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Everything posted by Citrus

  1. A long time ago there were the Sailor Scouts, and before them were the Crystal Princesses. Now, the Elemental Girls are up to bat at the evil that is trying to take away the Earth, and make it their evil Haven. The Elemental girls consist of, Tsunami Water, Hot Fire, Beautiful Earth, Powerful Wind, and their leader Mother Nature. Together they fight the evil villains that dare rear their ugly faces of hate and try and take over the World. But, the Elemental Girls cannot defeat the evil villains alone. They have help from their male counterparts, the Princes of Earth who consist of, Waves of Water, Fiery Flames, Tough Mud, Breezy Wind, and they also have a leader called Prince Sky. The night was starting to become day as the sun was rising, hence the country?s name Land of the Rising Sun. But, there was a disturbing figure coming toward the Earth with the speed faster than light. It hit the Earth, strangely no sound came from it. Ten colors sprung from the mysterious rock. Every color hit either a boy or a girl, but they did not feel a thing. No one saw, no one heard?.the birth of the Children of the Elements. They would soon awake and go to school, they would go to their club meetings, go home and have dinner. Though there is something different about these boys and girls now?they are no longer ordinary, they are the only ones?the only ones who could save the very world are feet touch everyday and every night. It is up to these teenagers to save the world, could this be the end of these villains returning, or would they come back and a new batch of heroes would be picked. But for now its up to them. Sign-ups Name: (Japanese if you please) Age(16-17) Gender: Element: (I will provide a list for you guys, if you are a boy choose from the boys list, if you are a girl do vice versa) Appearance: (a picture is alright) Personality: Bio: ( at least one paragraph) Boys: Waves of Water (Taken by Sephy) Fiery Flames (Taken by DJ Professor DM) Tough Mud (Taken by Altron) Breezy Wind (Taken by Aura_Star) Prince Sky (Taken by Spydaweb782004) Girls: Tsunami Water (Taken by Kittychanann) Hot Fire (Taken by Blanko) Beautiful Earth (Taken by Cat_14) Powerful Wind (Taken by Ohkami) Princess Nature ( Taken by me ) ( Hi, i made an attachment of what the elemental girls look like after they transform. The uniforms go as followed Water: Blue, Fire: Red, Earth: Green, Wind: Orange, Princess Nature: Well the one in the middle. For the boys the uniform i will need to describe... change the bow tie to a tie, change short t-shirt to long sleeves. Change the skirts to long pants. You guys still have white gloves. PM me if you need me to get more detailed with the boys outfits. PS: Great sign-ups you guys)
  2. Kin-Ha realized it was time for her daily walk. She set her book down and told her mother she'll be back in an hour. She opened the door and walked out into the setting sun. She took a deep breath, and then let it out happily. She loved the air, she loved nature overall. She started out of the neighborhood and entered another. She could see a weird figure in the distance. It was a small girl who looked at Kin-Ha with small round eyes. "Oma" (mom) "Ani, im not your mom! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" The little girl started to cry, then she vanished in the blink of an eye. Kin-Ha shook her head and kep on walking. She saw they boy who she recalled name was Cainan sitting on the stoop of his house. She walked up to him. "Um...why are you sitting out here. He looked up at her "Im locked out of my house, and im starving...are you..Ki....Ki...um.." "My names Kin-Ha, nice to meet you... um whats your name?' She kind of chuckled out of embarresement. 'We could go to Micdonos?" Cainan kind of luaghed "Yes, we can go to Mcdonald." He got up and they made thier way toward the mall. OOC: YAY! well its kinda too short but...its ok i geuss
  3. Name:Sharoll Lee Age: 24 Gender:Female Appearance: Sharoll is very Asian/Hispanic looking. She has tan skin with "slanted" eyes.Her hair is black and curly. Sharolls eyes are considered to be the most attractive part of her body. They shimmer in the light and change according to her mood that week. Occupation: Current witress at a 5-star resturaunt. She gets paid 800$ a week. Just enough to pay the rent and get all teh groceries she needs. She is currently looking for a guy who she can settle down with. But is still single and looking. Personality:Sharoll is very serious at times, but, she can sometimes be very bubbly. Shes either smileing or luaghing most of the time. When Sharoll is in a bad mood she usually isolates herself in a room. One time Sharoll went days without eating becuase she got fired from her first job. Bio: Sharoll was born to a Puerto Rican mother, and a Korean father. She was born in the Bronx of New York . Shes known Christine all of her life, from the time they first played with blocks, to thier first party. Christine often comes by the resturant with her daughter and Sharoll gives them a huge discount. (this asounds fun)
  4. "I better get going..." Kin-Ha said quietly. She left the book in Cainans hands and started toward the door. She opened the door and the sunlight hit her beautiful face. She headed down a hilll into a little Korean neighborhood. "Ahnyong, oma" (Hello mom) "School was good i geuss, i met someone cool...i geuss" Kin-Ha said. "Nugoo?" (Who?) "No one, never mind". She walked up the stairs into her room. It was painted pink with Hello Kitty stickers everywhere. She sat on her bed reading with the T.V on. Maybe Cainan would call her, she left her number on the front cover. She luaghed to herself. She lauaghed, and luaghed.
  5. Kin-Ha was reading a comic in Korean. She slightly chuckled to herself. When she looked up she saw Cainan. He looked at her. "Hi..." he finally said "Sorry about earlier..." "Its ok..." Kin-Ha said shyly. "Hey... do...do you speak Japanese? I found this book...abotu myths...but i can't read it." She took a book out of her book and handed it to him. She looked down shyly waiting for an answer.
  6. Kin-Ha was sitting near the pool writing in her book. She sighed as she heard the bell ring "Got to git (yes, i spelt it like that) to class...". She got up and made her way toward the door. She took one more sigh and opened the door and walked through. Her small blue skirt, a part of her Korean uniform, fluttered as the air brushed against it. She saw a small child cying "Oma, oma!!!" Kin-Ha quickly turned away and started speed walking down the hall-way She preety soon saw Cainin the guy she sort of liked. She hadn't really talked to him, but hses seen him around school. She sowly backed away. (believe me, i got the worst writers block.....in otaku history....!!!)
  7. Name:Kin-Ha Kim Age: 15 Gender:Female Appearence: Kin-Ha has black silky hair, with dark orange highlights. The hair is about shoulder length. She usually wears her old Korean school uniform even though not required at school. She sometimes wears glasses when shes thinking, and for the glasses to come, it has to be soem serious thinking going on. First Encounter:In Seoul, Korea, there is a rumor of a woman. In this rumor the woman lost her baby due to unkown circumstances. Then, they say that the baby was buried in the walls of a bathroom. Every time you enter the bathroom you are supposed to hear "Oma. Oma, Oma!" English translation "Mother, mother, mother". No one actually hears this. But, one day the woman and her baby showed themselves to Kin-Ha, thy stood there speechless. Then Kin-Ha fell unconsious. She dosesn't really know went on that day, but something did happen/ Personality: Kin-Ha is very quiet and shy. She doesn't know much English, and when she does speak English she has a strong accent. Kin-Ha could be very friendly at times, and she can become very seriours and stron-headed. OOC: Telll me if you want anything changed.
  8. The year is 2000, the second semester has begun in Japan. Everyone thought that thier high schools were safe after the first inccident. But, they were wrong. The challenges once more face the students. But, this time the kidnappings are different....the student are disspearing in patterns. One from one school, then another, then another. Then the pattern restarts its self, taking more and more students.The same students are seeking justice once more for thier school. The goverment giving them the privleges to investigate. Why is the goverment doing this you may ask? Well, we don't know either. Why don't they take the matters into thier own hands, instead handing it over to 17 year olds? Justice, its what the students seek. Spirit, its what the students have. Strength, its what the students will need the most. But friendship, may overpower it all. Feuling the children with enrgy, always waiting for the next fight.This my friend.....this is Rival Schools. Ok there are a few rules. 1. We are in Japan, i don't want to see any of this. Walks into American Eagle. First, thats very newbie like. Second i just told you, we are in Japan. 2. Don't kill each other. 3. Please, have fun. These are the schools to choose from, (three to a school) Taiyo: A very good spirited typical Japanese High school. Pacific High: A school with rich American children. Gedo: A school for outlawed gangsters. Gorin: A school for very talented children in athletics. Justice: A school for geniusses. Seijun: A all girl school. And here is the sign up: Name:Please Japanese if you may. Age: 16 or 17 Appearance: Pic is fine Bio: Basically why your in this whole thing. Yes old chars are welcome. I will post my sign-up later.
  9. The year 1939....the time..now.The Hollywood Tower hotel is one of the most famous hotels on the world.There are always paries and stars all over the hotel.But,this fateful night will turn the Tower into a living nightmare.Heres the story.... Sally Shine enters the lobby where music is blasted and people are dancing.She posses and chuckles.Her dreadfull Nanny walks into the lobby behind her 'Leave the wee lass alone!" she swings her umbrella at the paparazzi.Sally looks at her Nanny and forces a weak smile on her face and skips off toward the elevator.Sallys Nanny follows behind her,her plump body somewhat swaying. On the other side of the lobby..... Michael Frumps smokes a cigar as he watches the couples dance.He puffs a round circle of smoke out of his mouth and looks at the clock."Bloody murder where is she?" Just then Clair Pullet (Poo lay) walks in shaking her umbrella from the soaking it recived from teh storm outside.Clair looks around and spots Michael and makes her way across the dance and grabs Michael by the arm "Wasn't late was I?" she smiles.Michael shakes his head and makes his way toward the elevator and boards with Sally Shine and her Nanny. "Goin up?" the bellhop Dooey says smileing.As the elvator accends, the storm outside grows stronger and stronger.A bolt of lightning hits the Hotel and the elevator falls 100 mph and stops suddenly at the 6th floor.Clair,Sally and her Nanny,Michael and the bellhop Dooey all plunged into......the Twilight Zone. Doo doo doo doo!(Lol) Heres the sign-up Name:(Dooey,Clair,Sally Shine,the Nanny,or Michael) Age:(wahtever age you want) Appearance:(be realistic and keep it to the time setting wich is 1939) Personality:(Just by thier small lines you should know,if not IM me) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ my sign up Name:Sally Shine Age:10 Appearnce:Sally has long curly blonde hair.And a big pink dress/skirt. OOC:Ill edit this later
  10. can someone please get me a banner having all the Rival Schools chars(if you can) and i want it to say "Justice...its all we really needed....". Thanks if you can.
  11. im sorry if im a little rusty didn't know it was a crime. [size=1][color="#993366"][b]It's not a crime, and it's okay if you're rusty - it happens to all of us. But there are certain rules on the boards that I will enforce - post quality is one of those. Characters are the most important aspects of an RPG, and the amount of time and effort you put into creating them should reflect that. If you want to continue this discussion, please PM me. This thread is not the place for it, nor will it ever be. --- Arcadia[/b][/color][/size]
  12. Name:Nela Color:Magenta Animal:Cat Appearance:Constable Nela has a hood over her hed and rarely takes it of.She also has a whip attached to her back.Her pruple fur is coated with dark purple stripes. cane look:its a whip. Story:Last year(im guessing) Constable Nela helped Sly and her friends retrieve the Clokwork parts back from teh KLAWW gang.Now,she will do anything to help Sly get his friends back.
  13. name :Natsu Ayuhara age:17 gender: female looks :Eye color black,hair is short about to her shoulders.shes about 5'8.her weight 108 lbs.(these are two picks,first one before disney,second after disney when teh makeover happned) [url]http://images.nihon-fr.com:8080/jeuxvideo/galeries/rival_school_wp/thumb/rival_schools_011.jpg[/url] (i couldn't find the second one...) personality:Natsu...well shes kinda tough and tomboyish.Shes very nice though,if you bother her...just watch out for flying volleyball coming toward you face. ^.^ grade:12 bio not required for this one. Didn't think you were gonna do this without me did you!? Natsu is BAAAAAAAACK! OOC:Ill edit this later
  14. Citrus

    Surfboard Boys

    (im back from my long break!!) Ashley sat in the water "I think...i think....aww what the hell screw it.."Ashley fustrated and mad got up and smacked Joey for no reason."Stupid!"She sat by him and mumbled something. (sorry its short but its late..and im tired.i wasn't killed of rigth?)
  15. OOC: I'll edit this post later but i'm not gonna be here for about 2 or 3 weeks i'm going on a trip.
  16. Name: Nikki Ayuda Gender: Female Age: 17 Appearance: Look at attachment. Personality: To herself and quite all the time. Mess with her and your probaly gonna get snuffed. One of her personal favorites is astronomy club. she loves animals and has many pets at her house. She volunteers at the Vetranarian office a lot. She is very nice to the people she likes but the people that get her mad better watch out. Bio: Nikki was born into a rich family but she was sent to not one of the best schools. She took interest in the twisted zens ever sence she came to the school. Suzuki and her became good friends because their personalities are very alike. Sazuki finally got her gang leader to let Nikki in the group. She keeps her gang life to herself. She barly has any friends except for Suzuki. Gang position: All out fighter Gang name: Twisted zens
  17. Real name: Christine Olsen Nickname: Bunny Age: 17 Appearence: see attachment Tribe: Poppers Skill: Animal communication Weapons:Whip,Zapper(a gun) Bio:Bunny was captured by the Crushers.Though they treated her nice,they wanted her to do things she didn't want to,so she ran away.As she approached different trbes,the Poppers cuaght her eye.They were being led by her cousin,so this made her heir to the Poppers Chief status.What a lucky day for her eh?Well its about to get more exciting.Her cousin was shot by a young Crusher,Ox.Bunny soon then took charge of the army,oh did she kill alot.They say she killed a million,but thats impossible or is it?Now Bunny likes to party with Darien,trying to teach him to live a little.Or does she like him....let the Tribe unravel this along with many other adventures...
  18. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    OOC:Im back but ill be gone again IC:Ally sits on a chair exhuasted for no reason.She looked toward David then closed her eyes.She fell into a deep sleep...she fell of the chair unconsious.Later she woke up on a hospital bed with alll her friends. OOC:Ill edit t his later
  19. Name: Mimi Gender: Female Age: 14 Human/Demon/Half-Breed (What mix, no heaven beings): Human Biography: Mimi was friends with teh three girls when they were in fourth grade.But,as girls always do..they split up.Recently,Mimi was invited to Skyes 13th birthday party.This was weird...Skye never got along with Mimi.But what will happen next was even weirder.. Appearance: Um..ill get a pic soon Weapons: Pom poms Special Skills/Fighting Styles:Her own fighting style called Cheerleader Fu. OOC:Im going to look for a picture..so ill edit this eitehr today or tomorrow.
  20. name:Samantha "Sammy" Scippo age:16 gender:female weapon:small explosives,a flower that is sevretly a gun. Bio:Sammys older sister was murdered when she was a child.Her parents had to tell her that her sister went to school for a 'long' time and won't becoming back for a while.Just recently she found out her older sister was murdered,she now knows how it felt to Jennifers family.Shes detremined to find out who kill Jennifer,she dosn't want another find young girl to be forgotten.. Personality:Very quiet and shy.Shes not you athletic type,but despite her shyness she makes a great leader. apperince:Seee attachment..shes the one on the far right. OOC:Hope its ok!
  21. Hayley sat at the end of the table with her fellow stuck up fellow witches.She ran her fingers through her hair luaghing,then she looked at Zeos.She was kind of mad the way her fellow Slytherins were treating him.She got up and made her way toward him,then she sat next to him."Hello again..."she said almost cheerfully.Imi whispered to Zeos "Stupid Mudblood..".Hayleys jaw dropped "Takes one to know one!"she snarled rigth back at Imi.Zeos looked at hayley weirdly,she was probally the first one to stick up for him.Though Hayley and mi started to bicker back in forth Imi:"Mudblood lover!" Hayley:"Disgrace to teh witches!" Imi:"You ought to have muggle blood in ya!" Hayley:"If i did..you'll be my sister!" Imi gorweled and Hayley simply said her favorite qoute "That was uncalled for!!she then sipped her orange juice slowly keeping an eye on Imi.When she finished she put a hand on Zeos's shoulder "Hey,its ok..teh rest not be the nicest bunch..but i'll stick up for ya!"
  22. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    Ally stood there wtahcing in horror.Rabbi johnson came with some young boys and girls.possibly the Rabbis assitants from the synagouage.They knelt down and started to pray in Hebew.Ally shot Sam a look,they too froze in thier area,knelt down and prayed.Soem people didn't even bother questioning,the too said a little prayer.Ally got up and walked over to Samuel,who then hugged her.But Ally felt so guilty,having been so mean to the girl.
  23. thank you so much.the saving thign was so more conveinent tahn the other way.And especially thanks to you Turdle!*huggels*
  24. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    Ally got up,with a mad expression on her face."See love...you can't take that one...hes MINE.."She said defensivly.Sandy looked at Ally "Like i care...hes hot and i wanan join the band!".Ally,it never failed,satrted yelling at her in Hebrew.Everyone just looke dat Ally awkwardly."You can join the band,BUT,you have to get apporval of Kelsei..".Ally looek dta her smirking,kelsei was a "hard dradle" to crack,thats what Ally liekd to call Kelsei.A hard "dradle".
  25. Hayley found herself trying to befriend a fellow Slytherin."Hey,the names Hayley whats yours?"she had a string English accent.the boy,which Hayley had recalled name was Zeos replied plainly "Zeos..".Hayley had already taken interest in thr boy.She looked at the Professors at thier table saying aloud "Filthy ,old, savages teaching me?I think this is an outrage.."Hayley then took a sip of her soup.Zeos looked at her and shook his head he seemed to be snickering.Hayley looked at him "What,is there somethign in my hair?"she quickly ran her fingers through her silky hair.He shook his head again,he certianly wasn't the one of many words.Then the second course appeared before thier eyes. She looked at the table wich sat the children of Gryffindor childen,"Look at them stuff thier faces....i wish i can sqeeze them so hard thier small eyeballs pop!".Hayley didn't know why,but she took great hate in the Gryffindor children.She looked at what was on her plate,duck."So,why are you here..aren't you supposed to be a dughter of the Corvisa pair?The most well known witch and wizard couple?Well besides..what was thier name..."Zeon said. "Potter..."Hayley said as she stuck a fork into her duck quite jerkingly.harry Potter was long gone from this school,and Hayley never met him...she hated him.Zeon pushed back a little as she kept on jabbing her fork in and out of the duck.Then,Prof. Dumbledore held his hand up."Hopefully you all have had a well meal..now take to your quaters and have a good nights sleep..tomorrow is full of classes.."he wheezed alot witch Hayley found,"Un called for...".Hayley walked with Zeon out to a hallyway,along with many other students,only to find moving staircases.Hayley stared with a unpleasnt face "This is un called for!".One of the students in teh backround yelleld out "Ah,put a pipe in it!".Hayley simply said "Hmpf!"and held a fat,and rude cat very close to her."Ok come Elizabeth..lets try and make it out here alive.." OOC:I would take teh roll of Slytherin leader..but im simply not good with makign times for cclasses..so somone else can do it.Thank you for your co-operation.Ans sorry teh post is short...
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