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Everything posted by Citrus
In another world,ninja are the ultimate power-and in the village of Konohagakure live the sealthiest ninja in the world.But twelve years ago Konohagakure was attacked by a fearsome threat-a nin-tailed fox demon which calimed the life of teh Hokage,the village champion.Today,peace has returned, and a troublemaking orphan named Uzumaki Naruto is struggling to graduate from teh Ninja Academy.His goal:Become the next Hokage.But unkown to Naruto and his classmates,whitin him is a terrifying force.... "HA HA YOU LOOSERS!" Naruto screamed from the mountain which had l;arge images of the four Hokages.He was painting them like clowns,which took some guts to do.They crowd was yelling at Naruto "GET DOWN FROM THERE YOU IDIOT!" Naruto was the troublemaker and he did the most outragest things.Like during doppelrangers class he turned into a naked woman infron of teh teacher.So this is where our story begins..here are the sign-ups. Name:Someone from teh manga/shows,or someone made up Age:12-13 Appearnce:a pic of physical description Bio:Short bio,or a bigone.Dosn't matter Other info:this includes crush,etc. Heres my sign up Name:Haruno Sakura Age:13 Appearnce:She is a total babe.She has pink hair and blue eyes.I might get a pic..oh yea look at my avi! Bio:Sakura is a student at the Ninja acamedy.She has good grades,and does almost everything right.Sakura hates Naruto for being annoying,but Naruto has a crush on Sakura.Her personality is quite perky. Other info:She has a crush on Sasuke.Did i mention she hates Naruto for being annoying?
*clings to boyfriend*HINT HINT:Sesshomarufan*cotninues to cling*I LOVE YOU!!! I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!!!
Ami looked at Uki with equal disgust "Yes tha answer is a man.he crawls on all fours in teh morning,two as a man in teh evening,and two feet and a cane witch equals three feet in the night...wow Koge,your so smart..."Ami looked at hims with her most flirtatious face.Koge suprised didn't know what to do.(LOVE TRIANGLE.Ami loves,Ichigo and Koge,and tehy like her back..so juicy i must say!) Mel said "Ami...are you sick,becuase your face looks very pale..." Ami always worried about her complextion satrted to panic "Oh my gosh?Really..OH MY GOSH" Koge looked at Mel then back to Ami "No you don't Ami...your face is very..." "Preety.."Ichigo finished for him and he blushed.Ami looked at Ichigo.Inner Ami:IM GONNA PARTY!IM GONNA PARTY!IM GONNA PARTY!.Ami came out of her thinking and looked at Koge "Mel..me and Koge have to do something....alone" Mel looked at her evily "Fine,it was getting boring anyways..." Mel soon walked off."PHEW!" Ami said as she let down her brown silky hair. Uki sat and watched Ami luagh with Ichigo and Koge.Flirting with one now and then,and it seemed,even with Berry,Uki was jealous of Ichigo and Koge.
Name:Mina Coperro Age:15 gender:female Bio:Mina is a total NatrualistHe rloev for teh Earth and its beings is amzaing.Her vast knoweledge of plants,and animals is very high.he is never inside but always out on a hike observing the wonders of the world.One time when she saw Luke on one of his trips to her city she followed him.She was amazed with his abilities,soon she wanted to travel with him.Eventually she fell head over heals in love with him.Luke has even taught her how to get out of sticky situations,in return she is teaching him the teachings of Earth.Mina will always be a natrulist,"Through rain,though fire,through mud...the earth will always be in my eyes.."that is her favorite quote.(I have no idea what it means but im a Naturalist and its our motto) Weapons:small bombs,when they explode not only fiery inferno comes out but flowers as well. Secondary weapons: sais, Description: see attachment element: Earth
well em and my cousins played Barbies and they were preety serious.Like that one time when Ken commited suicide and Barbie drowed her self.....we used to preform with them for our moms and stuff.OH YEA!There was teh one time where we had a Belle and Beast barbies and teh Beast could change to human to beast.And as our plays went on tehre were songs like one was "Oh...BLOOD RED ROSE!BLOOD RED ROSE!WHERE IS KEN!WHERE IS KEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!THE BEAST HAS GOT HIM!THE BEAST HAS GOT HIM!!!THE BEAST HAS GOT HIIIIIIM!" man i loved those.And i was recently watchign hoem videos of these plays and we did sign 'Im so preety..oh so preety!" Im goign to my cousins this summer..and were gonna do more plays liek old times.Ill write in this forum to etll you whats plays we made up when i come back.
Akmah was paralyzed she was just amazed from what that maniac had done."Alex....i love you...i wanna go do the next case..i liek zombies...".Everyone looked at her.Alex especially was suprised on what she said "Um..i love you too.." a plane landed and Akmah quickly got on.She sat next to Alex as they gazed into each others eyes.Akmah lifted her hand and touched Alex face.They landed and All of them departed from teh plane onto a dark fogged city "It looks very welcoming..'said Akmah as she tok out her plasma gun and shot a zombie near by.Tyler was looking around "Where are they?" he asked as soon as he finished his sentence zombies popped up "Ahi ni chama bi kinobi!" Akmah shouted in her native tongue.She shot a coupel of them. OOC:Sorry for not posting for a while,i was kinda busy.Nut now im commited
Once upon a time....There was a small cheery city....the name....Venice.Were everything was possible.Women argued in the streets,bakerys filled with people.Venice....were everything can happen.Three young children worked thier way through teh large crowd."Bo,wait up!" called the older boy.The one named Bo was racing through the crowd and soon emerged from a group of tourist ho took pictures of him.The older boy took Bo and dragged him out of the plaza before the toourist could falsh the picture."Bo,how many times do i have to tell you keep a LOW profile".The girl who was behing them a little bit younger than the older boy,who was named Prosper,sighed as she flipped he rlong braid over her shoulder "You know what Prop..Th e Thief Lord is gonna catch you being mean to Bo one of these days.." she rolled her eyes "Well..HORNET..If you didn't need so much books we wouldn't have less and less money!".Hornet and Prosper argued on the street as Bo ran a got a free cake from the baker who though he was 'angelo.' Italian for angelic.Hornet nodded her head as they headed toward a canal. They walked slowly to a meatal door that said "KEEP OUT!NO ENTRANCE!" Hornet knocked on the door and said 'Riccio open up!". A voice said "Password?" "Riccio..no one renember the Thief Lords passwords" a boy opned the door who had spiked hair,though he was very charming "Well eb that way!".Riccio was teh same age as the two older children.Though Bo was only 7.They all walked in and there was a tall dark skinned mucled teen ager fiddeling with a radio."Mosca,you still fighting with that thing?".Mosca was older than all of them he was 19."Its called a radio...thank you very much..".Prosper took a seat on a couch.The hideout was ntohign but a mere cave with a bunch of junk.Hornet sat next to Prosper and started reading.Then someone walked in dressed in black with a mask that seemed like a bird on.The Thief Lord was home. Yes this is based on the book and here is my sign-up Name:Hornet Vacerro Age:16 Appearance:Hornet is tall and short at the same time.She had one long braid witch reached her waist.She wasn't very athletic,but matained her very attractive look.Her blue eyes seem to be a perfect match with her brown freckles.Oh yes her hair is also an autmn color. Bio:Hornet is a orphan like all the others.She was the second to come to the Thief Lord.Her nice personality cuaght Riccio and the Thief Lords eye.Her long hair witch ended in a sharp point earned her the nickname Hornet.She never gives out her real name due to goverment issues.She is a thief in training,hoping she will be next in line to become a Thief Lord. OOC:OK,I hope this will be a hit..unlike my other two rpgs....so we will ned teh following chars Riccio Mosca Bo Prosper The Thief Lord And one other char,it dosn't matter who.
How many more people are you expecting before we can get started?
THE NEXT MORNING Ami woke up,got dressed and walked downstairs.She saw a pink note and opened it "Ami dear,im goign to a surgeon convention in the States...i won't be back for two months" Amis wasn't suprised she continued reading teh note as she ate Frosted Cheerios "So..you can take care of your self right Ami?Good.Ill see you when i come back....Love,Mother Dearest" Ami flung the ote across teh table.She put on her Hello Kitty backpack and walked outside heading for school.She saw Uki and Brry walking on the opposite sidewalk.he sighed and continued to walk "Stupid teenager life..i can't wait to go to college and leave all this crap behind.."she flipped her hair swiftly as someone approached her from behind saying "Hey baby.." she turned around and saw Ichigo.She kissed him deeply.Ami shook her head "Stupid fantasies too..God damn" she came toward the school and sighed. Ichigo was there Ami walke dup to him and said "Did Koge tell you to come here too?" Ichigo nodded.Did she find him attractive too?Ichigo ran his hand through his hair as Koge approached them "Yo.." Koge said."You wanna get Berry and Uki to our little meeting?" Ami replied fast "NO!.I mean i think they want to be alone...." Koge shrugged and opened a strange book and read alpud "What animal goes on four feet in teh morning,on two in the noon,and on three in the evening?" Ami looked at Ichigo then to Koge "Its the riddle the Sphinx told teh Acient Greeks when they wanted to cross a mountain..." said Ami.Koge nodded and Ichigo looked at Ami with a smirk."Ichigo..Ichigo....Ichigo..."Ami said and Ichigo said "Yes i do love you...".Ami blinked "Um...ICHIGO!!!!!!" Ichigo startled said "Yea..?".Ami groweld and Koge luaghed.
ill just be a fox demon....
Name: Lisa Walters Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: See attachment . Bio:Lisa is the older sister of Diane.They live in a large apartment in uptown New York City.Though Diane has been coming home beat up,blaming teh same gang everytime.Lisa is getting worried and her job has just fired her due to gang activity.Lisa is keeping her gang life with the Skulls secret from Diane.Diane will son find out... Personality: Lisa is very atheltic unlike her younger sister.She has a love for volleyball,basketball,soccer,and la crosse.Shes very nice and a people person.Witch makes her attractive. Other Info:Has a skull tatoo on her right hand.
Ashley woke up blinked and looked around.She looked angirly at Joey and smacked the back of his head.Joey woke up and said "WHA WHA WHAT?!" Ashley said "I enjoy watching you get confused...."she chuckled as Joey sat there and stared at her.She leaned foreword and kissed him "I love you Joey!" Joey smiled and sat upright "Dosn't everyone ?!" Ashley again began to kiss Joey.Joey pulled away and said "I want to go swimming its very fun at night,especially when teh waters cold." Joey took off his ragedy shirt and ran toward teh water.Ashley watched him run like a nutcase toward the water and she tiptoed toward the water.She touched it and said "Ill sit here...and watch...."Ashley sat in the water tring to do yoga.
Name: Isis Loveheart Age:20 Gender:Female Side:Good demon:Fox Demon Main weapon: A spear with a pink bandage spiraling down its long handel. Side weapon: golden arrows
Ami looked up at the ceiling "Ok..i have to see him...." she got up put on her jacket and took off.While shr crossed her arms of coldness she walked a sidewalk quietly.Everyoen was inside though some people were still going out for walks,after all night is Amis favorite part of the day."Why would Berry like Uki anyways..." she came to Koges door.(Big suprise eh?you all thought is was Uki..WRONG!)She knocked on it flipping her brown hair out of her face soon Koge opend the door.His eyes lighte up..as they always did when he saw her "AMI!!!I mean...whats up?"Mel came out and said "Koge..whos that?".Amis eyes went from Mel to Koge "Im sorry..if i interupted something....oh yea,the names Ami".Koge lifted up his hand "Mel i'll be back" he walke dout the door closing it behind him "So whyd you coem here in the middle of the night?"Ami shrugged "I wanted..to see you i guess.." Koge face lighted up again "Really?" Ami kinda smiled 'Yea...really".Soon after they started walking,sometimes luaghing and sometimes silence."Ami,i just wanna tell you...i think...i like you..or more than like...." he was looking down the whole time.Here she was...having kissed Uki more than once..and flirting with another guy "Oh great...the philosphers were true..love hurts"she thought.Now she had to choose between a childhood friend..and a 5th grade 'major' crush."Well i better get going..cya tomorrow,oh yea and we'll talk abotu that book Ichigo gave ya' she started to jog to her house.She quickly took teh phone and called Uki leaving the message "We need to talk ASAP!"
OOC:Sigh...if you noticed my latspost uki went INSIDE his house..unless he came back outside...Thats um to Phoenix to decide.And its also for himt o decide if he kissed you back or not.Well hes isn't commite do Ami yet..though it would seem to my awareness Uki wouldn't kiss back due to teh many "make outs" with Ami.And its human nature he wouldn't kiss back becuase it would feel uncomfortable for himt o kiss another female in the same lunar cycle(day).Phew..im done explaining my self! After the convo with Koge, Ami hung up.She looked at some pics of Uki witch had hearst around them "I love you Uki.." she kissed one picture and layed down lookign uo at her pink ceiling.Her whole room was pink..no suprise there.She played with a small ball throing it up and down. "Why do i feel this way..all tingly in my stomach...i hate it,then again i liek it,though according to my human nature it could be the emotion love..."she liked using big words by herself. OOC:Sorry its so short..my parents argueing is thrwoing me off.
Amis answering machine turned on "YO!Im probally not here..duh..wait,maybe i am..MAYBE IM BEING RAPED OH GOSH SOMEONE HELP ME!!...Ok just leave a message...BEEEEEP" "AMI!I found this really weird book get here as soon as you can!" At the very moment Uki was plating a kiss on Ami(wow...talk about Makeout Paraidise..) "Uki..has anyone ever told you...you look totally cute when your serious!!!!!!".Uki looked at her "No im afraid not.." Ami:"Oh that sucks..." Uki:"I guess..." Ami:"Yea so i like you" Uki:"Preety obvious.." Ami:"Whats that supposed to mean..." Uki:"See!You've been like this since second grade becase your tripped over your own feet and bal;med me!" Ami:"Well it was you!" Uki:"I WAS HALF WAY ACROSS THE PARK!" Ami luaghed "I know..im evil taht way!" Uki luaghed and said "Cheka ya out later Ami,bye!" Ami waved and started walking back toward her house.As soon as she walked in she checked her messages,one of them being that her mom wasn't comign home until late due to her beign a surgeon and all.An then there was Koges she decided to return the call.
Ami sat in the library waiting for Uki.She barely cared about the figth with Berry,heck she didn't care on ounce for that weird girl.Uki soon walked in with his books sat down and looked at Ami blankly."Um...did you bring your science book?" Ami asked flippin through the pages of her book to cure her boardness "Yea.." Uki answered in his usual low voice."Well then lets get to my house..my mom dosn't get back until late this kinda day".She got up and walked toward the exit as Uki followed.They soon cam to Amis house and she walked right in.She sat down on the floor and so did Uki."Ok im gonan put on some music" Ami said as she then turned around and turned on some pop."I LOVE THIS SONG!" she started to dance to the song and Uki looked at her liek she was about to commit suicide "What..what are you doing?". "Im dancing,c'mon its fun!" Uki got up slowly "Um ok..." he just stood there.Ami took him by the hand dancing still.Uki started to get the beat and tapped his foot then somewhat danced with Ami "See this is fun!" Ami said smiling.After ten minutes of somewhat dancing Ami stopped the music.And leaned against Uki.Uki hesitantly put his arms around her.Ami reached up and kissed Uki.To her suprise Uki kissed back.When Ami pulled away she hugged him and Uki silently looked foreward looking as if he were thinking.
Ami watched through the office window Uki and Berry flirting.She saw Uki leave and Berry stand there.She walked out of teh office and pushed Berry."Hey..leave Uki alone..ok just do..ok please..you've been liking him for tha past year i know.How about likign him since you were in second grade"Before Berry can say anything Ami broke into tears."And for once someone likes me for who i am..not what i look like!"Berry just stood and looked at her she finally said "I don't care,Uki will be mine..so you leave him alone..Jewish girl.." Amis most weakst spot,being Jewish.Berry insulted her "What?Afraid im gonna put you in oven with your family little Jewish Pig!"Ami punched her with amazing force "No.Im not you little Christian bi***".The fight had begun. Berry tried to trip Ami.Ami jumped but Berry had punched her in teh stmach at the same moment.Ami then just walked away not wanting to fight."YEA GO LIGHT YOUR MANORA!"Berry called after her.Koge had seen the whole thing.And when Ami was walking off he rushed after her."Ami wait up!" "LEAVE ME ALONE!"Koge grabbed her arm "Yo wait up...i know how you feel.." "No you don't..now let me go aren't you afraid your gonna get Jewish germs all over you?".Koge smiled "Nah,but if i did'nt wanna get Jewish germs..i woulsdn't mind yours".Ami wasn't sure of he was trying to come on to her.or just trying to be nice."Well..that was nice of you Koge..."she smiled back."Well..i have to meet Uki to study,unless hes gonna go out with Berry now...im not that sure"."Well ill cya later!".Koge quickly added "Can we make later..tomorrow at 7?".Ami smiled "We'll see" She did her signature move,she flipped her hair and said "Don't ya love those Santa Ana winds!" it was her favorite quote from California. OOC:This post about being teased by being Jewish was a true stroy of me and myfriend.
Ami squealed "YES!I GOT A BOYFRIEND!YES!I GOT A BOYFRIEND!"she did a little dance and continued to sing until Mrs.Tokimonhari appeared saying "Mrs.Boshi!Not in class? Can you tell me whats wrong with this unique portrait?".Ami stared at Mrs.Tokimonhari saying "Um....im supposed to be in your art class right now?" Mrs.Tokimonhari nodded and Ami rushed to class.The bell rang and Ami sprung from her seat "LUNCH!!!!" Ami ran down the hallway comingto a halt when she saw Koge flexing for some girls.She noticed that he didn't see her and she walked off.She walked outside and saw Uki leaning against a tree.She smiled and slowly walked toward him "Hey.." Uki echoed her "Hey..wanna have lunch..together?".The way Uki always added 'together' at teh end of a sentence made Ami all mushy.Ami nodded in a agreement as she brought her little Brabie lunch box to a table. It seemed quiet,everyone had gone out to eat.Ami thought "Ok no one is out here..perfect time for a kiss Uki..any time now..". Instead Uki ate a hamburger rather fast as Ami ate her cherrys very slow.(Ok i just read that the way you would hear it..well its not like that!)Ami flipped her brownish hair out of her face.Uki grabbed her hand and said "C'mon lets go to that tree over there...together".Once again she melted and followed Uki.She sat down as he stood up,he eventually sat down.Uki took a deep breath turned around and kissed Ami. Ami gulped as Uki pulled away.Some popular girls looked on from a distance "What does she see in him..hes always quiet"said one of them.The other one shurgged and continnued to watch.The bell rang and teh intercom let out a big roar 'AMI BOSHI!PRESIDENT OF STUDENT COUNCIL GET HERE TO THE OFFICE NOW!".Ami looked at Uki and shurgged.She headed tward the Office.
Ami was walkign through the halls thinkin "Ok..no boys,im safe,ok Uki coem and get me!"Ami looked through teh halls and eventually found Uki."Hi Uki.."she giggled like a little girl.Uki said nothing and began to sweat."Oh..your so funny Uki!" Uki looked around breathing as if he ran a two mile race."Hi..Ami.." Uki said.Everything became silent. Uki:"So....how many guys asked you out today?" Ami:"Actullay none have,its a new record!"Ami then got closer to Uki."Weres Koge?" Uki:"Dunno" Ami:"Oh..hes so dreamy...." Uki got mad at this comment and mumbled soemthing abotu Koge.Ami humed then looked at Uki "Uki..aren't you gonna ask me something?" she was so obvious.Uki looked at her and said "Nope."Amis face got furious "YES YOU ARE GONNA ASK ME SOMETHING!!!!" her face went back to normal and she giggled liek a little girl once more.Uki was amazed with her demanding voice and said "Fine...wanna study together...." Amif face brightened."OF COURSE!".Uki smiled and Ami got closer to his face.Uki got up and left.Ami sighed "So much for this kissing part...ill try Koge tomorrow!" OOC:That post basically shows Amis personality and stuff toward Uki and boys.
After Vincent had shown Mia about the picture and how close teh two were she said "Marvelous!Ths is great!".Vincent was startled to have Mia hug him "Your the best!".Jason got all furious and gorwled put "That my hug..".Mia kept on talking with Vincet as she luaghed at his jokes and Jason stood behind.Mia looked through a year book she had asked teh libarian for.The yearbook was from teh year 1980 "Hey you guys look!Its the same guy in the picture she pointed at the yearbook picture and then to the regular picture. Vincent smiled "Very good dicovery,but what could this mean?"."All i know is that i think this guy is a prime suspect..man i love this!"Jason just stood behing the chair Mia was sitting in and just watched.Vincent looked at Mia and she looked at him.Jasons face got red and said "OK!Thats enough!Im going to gym to cool off.."he turned around and walked away."Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today" said Mia.Vincent then started talking with Mia again about the mysterious figure who was holding Jenny in teh picture.
She takes his hand and puts it at his side "Don't do that.." she looks at Vincent as her eyes light up "Are you here to help us?" Vincet just nodded."Well we've found a picture....tahts it really".Vincet looked at the picture and Jason said "Can we make out now?" Vincet said "Um no...". Jason said "No i meam Mia...".Mia just luaghed and searced teh floor for skid marks".Mia stood up and kissed Jason."There happy?".Jason was standing there "YAY!" he then said.Mia took he rleave to the library.
"Well then your not gonna focus on me then...".Jason turned around "Oh no no..i like you".Mia cuddled him becuase of the clue he got and Jason just smiled and smiled.Vncent walked by with what seemed liek a bag of clues."Wow..we only found a pic of an old guy...".Mia stopped cuddling him and continues searching for clues.Jason leaned against the lockers looking at Mia "Want to make out?" Mia screamed "NOOOOOOO,im looking for clues!".Jason just stared "Well sorry...can we later?" Mia just looked at him "Yea..whatever"
Mia was kneeling down taking pictures of the area were Jenny was killed.Jasons walked up behind her and said "Hey baby".Mia looked behind her and saw the tall boy "For the last time were just partners..were not going out".Jason helped her up and wrapped his arms around her.Then Mia snapped a picture in his eyes and said "Hmpf!" "Seriously Jason,we can flirt after the case if that whats you want..".Jason said "YES!" and strated investgating Jennys locker and found a picture containing Jenny and a man holding Jenny.Mia rushed up to him and said "Good Boy!". OOC:Its short becuase people are pming mr crazily on AIM.