanthemum She leaves behind a single peice of silk with small pink blossoms printed int teh corners and oen big one in the middle. Weapon(s): Two simple fans. Not used much but Sei will use them if excessive force is used one her. She carries them tucked away in her sleeve for easy access. Circumstances: Sei joined the Garden of frozen Chrysanthemum mainly because of her mother. When her mother was her age, like many Chinese women, had an arranged marriage. Her mother hated her father. He was a lying dirty pig. When her mother heard about these young Chinese women speaking up she quickly sent Sei away to join them. She told her a bold sentence right before she left. See introduction Introduction: In a small village in North China. Fiddlers play their soft music in the background.? Chung Sei my daughter? listen to me carefully for I will only tell you this once..? Sei?s mother hissed into her ear. Sei nodded slowly. ?You must go out there and live your life as a proud Chinese women, find a man who you truly love, for I will not choose one for you. Let them ban me from the land we live in! But I will not follow that wicked rule that led me into this life of hell.? Sei slowly turned around and started out of the small village. A tear rolled down her cheek as she left the small village she grew up in. She turned around and waved at the city wich now looked like a miniature. Sei is not a lady of words. Farmer women bowed slightly with respect to this strong woman. Sei saw a sign, she read it cautiously and went the right way. She looked up as the small cloud passed the sun. As the cloud dissipeared she raised her hand to shield her eyes. ?What a wonderful world??. Sei bent down and smelt a flower, she let out a sigh of happiness. ?I love scents..?. The wind blew slightly blowing up her dress, the smells of the flower swarmed around her and she laughed.
The sign-ups are closed!!! I won't be able to start this up till Friday! Finish your sign-ups for those of you who haven't! Once again teh sign-up are CLOSED!
Name: Jenny Park Age: 15 Appearance: Jenny stands about 5'5, a pretty average height if you ask her. She wieghs about 110, a pretty avereage wieight if you ask her.(Lol) She has straight black hair thats stops at shoulder length. They have dark orange highlight streaming down in different places starting from the top of her head. Jenny wears her glasses most of teh time hiding her beautiful eyes. She wears normal clothing, a pink jacket and under thier is a different shirt almost everyday. Personality: Jenny is not a party person. She's just a daughter of a strict Korean family pressuring her to get straight A+'s all the time. Beacause of this Jenny goes through alot of pressure. Unlike other people, Jenny doesn't use drugs as a way out of this. Shes a very quiet person most of the time, she likes to hang around with her clumsy friend Geneive. (Kinda liek in real life eh Gen?) Bio: When Jenny came from Korea to America she didn't have many friends. No one invited her over to any lunch tables, let alone ask her if she was lonely. She used to sit all by herself in the back of the lunch area outside hoping someone would would come up to her. One day that happened, a Korean girl just liek her approached her and said "Hi! Im Geneive, mind if i sit here?" Jenny nodded and smiled. They have long conversations in Korean and they go to teh mall alot. But one day they faced prejudice. Three 'American' boys went by them squinting thier eyes and saying "Chign chong chang!". What the two didn't understand was why they said that phrase, i didn't mean anythign in ANY Asian language. They shrugged it off and just let them be stupid idiots. OOC: Ok i think ill start this up soon, either today or next Friday. I'll be busy all this week and im sure so will most of you. Maybe one more sign-up will be good. Good sign-ups everyone, im loving it! Oh yea by the way thier will be different voloumes withing the rp. I will state the name of teh volume then i will put the plot for that volume. then everyone will post according to that. so it will look as followed PLEASE STOP! Plot: (Someones name here)' parents are fighting alot. They migth even get a divorce. Who knows, but (same persons name) might do something dramatic, what could it possibly be? Thats a rough description how teh beggining of teh voloumes will look.
The bell for Middleton High School rang a sweet melody and children rushed out to the lunch area. There is laughing, moaning in the lunch line, sounds of the basketballs hitting the ground on the black top. It?s a normal high school with normal problems. See, there can?t be something perfect it?s just impossible. You can be near perfection, but, you will never reach perfection. This is what the young ones of today must learn. They need to learn that no matter how hard you try, it just will never happen. Rumors will spread, fights will take place, but does all that make you perfect? That?s the question that the children of Middleton High must answer. ?Did you hear about the new girl?? a girl said to her little posy. ?Oh my gosh, she comes onto all the guys! She?s such a skank!? one said rudely. ?Seriously, does she think she can just barge in here and take all the guys that we work hard for?? ?Yea, lets make her regret it!? one of the other girls said. ?Yea!? all the girls said at different paces. This is one example of Rumors. See what I mean? Does that make you perfect? Spreading rumors about the new girl and making her feel she can?t make any friends at her new school? Think about it? it?s just not right. ? You stole my girl didn?t you? a guy yelled on the grass of the football field. ? Yea I did, what you gonna do about punk!? the guy yelled back. By now a huge crowd had formed around the two. ?This!? one of them took a swing at the other. His fist connected with the others face making his lip bleed. The other one took one by the shoulders and they wrestled to the ground. The crowd began to chant the word ?FIGHT? to encourage the boys to fight. Once again, does this make you feel strong? Fighting over a girl you probably will never see again after graduation? There?s just no point? In Middleton High many things happen. There?s just no stopping them, they are going to happen one way or the other. This my friends? This is Life. Ok here are the sign-ups Name: (Please be real, no demon names) Age: (C?mon, this is high school) Appearance: (A pic will do, but a very good description) Personality: (What is your character like?) Bio: (This is actually optional due to the fact you really don?t need it for this rp) OOC: These are simple rules. 1. No short posts. 2 good paragraphs minimum. 2. Have fun! Yup that?s it. I hope you guys like my rp and it doesn?t go flat like my others.
Shuan and Sol started to take off on the sidewalk toward thier houses. Shauan turned around and said "Be careful Samantha.." he turned around and continued to walk. Sammy blushed and waited for them to be a safe distance away. [I]why didn't you postion me with him!!! Hes so..[/I] Sammy said telepathically to Velvet. "Because....no lovey dovey stuff on this mission..." Velvet cut her off. Sammy made her puppy dog eyes and started to trot of with her little group. She crossed her arms still being mad with who she was placed with. She mumbled a few swears to herself as they approached her house. "Go ask your parents if we can have teh sleep over tonight.." urged Carly. Sammy snarled and went into teh house only to reemerge with a bag of p.j's, toothbrush, tomorrows clothing, brush, and bow for her hair. "Thanks mom! Thanks dad!" she yelled as she walked down teh steps to teh side walk. "Good" Carly said. [I]Good![/I] mimmicked Sammy in her thoughts. 'I heard that.." said Carly. Samantha blushed embarrsed and looked the other way.
" I have telepathy and telekinesis, but i am stronger with telepathy than telekinesis!" Sammy blurted out. "Were gonna save David don't you worry Velvey!" "Were gonna be kung gu super smart action heroes!" she said as she started to do hi-kicks. "Its kung-fu.." corrected Shaun. Sammy looked over to him, she kind of blushed. "Oh....". Sammy looked up and saw teh sun was starting to make it bright light through the crowds. "Look.." Sammy said quietly. When they all looked up they saw something very disturbing. The eyes of the sandman were right there on the sun. They eyes were evil and piercing, when they blinked they dissipeared. "GIVE BACK DAVID!" Velvet yelled and began to sob again feeling useless. "It's ok Velvey...hes just taunting us thats all..." Sammy comforted Velvet by patting her on the back. [B]"We'll get him... one way or the other we will get him!"[/B] Sammy telepathically yelled as if teh Sandman was standing rigth there in front of her.
If you started this i would glad to join. I have heard of the show and i would have enough information to rp with you guys. I will also like to be Lola the Bunny. Man shes one tough bunn wabbit! lol. Please tell me when this does start up!
Sammy sat under a bust stop patiently waiting for the bus to come. She quietly hummed to herself. She gave up and opened her umbrella, she walked out from under the bus stop and kind of walked cheerfully in the rain still humming. But, she started to hear telepathy waves come in and out of her mind. Sammy looked around and followed the strange waves she heard. As she got closer she could see some figures, she started to see that it was Velvet. She saw that Velvet was crying and Sammy called out ?YA!YA!? and started to wave her hands. When she got to her she spoke to her telepathically? ? What?s the matter Velva?? ?David?he took David..? Sammy?s smile quickly turned into a frown and a tear ran down her cheek. Sammy embraced Velvet in a hug. They hugged each other tight, as they sobbed in each others arms. ?I don?t know where to go from here? Velvet said sniffling. ?Don?t worry Velvey, we will find a way.? ?We will all try and help you with finding David.? Sol added. Sammy looked at Sol. She knew that Sol liked Velvet, this made Sammy mad because she doesn?t want Velvet to be hurt in any way, shape, or form. ?I think you might want to leave her alone for a second, Sol? Sammy said rudely. ?No, I?m not leaving her side.? Sol said angrily ?Oh my god! Your going to have to leave her sooner or later!? ?What?s that supposed mean? he yelled. ?You know exactly what it means Sol!? They both glared at each other angrily. ? STOP BOTH OF YOU!? Velvet telepathically yelled. They both looked at Velvet. ?Sorry..? said Sammy.
Kin-Ha watched the game and clapped her hands when thier team made a homerun, unlike Maya who jumped up and cheered like everyone else. Then something odd happened, a little girl ran across the field. But, it seemed liked no one even noticed her. Everyone except for Kin-Ha and her friends. "Did you.." Maya started. "Yes" everyone replied at once. Whatever it was, the small girl dissipeared when Kin-Ha went to look again. It was odd, why was this little girl stalking her. She wanted answers, and she wanted them now. "That wasn't a nice spirit like we have been seeing.." Kin-Ha said quietly. "Oh yes it is! She looked harmless!" Maya ensured. Kin-Ha shruged. She continued to watch the game nervously. Could the spirit be there to hurt her? Or could it be there to tell her a message? Kin-Ha held her head so much things were going ona nd she couldn't sort it out. "You ok?" Cainan said looking kind of worried. "Yeh...i mean yes..its just..." "The spirit girl you just saw?" Cainan finished her sentence off. Kin-Ha nodded and took asigh. She relaxed a little and watched the game. "I won't let any spirits hurt you.." Cainan said softly. Kin-Ha nodded and said "Komah sum ni da.." "Thank-you" she got up and went toward the soda machine and got a coke to cool off.
The final bell of the day had rung. ?Oh thank God!? Serenity bursted allowed and ran out the class. The strange pen she got started to beep, she took it out of her bag and looked at it. The pink covering on the pen turned into a message. She read it quietly to herself, ?Meet at the place of the brave girl who died a long time ago?? ?What? Serenity thought to herself. She looked around, the hallway was empty. She thought about it for a long time, and then it hit her. Sadako?s Shrine. She started to run toward the train station. She looked around and there she saw a strange sight. Ten other children running on different sidewalks, and running through the park. Could they possibly be making their way to the same place? When the train stopped the same children got off, they walked slowly noticed who each other were. ?What is this?? asked Oki. ?I don?t know.? Ryu added. ?Did you get the message on a pen?? Serenity asked. Everybody nodded and took out their pens that were glowing. Then all the people in the town froze. Everything darked out accept the ten children holding out their pens. Then, a woman floated down and said something very abrupt. ?Hello my children, you are chosen. Keep your identities secret. You are?? The children looked up at her in amazement. ?THE ELEMENTAL CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!? the woman boomed, then disappeared. They looked at each other. They all looked different. The girls had uniforms* that looked the same but with different colors. Same with the guys, but the guys had masks on. Serenity was different from the other girls. Her uniform seemed more significant. ?Ok..? Serenity said. ?Are..we super heroes?? Meteo asked. Fighting Crime by moonlight Winning love by daylight Never running from a real fight! She is the one named Sailor Moon! Sailorrrr? Sailor Water! Sailor Earth! Sailor Wind! Sailor Fire! OOC: Meteo your posts are sooooo short. They should at least be 3 good paragraphs. Oh yea, I?ve decided to call Princess Nature my character Sailor Moon. It goes along with the story. And prince is no longer a leader. It is a Sailor Moon story and someone brought that to my attention. You guys still have the same names. Sorry again if I am making you feel like im all powerful. That is not my intention.
Kin-Ha sat on the bed next to Maya, who would've though? An american girl who likes anime, she watched ontently almost smileing the whole time. When the dredits came on Maya looked toward Kin-Ha. Kin-Ha pulled out 5 d.v.ds. "Chobits!" she closed her eyes and smiled all cute like. " Hey Kin-Ha, would your parents let you stay over?" Kin-Ha nodded, "They encourage me too friends!" Mya smiled and asked her mother. She happily said yes to teh sleep over and both girls cheered. The girls eyes teared up every time Chii said something sad. They soon went to bed and a new sun arose. OOC:Sorry i haven't posted, i've been busy with my rp and i am back to school. YUCK! I'll try and post everyday this week.
A long time ago there were the Sailor Scouts, and before them were the Crystal Princesses. Now, the Elemental Girls are up to bat at the evil that is trying to take away the Earth, and make it their evil Haven. The Elemental girls consist of, Tsunami Water, Hot Fire, Beautiful Earth, Powerful Wind, and their leader Mother Nature. Together they fight the evil villains that dare rear their ugly faces of hate and try and take over the World. But, the Elemental Girls cannot defeat the evil villains alone. They have help from their male counterparts, the Princes of Earth who consist of, Waves of Water, Fiery Flames, Tough Mud, Breezy Wind, and they also have a leader called Prince Sky. The night was starting to become day as the sun was rising, hence the country?s name Land of the Rising Sun. But, there was a disturbing figure coming toward the Earth with the speed faster than light. It hit the Earth, strangely no sound came from it. Ten colors sprung from the mysterious rock. Every color hit either a boy or a girl, but they did not feel a thing. No one saw, no one heard?.the birth of the Children of the Elements. They would soon awake and go to school, they would go to their club meetings, go home and have dinner. Though there is something different about these boys and girls now?they are no longer ordinary, they are the only ones?the only ones who could save the very world are feet touch everyday and every night. It is up to these teenagers to save the world, could this be the end of these villains returning, or would they come back and a new batch of heroes would be picked. But for now its up to them. Um yea we could just talk about our characters and stuff that could happen here. Oh yea so what do you think of the rp so far?
Serenity made her way through the crowd looking back saying "Cya in class guys!" She walked up to Kuro, she took a deep breath about to talk to him and the bell rung. "Damn..." she looked up at him and he dropped his time table. She ran up and kneeled down to pick it up. Her long pony tails hit the ground before she did. When she looked at it he had the same class she did. Serenity ran up behind Kuro. "Um...excuse me your dropped this.." Serenity handed it to him as he reached out his hand. Her hand was trembling and he took it from her. He had a straight line as his expression. "Thanks" he said plainly. "Your welcome...i think we have the same class together..." Kuro looked at his timetable "Math?" Serenity nodded. "Are you a straight A student?' he asked out of the blue "yes" she answered. They started to walk toward the school. A they entered Kuro held the door open for Serenity. 'Thank you" she nodded her head. Serenity's friends walked in behind them shortly. "Oh my goodness! She usually gets the hot guys!' one of them said. The rest chuckled, they split up to go to thier classes. But, something awoke in Germany. "Yezzzz....i awake...they put me to sleep..i will reign again! Raise my minions!" Half-way around the world the evil was awakening.
Yea thats true sorry i thought you were not going to sign -up sorry you took too long.
Name: Samantha ?Sammy? Scope Age: 13 Gender: Female Appearance: Samantha stands about 5?5?. Her height gives advantages and disadvantages. Sammy considers herself and average sized teenage girl. When people do pick on her height she quickly lashes out in a vicious attack of insults. Some say that Sammy has one of the most beautiful faces that they have ever seen. Older guys tend to hit on her so she has learned a way of using her powers to defend for herself. Sammy is about 110 lbs. She likes to take care of her body, so that?s why she doesn?t weigh that much. Also Sammy?s body type is slim. Sammy ?s beauty could be matched to that of Miss America Junior. Personality: Sammy is usually a friendly person around others. She tends to make friends, as well as enemies, easily. When Sammy makes friends she usually spends more time with that friend than with her other friends. She doesn?t necessarily neglect them but she tends to spend a little bit more time with the new friend. Samantha is usually in a very happy mood all the time. But, she does sometimes have a short temper. Samantha could get so mad she could pick a fight with anyone, even those who are way older than her. Sammy got into her first fight at a party her parents and their fellow co-workers threw to celebrate a marriage of their managers. There were three girls who made fun of Sammy?s big fancy dress. She got mad at them because they were wearing them also. She launched her self at them and they fought for a good 1minute. -Empathy: No -Telepathy: Yes-strong -Telekinesis: Yes- average Short Bio: Sammy was born December 14th., into a very average family in Massachusetts. Her mother was a real estate agent and her father was the same thing. They did have money but they didn?t like to show it off like other people do. They soon moved to a small humble home in New Jersey, there Sammy met her younger friend Velvet. At first she thought Velvet was her age until she noticed she went to the 6th grade. She was surprised and they shared a lot of laughs when she found out. Sammy waits for Velvet when she gets out of school. They found out that some kids were disappearing. But, they didn?t take action quickly. They decided to leave in the hands of the government, or could it be something so serious only they can stop it.
1.Whirling whip 2. Water scream 3.Flower bomb 4.Inferno of Love 5. Wings of Heavan Serenity was getting dressed for the first day of school in Tokyo. "Oi! I hate first days of school!" She fixed her red bow in the middle of her collar, she was trying so hard to make it straight. She ran down the stairs with her school bag and grabbed a piece of bread and stuck it in her mouth. "Thanks, Mom!" Serenity mumbled with her mouth full. She ran out the door and down the sidewalk. She looked down at her watch, 7:00 on the dot. "Oh my god im gonna miss the train!". Her long ponytails trailed behind her in the wind. Serenity arrived at the train station and looked up at the times. "Yes! Its about to leave in 5 minutes!" She stood at the edge of and hummed to herself. The train came to a hual and screech became loud. The doors slid open and Serenity entered she quickly made her way to a seat before the train became packed. The train went by 5 stops, then came Serenitys stop. She made her way through the crowd. A couple of other school children got off teh train as well. She noticed a pink pen on the floor. She picked it up and said "Hmm...i wonder what this is.." she stuffed it into her little school bag and began to run out the train. She saw the school, then looked up at its huge clock. [I]30 minutes early[/I] she thought. She sat on a bench outside of the school. Another girl was running toward the school but she halted and looked down. All, Serenity could see was that the girl picked up a green flashing pen. Similar to the pen she had found at the train station. The girl looked up, Serenity saw it was a long time friend Aoi.
Hello! I am about to start this up!YAY! OK, but first things first. In your first couple of posts you do not know you have the Elemental children powers. Also could you write the attacks that you have? At least 3 attacks. For teh leaders at least 5 attacks. When we start our characters will find pens with our element on it. Ok have fun!
Thank you sooooo much! I love Chii!
If someone could please get me a banner that has Chii on it from Chobits and i want it to say " Identity...i am me..you are you..or are we the same" if thats too long please tell me i really need a new banner and avi. This hermoine thing is getting old. sunofexiles :catgirl:
Name: Serenity Takishi Age: 17 Gender: Female Element: Princess Nature Appearance: see attachment Personality: Serenity is very bubbly and a very lovable person. If you?re down, you can count on her to help you cheer up. She will never turn her back on a friend, if your mad at her, she will try and make things up with you to make the friendship better. Bio: Serenity was little when the Sailor Scouts lost their lives fighting the last villain known to Earth. She grew up wondering who they were, she wanted to be like them. Her and her friends always used pretend to be Sailor Scouts. But little does she know she will soon become an Elemental Girl. Serenity grew up most of her life with Zeke. They practically went to the same class every school year. You can consider them good friends. There was also something else Serenity loved. Nature, she loved how the waves crashed onto shore, the way the breeze touches your face, the way the earth provides beautiful plants, they way fire can warm you up so easily. She loved all the elements of the world. It is said those with the name Serenity are from a long line of heroines that fought thousands of years ago in space. It was actually a queen called Serena. She led a heroine group with females from all the planets. And they fought to protect the galaxy and its planets. When Queen Serena died she threw 10 pens out into space. They landed on an asteroid that has been floating around until now. When it hit the 10 pens were launched toward the 10 children who received the power of an element. Now, Serenity will soon find out that she is the leader of the female portion of the Children of Elements. Then, her childhood dreams will come true and she will become the heroine that she always wanted to become. OOC:Well there is my sign up, we need one more girl and four boys. And then we can start this