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Everything posted by Citrus

  1. Citrus

    Naruto RPG

    Sakura appeared before Naruto "Hey Naruto..."she was hoping he asked her something."Um hey Sakura..."Naruto said as he continued to walk.She went to hold his hand,he stopped and looked at her.She liked him,alot and she hoped he liked her as well as she did to him."Sakura...you wanna go...go out on Saturday night?".Sakuras face lit up "Of course i will!"Naruto nodded and pulled Sakuras arm toward him. Sakura said good-bye to Naruto as he walke dinto his house.She sighed with happiness and started to walk home she twirled down the sidewalk happy as can be.
  2. Mariko finnaly opended her eyes "Man!I thought i was in Heavan!!1"Hmpf!"she looked around and saw a case in a black void,she walke dup to it and saw two three bladed knives."Wow!"she touched the case and a voice says "What creature has four feet in teh morning,two feet in the evening,and three feet at night?"."Say what?"Mariko said completly lost.The voice said "Answer teh riddle!" teh voice sounded demanding. Mariko sat on the floor face in her hands "This is hard!!Can you please tell me the answer?".The voice sighed and said "Hey 50 bucks and hour is a good deal,now answer teh question!!"."No!" Mariko yelled.
  3. Ami looked at Mel,"Why me..."she put her handa on her face."And todays picture day.." Berry added on when she came from behind Ami."Hey Berry..."Ami murmured as Koge came towards with Mel. Ami let out a big sigh.Koge shurgged "She coming to our school now...you ok with that Ami?".Ami shrugged "What abotu couples of teh school picture..are we gonan still be able to take that one?".She looked at Mel with a serious face on.
  4. Citrus

    Naruto RPG

    "Hes nto old..Kiki,hes mature...and cute!" all the girls giggled."but i think you find Naruto more cute than Sasuke i bet!" Temi added,Sakura face got red "THERE BOTH EQUAL!!!".Inner Sakura Dances and says "I got TWO boyfriends i got TWO boyfriends.!" OOC:I need to go to school,so thast why its short,ill be back though.
  5. Name:Mary Stuart Age:19 Gender:Female Race:Human Appearance:A very attractive female,shes not very muscular or strong,she is not fragiile looking either,shes just an average 19 year old girl.She has dark purple hair witch is in two ponytails. Reason for volenteering:Her father was recently killed by demons while he was serving TSTS.This is what really got he rmotivated to also serve the TSTS and try to kill of the demons. Weapon: A pistol,two small daggers,and a small device that disruppts a androids system breaking them down tempoarily.
  6. Citrus

    Naruto RPG

    Sakura was walking down the sidewlak of teh busy city.She bumped into Naruto "Oh..hey Naruto..".Naruto didn't say a word but he started to sweat.Sakura sighed,she obiouvly was tired this morning.Sakura looked at Naruto "So..since theres no training today you wanna hang out?".Naruto nodded,somehow Sakura was begining to think he was cute.Naruto finnaly uttered a word "Sakura..".Sakura looked at him "Yes?".Naruto said "I forgot...",Sakura sighed and walked with Naruto,she saw Temi across teh street "Hey Temi!" OOC:I know its short..but please bare with me
  7. Citrus


    ok,once jro edits his chars age to 13 we'll be ready to start!So yup yup yup!
  8. Name:Mai Yong ( first name pronouced liek "my") Age: 14 Gender:Female Race: 25% Demon,25% Angel.50%Haru. Essence: Water Bio: Mai's parents comign from each side of teh Angels and Demons were able to wed becuase they both had Haru blood.Mai grew up away from teh world and never knowing about Demons and Angels,this was difficult for her parents.One day Mai evntually said "All my friends have grandparents..where are mine?".This is when Mai was told teh truth,Mai was proud though and set off to become a fighter for her city.When she was protecting a city she came across Anorith,she kinda developed a small crush on him. Occupation:Fighter Description:Mai may look fragile.Her pink hair and small cute shoes fool everyone,but when she punches...well not everyone gets up with a black eye and walks away.Mai thinks shes the best at everything,this is what might be her downfall. Weapon: Two sais.Sai:a three bladed knife. OOC:Hope its ok..
  9. Mariko was barely listening to the others,she was looking at Jim the whole time."Mariko...Mariko..Earth to Mariko!" Vivina saod and Mariko said "YES!I do love you!".Vivina looked at her.Mariko blushed "I didn't mean you Vivina..i meant..of forget it..".They all went back to looking at the supplies and listening to Ares brag about his sword.Mariko sat on a nearby log and put her head in her hands "Why me.."she mumbled.When Mariko looked up,it looked as if Jim were hesitantly coming toward her.She thought "Thats awkward..he must've messed up his growth plate and hes a limp for life!!!!Ok Mariko..calm down..hes just coming to ask something". Jim was finally near Mariko and he said "Hey...".Mariko waved,then Jim sat next to her "Why aren't you with the rest of us?" Jim asked sounding a little bit worried."Oh..im just resting..." Mariko said with a sigh.Jim nodded "Ok,tell me if ya need me..ill be over there..yea..".Mariko watched as Jim got up and wwent back towards teh group.She saw a figure standing behind a house...he had two daggers at his side."Whos that..." OOC:Okie dokie..im off to...'school' dum de dum dum dummmmm.Lol ill cya guys later
  10. Ami stared at Koge "What do you mean the rest of the night...".Koge shrugged "things...".Ami said "Okie!".They took off to her house Ami opend the door and they walked in.Ami sat on a couch and Koge sat very close to her.It wasn't long before Ami started smothering Koge with kisses.They weren't old enough for s3x,so teh only thing they could do was kiss each other on teh neck,i guess.Ami wrapped her arms around Koge huggigng him as if she would never let go.Koge kissed her and she kissed him back.He pressed his body against hers.Ami ran her hand through his hair.When she broke away from the kiss she said "I love you Koge..."she then kissed him again.
  11. OOC:Um...Ami and Steff...don't know each other...they see each other in school but have never said hi.And i don't like the way this is going..bogger..not at all....so im just gonna iggy Steff picking up the phone...for..logical reasons.Fine ill just leave it like that. IC:Ami sghed and grabbed the phone from Steff."Oh my gosh hi Koge!".Steff mimicked her ina a Mickey Mouse voice "Oh my gosh hi Koge...".Ami looked at Steff trying to tell her to cut it off.Ami wondered why she acted like that toward Koge that day.Why?Becuase...evrytime Koge talked,everytime he luaghed,everytime he moved...Ami loved him.It was more than a simple "i like you" blush blush,run away thing.It was love.While Ami talked to Koge she tiwrled teh wire to her finger.When she hung up the phone she squealed "YES!!!!".Steff nearlye fell over and said "Le me guess...he asked you out again?".Ami nodded and threw her Uno cards in teh air "LOVE CONQUERS ALL!" Ami said.Steff luaghed "Obviously it didn't conquer this game..."she held up a single card "Uno!". The nex evening....(im like the only oen who does this lol) Ami and Koge walked together out of school.Now Mel coulcn't mess it up or keep koge chained,becuase tehy went on thier date rigth after school.It was a Friday,so they had more time than usual.They walked in teh park watchign the kids play and dogs run around."Nice beautiful clouds huh..".Ami looke dup..there were no clouds."Yea..preety beautiful..the way the move..so swift,without a care in the world,they move...".Ami looked at Koge and his eyes met hers.(in an Anime a big light will form behind them..)She quickly looked away and blushed,shw fiddled with her skirt.Ami went over to a tree and nealed against it.Koge leaned foreword and kissed her.Once again,the kiss grew more passionate with time,then when Ami pulled away she said "I love you Koge..do you love me?".She already knew what he was going to say,bbut she just liked to hear him say it.
  12. Mariko jumped up and down "I know how!".Everyone turned thier attention to her "I could.....oh darnit,i forgot!".Mariko luaghed and everyone stood silent.As they went back into huddeling Mariko took Jim away near a little stor."Jim...i say lets do this on our own!".Jim looked worried "I don't know Mariko..you know that one time you wanted to steal teh firetruck from that boy in teh 7th grade when we were in fourth...it didn't work out..".Mariko shurrged "But this will...please Jim..."she put on her most cutest face and Jim said "Fien fine...".Mariko perked up grabbe dhis hand and followed teh 'mysterious' man. Mariko was just well with fitting in.She told jokes..which the people found hilarious.Jim tugged Mariko "Look!Hes going into teh small cottage!" he whispered.Mariko sighed 'fine..lets go in and see what hees doing.."she sighed again.Jim shook his head "The others are gonan come lookign for us,and this was your idea!".Mariko shook her head "No it wasn't!" she giggled.
  13. Koge was late..by ten minutes."Where is he?" Ami said aloud.She flipped her hair and saw Uki pass "Oh hey Uki!" Ami said.Uki,cuaght of guard,looked up at Ami "Um..hi..Ami.." she stammered.Ami sighed "Have you seen Koge..hes kinda late..".Uki shook his head "Nah..not until last night.." his face seemed to get mad at the thought of Koge.Ami looked at Uki "Are...are you jealous?"she asked Uki.Uki looked at her "Errm...no..".Ami smirked abit "Of course not...." 10 minutes later Uki and Ami had ended up sitting on a large bench that surronded a miniture waterfall.Koge had shown up the only thing he said was "I..hate..Mel.."he was huffing and puffing.Ami quirked a brow "Don't we all?".Uki luaghed a little at her comment,it was the only time Uki had ever luaghed at one of Amis jokes.And the other thing was,it wasn't that funny.Ami shrugged and got up "Cya later,Uki"
  14. Ahem..Spydaweb,why is it that every rp i join you have to come tag along?Its getting really,really,really annoying.
  15. Mariko made her way through teh group to Jim,who was looking down as they walked."Hey Jim!" Mariko said with all out excitement "Hey Mariko" Jim replied.Mariko couldn't ever think of anythign funny around Jim,or even talk in full or sentences taht made sence.Jim was aware that Mariko liked him.As they went ino teh forest Mariko became kind of scared.She pulled back her black hair and looked around.A rat scurried by and Mariko screamed.Leon looked back and said "Aww,did the wittle baby get sacred by a wittle bity rat?"."Leon shut up.." Leon then replied "What satrts with f and ends with k?".Mariko not enjoying teh joke said "firetruck!" everyone luaghed and Leon got pissed off. Mariko looked at Jim as he walked with his hands shoved in his pockets.She took a deep breath and took one of Jims hands out of his pocket.Jim looked up and Mariko threaded her finigers into his.They came to a clearing in teh forest the new guy said 'Well,this looks liek a placeto rest.."
  16. Ami pulled away "I don't care Koge..." she had her serious face on.Koge went to kiss her again but she put a finger on his lips "Not so fast...how about tomorrow,you've had your fun already"she walked back into teh library.She flipped her hair over her shoulder and looked ta teh Hebrew writing "You guys are obviously stupid....this is a recipe to cake..."everyoen fell over in thier seats anime style."Just kidding..gosh you guys are so sensitive..liek i said its a list of our great Hebrew leaders" "Solomon.David,God..theres one more text that is ripped off.."she pointed at the page ended jagged as it were ripped viciously."Someone boviously dosn't want us to figure out this book"she sighed and shrugged."Just another mystery,for us to solve"."Its getting late...we should get going"the group got up and headed out the library.Ami locked teh doors and tehy went off to each others houses. The next morning Ami walked on the school yard and saw the rest of the group waiting.She walke dup to them and said "Sup guys?" she gave Koge a small kiss and smiled at the rest of the group.The bell rung for the younger students to go in..Ami and Koge still had time outside.While Berry,Steff,Uki,and Ichigo went inside Ami and Koge waited outside.Koge said "Beautiful day..".Ami looke dup at the cloudless blue sky "Yes..yes it is.."she looked at Koge with love in her eyes.
  17. Name:Mariko Yashida Age:16 Gender:Female Personality:Overly perky,(like all my other chars lol)she will always try and comfort someone no matter what. Appearance:Black silky hair wich is as long as teh bottom of her shoulder blade.Her eyes also black,are slanted becuase she is Japanese.Her physical feature is quite fraile looking,though alot of the boys in her class find her very hot.[url]http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/44-5.htm[/url] pic of Mariko Bio:Yup you guessed it...Mariko was the bright one to say "Lets touch it and see what happens!"this is probally why the group is where they are now,or tehy just touched without even listenting to her.Either way,they all blamed her which she thought was funny.So they didn't even bother blaming her anymore,beofre and after the inccident,Mariko has had a crush on Jim since she met him.Sometimes she dreams of her and Jim going on little dates here and then. OOC:This sounds like alot of fun
  18. Ami and Koge retruned soon after and took thier seats again."Berry can i talk to you?" Ami said.Berry hesitantly looke dup from her notes and said "Um..o-ok.."."Like..take your notes too" Ami said as they went to the back of teh library."What do you want?" Berry asked,Ami took out a bunch of books from the shelf "I deseign cloths too..but from the 70s".Berry's face lit up "Cool!We could be a.." "Team!" Ami finished for her.The others sat at teh table worrying about the two girls.When teh girls came back they were talkign abotu a name for thier desein research."How about A & B?"Berry said "Or Hippe-Afro?" They both giggled at teh last idea.They sta next to eachother and worked on teh deseigns.Uki.Ichigo,and Koge all looked at eachother "Ok..." said Uki. OOC:Its short cuase my jaw hurts,and its bothering
  19. Name: Maria Smith Age: 14 Nickname: Minnie Starter Pokemon Evee Scratch Headbutt Tail Whip Growl Pokemon Vaporeon Water Gun Dive Surf Bite Jolteon Thunder Bolt Thunder Wave Headbutt Quick Attack Badges: Hive badge,Zephyer Badge. Hometown: Celedon City Appearance: [url]http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/33-5.htm[/url] its Minne!!! Bio: Since Minnie was a child,she grew up around lots of water and Pokemon.One day when she was seven,she stumbled upon a group of Evee.Facinated in them her older brother cuaght one for her,her first pokemon.Though she never used Evee to battle,they became te closest of friends in all of Celadon.When she hit thirteen she was ready for battle.She challanged a wild Corsola and won teh fight.When they celebrated,Minnie stumbled upon a blue rock.She wasn't sure waht this wasso she kept it in her rock collection never using it again.This blue rock was the Water Stone. Leaguer:N/A OOC:Hope this is ok
  20. Ami sighed waiting for Koge.Ichigo layed back one the chair and finally Koge came through the library doors.Ami looked at him,what was werid is she knew what he was thinking.Koge cmae toward Ami and sat close to her "So have you guys got anything yet?" Ami shook her heaad "Nope..".The three started looking in the book thier head all bumping.Uki and Berry came into teh library "Why Yaweh..why do you do this to me.."Ami murmered.Uki and Berry came toward teh book.Uki sat next to Ami and Berry sat next to Ichigo.Ami felt tension and she grabbed Koges hand.As they read the book they came to a page in Hewbrew.Everyone turned thier attention toward Ami who was humming tehn said "Wow!It has all the names of great Hewbrew leaders!".Koge smiled and he whispered "Ami..come otu side i have somethign to tell you..."they both got up and walked outside teh library."What is it Koge?".Koge looked around and everytime he breathed you could see the air becuase of teh cold.He then kissed Ami outof no where.The kiss did indeed get more and more heated.Thier bodies pressed close together.Ami locked her hands around his neck.Koge did teh same but around her hips.Then Ami ran her hands through Koges hair.Then.....it would go further but since this rpg is nto rated R it will NOT go on.Please use the exit to your left,the one on your rigth is broken.Enjoy teh rest of your stay at California Adventure! *holds her haarm out and saways it as if she were shwoing somethign off*
  21. so..am i out the rp or soemthign?Thats what you get callmegoddess,always save the sister spot for me!!!!can i just be a female Mel?
  22. Name: Mel Smithenns Age:18 Gender:Female(right?) Appearance:Mel might still be young,but she looks liek a professional teacher,her long black silky hair is very to have a hand run through it.She has hazel eyes,wich change to green in the summer time. Mel is very beautiful,but she is not aware of this. Powers: Healing,Fire starting. Persona: Mel is very serious most of the time.Even when you tick her off,she'll smile and say "Yes.Of course i am.."etc.She will always take blame even though she didn't do the crime.But her nobilty,and intellegence has brought her along a way. Biography: Mel decided to teach younger children the way of a silder.She is happy with her job and loves being around young ones.Though,she is still considered a young adult still. Mel started teaching at the young age of 17.Her love for other people,had succesfully brought brilliant students to be tutored by her.Now,one of her most wonderful students had just finished her tutalige,Mel is quite happy in Fyka knowing she will go far.shes also finding her attracted to Fykas older brother,Masen. Family:Father-Mark Smithenns, Mother-dead,no siblings Bond:A tiger named Tigra. OOC:Callmegoddes,chika,PM me back with any problems.K?
  23. Ami face got red and she took Mel having her dangle in teh air "Hold up..you've gone to far she threw Mel halfway against school yard taking Koges hand."Koge..tell Mel...the news..." Ami said with an evil smile spread across her face.Koge said "What news?" Ami turned her head.."The news...".They went on with "What news..' and "The news".Soon Koge sighed "Well Mel....God,i don't know how to put this.." Mel looked at Ami very evil,as of she were abotu to kill her."Well..its not official..but me and Ami....were....kind of together?" Ami looked down,she felt sad for Mel.Very,very,very sad.Though she still hated Berry as if Berry was Adolf Hitler.(Some Jewish joke there..heh..heh...is anyoen Jewish?)The bell ran for class "Ill cya later Mel...and bye to you love.."Koge said he turned around and,yup he moonwwalked into teh school.Ami also had a exit apparnce,a bunch of girls fromed around Ami as she led them into teh school. OOC:Im a simple Jew,looking for a worrrrd!I made that up..its my fav song i made yesterday.
  24. ooc:I just noticed that before you posted CALL-ME-GODDESS! IC:Ami walked through the hallways lookign for Koge.She soon saw him and she ran/walked up to him."hey Koge.."she was blushing heavily.Koge put his arm around her "hey since we have break and all..lets go..um...somewhere" Koge was actually blushing too.As they walked outside students were rushig toward cars to get to a resturant.Ami and Koge sat down on a bench."Ami...i...i think im finally noticing...why..why i love you.." Ami said "I've always knew why i loved you...".Koge moved toward Ami and Ami moved foreword.She kissed him,and the kiss grew more passionate in time.She put her hand around his back.As soon as Ami pulled away she smiled. Koge was maintaining his serious look."If i could say what i want to see..i want to see you get down on one knee..and marry me today,get some mush in my life away.."Ami thought.Someone looked from a distance ,Ami could barely make teh person out but they were walkign away slowly.Koge said "Somethign teh matter?" "Um...no nothing at all!" she then looked again at Koge leanign foreword to kiss him again.
  25. Ami walked toward the school trying to get away from Berry.She walked in as her huge female possy hovered over her they were all gossiping about her liking ichigo and Koge."You know guys...i can hear you....duh..little.."her voice trailed away as Ichigo came walking toward her.Her possy luaghed and walked away, Ichigo pulled his short hair out of the way.Ami said "Um..hello Ichigo" Ami said kind of stammering,though she always stammered to boys.She said "Well..theres not much time to talk..i have class,how botu me,you, and Koge all meet at the library?Cheerios!"Cheerios was Amis way of saying "Ok".As she walke dinto her class she though "Im tugging at my hair,im pulling on my hair,im trying to keep my cool..i know it shows...If i could say want i want to say id say i want to blow you..AWAY.Be with you every night Am i sqeezing you to tight If i could say want i want to say..I want you to go down on one knee..MARRY ME TODAY!MARRY ME TODAY!" Ami was lost in her thoughts and before she knew it the bell had rang. OOC:Who was Ami thinking about?Will anyone ever know?Is it her 16 year old Rabbi in training,Mark?Um cross the last oen out....
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