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Everything posted by Citrus

  1. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    Ally looked at David like she had seen a ghost."Since..when is someone besides my brother..worried for me?".David took her into a hug "Since now..".She liked david alot too."Now c'mon,we have to practice for teh gig tomorrow".She walked with David back to his garage,Imi wasn't crying anymore becuase Matt was holding her hand."Well lets get started!"Ally said.She walked up to teh mic she was ready to sing. Avril Lavignes Sk8er boi warped "5 yrs from now,the boy turns on tv and guess who he sees..Jewish girl rockign up MTV.Sorry boy but you missed out,well tough luck i have a boy now we are more than just good friends..this is how the story ends!To bad you coyuldn't see the girl that Jew could be... Im just a girl..hes just a boy..we are in love..haven't you heard..how we rock each others world!!"
  2. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    Ally looked at David."Why..why are you mad Ally?".Ally didn't say a word "Ally..listen..i really need you to talk"David pleaded.Ally looked away,David put a hand on her chin turning her face toward his.Her lbrigth green eyes looked into his.He leeaned foreword a little kissing her.Ally felt awkward,it was her first kiss and she didn't know what to do.So,she slowly kissed back.Though,she tingled a little due to the warmth of his lips against hers.
  3. im getting sick and tired of this not working.....i tried liek 20 times already and it still dosn't work..today msut be my bad day..
  4. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    Ally wiped her tears away and went to the park she sat on teh swings and just cried some more.She moved her golden hair out of her face.She sniffled and put her hands on her head "Why me Yaweh.....please Yaweh send a Messiah to guide me...o please Yaweh..."she prayed quietly. The swing slowly rocked due to the wind,"Its so obvious..no one lieks me becuase im Jewish...well im not goign to liek any single one of them becuase they are Christian!Hmpf!"she got off teh swing and went to get her books.Matt was tehre alogn with a sobbign Imi and worried David.
  5. [quote name='Turdle']it's working, I can see it[/quote] yea i had to type it letter my letter.Would anyoen mind makign a Hermione avatar for me? *puts on innocent helpless eyes*
  6. [QUOTE=Turdle]go to edit signature and put, click the insert image button and put [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19470[/url] in the box[/QUOTE] it seems to me that teh banner isn't working,would you know why its not?
  7. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    can you please delete that post.That is not apporpiate for this thread.
  8. ive never put up a banner before...im not sure how to either..i feel liek such a newb....
  9. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    David shrugged "I..forgot..".Ally sighed and sid "I think i have had enough fresh air..we better get back to the others..."she started walking back to Davids garage.Ally saw Imi closer to Matt,a wave of anger came over her,but washed away quickly "I most not glutton.."she thoughs and calmed her self down."Ready for the next song?"Matt asked.Ally nodded and took the microphone,thsio sogn was more upbeta and Gothic.She satrted to sing "[I][I]You saw the other preety girl...you acted like i wasnt real...even though it wasn't preety fair...you nee-ded an-other pair...then,WHY DON'T YOU RIP OUT MY HEART!"[/I] teh sign didn't have much meaning,nor did it make sence.It contained a message proablly,but the other just played along.then there was a loud screech..Ally ahd threw teh microphone to teh ground and took of like a bullet coming from a AK-47.
  10. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    "[FONT=Book Antiqua]Omigosh..he can sing,and be cute...[/FONT]"Ally thought when she looked at David.She twirled her hair,she just found out who she really ahd a crush on."Oh man....what if he dosn't have a crush on me?"she thought.But then a man cam and stood infront of teh garage "Well,well,well you guys are quite the bunch eh?".Ally looked at teh man "Rabbi Johnson,what brings you here?".The Rabbi said "I own a small club for young teens..you know that,and i was wondering if you guys could play thier..Ally make sure to bring Kelsei now!"he pointed and walked off.They all had a smile spread scross thier face."Seriously..a gig?" Imi said extacitly. Ally got up "Well,im going for a walk...teh night is my time of day you know.."she put on a bookbag and exited.David held his hand up "Ally wait up!"he then called after her.Ally turned around to see David joggin toward her.She smiled and said "You followed me...".David shrugged "I wanted to tell you something...`.Ally tilted her head "What is that?"
  11. Name: Lila Queintine Age:17 Race:Human Class:Light Kingdom: Retgar Inherit off:female Appearance:[url]http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/59-9.htm[/url] Personality:Shes very quiet and serious most of the time,she dosn't get jokes and thinks love is what makes the world goes round. BIO:Lila is a higly trianed nurse,she was told to go out on the bloody feild and aid the injured soilders.She did this job since she was 15,now shes going to aid her new partner to defeat teh 'monster' once and for all.Lila,proud of her motehr side of teh family decided to stay with ehr mothers maiden name.
  12. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    Ally shot up from sleepign yelling "RON!!I LOEV YOUUUUUUUU" she had her arm outstreched.Imi,Matt,and David looked at her awkwardly,"Um...to much Harry Potter books...its gets to the..the brain yea...".David luaghed a little bit "Then we shoudl take tehm away from you...before you start going out with Harry..."they all burst into luaghter accept Ally."So are we gonna practice or what?".Matt nodded "Yup,and we have a beautiful voice goign to sing first.."Matt winked at Ally.Ally turned around and looked "Who?me?"she pointed to herself.Matt nodded "Yea,you!".David looked at Matt and groweld."I think i rather have someone else call my voice beautiful.."she looked ta David but his head was down,she then sighed and walked up to a microphone. All started to sing teh first line then Ally did her first solo..becuase KELSEI,always took the fame... "Silver Midnight Eagles in flight Blood red moon,cure the night"
  13. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    Ally giggled a little bit.She was surronded by two of her dream boys,was she in heavan? She watched Matt and David bicker,somehow she enjoyed this."Well..are you gusy done yet?" Ally asked as she sat on Davids dads trunk.They both nodded and groweled at each other.Ally sighed and layed back lookign up at teh cloudless sky. She closed her eyes and began to day dream.Was it about Matt,or was it about David,well what ever it was Ally had fell asleep.
  14. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    OOC:Since no ones posted in the given time, I will go ahead and post now. IC:Ally was humming as she walked with her books to Davids house.She bobbed her head to her favorite tune,"Loosing Grip" By Avril Lavigne.She saw david in teh back seat of his Dads car.She took of head phones and listened to David,she slowy walked up to the car and said "David.."he looked over and saw her he almost fell over in his seat."You didn't tell me you can sing!"she had a little bit of an accent from talking Hebrew so much.David opend his mouth and nothing came out,he then utterd teh sentence "I don't know how to sing..". Ally was usually out of words when she was alone with David,she had no idea why.She opned the car door and motioned him to get out "C'mon,don't be shy!".David hestiantly got out the car,when he stood up he was about 5 inches taller than Ally."So,what did you come here for?" David asked wrapping up his head phones."To study..." Ally said stammering a little bit."But Ally...todays Friday...".If this were an Anime,a sweat drop would form behind Allys head."I mean....to talk to you?".David was a little suprised,no one actualy came just to talk.
  15. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    Well since it was my idea...i am proud to present Wild Angels.... Ally brushed her gold hair back from her face, green eyes sparkling. ?Lets try that riff again.? She adjusted the head-mike, and placed her fingers on the chords. She nodded to Matt, who tapped the beat on the drums. Ally and Daniel played at the same time, their unison perfect. Kelsei?s fingers flew across the keyboard, and they played. Five minutes later, Ally tossed her sweaty golden hair over her shoulder, and handed the guitar to Samuel. ?Have you got it?? Sam nodded, and played the riff for them. Ally smiled, and looked at Kelsei. ?We ready?? David gave them thumbs up from behind the mixing board, and Ally and Kelsei went to the front of their garage. Jason took over the keyboard, and Matt started the beat. The boys started the riff, and Ally smiled at her friend. ?Silver midnight Eagles in flight?? Behind one anothers backs, people are saying strange things. Things like this: ?Kelsei is a vampire. Joking, but she does like Sam. I don?t know why she doesn?t just carry him off already.? ?Did you hear? Ally is going out with David!? ?Is not! She?s going out with Matt!?
  16. Hey,if i saw a Ron Weasly Doujinshi..there was to be my fav HP char Hermione Granger.I would just like a Doujinshi Hermione with a school backround if possible,then the qoute will be "Howd She get here ?!".Thanks alot for all of you that will participate and give me a banner.
  17. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    OK!Goddess has givien me permission to act like a host while shes not around.Now to cut to the chase,all of your sign-ups,very good indeed.Now,hopefully the rp will start today when Goddess gets back.thank-you all for making my dream rp become a reality. WE STILL NEED A SAMUEL!!!!
  18. Name:Hayley Corvisa Age:11 Sex: Female Eye: Blue Hair: Dark brown Wand: Lenth:11 in. Core:Unicorns horn Wood:Oak House: Year: 1st Personality:Hayley is very talkitive.Though,she may be the most well mannerd girl in the castle...shes not always like that.She can get bad to the bone,using her magic for bad things,always trying to prove the teachers wrong. Biography:Hayley was born into a a big family of well known witches and wizards..but she was 'different' from the family.She was very smart,smarter than anyone in her family.Her parents upset with her new annoying know it all attitude decided to send her to Hogwarts when she reached the appropiate age of 11.Hayley,actually enjoying that she was going to be sent off from her family and staying a year at a huge castle,will try and not get into any trouble. OOC:Is that better?
  19. Ami came out of History class with Mark.All the girls were lookign at him and giggeling,Ami shook her head and pulled Mark through a crowd toward Math class."Mark,were going to math class next...your lucky we have all the same classes.."Ami said holding a math book.When Ami saw Uki kiss Berry,a huge smile grew on her face "Yes!!He did it!!"she thought. Ami sat down next to Mark,boy he was better at math than she was.She couldn't help but stare at him,Koge threw a note at her.She opend it up and it said "Ami,whast you and that American..meet me ater teh school ASAP.Koge" she closed it and looked back at Koge and had a small frown,she mouthed "Don't be racist..".Koges freind laughed at him as she turned around.
  20. ok,im not accepting any made up chars anymore.Now we are just waiting for Sesshomarufan,if he dosn't come in two days,teh slot for Kiruna will be open.So PM me now to reserve your spot ahead of time.
  21. Citrus

    Wild Angels

    Name:Ally Zarapinski Age: 16 Appearance: [url]http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/49-1.htm[/url] liek taht but with brown hair,and when shes not around her parents she wears normal everyday cloths. Personality: Ally,the nicest,well mannered Jewish girl in town.She always says excuse me.Pardon me?,and very exquiste words.She can never get mad,and the smile on her face will never turn into a frown. Bio: Ally met Kelsei a way long time back.But Ally was attending a Hebrew school so they were seperated during school hours.Allys parents knowingly that Ally wanted a normal life,they sent her to Kelseis Highschool wer ethey both can be together all the time.Ally also has a crush on Matt,her older brothers best friend.Now talking about siblings,Samuel is very protective of Ally,he dosn't want her to get harmed in any way or form./
  22. Mariko was still sitting on the floor and she finnaly said "A man!".the voice roared "WHAT,HWO DID YOU FIGURE THAT OUT,THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!".Amu chuckled and pranced around and saw the case open up,she grabed the two long spears and said "Yay!".The voice seemed mad and everythign became a large balck void.She looked around and saw light shining upon the case.She looked at her spears and said "Wow,these are magnicifant!"but then some goblin like things atrted running from no where.She swung on of her spears at a goblin,it flew backwards and dissipeared,"Hey,this is kinda fun!" Mariko said swinign at the goblins. But they kept coming,Mariko was getting worried.So she held out both spears and swung around,killing every goblin the spear touched.Soon there were no more,Mariko fell to the floor in a sitting position exhausted.The voice trembled "You..you.."teh voice faded and teh black void went back to the village landscape.Mariko looked down,she still had teh two spears.She got some old leather on teh floor and wrapped them to her back.They formed and X and she went out to find teh others.
  23. Name:Cutsie Appearance: Cutsie has blue eyes,they get big and round when she does her innocent look to fool people.She has catish ears and shrp claws taht extend when shes fighting.Also shes more cuter than before after the mutation. Type: Speed Race:Cat Special Attacks(max. 3): Nika Nika com:This is when Cutise holds out on of her legs starts spinning and teh faster she goes her foot catches on fire.She then spins toward her oppnet giving them a burnign kick.Aww poor thing!:Cutise uses this half way into teh fight,shes puts on a cast and says "I bwoke my awm.."when teh oppenet gets near she smashes them with a boot. Side:Neautral Bio:Cutise was always teh cutest one of teh group.She got in alot of fights though,but her little vute face won her many fights due to sympathy.This is where she got her nickname "Cutsie" she is always victorius in fights,but she hasn't been in any recently.When she was muated into something 'vuter' she decided to prance around in joy.But her cuteness was qoute on qoute "Too good for me".So Cutsie pranced off to defeat the 7 robots. OOC:Lol.Sorry i found it funny for some reason..um PM me with any problems.
  24. OOC:Bogger,what did you mean when you said you were changing this to Rated;R? IC:Ami was totally pissed of with Mel being there.She sat in her classes as someone took her picture for "Most likely to suceed" in teh yearbook.She walke dout onto the schoolyard and saw Koge she quickly walked up to him her long brown hair following after."Koge..i know Mel is coming to this school and..i don'y wanna act like im not even real around her.Becuase,then why should i care?"Ami was probally the best when it came to asking tough and hard questions to answer.Koge stared at her,then he kissed her. Then the photographer took thier picture and said "YES!!Thats the second kissing picture i got!!"and he then scurried off.Ami looekd at Koge,"Ok....that guys creeping me out.."Ami said,Koge luaghed a bit.Koge wrapped hi arms around Ami leaning his forehead on hers "Im happy as long as i have my little Jewish gal.."he smirked.Then a car came by and a Caucasian boy exited it,he had hair that went into his eyes that had a curly appearnce.His dad called after him "Mark!Have a nice day!".The boy now named Mark waved at the car as it left."Whos that?"Koge said,Ami shrugged "He must be new,lets go greet him". Ami and Koge walked toward the Cacuasian boy.Ami said "Hey there..you must be new"she spoke English so fluent it sounded as if she were from teh States themselves.The boy was out of words he blue eyes wide open,his jaw dropped.Ami looked at him "Hello?".Koge seemed a little concerned."I guess your names Mark..."Ami said luaghing a little bit.Mark nodded "My mom..shes Japanese and we decided to live here,its preety girl" Mark accidently screwed up his last words.Ami looked at him "Ill show you around..this is Koge by the way...".She pointed to a furious looking Koge. Mark said "Hey",Koge shook his head "Ill be at calss Ami...ill tell the teacher you showing the new kid around.."he stomped off.Ami shrugged "So...whats it liek in America?"she started to walk with Mark.Mark said "Theres alot of States..and everyone differs from one another,no one is teh same...its also very beautiful..".Ami looked at him "Are all boys liek you?I mean..with...white skin?".Mark luaghed abit "No,theres many kind of skin colors in America"he smiled at her "And,are all girls like you...preety?"."I don't know...i guess it depends...well you probally heard my names Ami..".Mark looked at a small peice of paper "Well,since i got her elate it looks liek last class is History..".Ami added "That my next calss too,Mr.Xingang is very nice,c'mon we musn't be late!".She strted to dash the hallways Mark following close behind. OOC:HA!If your gonna have a Mel,im gonna have me a Mark!
  25. Natsu walked with Jacob toward teh new college taht had opned up."Well guess this is it..heh it seems ike it was just yesterday we were still in 7th grade.."Jacob said.Natsu looked at him and nodded,she was out of words taht morning.It seemd that Jacob and Natsu were the only ones taht kept in touch since they split up after Highschool.Natsu followed Jacob into teh college,it was way crowded and everyone was stumbleing over another."Hey Natsu hold my hand,we won't get seperated" Jacob said as he grabbed her hand.It wasn't anything flirtatious or anything,they just needed to make it to thier dorms alive.Once they got out of the crowd Natsu flipped her now long hair over her shoulder.As they walked toawrad thier assigned dorms and Natsu noticed they were still holding hands,she then quickly let go of Jacobs hand.Jacob looked at her and shrugged.They came upon a boy and a girl who were talking on and on.Then teh girl said "Natsu?Jacob?!What are you gusy doing here?!". Ok heres teh sign up Name:Somethign Japanese Age:17-20 Appearnce:picture of just a short writing will do Bio:something short,include your personality here. and heres my sign-up Name:Natsu Ayuhara Age:18 Appearnce:Natsu looks way different from junior high.She now has long hair and wears skirts all the time.She dosn't look tough anymore,and now looks like a full on girly girl Bio:Natsu now a happy go lucky perky popular girl has come a long way.She was once a bully,then one day at Disney Skye,her best friend,striaghnted her hair and gave her a skirt.This is when she decided to become a girly gal.She wants to persue a career of a doctor,hoping to go to the States like her mother. OOC:If you were part of School Daze you'll be familia with this.These are the saved and open chars Natsu-me Skye-Callmegoddess Jacob-Firephoenix727 Kiruna-Sesshomarufan' An two more chars a free to make up.
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