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Everything posted by Citrus

  1. Lake Awat was a very joyful city.Everyone knew one another,everyone got along.Then after the city went from a not very well know small town to a massive tourist city in all of Massachusetts, strange things have been happening.First there are kidnappings and murders...robberys and mad riots.And the number one place for all this to happen.Lake Awat High. Jenny walk throught the halls of the High school she was always ten minutes early."I love school!".Jenny was not popular..or good looking.She was what we call "average".She leaned against a locker saying "If only i were a cheerleader.."another one of her facinations was her obbsession to be popular.Then a low scratchy voice said "Ive been waiting for you...Jenny.."Jenny quickly spun around and screamed.The bell rung and studentd came rushing in only to see the dead body of Jenny Wonders laying there..dead.The police came and begun a investagation.Now some nosy kids are trying to figure the mystery out themselves.But little did they know this was only one of the many mysterys they'll have to face. Ok here we go this is your sign-up Name:Just a regular American name Gender:Male or Female Age:14-18 Weapon:Anything really,keep it realistic Appearnce:What your char looks like Bio:Short sweet nice bio on your char. And heres my sign-up Name:Mia Landberg Gender:Female Age:16 Weapon:Pistol,and two sais. Appearnce:A normal student always wearing a backpack and a camera from her neck.She has browinish hair witch is up ina bun or let down.Her blue eyes shine in the ligth of teh day,and go dark at the moonlight of the night. Bio:Mia was determined to find out who the killer was.She was always palying mystery games and solving neighborhood mysterys liek a missing dog or doll as a child.Now it came to the reall thing she was so excited.She actually took pictures of teh area where Jenny was murdered.She wants to figure it out.One way or another.With her best friend Jason,She'll solve the case. OOC:The Jenny case is teh first case of many so don't thinkl its only a one time thing.I will also need a Jason the srest of you can just make up your own char.Good-luck and have fun.
  2. Name:Ami Boshi Age:15 Grade:11(yes she is ahead) Gender: Female Appearence:Ami is what every boy could ever dream of in a girl.She has pink hair and is somewhat atll and small at the same time.She usually wears a her school uniform though changes her bow different colors according to the day. Skills: Cooking,Boxing,Cheerleading. Bio:Ami was always popular and all the younger girls admired her.She didn't quite like this attention until she met Koge.She used her popularity to try and win him over.He seemed not to care abotu it so she just became his best friend hoping that one day they could be more.When she started to learn about the secrets she wanted to use her vast knoweldge to prove to Koge she is smart.Although being dumb is one of her strong points.She has too been come onto by many attractive people and turned them down.She hasn't gotten into any fist-fights yet.The only time is when she let down her hair in slow motion and Koge and Uki walked past her unoticing her.Both teh guys she liked. OOC:This sounds like a truck load of fun.I also just edited to make my bio longer.
  3. Noris eyes wre widened the whole movie.All teh lights were off accept the flashing t.v.cyborg sad "Whos ready for Scream 2!!".Before anyone answered he popped it in.BB came out of no where and plooped infront of teh t.v as his little cute puppy form."BB get out the way.."Nori said as she tried to push BB away from teh tv.BB thought "She dosn't like my puppy act anymore....this Chi Boy is a Nori hog.." Nori closed her eyes as a guy was cut in half."Im gonna get more chips"said Nori as she ran to the kitchen.And BB was sitting there then he said "Hey baby" ina very low voice and Nori just looked at him.Nori walked over to him and BB face got all smiley.BB squirted some winter fresh flavor breath spray.But,then Nori grabbed the chips and walked away as if Bb was never there.BB growled.The games were on. OOC:Its getting very good i must say
  4. Um you might be new.Well im not a mod so..ill let them tell you the rules
  5. Nori heard Cyborg yell "BINGO! I won again!".She was happy she got to stay the night at the Titan Tower.She ran down the spiraling stairs and saw Michael and Cyborg smashing buttons on controllers.She went and sat next to them watchign the screen.Michael looked toward Nori with a some-what smirk and kept on looking at her here and there.Cyborg looked at both of them and made an outburst "HEY!WERE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME NOT FLIRTING!!".Cyborg face got all red and Michael said "Your just jealous becuase you don't have a person to flrit with..oh yea i won".Cyborg growled and smashed the buttons harder.They were playing almost all night. Cyborg popped in Scream for some reason.They ate popcorn and when Scream was bout to stab someone Nori grabbed Michaels hand.Cyborg luaghed and said "Don't ya love teenage love..".They kept on watching movies luaghing and being scared at different points.the three had become really close friends that night.
  6. Nori sat close to Chi Boy as tehy talke dand talked.It was unlike Nori nto to wear purple..and to talk so much."So,you gonna join the Titans too?"Chi Boy asked as he looked at Nori.Nor answerd planely "Wereever nature takes me..but i will break away from thet path to be close to you..Michael".Michael looked away as Nori closed her eyes. "Nori...why are you always so quiet..so mysterious..".Someone opned the door it was Robin "Um guys..have either of you seen Raven?".they both nodded no and Robin sighed and closed the door."So Nori,whats is the answer?". "Becuase Michael...its just me..and i think its about time i really revealed my self....first i never really did like..i just played along so Slade wouldn't kill me..second of all...if i reveal my past i would probally be hunted down..".Michael looked into her magenta eyes "Don't worry..i won't leave your side...this is also the part were i kissyou but my head hurts like...nevermind".Nori was shocked at what Michael said about the kissing part. Nori got up and said "Im going to get fresh air.." a falcon flew in and Nori flew out the window with it."
  7. Citrus

    Old Times..

    well pooey!!I did all i could,i mean...shot forgot to add somethign else
  8. Citrus

    Rival Schools

    Kokyo was holding one arm in pain "There power...its so..so..".Asime finished her sentence "Its so unbelivable..i know".Kokyo retreated with Asim to Justice High School.She leaned against a locker and Asim looked at her "We never finished what we were gonna do before our first encounter.."he puts his arms around her waist.And Kokyo put her arms around his neck.Asim kissed her and she kissed back.When she pulled away she said "Maybe when were done with High School...we can take it to a higher level"
  9. OOC:Tell me if im gonna pack my bags in leave if you don't like it IC:Nori took to the sky.She was thinking about that bo who was cuaght behind alll that rubble.She needed to pay a little visit to the Tower.Nori soared throaugh the air along a falcon and she luaghed and twirled around.She came to the landed on teh ground infront of the Tower.She walked up to the door and knocked on it.She read rumbling and someone oppened the door,it was Starfire."Oh its Nori,the girl who fights both good and evil!".Nori just stared at her "I just came to see...if that boy is alright..".Starfire let her in a led her to a chrome medical room and pointed to Chi Boy who was on the bed."Thats him,hes very weak.."Starfire said looking at Nori.Nori walked toward Chi Boy and said "Wow..Jinx did this to you..".Chi boy looked straight at Nori.Robin and Starfire took thier leave. Nori looked at Michaels wounds."Why did you come here..you don't even know me!".Nori placed a hand on Chi boys "Becuase everyone deserves the right to be comforted in every way.."."Don't you like BB" Michael said lookign at Noris hand "I really don't care for BB anymore...". "Besides if BB did get hurt...i wouldn't come to see him...he would just notice Terra and thats all.." Nori took her hand off of Michael's."You can leave it there...not everybody does that to me and i felt...you know welcomed..".Nori just stared at Michael and placed her hand on Chi Boys once more.Chi boy smiled and sat more upright."Mihael don't move to im press me..i like the way you are". OOC:Well hope its good..
  10. Vincent cam running toward Akmah."WE HAVE A CASE!" yelled Vincent and Akmah looked at him "We actually have a case,we haven't had one in a while..weres Alex/".Vincent looked at her blankly "All you care about is Alex...the leader always gets the girls.."he stomped off and Akmah followed him.Once they had reached Alex Akmah burst with energy "Hello Alex!!!".She ran up to him and hugged him.Vincent rolled his eyes and walked away to get the others."So whats the case?" Alex replied "Some mad guy..dosn't seem very paranormal"."Well maybe hes uncovered a way to control mythical creatures?".Akmah always had the weirdist ideas "Um no Akmah...its probally something else" said Alex.
  11. Citrus

    Surfboard Boys

    Joey sat down near the shore and Ashley sat next to him.She said "Do you like to look at the stars?" Joey looked at her "Umm..sometimes,when im happy and such" Ashley said "I love watchign the moon come up too...".Joey focused on the moon coming up,he then looked at Ashley who was looking up and he placed his hand on hers.She looked at Joey who was smiling "Joey...?".Joey didn't say a word but wasn;t prepared by Ashleys blockign out the light by kissing him.As soon as she pulled away Joey was red "Heh...thanks?".Ashley said "No need to thank me" They continued to watch the moon and stars that seemed to shimmer in a dance.Joey for once felt like Ashley actually liked him and not just liking him to get with someone.Joey leaned foreword and kissed her.Thier breaths began to go at the same rate.Joey put his hand on the back of Ashlesy head.Ashley knew if she didn't stop this,it would elevate to somethign else.She pulled away and Joey said "Sorry,i got carried away..".Ashley looked at Joey "Im just not ready...".Joey said "Ok..maybe when were a btit older ".Ashley smiled and Joey put his arm around her.
  12. Nori sat in the ruins of the battlefeild.She felt muchgrief for just one of her parrots flying into BB.She talked to herself "Nori..he hates you and dislikes you,he probally only tried to kiss you to make you feel good...".Nori looked into the sky."Does BB really hate me?"She seriosuly had to stop thinking about Beast Boy."I can't belive i like him...why do i like him anywho...".She started to hum a small tune BB had tuaght her once "Gotta get up,get out,get into it,get in on to be strong.." she sang."Why did he even tell me that...ugh.."."Bessides he probally has a thing for Terra more than what he has,,if he ven does...for me". A shadow appeared and there stood Slade "So Nori...are you feeling jealous?".Nori jumped back "Um...no,get away from me you freak.Slade luaghed his little evil luagh "Why,i won't hurt you...i want you to be on my team!"."Never Slade!After you made me fall in love with Beast Boy,NO!!"."Now i have to deal with it!" Slade looked at Nori "Why don't you like Cyborg,or Robin they are hood looking than that little green thing"."Hes nto a little green thing...his name is Beast Boy..."she got up and said "And i happen to like him for who he is..not his looks.."she walked off and Slade stood there watching "You'll come to me...just like all the others"
  13. Nori sat on a rock watching smoke coming up from one area.She knew it was a fight...but she was afraid to jump in.Besides she didn'even know who to fight anyways.She took a deep breath and flew toward the fight staying some distnace trying not to get pulled in.She looked around for BB and didn't see him.She held her head not knowing who to fight. She took a deep breath and renemberd how BB had a thing for Terra.Now she got mad.Terra noticed Nori and shouted "Hey a little hel-"she was cut off by a rhino runnign into her,she manged to make a rock hit the rhino out of its path."WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?!" Terra yelled at Nori.Nori hovered there "You!"she flew right at Terra and started having a fist fight with her.She then called a tucan who started pecking at Terra making her cabk up into a elephant that came running into teh scene.Cyborg took the elephant and shoved it away and said "Ok Pheonix,tiem to feel the Cyboorg!" He shot a few lasers at her witch she doged all but two and she feel to teh ground.Jinx ran up to her and said "You finnaly came back."Nori looked at her and punched her "I never said that".The fight went on as Nori was fighting both sides. OOC:Is that good enough Vicky?
  14. Long ago...the time many years before Moses came along,to be exact,the Earth was happy and the people under the the new teachings of God.Wich we call Judaism.Judaism is the way wich the Torah,they words of God,teach people how to live,and teach.Jews are commong today around teh world and many in Isreal.Now this story is about Haibiru a small island wich is barely populated and everyone lives on small moist places called a Oasis.This is were you will live.The Seraphim live in brick houses,while the other two races live in large or small huts.They also do not bathe with water,but with scented oils.Hope this is more.. Name:A plain name you think they used back then *last name not required* Age:100 being 16...200 being 17...etc.(they celebrate thier birthdays every 100 years) Gender:Male or Female Race:Seraphim:a race that looks like a tall human at some points,other times tehy are in a form of a centuar or thier spirit animal.Nephilim:They rough and short tempered people who are quite bright,and very strong.Human:Well..you know what it is. Religion:There are two the Starists:they worship the stars accoriding to constallation,or teh Jews. Appearance:What you look like Bio:A short and nice bio Well heres my sign-up ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name:Tiglah Age:100 Gender:Female Race:Human/Nephilim Religion:Starist Apperance:Tiglah has rosy cheeks and and uses berry juice as a kind of lipstick.She has red hair wich changes silverish in the night.She dances by hersel;f acroos the vast dessert worshiping the Stars and dancing to the hearless song of the Stars. Bio:Tiglah was tuaght to worship teh stars when she first learned how to talk.She is at the ripe age to look for a husband also.One day when Tiglah was walking across the huge dessert wich the island is made up of,she bumped into a manticore.A manticore is a lion/scorpion.She fought it and succesfully brought it home for a feast.Despite her girly girl look,she one rough-tough fighting machine!
  15. Citrus

    School Daze

    Well i guess that bio is acceptable...to let you know right now we are currently in Disneyland so if you wanted to be an emplyee there that so happens to go to teh same school we do *takes a long deep breath* i guess thats a very good story arc and i like to talk alot so be AFRAID! Just kidding im Natsu by the way.*make steh sign "Call me"*
  16. Citrus

    school daze

    OOC:Wants to see "Wicked"so badly since im a Wiccan and all IC:Natsu finally came out of the store "The concert is about to start!"Kiruna got up and said "Finally,weres Skye?".They all looked around and saw Skye at a little shack buying a bracelet real quick.They were finally picked up by Skyes relatives. Natsu was all phsyked about the concert."Im ready to PAAAAAARTAY!".Jacob and Skye were alos very excited.They enterd teh parking lot and Natsu followed by the others ran toward the building.They showed thier tickets and enterd. OOC:Well its not finished becuase my mom is telling me to get off,im just gonna see how long i can endure staying on.
  17. Citrus

    school daze

    Natsu saw a billboard annoucing the openning of a Broadway show called Wicked.She read it aloud "The untold story of the Witches of Oz...sounds preety interesting!"She looked around the shops and saw Hot Topic and her eyes glistned.Skye looked at her and whisperd "Rnember your not Goth anymore...your a girly girl now go into that store"sge pointed at Pink Ice."Um....ok" She walked in with Skye and they bought some stuff....ok ALOT of stuff.Kiruna watched Natsu and Skye buy cloths and more cloths. Kiruna:"How do they do it..." Jacob:"I tried lookign up female in teh dictionary...it just said the opposite fo male" Jacob and Kiruna shurged and sat on a pink chair waiting for them to finish thier business.
  18. Pheonix was up in the air flying with some birds when she came across Beast Boy and the other other Titans looking through a club."There the ones who took Beast Boy away from me...". "If thats how they wanna play so be it!". She had an evil smirk on her face as she flew toward the island wich the Tower was on. She went through the Titans rooms looking for stuff.She rubbe dher hand together "Lookie what i found in Robins room!" She took out some files and looked through them "If they wanna take BEats boy away from me ill take some of there stuff". She walked out the Tower and sat on a cliff were some animals gatherd around her.She came upon Beast Boys file she read it quietly to herself."He likes Terra....?"She though to herself quietly "Maybe he dosn;t like me".A rabbit rubbed aganst her giving her comfort."Its ok Mimi..ill take care of this"she zoomed through the air as teh citizens looked up at her saying "Is that Supergirl?".nORI TALKED TO HERSELF "nO ITS A PLANE STUPID!"
  19. Citrus

    school daze

    "See,Kiruna you don't do that to a girl"said Natsu after she took the ice out of her shirt."Beacuase they might do this"she kissed him.Kiruna said "Mind if i put some more ice in your shirt?".Natsu just glared at him and Kiruna just noticed how perverted the question sounded."I just want another kiss...".Natsu said "Well your a bad boy,time out for you!" Kiruna:"Awww" Natsu pints to a corner as they all luagh. OOC:Oh my gosh its sooo short!
  20. OOC:Sorry about my first lame post. IC:"WELL I WANNA WALK UP THE STAIRS,ITS NOT FAIR IF SOME ANIMALS HAVE TO WALK FOR MILES WHILE WE HAVE ELEVATORS AND OTHER STUFF!!". "Right Beast Boy...?"she looked at him all flirtatious and he shot back the same look "Yup...".Phenix chuckled and walked toward Beast Boy,she walked toward him and he walked backwards sweating nervously."Um.......erm...what are you doing ? ".Phenix got nervous to and forgot what she was gonna do. "I wonder who that strange Talisman girl was?" said Pheonix looking at Beast Boy."I...don't know"."BB,can we talk somewhere....alone?".Beast boy said "Um sure...why not."They walked toward a spot on the beach and Phenix took a deep breath "I know you like Terra...and i wanted to say....i..i don't know how to put this but...i think...i like you...".BB stood there emotionly and Phenix stood there for a wise crack but it didn't come.BB leaned foreword and Pheonix pushed back "I can't do that to Terra" she looked away."Hey wanna go to that new dance club that opened down on Maple St?"asked BB and Pheonixs face lighted up "Sure,let me grab my jacket!"as Phenix ran toward the Tower and inside.She twirled and jumped all the way to the jacket rack.Robin looked at her and said "Ok....whats going on?" Phenix grabbed her jacket opened teh ddoor and twirled out.
  21. Citrus

    Surfboard Boys

    Ashley came out of nowere patting hands."Joooeeeyyy!"she called "I need to speak to you..."Joey looked at Ashley "Um...ok"."Joey and Ashley walked on teh sand."Joey,when i said i really liked you the first time i got here...".Joey gulped and said "Yea.." Ashley said "I meant it...and im not going to be annying if thats the way you want it".Ashley stopped and looked at Joey "Joey...its a emotion more than like...".Joey took a deep breath and said "I know...and i never you knew you could act serious"he tried to crack a joke becuase he knew what was coming. Ashley took a long and deep breath and leaned forword and Joey leaned foreword also then a sudden yell interuppted them "SETOOOOOO!" it was the voice of Kat.Ashley put heer hand on the back of her head. and said 'heh..its Kat...".Joey said "Better see whats going on now".Joey walked off and Ashley stood behind looking at him.He turned around froma distance and said "COME ONE ASHLEY!".Ashley nodded and ran after him.She said "Love is the emotion...true love.."she said quietly.
  22. Animals of all sorts stampeded through the streets chargiing at Jinx,once the smoke clared Beast Boy smileded he then said "I think i know who that is!"Terra grunted "Pheonix,its nice to see you again..".Phenoix was hovering and said "I thought i heard of a little vute green boy and his brave friends battling some creeps and decided to help out".Jinx used her Hex powers to make rhinos charge at Pheonix while she had her back turned."PHEONIX,WATCH OUT!" cried Robin as he shot a batarang at a rhino cutting of fits horn."Thankz Robin!" "Naytime."replied Robin. "PECCARIES,SHOW YOU RAGE!" a herd of wild pigs came out of no were and were headed at Jinx."Oh my gosh.."said Jinx and the peccaries bashed into her sending her flying.BB stood there away from all the kids and said "Phenix...Terra...this is just my day!"he did a little victory dance and walked toward Terra and Phenix.Pheonix was talking to Robin and Terra rolled her eyes."Hey since were near the Pizza Palace,anyone wanna grab abite to eat?"said BB."I call seat next to BB!" called Pheonix and BB grabbed her by the hip and said "Off we go!".Terra and teh others followed close behind.
  23. Name:Nori Matthwes Code-Name: Pheonix Age: 15 Side: Neutral Powers/ Abilities: Nori can summon animals to her aid.She also has the insticts of a Pheonix,this gives her the ability to fly Gadgets: she has small throwing daggers that are in a shape of a bird. Description: Purple hair and is about the same hieght as BB.She always wears purple for some oddball reason. Personality:Nori is very happy all the time.She always makes friends,but when she gets near BB.Well......its a whole nother story Weakness: Water. Small Bio: Nori had always enjoyed flying night skies.Slade tricked her into joining him.Her mission is to befriend a Teen Titan and suck the info out of them.Her main target was Beast Boy.But she actually became attracted to him.And she refuses to complete her mission.One day while she was walking down the sidewalk to the local candy store she saw BB.This is when she intoduced her self and BB said "Hey Baby" thast what made her melt.People say she fainted from the shock,others say she ran away in happiness.No one really knows.Today Nori made a mission for herself.Defeat anyone who threatens BB,she'll even die for him.She dosn't work for Slade anymore.She quotes him as "Sick" and "WHO DOSN;T HAVE A CRSUH ON THE LITTLE GREEN KId" ooc:She is absolutly nuts for BB OOC:This sounds liek a truckload of fun!Here i come Beast Boy!
  24. Citrus

    school daze

    Looks at Kiruna as he wiped blood off his face."Im sorry....you can ahte me for getting you into a fight".Kiruna said "Its wasn't you it was those Americans...".Skye was all happy "Did you see me i was fighting like a Panda!"she threw some punches into the air."Yea you did do good"said Jacob.Kiruna now all teh blood off his face grabbed Natsu's hand.Natsu smiled. This is what really happned after Natsu and Skye pinned Max.Natsu said "Aww lookie the poor guy.."Max who was laying there scared out of his mind blinked.Natsu waved her hair and kissed Max then she said "That is the last feeling you'll have she started punching him with full force. OOC:Ive been wanting to do that scene for a looong time.LOL
  25. i wnat a red backround.I posted this becuase i wanted you to post yours in here.Or anyone who wants to post thier ideas,please do!
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